Friday, Nov. 29. 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 Elegance of Fabric, Fine Furs Achieve New Style Distinction Sf’t for Sports or Campus t’1 GUERIE NICHOLAS -•’’•J / / A- k’>. «i THE COMMUNITY HUPPER (Sec Recipe* Below) Bo you’re to manage the next com Easy Entertaining. munity supper? And you're pan­ "Easy Entertaining” was writ­ icky about it I Of ten for homemakers who occa­ course it's • job to feed 200 people sionally run out of idea* on what appetizlngly and to serve at tea parties, fall and leave 325 profit in winter bridge parties, and many the treasury. But other kind* of parties. It is an it can be done! aid to those who would like to If you must eye serve something a little differ­ the nickels when ent, to give the occasion a festive serving church or air. club suppers, study the following For your copy write to "Easy eight-point program for "feeding the Entertaining.” in care of Eleanor multitude”: Howe. 919 North Michigan Ave­ nue. Chicago, Illinois, and en­ (1) Pick a g-nernl chairman who close 10 cent* in coin. C PORTS accessories like thia are can picture the job as ■ whole. (2) much in vogue among smart Appoint a responsible person in NDOUBTEDLY the most out­ young things, not only for sports, charge of each food. (3) Arrange (350 degrees) for 1H to 2 hours, standing characteristic of smart­ but also for campus and runabout. the kitchen conveniently for the dif­ turning the meat balls several times est winter fashion* is the elegance Design No. 1265 11 includes weskit, ferent jobs. (4) Prepare as many during cooking. Add water if neces­ •nd superiority of the material* em­ calot and chunky mittens, all of foods ahead of time as possible. (5) sary, during the baking. ployed in their making. Women of which you can easily make for Have utensils ready and garnishes Cider and Raisin Sauce. discriminating taste find their fond­ yourself—all, of course, except the at hand. (fl) Name a hostess to di­ (Serve* 12) est hope* realized in the high dis­ feather in the calotI The weskit rect waitresses. (7) Plan a uniform 1 cup sugar tinction imparted to costume* by is drawn in to a tiny waistline by method of serving (» Plan menus cup cornstarch choice fabric* styled with classic back-fastened side belts—just like well ahead of time. H teaspoon salt simplicity. Add fur opulence anu it* masculine prototype; all three 1 quart cider If the meat dish is different, the you have sounded the keynote to gay little gadgets are trimmed whole meal seems to have variety. 1 cup seedless raisins which the better part of the present with stitching. Take a brief glance And there's many a trick for serv­ 8 small piece* cinnamon style program tunes into uncertain at the diagrum, and you'll see ing thrifty cuts differently. 12 whole clove* term*. how easy they arc to make. Mix sugar, cornstarch, salt, cider Take meat loaf, for instance. A Especially in the matter of woolen Choose felt, flannel or suede for ham loaf de luxe with a good mus­ and raisins together. Place spices weave* have all previous records in a cheesecloth bag and add to the set, and make it not only for tard-horseradish sauce will "make” yourself, in different colors, but any meal. Beef stew can be thick­ mixture. Boil gently for 15 min­ been exceeded with versatile tex­ also to tuck away for gifts. Step- ened a little, ladeied into dripping utes. Remove spice bag and serve tures, gorgeous coloring* and fasci­ nating novelty. Never before in the pans, covered with rounds or hot sauce over ham. by-step sew chart with pattern. annals of textile history has there • • • Cabbage and Celery Salad squares or diamonds of biscuit, and been such • superb showing in fab­ With Pea*. Barbara Ball Palter* No. 1363 II te da- when baked it appears crustily and alsnril tor »lr»» II. 13. IS, I? and IS Cor- ric output The existing vogue for (Serves 25) temptingly yours If you wish to reapondln* buat mraauramvnla 3*. SI. 33. three-piece costume suits, and the 4 No. 2 can* pea* (2 quarts) 33 and 37. Site 13 (31) requires 1 yard make it more “de luxe" bake and style prestige accorded the new soft­ oi 34 Inc h material; 1% yard* qf 36 Inch serve In individual casseroles. 2Vi quart* cabbage (shredded) material to Un*. Send order to: ly styled dressmaker coats have in­ 2 quarts celery (diced) For something different, plan for Plmiento (cut fine) tensified spontaneous enthusiasm meat balls with rice You can serve Salt to taste and interest in handsome sterling ■ EWING CIRCI.K PATTERN DEPT buttered turnips, and a salad made US New Monlsomery Ave. Mayonnaise quality woolens. of cabbage, celery, green peas and ■an Eraaelsea Calli. 3 head* lettuce Above in the illustration is pre­ pimento which certainly sell* the Enclose IS cents In coins tor Drain peas (reserving liquid for sented a stunning coat with the men this menu. Pattern No.................... Six*................... soup, gravy, etc.) and chilL Add Now if pennies needn't be watched cabbage, celery, pimiento. salt and dressmaker look. Softly styled as a Name ................ ••••••............. .. so closely and you want to do a mayonnaise, and mix well, Serve dress is this new type now coming Address into prominence. The patrician fall or winter dinner up brown, on crisp lettuce leave*. model here shown has a nice sort here's a "ringer": Baked ham, rai­ Lemon Cream Scones. of formality partly because of its sin and cider sauce, raw vegetable (Makes 30 scones) softly sculptured line* and partly salad, cranberry muffins, pumpkin 2 cups flour (sifted) because of the fine 100 per cent wool pie, coffee, or milk. 2 teaspoons baking powder Forstman fabric, called “velperla,” Ham Leaf de Luxe. BY YOUR LAXATIVE —RELIEVE Vi teaspoon salt of which it is made. The color (Serves 50) CONSTIPATION THIS MODIRN WAY i tablespoon sugar “graingold” is also news. It gives pounds smoked ham (ground) 4 tablespoons butter or other short one the feeling of autumn tinted • When you feel ga*ay. headachy, logy dua to rlogged-up bowel*, do a* million* ening 3 pounds veal (ground) birch leaves. Golden hued woolens do - take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Ne«t 1 teaspoon lemon rind (grated) % cup green pep- and coppery tone* and tints are morning - thorough, comfort »bl* relief, 2 | per (minced) egg* helping you (tart the day full of your being played up in all their glory, Vi cup light cream % cup onion normal energy and pep, feeling like a especially with the very smart spot­ million! Feen-A-Mint doein't disturb 1H tablespoon* lemon juice (chopped) ted furs and with beaver trims. You your night'* re«t or interfere with work the 3 tablespoon* sugar 2 teaspoons salt will love the texture and "feel” of nest day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the chewing H teaspoon pep­ 1 teaspoon lemon rind (grated) gum laxative, your—li. It ta*te* good, it** the material that fashions this coat per Sift flour, baking powder, salt and It is not only all wool with velvety handy and economical.. .a family »upply eggs (beaten) the 1 tablespoon of sugar together. fine finish, but it is crush res’stant 1 quart tomato Cut in butter and add 1 teaspoon soup (canned) grated lemon rind. Reserving 1 i quart bread crumbs or uncooked tablespoon egg white for glaze, beat cereal remaining egg* well and add cream. Our Humility Combine the meat, green pepper, Combine with flour mixture. Add Humility is a means of prog­ ress. When we realize how little onion and seasonings. Add beaten lemon juice and stir until soft dough we know we shall yearn and strive eggs, tomato soup, and bread forms. Turn out on slightly floured to know more; when we feel how crumbs or uncooked cereal. Pack board and knead 30 seconds. Roll imperfect is our character, and Into bread loaf pans and bake in a dough to %-lnch thickness and cut not till then, we shall make ear­ moderate oven (350 degrees) for 114 into 3-inch squares, then cut each square from comer to comer, mak­ nest efforts after our improve­ hours. ing triangles. Place on ungreased ment. Beef Stew With Biscuits. baking sheet. Brush tops lightly (Serves 50) with slightly beaten egg white and 9 pounds beef round (cut into 1-lnch sprinkle with mixture made of 3 ta­ cubes) blespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon grat­ 1 cups flour ed lemon rind. Bake in a hot oven 1 cup hot beef drippings (400 degrees) 12 minutes, or until Quickfy quarts boiling water brown. Before serving, spread with H teaspoon peppercorn* orange marmalade and reheat. S bay leaves Cabbage and Carrot Salad 1 quart turnips (diced) With Peanut*. couch osors 1 quart carrots (diced) (Serves 25) 1 cup onions (sliced) 5 quarts cabbage Salt and pepper tn taste (shredded) Cut beef into 1-inch cubes. Dredge 20 carrots (grat­ In the flour and brown in hot beef ed) drippings. Place in kettle and add 2W cup* peanuts boiling water. Cook slowly for 2 to Here is an instance where the (chopped) 3 hour*. Add peppercorns and bay 2 cup* salad camera catches Dame Fashion in leaves. Add carrot* and turnip* 1 the very act of having appropriated dressing hour before serving. Add salt and Mix together the for her very own the time-honored pepper. If necessary, thicken with cabbage, carrots, peanuts and «al­ Derby hat pictured in the family al­ flour paste. Serve hot with baking ad dressing. Chill thoroughly and bum worn by revered ancestors in powder biscuits on top. the early sixties or thereabouts. At serve. any rate the "trotter derby” is Meat Balia With Rice. buys something more than smart this season, especially if you (Serves 40 to 45) space and circulation in it with a bewitching veil, 4 pounds beef (ground) HOUSEHOLD HELPS feminize face its wee brim with flattering the columns of this news­ 5 pounds pork (ground) blue velvet and wee bows of velvet S onions (minced) paper. It buys space and Add finely cut mint leaves to or­ ribbon in cunning pose at the back. 3 cup* rice (uncooked) ange juice and chill, Just before circulation plus the favor­ S cups cracker crumbs serfing add 1 cups pale dry ginger able consideration of our 4 egg* (beaten) ale to each two cups of orange Masculine Influence 4 tablespoons salt readers for this newspaper juice. The masculine influence in wom­ 1 teaspoon pepper en** fashion reflects in the new and its advertising patrons. 5 cup* milk For variety sprinkle some grated derby hat* feminized with prettily Combine ingredients and mix well. cheese over the top of raisin, apple frivolous veils, and flannel long- Form into balls. Place in shallow or mince pie and heat for five min­ sleeved shirt* that are topped with roasting pan*. Pour over 2 quarts utes in a moderate oven. Serve at jackets cut and tailored in man tomato sauce or tomato .soup. Cover once. fashion. Long wool knit socks and pans. Bake In a moderate oven (Released by Western Newspaper Union. striped ties are campus favorite*. U DON'T BE BOSSED FEEN-A-MINT Toi Trotter Derby %COLDS CZCZCZ nntj No.t'-.'is., MERCHANTS •Your Advertising Dollar • • • LjERE.'S how the smart woman * adds beauty to her home or makes a lovely gift—she crochets these squares in easy puff stitch and double crochet and soon has enough to join into this rich af- ghan. • • • Pattern No. 2*34 contains directions tor afghan; Illustrations of It and stitches; color schemes; photograph at square; materials required. Send order to: Sewing Circle Needleeraft Dept. «2 Elchih Av*. New York Enclose 15 cent* in coins for Pat­ and measures up to the test of long wear. The fur accent that distinguishes this coat deserve* special comment­ in the huge beaver-covered button lies a stroke of real styling genius. The single fur button fastening has already made widespread fashion appeal. This simple little touch of fur makes fine excuse to add a hat of matching fur and a huge muff which ensembles the costume most attractively. In the way of fur trims this season, something of fur always matches something else of fur in the costume, thus estab­ lishing a relationship that resolves the composition into a perfect unit The inimitable styling given the winsome dress of sheer woolen shown below to the right in the group is recognized at a glance. This most attractive model is an Eisenberg “original” and augurs well for the supremacy of American designers in the field of costume styling. Shirred ruching typifying superior workman­ ship forms giant pockets on bodice and hip. The straight sleeve gains interest from its unusual side clos­ ing fastened by three widely spaced buttons. For the lively touch so es­ sential in this winter's costumes there are jeweled flower buttons and a contrasting satin ascot. As you see below to the left, tab pockets distinguish a sophisticated jacket of Fromm pedigreed silver fox. A grand and glorious fur of this type will set off to perfection any cloth costume with which it is worn throughout winter. The skins are so cleverly marked and worked that the marking of the fox itself outlines the pockets as well as form­ ing a yoke at the shoulders. A tiny standing collar, elongated lapels and pocket tops are of stitched taffeta— a combination of unusual chic that sets off the full silver-bright beauty of the fox The wool hat has a great choux of coq feathers. (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) Hat, Gloves Add Color to Costume When you buy a new hat, buy a new pair of smart leather gloves to match. That's fashion's favorite idea for putting color spice into this year's costumes and American leather glove maker* are playing right into fashion's hands with an array of colors such as you’ve never before seen. There are two smart ways of matching glcves and hats ... ei­ ther match the gloves to the hat it­ self or to the trimming. Matching the trimming is a good idea if the hat is black with a contrasting feath­ er, facing, ribbon or veil on it. Or, better still, when you get • hat with contrasting trim, choose two pairs of gloves—one to match the hat and one to match the trim. Then when one pair of gloves is be­ ing washed (and most American- made gloves can be washed) you have another harmonious pair to wear. This hat and glove combination is an unbeatable idea for making one costume look like more, particularly if the main costume is black, dark brown, gray or beige ... all of which can use hats and gloves in several different colors. Frog Fastenings * The fact that frog fastening* are again in use comes as good news. Not only are “frogs” made of braid **a la militaire,” but the newest note is to form them of cordlngs of the same cloth as the dress or coat. They serve in a utilitarian way ad­ mirably, and designers are develop­ ing the theme from the decorative point of view. tern No. • • ■ •. ••••• Nam* .......... Address He and I If a man should importune me to give a reason why I loved my friend, I find it could not other­ wise be expressed than by the an­ swer, “Because he was he; be­ cause I was I.”—Montaigne. "Stopped Eating Things I Lied because of gas, sour stomach and heartbum. ADLERIKA relieves me. Now I eat anything I like.** (J. M.- Ark.) If spells of constipation upset YOU, try quick-acting ADLERiKA today. AT YOUR DRUG STORE Helpful Antagonist He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharp­ ens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.—Burke. World Goes Round The world is a wheel, and it will all come round right.—Dis­ raeli. itat? WORMS;, ■nr Cli i W?... Arry//‘ Don’t bo so sure, AloHiorf Tee. right now. crawling round worms may be growing and multiplying inside your chiiu runout your ertn knowing Ul This nasty infection may be "caught' easily, everywhere. And the outward ogn« are very misleading. For example: Squirm­ ing and fidgeting. Noee-picking, and scratch­ ing other parts. Uneasy stomach. Finicky appetite. Biting nails. If you even susprrt that your child has round worms, get J AYNE'S VERMIFUG E right away! JAYNE'S is the beet known worm expellant in America. It to backed by modem scientific study, and has been used by millions, for over a century. JAYNE S VERMIFUGE ha* the abil tty to drive out large round worms, yet It tastes good and acts gently. It does not contain santonin. If no worms are there It works merely as a mild laxative. Ask for JAYNE'S VER-MI-FUGEatany drug store FREE! Valuable medical book. "Worm- Living Inside You " Write to Pert M 5. Dr. D. Jayne A Sou. 2 Vine St., Philadelphia.