SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON Leonard N. Hall Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Ln Advance) F our democracy WHO OWNS AMERICAN taf WEALTH ? Hr« L - ■ Editor and lhibllsher ★ ★ ★ G 300 by Mat ’ ST/ 1?' ' J d a THEFIRE SEASON IS HERE! YEARS AGO- A CLEARING OF LAND REPRESENTED A COLONIST’S WEALTH. 11 - SET YOU FREE" English blockade are not going to get much of an audi­ ence in the United States this winter, despite the tear­ jerking pleas of the Herbert Hoovers and Colonel Lindberghs. f Jr ** '¿7*^ ONE YEAR.... . $150 MOc SIX MONTHS (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) TELEPHONE 8561 Friday, Nov. 15, 1940 II J , 'O ♦ ( i SHAKE OUT THE LEAD, FOLKS, AND KEEP 200 YEARS AGO — ASHLAND’S THUMB TURNED UP! HOMES, FARMS, Most folks in a community like to think of their SMALL MILLS AND ” *5 llj SHOPS. OPERATED Chamber of Commerce as a virile, aggressive, bustling IOO YEARS AGO — BY INDIVIDUALS. beehive of activity, where great tnings are accomplish­ THE STEAM ENGINE REPRESENTED ed every week—at no effort or botner to themselves. EXPANDED PRODUCTION, ; WEALTH. That is a pretty dream and a desirable situation, but INDIVIDUALS POOLED such paradoxes do not exist. CAPITAL TO OPERATE tir 14 n THEM, INCREASE Tne up-and-doing chambers of commerce are the St I S jJI >1 ones whicn have up-and-doing memberships. Lo expect WEALTH. a few persons to pull the wnole load witnout entnus- i&wll iastic cooperation from members is like asking the "1 steering wheel to propel the auto. ; I Although no criticism is being heard of the rx efficient, busy Ashland Chamber of Commerce, there is room for much greater energy here on the part of members of the booster club. Turnouts at important |T ODAY MILLIONS OF INDIVIDUALS POOL THEIR. meetings, forums and executive sessions are not what WEALTH TO PROVIDE CAPITAL FOR VAST they should be, and The Miner believes it is not due to ENTERPRISES. THE NATIONS 64.000,000 a lack of progressive spirit in Ashland, but more to LIFE INSURANCE POLICYHOLDERS HAVE A an unthinking indifference. BIG STAKE IN U.S. INDUSTRY THROUGH THE True, Ashland business and professional men come INVESTMENT OF ASSETS WHICH ARE THE SECURITY BEHIND THEIR POLICIES. in for more than their share of civic duties here, with the many summertime activities in the city, the heavy fall schedules of both the public schools and college, and the many worthwhile charitable drives, but that is not ample reason for Ashland folks to crawl into their and feeding her enemies to make them strong and pro­ ductive would be defeating our own purpose. And as shells of diffidence. Ashland is and always will be a progressive, ag­ far as the pity of letting Hitler’s victims go hungry, gressive, proud city eager to promote the welfare both who can say but what that may not be the most human­ of this community and all its people. We are making itarian service we can perform in the long run? Had headway and we are driving forward. But we still have the allies been less merciful at the signing of the armis­ a long way to go and the getting there depends entirely tice in 1918 and marched on to Berlin perhaps millions now would not be suffering. upon ourselves. Soon will come the inter-community dinner with the The policy of appeasement of the dictators has been Talent Grange, then follows the annual Christmas proven to be a vicious circle from which there is no opening, among other events. Each offers opportunity escape, and filling the bellies of men and women under for Ashland residents to show the alert, optimistic the dictators’ thumbs would be the worst kind of stuff they’re made of, and each is a challenge to the appeasement. Yes, America’s heart bleeds for the unfortunate of civic consciousness of every resident. Let’s fire up a full head of steam and keep the driv­ Europe, but the hemorrhage has not yet weakened our ers going! The good old Ashland spirit is not legend­ brain. The back-door appeasers who would break the ary but a live, virile force that can do great things for us. Let the bellyachers, the don’t-cares and the ho-hum- mers stay behind—we’re going to make something of Methodist Episcopal Church this town if we do every little job as it comes along Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister with enthusiasm and effectiveness. Great heights are reached by small steps, but those steps have to be tak­ The Sunday church school at 9:45 a. m. is a place where the en, one after another. Word of God is read and discussed Ashland has the stuff to go places but lead in the in an effort to discover how to apply it to daily living. Allen O. hip pockets is not a part of it—so let’s shake it loose McGee is the general superintend­ and be on our way! ent. At 11 o’clock the sermon sub­ .9 With cold weather here, the MMMoii of greuteet fire hum rd In the home > ium arrived, iuu I thinking fam­ ily heiid« will check their liiMiinuice protect loti now! Home owner» nhould k<»'p their property fully cov­ ered, while renter» nhotiltl inoiire their furniture luid other |>er»onid lielonglngN ugninut I( hm by flrr. The co»t 1» nio«t reoNtHiniile— Mr u» today! WE FEATURE OREGON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMI'ANY’H FAMOUS DIVIDEND POIJ Low-Cost Financing I> Builds Bank Credit for your other needs... in 41 state-wide branches! -——- ----- ------------- ------------- —------------------- _ Why a Pre-Arranged Funeral? TWELFTH—TO THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY: It is pertinent to suggest that you relieve your dependents of every detail connected with your funeral, thereby sparing them the perplexities that otherwise invariably arise. May we explain our plan to you with absolutely no obligation on your part 7 O. H. WINNIR, Manager LITWILLER FUNERAL HOME (We Never Close) Phone 4541 M I M I I t I I D I ■ A L P I > O I I T IN I U I A N C I CORPORATION