Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, November 29, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, Nov. 29, 1940
Pago 2
Set of Shelve» From
Spools and Can Lid»
G eneral
’T'HE other day I went to a
* Hobby Show und there, hang­
ing on the wall with it blue ribbt.n
pinned on it. wire the spool
shelves from SEWING Book 31 Of
course, I searched out the proud
girl who hud mude them, und she
told mo that she hud ulso mude
the end table of spools that is in
Book 3. I felt most us proud us
*NV to*
Washington, D. C.
Washington, I). C.
How much is r 'armament, or ac­
Upon the outcome of the war in
Greece depend several things be­ tual war. or both, Toing to cost us:
and when and how
sides the question whether Hitler
shall we pay for it?
pushes on to Suez. Probably the
Nobody can answer
most important is the war's effect
accurately, because
upon the Italian people—especially
nobody can foresee
in case of set-back or defeat.
the course of such a
For a long time. U. S. intelligence
war. We must have
reports have indicated that Italy
total defense.
was the Achilles heel of the Axis and
matter what it costs,
that the Italian people were none
we shall somehow
too enthusiastic about their partner­
have to pay for it—
ship with Germany. Basically, the
we or our children's
Italians always have sided more
children. Certain as
with Britain than with Germany.
is that conclusion,
For years they had distrusted Ger­
at least the attempt
many, and for an equal
years had done business with Great to let our people look in the face
of the facts. There has been none.
The administration has just an­
Furthermore, the war has put a
severe economic pinch on the Ital­ nounced that the war department,
ian people. In return they have had since July 1. has awarded contracts
no great victories and conquered no in excess of 4.5 billions and the
important territory. Hitler has been navy about 4 2 billions, total 8 7 bil­
able to show new conquests to lions. "And for all defense purposes
arouse the enthusiasm of the Ger­ more than 10 of the 16 billions voted
man people, but Mussolini has had by congress to reinforce defenses
Lockheed Hudson bombing planes being loaded aboard ship al lais
nothing to show except Albania and have been obligated.”
This is confusing because the dif­ Angeles (or transportation to England, where they will play their part
British Somaliland.
in Britain's battle for survival. Lockheed* have won high praise from
Even the much-heralded advance ference between 8.7 billions for ar­
the R. A. F. First used exclusively as patrol ships in the coastal com­
of Marshal Graziani in Egypt now mament and 10 billions for "de­
mand, they are now used • * fighters, bombers and for reconnaissance.
has bogged down on the sands of fenses" is 1.3 billions, for which the
Sahara. So Mussolini needs a Greek exact use is not specified. Some cit­
victory and needs it badly. And if ies are insisting the federal govern- I
he doesn't get it, observers in Italy ment rebuild their street systems
believe that dissatisfaction among “for national defense." Several oth­
the Italian people might become so er more nearly boondoggling spend­
great as to lead to a new dictator ing projects are being called "na­
tional defense.” Finally, the figure
in Rome
Note—Because of her vastly su­ 16 billions voted by congress to re­
perior air force and more modern inforce defense is a floater that
army, the odds are very much in checks with no forthright appropria­
favor of an Italian victory. Outcome tion I can find. This kind of report­
of the war. however, depends on ing is pretty much razzle-dazzle.
how much aid Greece can get from
Furthermore, the report is almost
Britain, which cannot risk taking too meaningless, because, as quoted in
many troops away from its Egyptian the A P. dispatch, "prospective de­
defenses; also whether Jugoslavia livery dates for most items are a
closely guarded military secret?
and Turkey come in.
• • •
They are unlikely to be any secret
to our prospective enemies. The
Deep absorption in the Greco-Ital­ trouble with our whole preparedness
ian war caused Secretary Cordell program over the past few years
Hull to muff his lines in delivering was the failure to let our own peo­
his speech on foreign affairs for the ple know the truth.
The last war schedules are
Hull was supposed to speak three true yardstick today, but here
“takes," with a pause between the the way they ran as reported
second and third.
Instead he the secretary of the treasury,
stopped after the first and began round figures. 1917, 1.2 billions; 1918.
Radiophoto showing scene during the funeral of 172 of some 300
staring into space.
12.3 billions; 1919. 17.5 billions; 1920.
Recalled to the business at hand 5.2 billions; 1921, 3.8 billions—total persons killed in the all-night air raid on Coventry, England. The victims
by the cameraman, he snapped his 40 billions, notwithstanding that the were buried three deep In a common trench-like grave, while anti­
aircraft guns fired at a lone German raider overhead. Mourners are
finger and exclaimed. "Sorry. I war ended in November, 1918.
seen filing past the coffins, which were flag-draped.
guess I’ve ruined everything for you
What these figures prove is that
boys. Would you mind starting over reporting the placing of contracts
with no information as to delivery
"Not at all. Mr. Secretary,” !
dates, is no realistic indication of
grinned Tony Muto. Fox Movietone | progress at all but, on the contrary,
lens-shark. “But you sure had some­ , is highly misleading. They also give
thing on your mind.”
| some idea of a rapid acceleration of
“It’s that situation in Greece," ex­ the mounting cost of industrial war
plained Hull. "I’ve been so con­ I production and the difficulty of
cerned with it all day that I forgot checking it when the necessity has
for a moment that you boys were passed.
taking my picture. I promise to do
• • •
better next time.”
• • •
I don't like to clutter up a column
with figures, but it is absolutely
S.G.C., New Albany, Ind.—Roose­ necessary that our people under­
velt's speeches during the last part stand the subject of government
of the recent campaign were written spending and inflation. The follow­
by Judge Rosenman of New York. ing little table shows exactly what
Irving Brant, and Robert Sher­ inflation did to war costs to al! bel­
wood, famous playwright. However, ligerents in the World war. It com­
Roosevelt's speeches, after being pares what the war would have cost
written in rough draft by others, all if the 1913 purchasing power of
are rewritten by himself. The Phil­ the dollar had remained unchanged,
adelphia speech was largely his own. or exactly how inflation worked to
E.P., Springfield, Mass. — Secre­ multiply war costs.
tary ot State Hull did not attack
Cost In
Cost in Cur­
John L. Lewis in his speech before
the Press club, though it is true that
(000.000 omitted»
a criticism of Lewis was contained Country
in the original draft of the speech. U. S......... 26,593
When Frank Waltman, G.O.P. pub­ Associated
licity chief, protested Mr. Hull’s Powers ex­
right to address the Press club, the cept U. S. 78.528
secretary of state removed all polit­ Central
ical references from his text and Powers .. 41,774
Total for
merely discussed foreign affairs.
• • •
all belliger­
ents .......... 146,895
The plan still is in the discussion
This is the evil we must avoid
stage, but top-rung New Deal econ­
omists are seriously proposing that this time. Nothing government can
do in raising taxes or cutting ex- i
the WPA be abolished and replaced
penses can have a fraction of the ‘
with a large-scale public works pro­
The top age is three at this London orphanage which was recently
effect to “pay as we go” and re­
gram for national defense.
duce the burden of war on every­ hit by a Nazi bomb. The bomb exploded only 10 feet from the babies*
The army is preparing for any
body compared to what it can do to dormitory, and, very fortunately, there wer» no casualties. The children
eventuality no matter where it hap­
are here pictured playing in the shadow of the orphanage ruins, quite
this curse.
pens. It has quietly purchased over
unaware of their narrow escape from death.
7,100,000 yards of mosquito netting.
Areas chiefly plagued by mosquitos
are Alaska. Newfoundland, Green­ raising the armed forces. Many I
times more billions of increased cost
land and Latin America.
Senator Charles McNary is one of may have to be paid by Americans
the nattiest dressers in congress, for the necessities of life.
How can it be prevented? There
also the best bean baker. The Ore­
gonian loves to bake beans over an are several indirect aids and one
open fire, using bacon, molasses, very direct control. Inflation starts
with the development of shortages
sherry and 11 hours of simmering.
Out-going Vice President Jack I in various fields. In war, price is
Defense material
Garner is the only man in history no deterrent.
to have his picture hung at both must be had. So frantic bidding be­
ends of the Capitol. An oil painting gins. It must be stopped before it
of the former speaker hangs in the starts, or not at all.
Since shortage in the face of des­
house lobby, and another portrait,
by Howard Chandler Christie, has perate needs is the cause, that is
just been put up in the senate lobby. where the cure lies.
“Priorities” provide the first aid.
Friends are kidding Henry Wal­
lace about being disqualified for the This means simply that some steer­
job of vice president Because, unlike ing committee lists the most urgent
Jack Garner, he does not "strike a needs and says to all suppliers:
blow for liberty.” After eight years "These needs come first. Regard­
* W«
to*/ ■
in Washington, Wallace does not less of any higher price offered, you
mustn’t supply anybody else until
At luncheon together the other day I these are satisfied, except with our
Photo shows members of an Argentine delegation to Washington for
were Charlie Chaplin, Walter Win­ consent in case of hardship.” This the discussion of a *50,000,000 loan regarded ne< ,-ssary to sustain the In­
chell, Ernest Cuneo and Assistant helps prevent inflationary bidding.
Secretary of State Adolf Berle. Re- | A second aid is increased produc­ creasing flow of exports to Argentina, which are much heavier than
Argentine exports to the United States. L. to R„ Or. P. Prebish (Central
marked Cuneo afterward: “I was tion of the shortage items, even at Bank
of Argentine); D. Espil, Argentine ambassador; Sumner Welles,
a mere ego in a whirlwind of super-; the expense of less necessitous de­ U. 8. acting secretary of state; E. Grumhaeh (Central Bank of Argen-
egos. I practically had to blow a mands, such things as shifting tine) ;
C. Prado, of the Argentine embassy, and It. Verrier (Central
whistle to insert one word M the con­ plants, supplies, machine tools and Bank of Argentine).
Mass Funeral for Coventry Victims
Nazi Bombs Hit London Orphanage
“i? SPOOLS• 7'OF WlAf SCAN lit»-*
, *
SPOOL» ------
Miss Helga Sclruter, ?0 years old,
of Southart, N. J., pictured at her
home reading a book, after her In­
dictment for tearing a foiled States
Journey’s End
she did. All her friends ore sav­
ing spools for her and her urgent
need ut the moment was, "some­
thing to make for Mother for
Here is my suggestion. An ador­
able set of three corner shelve*
made «f a lid front a tin candy
box, one from n cracker can und
a coffee cun put together with
wire, spools und two beads. These
shelves were painted cherry red
und hung up with u bruss hook
to hold suit and pepper shakers,
vinegar cruet, and other things
for making sulads.
Any home-
milker will think of a dozen places
where this handy set of shelves
cculd be used. All the directions
are here in this sketch.
• • •
There I* lime to maka the banting txnh
•halve* In Book 3. or the end table In
Book ». before Chrletm >«. If you mall your
order for throe booklet* today. Send or­
der to:
Drawer 1*
Bedford Hill*
Net* Varb
Encloa* 20c tor Book* 1 and *.
Name ...................................
A<1<1 re** ........................... ..........................
It Seems That If ornan
♦ Passenger If as Hit Hasty
A member of the gun crew of the
8. H. Samaria removing ammunition
from behind the ship's six-inch gun,
when the vessel docked In New York
after a perilous ocean crossing.
Gone W ith W ¡nd
"Conductor,” demanded the im­
perious-looking woman, as she
paused on the platform of a
crowded streetcar, "I told you to
let me off at Rasput uvenuef”
"But—" begun the conductor.
"Don’t make excuses. 1 know
about your not being able to re­
member where everybody gets off.
I've heard that before!"
"You may be sure," interrupted
the woman, "I shall report you!"
She alighted, and the car start­
ed again.
The conductor touched his cap
and called to the woman being
left behind: "Sorry, but Rasput
avenue is a mile farther on I"
Relief At Last
For Your Cough
Creomulsion relieves promptly be­
cause It goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, in­
flamed bronchial mucous mem­
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulsion with the un­
derstanding you must like the way it
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
Doubt First
To believe with certainty we
must begin with doubting.—Stan­
The *15,000 radio tower of station
W-I-N-Dj which was broken In half
by the terrific sale which did mil­
lions of dollars of damage In the
South and Midwest.
Argentina Asks 850,000,000 Loan
w* •
............................... °l,,‘
Under navy department plans for
a 24-hour watch over defense se­
crets employees were photographed
for Identification card, as above.
• Advertiilag create* new
Wealth by ihowing people new
•nd better way* of living, and
•* it create* new wraith it con­
tribute* to the protperity of
everyone touched by the flow of money
which i* *et up. In thia way, don’t you
,ee‘ *'*vereiaing ia • «ocial force which i*
working in the interest of every one of ua
•very d»y of the year, bringing ua new
wealth to uae and enjoy.