Frlday, Nov. 22, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER PICK BREEDING HENS WITH CARI« BIN AMt S WIU.IW, e* ■ •» HOUSEHOLD / QUESTIONS V, ~ - line a clean sheet of wrupping paper to roll pics and pastry on. It saves a lot of cleaning up later. • • • Apples pc "d, cored and baked in pineapple juice muko a new und tempting dish. • • • Painting the U*p and bottom cel­ lar steps white may save niuny falls. RELIEF COLDS FOR PAINFUL SYMPTOMS OF encounter two majors going to the front on foot, They both give you th« thumb in the orthodox hitch- hikrr manner, You explain that, as you have four girls with you. there is no sense taking them aboard un­ less they can dig up another major. Go on with the story from there. 2.— You have answered the draft summons and presented yourself for physical exami­ nation. You are found to be a per­ fect specimen, but the examiner is to the called and tn phone, stumbling over a chair drops his them mixed up. papers and He returns to you and says: "Let's see; you're the one with defective eyesight and deafness in both cars, aren't you?” Which of the three answers would you make: (a) —Right you are. (b) —No, sir. (c) —Yes, and my arches are all gone, too. • • 3.—You are assigned to guard duty at night on a desolate post Vigilance bores yoif so you sit down and use a portable radio While you are listening to the Pot of Gold pro­ gram a superior officer comes along. Which would you think the best remark to make under the cir­ cumstances: (a)—How do you suppose this ra­ dio ever got here? — Sorry, captain. I forgot where I was. (c)—Let's both go home so we can win this dough in case our phones ring. • • • JUST USE QUICK-ACTING BAYER ASPIRIN AS PICTURES SHOW BELOW 2. ror «ort IL'?»',ro" eoM. dinolro T H«rW Atplrln labial« In H flau of wile and (a>- (ta Pool. rawna«« Ma aaiad vary quickly. J. Chgb trmfgfc tur« llyouham ■ Imi and tompars- tufa Soot not so down — il throat pam I« not quxS fy ralioaad. cad your doctor. Three tlmple ttepr relieve painful tympiomi fart,.. accompanying tore throat eared in a hurry. At the first sign of a cold, follow the directions in the pictures above— the simplest and among the most effective methods of relief known to modem science. So quickly docs Bayer Aspirin act—both internally and ns u gar- fllf. you’ll feel its wonderful relief start banishing the pain of your cold in a remarkably short time. Try this way. You will say it is unequulled. But be sure you get the fast-acting Bayer prod- uct you want. Ask for Haver Aspirin by the full name when you buy. GENUINI IAYIH AIHAIH Your Influence Your mind has a great moral in­ fluence over the comrade at your right. So you see the importance of your own courageous thoughts. ELECTION RESULTS Old, Used Wood Is Good as New Wood taken from old buildings can be safely used for other pur­ poses, according to the U. S. for­ est products laboratory at Madi­ son, Wis. Age in itself does not cause wood to deteriorate in strength. If the material is free from de­ cay, insect attack, checks, splits, or other defects, it should be good for re-use tor .any purpose for which the lumber was origi­ nally suitable, the forest prod­ ucts laboratory points out The principal cause of damage to wood in buildings is decay and decay cannot occur unless a cer­ tain amount of water is present, says the laboratory. In old build­ ings in which the sheathing, roof boards, floors, and other wooden parts have been well protected from the weather the wood will, in practically all cases, be as sound as when first erected. Wood may darken with age, but it has lost none of its original strength characteristics. There can be no objection to re­ use of lumber simply because it has been in use. Culling Cows Probably any time is culling time when a poor cow is being thought of. But now as cows come from pasture their owner should ask ■ few questions before he turns Bossy loose on a winter’s free board and lodging. Diseased-udder cows, shy breeders, and low producers should all be asked what returns they can be expected to make. Maybe an empty stanchion and a full feed bin would mean more profit than a filled stall and an empty feed bin. An office-seeker, if defeated. Finds his stock of friends depleted. An effice-secker. if elected. Has friends he'd not before sus- pected. Richnrd Armour. • • • It iremi good to see America off the scold standard after elec­ tion, thinks E. B. Jay. • • • A dictator is something that goes in one era and out the next. «• HERÍ S WHAT TO DO ABOUT 4G&WSIUMF If that “wa«h»d out." olultlah faoHM •• due to temporary conatlpallon. try Garfloltf Too lonltht. ClronM Internally thia mild. plMaont «my. Tire leee quickly — feel. look, «rork better ell day Ion«. 10c — He at ¿ruttlortt. GARFIELD TEA • • Out idea of the complete football fan is the fellow who witnesses the game, listens to his portable radio description of it and then buys a paper to see what hnppened. • • a BORDER INCIDENT The statesmen of (fill in the blank) Took just a little nap, And when they woke they couldn't find Their country on the map. —Richard Armour. • • • opiAte« or f|t»mine GARFIELD HIADACHI P0W01R lOe 25c Sor* doctor _____ prfsiet-*- if hvidachot Misunderstood Minds of moderate caliber ordi­ narily condemn everything which Is bejond their range.—Ln Roche­ foucauld. CAN YOU REMEMBER Away back when empt as legitimate • • When speed laws 40 miles an hour? • • When wars could ultimatums? • ♦ babies were ex­ war targets? were as low as be stopped by DRAFT REACTIONS Drawings are a thing I hate— I drew number One-Five-Eightl • • Lotteries they make me blue— Now I’m known as Onc-NIne-Twol ♦ • Never say my luck is fine— I’m Eight Thousand-Six-Two-Nine! • • Number 158 in the First district, New York, was a Chinese. If by any chance he gets Secretary Stim­ son’s laundrv . . , Watch Your Kidneys/ Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Waste Your kidneys ar* constantly flltsrlnf vasts matter from the blood stream. Hot kidneys sometimes lag In their work—do not act as Nature Intended—fall to re­ move Impurities that, It retained, may a ion the system and upset the whole y machinery. Symptoms may bo nanlnf backache, persistent headache, attacks of dlsainaee. settint up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes—a feeling of nervous aaztety and loss of pep and strength. Other signa of kidney or bladder dis­ order are sometimes burning, scanty or too frequent urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment la wiser than neglect. Use Doan's Pillr. Doan's nave been winning new friends tor more than forty years. They have a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the aountry over. Ask your neighbor/ D oans P ills