SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Nov. 8, 1940 Page 7 It Must Re Admitted That Clerk Had No Snap of Job Fun for the Whole Family By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP The theatrical agent’s new clerk entered the private room and said, “There's a lady waiting to see you, sir.’’ “Is she good-looking?” “Yes, sir.” “Show her in.” Ten minutes later the clerk was summoned. “Well,” said the agent, gruffly, “you’re a nice judge of beauty, I must say.” “Ah, but I had to be careful, sir. I’ve got to look after my job. For all I knew, she might have been your wife.” “Yes,” said the agent, acidly, “she was.” Quick Action for SORE THROAT FROM COLDS NOW! By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA —A Hard One to Figure Out IF YOU GOTTA FALL IN LOVE WHY PICK OUT THE FIVE-AND TEN? YOU a PIKER > WAIT TILL YOU SEE HER»LALA SHE’S CANOIED . SUNSHINE Amazing relief of painful symptoms begins in a ’ big hurry when you use Bayer Aspirin this way Follow these 3 steps as pictured By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP—Pop Misinterprets Small Arms Firing Both aches and raw throat re­ lieved this convenient way. Saiei hours of discomfort. At the first sign of sore throat from a cold follow the directions in the pictures above—the simplest and among the most effective methods known to modern science to get fast relief. The Bayer gargle will amaze you—easing throat rawness in a hurry. And the Bayer Aspirin taken internally quickly relieves the other painful cola symptoms. Try this way. You will say it is unequalled. But when you buy be sure you get the fast­ acting Bayer product you want Ask for Bayer Aspirin by its full name. GSM U IMA BAYS A ASPIMIM Desired Power Grant me the power to say things too simple and too sweet for words. YOUR EYES TELL how you fee/ inside Look In your mirror See If temporary coaati- potion la tellint on your Inca. In your eyes. Then try Garfield Tea. the mild, pleasant, thorough way to cleanse Internally...without drastic drugs Feel belter. LOOK BCTTSR. work better. 10c— 25c at drugstores. GARFIELD TEA For POP—Unnecessary Digging By J. MILLAR WATT Prompt Relief opiates or quinine1 GARFIELD HEADACHE POWDEJt 10c 25c See doctor it hea< persist Noble Thoughts They are never alone who aro accompanied with noble thoughts. —Sir P. Sidney. Today’s popularity of Doan's Pills, after many years of world­ wide use, surely must be accepted as evidence of satisfactory use. And favorable public I SIMPLY J opinion supports that k TOLD J of the able physicians who test the value of Doan’s under exacting ... laboratory conditions. These physicians, too, approve every word of advertising you read, the objective of which is only to recommend Doaa's Pills as • roo,i diuretic treatment for disorder of the kidney function and for relief of the pain and worry it causes. If more people were aware of how the kidneys must constantly remove waste that cannot stay in the blood without in­ jury to health, there would be better on derstanding of why the whole body suffers when kidneys lag, and diuretic medica­ tion would be more often employed. Burning, scanty or too frequent urina tion sometimes warn of disturbed ludnrv function. You may suffer nagging back ache, persistent headache, attacks of dir tineas, getting up nights, swelling, puffi­ ness under the eyes—feel weak, nervoui. all played out. Use Doan's Pills. It is better to rely on • medicine that has won world-wide sc claim than on something less favorably known. Ash yonr neigh'iorl TRUTH By (¡LUY AS WILLIAMS WILLING SPIRIT THERE’S A POSSIBILITY THE SPORTING THING Barber—You are getting bald, sir Do you know what is causing it? Fcddup—I don't know, but I sus­ pect that my hair falling out has something to do with it. 16 MAMO OH 10 Filini PAIrtlY u*>n KHbllH f0 MSWIR 1hf lUt • www. ahswdk mtwoHt. srwsHS -fo OH» 1HA1 JOMf BtCY Hi WKÍHROVSH WHRMAIR Struck Amidships Sympathizer—Poor little fellow! here did that cruel boy hit you? Little Boy—Boo, hoo! We was havin’ a naval battle and he tor­ pedoed me in the engine room. D oan spills Sudden Attack Harold—Were you ever bothered with athlete's foot? Edgar—Yeah, once when the foot­ ball player caught me out with his girl friend.—Philadelphia Bulletin. tra rr. MSMAiurs -Mt sutwpm is ho i ohm * OH FSHOY Mir MO MAuY 16 ***X. Win SMB JMKHfS FAHfpY AHO »ßf OF HOtM FIHPIM6 M IMI IHM WH- 5« HA5 1b SW 1HÍ fABli AHO SHt (A«K Oil fHROUSH ini DOM lOR dWRrtO H UPSYWiRS Not So Cheap Mrs. Tenderfoot—Wilk the opera­ tion to be dangerous, doctor? Dr. Slicem—Now don’t you worry about that. You can't buy a dan­ gerous «Deration for $50 ARMSTRONG WNU-13__________________ 45—-40 | IVEW IDEAS | •'There! Uuw de ye« Uke Ut" fiDVERTISEMENTS ere your gnide > to modern living. They bring you today's NEWS about the food you cat and the clothes you wear. And the place to find out about these new things is right in this newspaper.