Page 8 FOOTBALL! Game» Monday: Ashland 0 at Medford 41. Bead 7 at Klamath Falls 0. Roseburg 0 at Grants Pass 34. 2 NEWCOMERS TO SPICE MAT CARD MONDAY I _ I • Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Daugherty and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stevens TWO NEWCOMERS will show their ability at the Medtor«! spent last week-end visiting with armory wrestling card Monday frientis in Portland. • Subscribe for The Miner today. night. Nov. 18, when Promoter Mack Lillard presents another la-' night attraction. i dies The new men, providing the opener, which starts at 8:30 p. m„ ! are Elton Owen, son of Promoter. Herb Owen of Eugene, and Eddie Marcus, New York Jew. Owen is the former boxing and wrestling I champion of the University of Ore­ gon and weighs 190 pounds to Marcus' 185. Both are oY the sci­ entific type. Friday and Saturday! Jesse Janies, undefeaU'd in Med- ford, tackles Ernie Piluso of Kla- math Falls in the one hour top SPECTACLES! mam event. James issued the chal­ WONDERS! lenge last Monday and is favored to give the Italian a run for his THRILLS! money. Cowboy Dude Chick, who was defeated by Piluso last Monday, mixes with Billy Rayburn, the Georgia Peach, in the middle go. Raybum is one of the sweetest I wrestlers ever to set foot in a I Medford ring and is becoming increasingly popular with the fans. Each lady accompanied by an adult paid admission will be ad* mitted free. ----------- •----------- Heavy Sport Program For Intramural Play Outlined by Simpson What, Xmas Already? Yep, Yule Greetings Ready for Delivery tl’Illl.E moat folks still are wondering about lb«* date of Thanksgiving (which will I»' Nov. 21 in Oregon) along comes The Miner with urging» that shoppers pick out their Christmas greetings now. In auticl|Hitlon of th«' holi- day MHvsoti, The Miner already has received a large shipimHit of Christmas greeting cards, rvadj for Imprinting with cus­ tomer»' muiuw, luid has pliu-txl them on display. Of particular interest to m«»st Yule greeting semlers are th«« s|M*-iid I m >\ as­ sortment of 21 beautiful eni- boss«'«l iui«l eng no t'd cards, complete with name or munes imprinted, envelopes and holl- day-w ntpiH'd box, at a s|>ecial low price. In additi«>n to this value, other card assortments have bet*n placed in stock and may lie mm ' ii at The Miner office. All cards art' ready for Imme­ diate delivery—no waiting, no back-ordering, no substitu­ tions. Persons Interested In outstanding values In holiday greeting cards should nuike their selections now while stocks arc complete luid l»e- forv the late season rush arrives. GRIZZLIES PROMISE GRID VENGEANCE Bouncing back after their 41 to 0 defeat at the hands of the Med- ford Tigers. Coach Leighton Blake and his Ashland high Grizzlies are drilling hard and pointing to the last game of their season with Roseburg there at 11 o'clock Thursday morning, Nov. 21. Blake said he was taking 20 boys on the trip but was uncertain Thursday who they would be. Martin Herrin, who suffered a slight concussion in the Medford fray, will be shifted to nght tackle if he is able to play. Bob Weaver will be moved to the fullback post with Ken Caton taking over Wea­ ver's right half duties. Al Newbry will be shifted to right end to make room for Herrin at the tackle post. Al Simpson, athletic director at the junior high sch«x>l, is conduct­ ing an ambitious intramural sports program during the noon hour which includes all grades and g’ves the students recreation in the form of basketball, ping pong, shuffle board, badminton and horseshoes. The 9-A's won the intramural six-man football championships which ended last week. Wednesday night started the in­ tramural basketball tournament with three games nightly. Eleven teams are participating with the championships to be played Nov. | 20. Regular Junior high varsity i basketball practice will begin Nov. 25 with the juniors sporting new i suits this season. The ping pong, shuffle board, badminton and horseshoe tourna­ ments will run until Jan. 1 when the championships in the various sports will be decided. • Mr. and Mrs. William Ta Ilia ----------- •------------ are the proud parents of a little BASKETBALL OFFICLALS son, Terance Norman, born at the TAKE EXAMS SATURDAY Hilt hospital Friday afternoon. Mother and son are doing fine and Tomorrow, Nov. 16. is the date went home Wednesday. set for basketball examinations • Donald Rosecrans, who was be­ for those who c^ire to take the ing held in Yreka jail pending officials' exam for the southern trial Nov. 26, was released on bond Friday and is now at home Oregon high school hoop league. The test, compulsory for all loop with his family and working for officials, will take place at the the Fruit Growers Supply com­ high school and will be of the pany. The $2000 required for his round-table discussion type which release was posted by Frank will follow closely a study of the Graves, yard foreman and Clyde Hebard, former Hilt resident who rules. has for several years been the ------------•------------ • Mr. and Mrs. Ned Mars made a proprietor of Hebard’s Market in the Broadway Groceteria in Yreka. trip to Crescent City Sunday. I • Jack Enders left Sunday on a • Mr. and Mrs Ray Chamberlain and family of Gold Hill arrived in business trip to San Francisco. • Lee Peachey returned to his Hilt Friday evening. Accompanied home in Yamsay Monday follow­ by Mr. and Mrs. Don Rosecrans ing a visit here at the home of they motored to Susanville to spend the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Peachey. • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Walker of • Gino Trinca entertained with a San Francisco are visiting here party at the opening of his new for several days at the home of State Line service station Satur­ Mr. and Mrs. Don Brace and other day evening. The opening was at­ I tended by a large number of friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown friends who wish him success in of Hilt visited here Monday with his new business location. • Antone Mendes is now home friends and relatives. after spending two months in the General hospital and is very The Little Numbers? , . Yreka much improved in health. • Mr. and Mrs. H. Clevenger and Have you looked at the little Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clevenger were numbers on address slip of your shopping in Yreka Saturday. Southern Oregon Miner and won­ • Mr. and Mrs W. A. Dutro were dered? Well, in case you didn’t in Metiford Saturday. know until now, they are the key • The Ladies Aid met Thursday to expiration date of your sub­ afternoon at the Alphonse home scription. For example, suppose with Mrs. Enzie Wright as host- your label reads (at the right­ i ess. Twenty-two ladies attended hand end) 11-40—which means the meeting. Delicious refresh­ your subscription was paid up un­ ments were served following the til November, 1940. If your label business meeting. reads 2-41, or something like that, • A reception was held at then relax, for it won’t be due club house Friday night for until 1941. But if it reads less than new minister, Rev. Richardson, 11-40, tsk! tsk! tsk! You oughta and his family. It was well at- come in and pay 'er up to date! l tended. • HILTS NEWS • A GUSHER OF RAMA! DYNAMI irner Bro*. FRANCES FAR Friday, Nov. 15, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER il • WANT ADS • Medford high's Black Tornado took a dull 41 to 0 win over the Ashland high Grlzzllea on a slip- pery Medford turf in the two schools’ annual Armistice day clash. Ashland suffered a terrific blow early in the first period when Mar- tin Herrin, star fullback, was re­ moved from the game with injuries. Cato Wray scored three touch­ downs foi- Me«iford with Orr, Hop- kins and Barker accounting for one each. Ashland failed to preaent a »er­ ious threat to the Tiger goal an«! was superior in only one depart­ ment, punting, where the average was 29.6 yards on seven kicks, while Medford booted once for six yards. Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. Claud«' E. Sayre, Vicar Holy Communion, 7:30 a. in. Church school. 9:30 a. in. Sermon and morning prayer, 11 a. m. The committee on the Every Member canvass will call to see each communicant of the church next Sunday. Please be pi «•;>.« i ! to make your pledge at that time Holy Communion, Wednesday, 9:30 a. m. A QUART EACH DAY BUY CHRINTMAS GIFTS and mincemeat at Trinity Guild bu- zuur, pariah house, Saturday, Nov. 1(1. Needlework, («>«>«! mil«* an«i candy; hot lunch with »alud ami dessert, 12 to 1 p. in 4tk’> NOIRE FOR PIBI.KVIION lh'l>artni«it of the Interior, U. 8. Lan«i Office at Homburg, Oregon, Oct. 11», 1940 NOTICE is hereby given that, ns directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under th«' MCI <>ll