) 1 of Oregon Library 7X» Pape* *1kat J4k any brighter until we start acting a little brighter. 1 1 1 The Miner long doubted intelli­ gence of Weston folks until after Nov. ft when they proved, despite their ler cent of the dally newspa|x-ra. |x»wcr of the press again is noth­ ing more than an electric motor. 1 1 1 Clark Wood claims he can't count beyond one trillion but ev­ erybody knows he doesn’t count. 111 Conversation has tapered off onto the weather, and once more folks are sane enough to come in out of it. 1 1 1 The English channel which a few short weeks ago was being referred to by Hitler as a small moat across which his armies would skip like a rock on a pond now reminds us that Ume and Ude wait for no man, even one with a muatache 111 Within a few days the super­ highway over the 8iskiyou moun­ tains will be completeci, enabling speeding motorists to save a few additional minutes in which to fig­ ure out what all the hurry was about. 111 Following an Ignominious defeat at the hands of their bitterest football rival, local fans are deftly turning conversation to the com­ ing basketball season Everybody raced through the Ashland for­ ward wall except the Medford rooting section and three stray dogs busy treeing a tomcat Lo- cal enthusiasts were proud of their girls’ drill team, but went home feeling like republicans. ------------- •------------- TICKETS GO ON MALE Tickets for the Ashland Cham­ ber of Commerce-Talent Grange turkey dinner scheduled for Talent Friday, Nov. 29, will go on sale at the Ashland C of C office next week, according to Dean Pieper, secretary. The get-together feast, to be served by ladies of Talent Grange, will feature good neigh­ borliness between the two com­ munities and is expected to be one of the year’s outstanding social events. ----- •------------- HATTIE ELEANOR SMITH Funeral services for Hattie Ele­ anor Smith, 73. who di