Friday, Nov. 8, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER I About People You Know! | I--------- N ■ W • ___________ M ■ W • A / 4 • Mi and Mis Al Hlierard spent Hunduy ut Aslilund visiting their duughtcr, Mrs. Wayburn Kenyon, and family. • Mrs Roy Purr called on Mrs Ray Is-wis Wednesday aftemoon. • Mis Hurry Lowe of Hums Val­ ley wus u business caller here Wednesday. • Junior Hamilton, son of Mr and Mis Sum Hamilton, enlisted in the United Htatcs army. He left for Portland Sunday night. • Mi and Mrs. Euton and Mrs. Lyle Tame journeyed to Rogue River Bunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Rupe, it being Mis Rupe's 93rd birthday. Mr Rupe, whose birthday occurs the same week, was also taken into consideration. Ho is IMi years old. Refreshments of ice cream, cake and coffee were served in the uf- ternoon. Those present were Mr. and Mis I(: i | h \ Mr und Mrs. Eat on and Mrs. Tame of Talent, and Mr. and Mrs. Holister of Rogue River. Mr. and Mrs Rupe were former residents of Talent. • Mrs. John Hamilton returned to her home at Tuie Lake after •pending u few days visiting rela­ tives and friends here. • Mrs. Roy Estes spent the week­ end in Asplund ut the home of Mr und Mrs. Clarence Homes who op­ erate the Texaco service station ■i..utii of the normal school Mr and Mrs Homes were on a vaca­ tion in Eugene. • Roy Parr wus a business visitor in Medford Sat unlay morning. • E. C. I»ng of Ixsi Angeles was a guest of his brother, Chsrles Lung, and family last week, • Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Newland of Sprague River wrn- WMk rnd guests at the home of Mr. New­ land's parents. Mr. and Mrs George Newland. • Mr and Mrs Will Childers en­ tertained at dinner Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Charles Estes of Cres­ cent City, Mrs Edith Cochran and Mr und Mrs George Holt of Bend who were enroute to San Francis­ co where Mr Holt will be employ­ ed. Mrs Holt was formerly Esther Cochran. • Mr and Mrs Charles Estes re­ turned to their home in Crescent City Sunday after a week’s visit in the valley. • J Hendrickson made a business trip to Medford Monday. • Many graduates of the Talent high school attended the homecom­ ing Friday 'rhe Talent high school six man football team won over Eagle Point 28-13. • Mr und Mrs J D. Sampson of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hamilton Thursday. • Members of the Talent accord­ ion band, under direction of Mrs. Harry Prentice of Medford, at­ tended the school carnival and pro- gram given ut Sama Valley school hist Friday evening. • Mr. and Mrs Wayne Cowdrey called on Mr and Mrs. Anchor Fems at Fems Valley Sunday af­ temoon. • HILTS NEWS • (laughters of Medford were guests .Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Modeen. • Miss Marilyn Christlisb, who is attending the university of Ore­ gon, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben H (Thristlleb Marilyn is majoring in athletics at the university. • Mr and Mrs Olson made a business trip to Medford last Hat urday. • Ix’Roy Ayers, who is-in the OCC camp at Tiller, «[writ Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Ayers, • Melvin Thompson, who has been spending some time with Mr and Mrs. George Thompson, left for his home Monday M Ukiah Calif He is a brother of George Thomp­ son and has been employed in a lumber mill near Ashland. • Dale Williams is spending sev­ era) days at his home here izile has been in southern California for the past several weeks and plans to return iron. • Aunt Jane McCoy of Ashland spent several days this week with Bellview friends. • Meric Talent spent last week with Bellview friends and with relatives in Klamath Fails. Merle is working in a lumber camp near Astoria. • Harry Farmer of Nubieber. Calif., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Farmer. —•------------- • Bellview Grange met Tuesday evening. Election of officers was held with the following results: Master, Victor York; lecturer, Mrs. Ada Byrd; steward, Ray In- low; assistant steward, Henry IJndsay; chaplain. Mrs Elsie Da­ vis; treasurer, Mrs Kil Gowland; secretary, Mrs Minnie C. Henry; gate keeper, Ross Applegate; ceres, Cecil York; pomona, Ix>tt Williams; flora, Bertha Wallis; LAS, Mama Byrd, and pianist, Altn Nichols At the Clone of the evening refreshments were served by the hosts. • Mr und Mrs Carl Henry and Mrs Vai Inkrw attended the state grange conference at Central Point Thursday afternoon and eve­ ning. • Mr and Mrs. Donald Korth ind Jimmie of Burney, Calif , vis- tori last week-end at th<* home Mr and Mrs W. O. Martin and I H Williams • Mrs Floyd Clark of Harbor, visited last week with her sister. Miss Ijottie Beswick • Mr and Mrs. Con Austin of Ashland visited with Bellview I friends Sunday evening. I • Miss Oia May Grimm was con­ Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar futed to her home last week with illness. Holy Communion 8 a. m. • Earl Hamilton was in Klamath Church school 9:30 a. m. Falls transacting business this Sermon and Holy Communion Week 11 a m Bishop I Jagwell will be • Mrs Floyd Carter of Klamath present and preach the sermon and Falls spent Tuesday with her hus­ confirm a class band aad friends here She return- ; Wednesday, Holy Communion cd Tuesday evening. While here 9:30 a. m du- i ast her vote Choir will meet Friday, 7:30 p. • Tile election board serving the m Bellview precinct Tuesday included You are cordially invited to wor­ Fred Homes, chairman, Mrs Ed­ ship with us. win Dunn, Floyd Carter, Wade: ------------- •------------- Wallis and Herman Helm On the counting board were Mrs Mark True, Mrs Clarice Anderson, Geen Inlow, Albert Arnold and Mrs Walter Hash I)r. George W. Bmcr, Minister • The Bellview extension unit met in an all-dny meeting last Friday. Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. Mrs. Vai Inlow and Mrs Laura Montgomery demonstrated the m. Allen McGee, superintendent. COOktag <>f fowls. A nice turkey Every child should be In Sunday was cooked und served at noon schixtl each Sunday, for this is the and each lady attending took a only instituUon giving its entire covered dish. Next meeting will be time and energy to spiritual train-. ><•< G Ix-sson No 1! on desserts ing. Morning sermon at 11. subject, made from Oregon products will tie the main topic Mrs. James • Hope for the World." The adult Metcalfe and Mrs. Chester Apple- choir will sing an anthem appro­ ■Bte Will ba iMSteMM It being In priate for Armistice Sunday. The Epworth and Wesley Leag­ December, the social hour will be devoted to gift exchange, no gift ues meet at 6:30 p m. for worship. The evening sermon is at 7:30 to cost more than 25 cents. • Mix« DOVOtlMa Applegate was o'clock, subject, "The Scriptural complimented with a shower dur­ Woodpecker." The young people's ing the social hour at Grange choir, under direction of Mrs Cora Tuesday evening The bride elect Bruce, will sing the anthem, "Why received a number of appropriate Not Say Yes Tonight?" (Ullenas). Here is something to think gifts. • MI m Susan Sikes ■pent the about: "Knowledge shall be done week-end with her mother. Mrs away, and what you do shall be written on the records of a tran­ Grace Sikes • Mr and Mrs Arthur B Myers sient world, but what you are is and daughter of Medford spent as eternal as God himself. Prayer meeting Wednesday eve-1 Saturday with Mr. and Mrs George Thompson and Mr. Myers ning at 7:30 o’clock. The book of helped with the work on the Revelations is being studied. ------------- •------------- Thompson home. They are doing quite a lot of remodeling and put­ • Subscribe for The Miner today. ting on a new roof. Mrs Myers and Mrs Thompson are sisters. • A birthday party was given Sunday aftemoon for Beryl Flynn The aftemoon was spent in play­ NON-CANCELLABLE, NON- ing games. The guest list included PRO-RATABLE Health and Joan Helm, Rosemary Ring. Edna Accident Insurance Moore, Margaret Walker and Also Life, Automobile and Fire guest of honor. Beryl Flynn, who Insurance received a number of gifts. At the close of the aftemoon refresh­ ments were served the young On the Plaza guests. Trinity Ep scopal Church Methodist Episcopal Church DEPENDABLE • Victor Zanotto, age 1», Yreka high school student, passed away at the Yreka General hospital Fri­ day morning and leaves to mourn his ¡tossing his mother, two sis­ ters and two brothers, a number of near relatives and a host of friends. Funeral services were held Monday morning at the Cath­ • Mr and Mrs. A. R. Mavel and olic church in Yreka with Father O’Connor officiating and inter­ ment was made in the Catholic cemetery, Pail bearers were hi« neighbors and classmates, Ray- mond Coleman, Sam Dunaway Jr., Gildo Cervellin, Billy Gran. Ernest I nitro and Audomar De Clerck Arthur Bauman wits flag bearer. A large crowd attended the serv­ ices an dthe floral offerings were i beautiful. • The Christmas chest is now oomjpletud and on display at the Fruit Growers Supply company store, and tickets are now on sale to raise money for the community Christmas tree candles, etc. • Mr. and Mrs. W A Gran and Horton Geroy were in Yreka Mon­ day evening. • Mrs. Olive Allison motored to Medford Friday. • Only five of Hilt’s registered voters failed to go to the polls And There Will Be Plenty Tuesday. M. T. BURNS < ; 4 She’s got that extra some­ thing that it takes to put it over. Possibly she gets that sparkling brilliance from drinking MILK! CLOVER LEAF A DAIRY Phono 6782 DIAL 7021—FOLK DELIVERIES DAILY STORE CLOSED MONDAY! * POTATOES—100 pounds US No. 1’s $1.09 FLOUR—Drifted Snow 49’s $1.59 HAMS—Swift Ovenized Skinned | or whole lb 21c SWEET POTATOES—5 pounds 14c LETTUCE Sc OREGON MILK—3 ■ 19e 25c BANANAS—pound - Sc COFFEE PEL KfMiCE— Bunch Vegetables, 3 - 10c PUMPKIN-No. 2| - 9c CAULIFLOWER 9c TENDER SWEET— CORN-3 for 22c Log Cabin Syrup Large .................................. 29c Small.................................... 17c » «4 *■-. I* ’* SMITH QUALITY— 22c PEAS—3 for - ROYAL CLUB— SPINACH—No. 2| 13e 47C MECO CATSUP - 10c z. CRISCO—3 lbs 0-K SOAP— 6 for 2Sc BORENE-large 29C Vita Food Dog Food 6 - 25c TASTY— Salad Dressing—qt 19c ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas Royal Club Whole Kernel Corn isc 15C Royal Club Hominy—No. 2|, 2 for Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| - - ■ Royal Club Coffee—per pound - - Royal Club Pears—No. 2| - 17C 24c Royal Club Apricots—No. 2| 23C I s 5 If! 1 « i/ P* íM V r _ is ('DONE Ä 14 Ll'lc « .» I •» % / 1 1 KtT PHONE 4771 / g::: When washday and bad weather come to­ gether, your safest and wisest course will be to send your laundry bundle to us. Our rough dry service relieves you of washing labor and also of most of the iron­ ing that follows. It is inexpensive and truly sanitary. Try it! ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO PHONE 7771 y . •» of That Kind For Some Time to Come Betty Always Wins! 11 I > WEATHER UNSETTLED A QUART EACH DAY Page 5 81 WATER STREET 'For the Ideal washday, Just call, That’s all.” GUARANTEED MEATS AT A SAVING! ROUND STEAKS ¡ SPeC¡3] SIRLOIN STEAKS I Per Pound a. SMOKED BEEF TONGUES-per pound 20c SMOKED PORK CHOPS-per pound 29C PORK SAUSAGE— 2 pounds for 25c BUY MEAT FOR A DOUBLE HOLIDAY—WE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY! These Prices Good for Saturday and Tuesday « \J