Friday, Nov. 22, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 FOOTBALL! Thanksgiving Football Ashland 13 at Roseburg 7. The Dalles 0 at Medford 7. ----------- e—--------- HELEN MOLL1NON UOUTTS Funeral services for Helen Mol- lison Coutts, 74. who died Nov. 16 at her home in Ashland, were held at the graveside at 3 p. tn. Nov. 18, in the IOOF addition of Moun­ tain View cemetery with the Rev. J R. Turnbull officiating. Lit wil­ ier Funeral home was in charge of arrangements. ----------- •—--------- • Anita Cooke of Klamath Falls visited here last week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cooke. • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Throne of Gold Hill visited in Ashland re­ cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs James Gillespy. Now Playing! “OUR TOWN” Starring William Holden Martha Scott Saturday! ROY ROGERS ‘YOUNG BUFFALO BILL’ ‘CROSS COUNTRY ROMANCE’ DRAFT KRUSE TO WRESTLE JAMES IN MEDFORD RING / \LD-TIME wrestling fans will be in for a treat at Medic id armory Monday night when Pro­ moter Mack Lillard again brings Oswego Bob Kruse to southern Oregon to meet Jesse James, who is undefeated in Medford. Kruse, a master at the wrist lock, is a great favorite in Med­ ford despite the fact that he is aging as far as wrestlers go. In meeting James, the Oswego broc­ coli grower will be facing the for­ mer light heavyweight champion of the world and one of the clev-; erest matmen in the game today. | Bulldog Jackson, ferocious ham­ merlock artist from Portland, will meet Cowboy Dude Chick in the middle bout. Chick is peeved with Jackson because the roughhouse northerner skipped out on him a short time ago when the pair was billed for the top spot at Med­ ford. Before the mix is over, the fans can look for a wild bout. Billy Rayburn, who has been beaten only by Chick in the Lil­ lard ring, opposes Eddie Marcus in the opener. Marcus, who was billed as a clean warrior last Monday, turned dirty with Elton Owen and can be expected to do so again next week. Just what Rayburn’s attitude will be toward a mean opponent remains to be seen. The first match will go to the mat at 8:30 p. m. and once again it will be ladies night with each lady accompanied by an adult paid admission being admitted free. ----------- •------------ 51st Anniversary Plaj Draws Capacity Crowd By BOB JOHNSON Ashland high students celebrat­ ed the 51st anniversary of the school with the play "It Won’t Be Long Now” last Friday night at the Junior high school auditorium, the fifth play to be given there since completion of the new stage. The farce, written by Milton Cropper and directed by Miss Ruth Woods, dealt with the ac­ tions of a man who thought he had but 24 hours to live. The cast of 13 students did an excellent bit of acting through all three scenes. The high school orchestra un­ der the direction of Gordon Tripp played between acts. Ten Musts Named For Week-End’s Gridiron Winners Another week-end just went by when, by this column not break­ ing into print, the football public was not informed as to what team to back and what outfit not to back. However, the old master was right in there pitching with seven wuts and three losses. The season record now stands as follows: Games W L I’d. 90 62 28 tiS9 Following are 10 more games, all to be played Saturday. Nov. 23, and each a sure-fire winner, we hope: Boston College over Auburn at Chestnut Hill, Mass Unbeaten Cornell over Penn at Philadelphia. Gonzaga over Washington State at Spokane. * Iowa to beat Illinois at Iowa City. Ia. Tommy Harmon, with a little help from Michigan, to down Ohio State at Columbus. Ohio. Notre Dame to come back strong and take Northwestern at Evanston, III. Indiana is selected to take Pur­ due’s measure at Lansing, Ind. Washington over UCLA at Loa Angeles. Southern Methodists In a win over Baylor at Waco. Tex. Minnesota’s Golden Gophers are a good bet over Wisconsin at Mad­ ison. Wis. Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Holy Communion. 8 a. m. Church school. 9:30 a. m. Sermon and morning prayer, 11 a. m. Wednesday. Holy Communion, 9:30 a. m. Choir will meet Friday, 7:30 p. m. You are cordially invited to worship with us. -------------- •--------------- • Frances Aikins of Wolf Creek visited here last week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Aikins. • Mrs. Earl Nutter, Mrs. Aubrey Miles and Mrs. Charles Blake were called to Albany last week-end by the death of a relative. • Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carlton made a trip to Eagle Point Sun­ day for a visit with relatives. NEWS FROM Washington School By SCHOOL STUDENTS In room six social studies we are studying the southern states. We have gathered much material ami many pictures. We are planning to prepare and eat a southern din­ ner in the school cafeteria. The first grade had u very in­ teresting time studying the In­ dians. They made head bands and had a very nice collection of In­ dian things. Carolyn Kelts of the first grade has been absent a number of days Oil account of illness. Joann Feldhausen entered 5B Monday from McCloud. Calif. The “Washington Flashes” made its first appearance this term on Tuesday morning. Judging by the copies sold, the paper proved very successful. The 5B’t have been giving up candy money to Join the Red Cross. We have 79 cents ami hope to raise one dollar before Thanks­ giving. A first grader gave us three cents. Room five invited loom six to afternoon. Marlys Wilcox intro- a Thanksgiving program Tuesday duced the numbers. Shirley Ed­ wards ami Barbara Messenger re­ cited “November Cornfields.” Sev­ eral children gave a play ’Thanks- giving Forever." Seven boys sang a song. Melvin Morgan presented a Thanksgiving puzzle Six pupils of room six read a poem in unison. ’The Quest." Marcella Prettyman and Wilfred gave a prose play of the same poem. Donald Kruger is back in room six after a week's illness. Pat, the canary, is visiting in the second grade room thia week He sings so cheerfully that the children are sure he is happy. Gerald Kerr, who has been ab­ sent for more than two weeks, returner! to school Tuesday We are glad to have Gerald back in school. Room 3 Re|M>rts Daryl Smith has a new little baby brother. The baby weighed eight and one-half pounds Daryl is very proud of his new brother Wanda Jean Parker went on a long trip over Armistice holiday She went to Bandon, Portland and to Bend. We are glad Wanda could take such a nice trip. Walker Grubb went with his daddy to Salem over Armistice, to see his mother. Doris IJtwiller. who has been absent from school for several weeks, will soon be able to be with us again. Doris han the 20th day of December, next, nt this office, the following tract of land: ' SW'.NWQ, NW'48W'<, Sec 8, | T 39 3.. R. 2 E., W. M , containing 80 acres. This tract is ordered Into the market on a showing that the greater portion thereof is mount­ ; ainous or too rough for cultivation. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding The person making the highest bid will be re­ quired to immediately pay the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are ad­ vised to file their claims, or objec­ tions. on or before the time desig­ nated for sale GEORGE FINLEY. Register 44-48 with ' Andy Devine Richard Arlen Sunday, Monday and Tuesday : “HIRED WIFE” with Rosalind Russell Brian Aherne Wednesday and Thursday : Everyone 10c with Gene Raymond Motorists! SDN «MON «TUE DON’T LET Our T Ini A INI DC S < b IV 8 N Message: MAY YOU HAVE A THANKFUL HEART, A WELL-FILLED TABLE Winter Driving AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS Medford Armory For Reservations Phone Brown’s, Medford 101 AND GOOD HEALTH THAT MAKES IT EASY TO EXPRESS THE FIRST AND ENJOY THE SECOND! • WED & THUR« MID-WEEK PHONE 7771 Mutts 15C See 81 WATER STREET “For the ideal waahday, Just call. That’s all.” Ik mm « your ear start hard the«** chilly mornings? Does it Jerk mid sputter, miss and flutter, and make you wish you could afford a new model? If any of U k -< m - troubles la-set you, then drive In today and let us give you a diagnosis—an ad­ justment here, a e lean leg there and a tuning-up In lietween. and presto! She runs like new and and so-o-o-o s-m-o-o-t-h you snap your fingers ut the weather! Our service is complete and efficient, from beedhunps to brakes, motor to fender straightening. We are headquarters for motoring problems—and our work does not In­ clude a major ofieration on your perse, either! SCHUERMAN CLYDE CATON’S I'HONE 4721 JUNCTION GARAGE • METROPOLITAN 1JFE INSURANCE CO. 1 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD AT INDIANA Yes, competent service and quality always wins a smile of ap­ preciation from customers, and that’s why we ALWAYS make a special effort to deliver the goods in every department. We have special electric and acetylene welding equipment, blacksmitiiing and machine shop services, automotive and truck re|»airing, rad­ iator cleaning and repairing service and we specialize in manu- facture of storage tanks for all purpose*, Ours is a varied metal­ working and automotive service, and we take pride in giving a full measure of value and satisfaction to everyone! Proper, mod- cm equipment and specially skilled workmen combine to make our charges most reasonable. If you have an automotive or metal problem, talk it over with us I A QUART EACH DAY Betty Always Wins! r THE BARE FACT IS DAIRY Phone 6782 HZ z X r THE COLDEST BEER IN TOWN! !A TURING A-ONE DRAFT BEER per glass " Finest Quality Brew In Generous 6-Oe. Glass! WE ARE WELDING HEADQUARTERS! PHONE 4586 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND SERVE —Come On, Make Us Prove It! OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP CLOVER LEAF I'HONE 5811 / COMPETENT SERVICE AND QUALITY WINS OUT! Kiddies a Dime! She’s got that extra some­ thing that it takes to put it over. Possibly she gets that sparkling brilliance from drinking MILK! IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? STEVEN R. ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. GET ..YOUR GOAT!! » BOHEMIAN CLUB AL BROWER, Proprietor i