f Friday, Nov. 22, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know! | TAIJCNT NKWN Talent Townscnditcs Will Meet Tuesday • The Talent Townsend club will meet In the city hull Tuesday night, Nov. 20. Pot-luck «upper will be served ut 0 p. m., followed by a short business McsMton ut 7:30 o'clock, after which a program of picture HiidvH win be ahown by Mi Slngler. Everyone Is Invited to the affuir, for which no charge wi ’ be made. • Mr and Mm iJndatrom and family left Tuesday for Phoenix, Ariz., where they will make their home • Mi and Mrs. Lyle Tame spent the week-end at their ranch on Dead Indian. • Mr. and Mis Floyd Rush of Ashland called at the home of Mr. Rush's parents, Mr. and Mis Will Rush. Sunday. • Mr Stager returned Tuesday evening from Portland where he has been receiving medical treat­ ment • Mr und Mis Sam Hamilton and Mr and Mrs Leroy Olsen left Tuesday morning for Tuie latke to spend Thanksgiving with Mr und Mrs John Hamilton • Mrs Anna Dllkey spent a cou­ ple of days lust week with Mrs A Russell In Ashland. • Mr and Mrs Earl Allen have traded their property here for u 1 ranch known as the McDonough place at the foot of the Siskiyou mountains on the old Pacific high- | way and will take possession later • Opal Hill, who operates a beau­ ty parlor at Chiloquin, spent the week-end at home here • Frank Manner of Hoops Indian reservation In California visited his sister, Mrs Elisabeth 1 a -lim­ ing, and family last week. • Mr and Mrs Alien Clark have moved into the ITioenix area where Mr. Clark will have charge of an orchard. Mr and Mrs Keith Thorson moved inf.. tin- house va- Gated by the Clarks • Mr and Mrs Harry lx>we re- ceived word from their son Har- land, stationed at Chanute Field. Ill . army corps school, tliut he finished with good results Har­ land took a course in meteorology • Mr and Mrs William Sommers arc the parents of a baby boy bom at the Community hospital Thursday evening. • Mr and Mrs. Hartell of Ash­ land moved into the T'aient camp ground. Mr. Hartell is employed at the sawmill. • The Talent P TA met at the school building Friday afternoon Miss Weisser, county health nurse, discussed health problems. • Dudley Estes left Tuesday morning by stage for Crescent City to visit his brother and Ma­ ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Estes He plans on being away two or three weeks • Arthur Dillon of Talent and Anna Ashley of Medford were married Saturday at Medford. • It Is reported that Mrs Mary Higgins, who underwent an oper­ ation at the Community hospital in Ashland, Is improving • Mr and Mrs J. J Tryon wen- dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Goddard Sunday, on Wagner creek • The junior class is rehearsing for a play. "My Uncle's Niece,’’ which will be given soon. • Mrs Bernice Anderson him pur­ chased the store and confectionery j of Mr Bachelor Mr mid Mrs Bachelor are residents of Med- o,id • Mrs Dora Smith and son Alj have leaser! the concrete building of G. 8 Butler und an- Installing I racks and equipment for drying and storing gladiola bulbs. • The - it v < oun< il met Tuesday night ami decided to buy a new pump ami also install an addition­ al light near the school. • Lucille Holdrige spent a few ’