f Friday, Nov. 15, 1940 r- - - ■■ SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ■ -> — ■-—"""— ----------------- ■— About People You Know! r ■ ■ w ■ • Mrs. Roy Estes and Mrs. Joe Tryon were business cullers in Medford Tues«lay. • Miss Ella Pittenger was u guest of her brother, John Pittenger, in Ashland Monday , • Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hayes and family from California have mov­ ed on the place on Wagner creek recently vacated by J. L. Lind­ strom. • Guy Hamilton had a freak acci­ dent W«-dncsoi lance of Being Earnest." Tile dale will be announced later. The Talent Grange is giving a turkey dinner for the Ashland Chamber of Commerce on Friday, Nov. 2«. • Herman Harrison and Joyce Hayea were married in Reno, Nev. Saturday. Mrs. Harrison is a for­ mer resident of Talent, a daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hayes who live on Wagner creek. • Mrs. Ijouixe Wilkenson of Dead Indian s«xla spring is spending the week with her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jones • Mrs. Ivah Blackwell of Ashland visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Parks, Tuesday afternoon. ----------------------- •------------------------ I • Mr and Mrs Mark True were < nti-i tallied at dinner Tuesday at tin- |UMM of her father, H. L. Gregory, and sister, Mrs Arthur Sellers of Central Point. Also pre­ sent al dinner were Mrs. True's niece, Mrs. W. E. Cutler, and two nixlicti of Salem. • Mr. and Mrs W. O. Martin and J. H. Williams visited over the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Don­ ald Korth al Burney. Calif. • Mr and Mrs. Alfred C. Joy re­ turned this week from a trip which took them through part of Canada, New York, Washington, D. C., the southern states and also they visited their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Joy. • Mr and Mrs. Allen D. Miller of Seattle visited Armistice day with Mrs. MilieFs parents, Mr. and Mrs R E Bell. Miss Velma A tha­ nas returned with them for a short visit. • Mrs. Malin da King of Ashland moved this week to this district She is located on Clay street. • R E Bell and son Kenneth, who arc employed in Klamath Falls, spent Saturday. Sunday and Armistice day with the Bee! fam­ ily here. • Bellview P-TA members met Friday, Nov. 16. Mrs Ring report­ ed on a meeting which she at­ tended in Medford at the residence of Mrs James Haly. Mrs. R E. Bell. Mrs V. E Seitz and Mrs. Dankworth presented the numbers on the program. • The Community club met Wed­ nesday. with 19 members and sev­ en guests present. Members voted to work for the Red Cross, get­ ting members to join in this dis­ trict. Mrs Badger and Mrs. Wade Wallis presented a program with numbers being presented by the Ashland high school sextette. At the next meeting Christmas will be observed in the form of a par- lj . The 4111. IJOBlt nnrn will v* III Uv I o. May, *vi , ty. hostesses be *>» Mrs *' Mrs. James '------- --------------------------- Chamberlain and 1 “ Mrs “ Edwin Dunn. The mystery friends will be disclosed during the meet- Ing and an Interesting program is being planned by Mrs. Herman Holmes, MReynolds and Mrs. George Helms. • Stanley Grossbull of Camp Clatsop spent last week-end at U<- Herman Helm home • Members of the Embroider club met Tuesday, enjoying a on o’clock luncheon at the home o Mrs George Helms. Those enjoy ing the aftern«x>n were Mrs. Bel Christlieb, Mrs Claude Conley Mrs Herman Helm and Mtn Ed win Dunn. • Mrs Walter Anderson of Grant» Pass visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Turner Mrs. Anderson is an aunt of Mrs Turner • Mrs Clarice And<-rnon ami sot Dale and Mr I^ee and son Gifford attended the Medford-Ashlam game at Medford Monday. • Mr and Mrs Ernest Gibsor. «nd family moved recently to the Dead Indian district. Mr Gibsor drives the school bus • Friday of last week the ladies rf the Dead Indian district met at the home of Mrs. Vincent La­ nin). honoring the anniversary of Mrs. Chester Applegate. Those en joying the birthday party with the honored guest. Mrs Apple­ gate, anil the hostesses were Mrs Montgomery, Mrs. Knox, Mrs. Carl Henry, Mrs Albert Arnold, Mrs Gibson and Mrs. Walter Hash • Miss Dorothy Applegate and Glenn Bennett were united in mar­ riage Saturday at the home of Dorothy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs Roscoe Applegate, with immediate relatives and invited friends at­ tending The beautiful service was read by Rev. James Edgar of the Ashland Presbyterian church A reception was held following the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are making their home in M«-dford, Mr. Bennett being employed at HlM'k'M biilcorv • Mrs Archie Kincaid and Wade Wallis were honored with a party Sunday evening at the Wallis home, it being the birthday anni­ versary of both. The guests en­ joying the evening were Mr and Mrs Henry Stenrud, Mr and Mrs. H L. Pankey. Mr and Mrs Wal­ ter Davis and daughters Lydia and Katherine, Mr. and Mrs Archie Kincaid and daughter Eunice. Mr. and Mrs J E Gowland and Mrs Haines, mother of Mrs Davis Ma­ rie Walker, Earl Warren and the hosts, Mr and Mrs Wade Wallis The evening was spent in playing games, following which refresh­ ments were served Mrs Kincaid and Mr. Wallis each received a number of gifts • Mrs Floyd Samford returned last week from a long visit with relatives tn Arizona Her brother. Mr Dill and two children brough* her home and will visit at the Samford home for a while. • Miss Marte Walker spent sev­ eral days this week in Klamath county and northern California in the interest of the green stamp business. • Jack Williams attended the Ashland-Medford football game at Medford Monday. • Subscribe for The Miner today. DEPENDABLE NON-CANCELLABLE, NON- PRO-RATABLE Health and Aciidmt Insurant-»- Also Life, Automobile and Fir« Insurance M. T. BURNS On the 1’kua Students can tell you Page 5 DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS FLOUR—Snow Drop 49’s $1.03 MATCHES—per carton 15e SHORTENING—4 pounds Pearl HAMS—Swift Ovenized Skinned | or whole lb 21c LETTUCE SC HORMEL LUNCH MEAT Five Varieties BANANAS—pound - 5c 12-oz. tin 27c Sweet Potatoes-4 lbs 13c Diamond A— Corn-whole kernel lie Squash—pound 2c Diamond A— 11c CAULIFLOWER 9e String Beans 13c Cranberries—lb - 19c Pink Salmon 5e le Jell-o 5e Grapefruit—6 for 15c Post Toasties Milk-Oregon, 3 for 19c COFFEE Any Kind Except Sanka 25c pound seSHHRHHH fl MoH PEANUT BUTTER Pound 10c MINCE MEAT 2 pounds.................. 17c ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas 15e Royal Club Wet Pack Shrimp 15C Royal Club Re dSalmon Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| 17c Royal Club Sauer Kraut—No. 2| 12c Royal Club Catsup 15C CfiONE ft PLAZA MARKET PHONE GUARANTEED MEATS AT A SAVING! Home-Cured Bacon—by piece while it lasts, lb 18e * HAMS—1st grade Tenderized, skinned, pound 21c Any student can tell you the value of proper lighting for study, for reading, for comfort! Using their eyes all day long, they know how much good light can save in fatigue, eyestrain and irrita­ tion. Because you may not use your eyes for reading but a comparatively few hours a week, don’t neglect good lighting in your home, for all the family. Efficient lamps cost but very little and add much to the pleasure of home life. See your electrical dealer today! Ashland Light Department À “Your SERVICE Department” HAMS—precooked, ready to eat, pound WIENERS—2 pounds 35e 24c BOLOGNA, lb. 15e STEAKS, CHOPS, ROASTS, FISH AND POULTRY COME IN AND SELECT YOUR BIRD!