Friday, Nov. 8, 1940 ? Household Neius . I’| /(QÜanjr- SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 For delicious >1 ‘•VF MX AFTER THE FOOTBALL GAME See Recipes Below. 4 pantry raids... food- for-the-lead . ; . jusf heat and eat...economical.. .healthful... order, today, from your grocer. 'HÏ.Phillips' squandered a shameful amount of your clothes allowance, but it will in reality cost very little. This is an extremely easy de­ sign to make—the jacket is cut in two pieces and seamed on the shoulders; the nightie requires merely two long seams and a few gathers. TIIE DICTATOR AT HOME Dictator (returning home after a bumptious day)—Hail! Wife- Hail my eye! Remember you're not at the chancellery now. Dictator -Do you reulize to whom you are speaking? Wife—I'm the only person who does! • • Dictator (still unable to shake off the dictator mood)—My smoking jacket, please! Wife- You know where It is. don’t you? Dictator-Get it for me at once, Ella. Wife—Get it yourself You’re no cripple. Dictator—I warn you. you are ex­ hausting my patience. Wife—Aw, cut out that line. TOOts! Dictator (wincing)—Toots! Wife—You never used to object to me calling you that. Dictator—That was away back be­ fore I . . . before, I, er . . . Wife- Before you got al) those uni­ forms, emblems and Ideas for salutes. You were a nice boy in If you are entertaining the crowd erately slow oven (325 degrees) for after the game, you'll find substan­ about 50 minutes. tial refreshments in favor; for the Chocolate Peppermint Frosting. same crisp air that puts football 2 squares unsweetened chocolate players on their toes breeds keen Itk cups (1 can) sweetened con­ appetites densed milk It’S good ■nel»! strategy to ar- 8 marshmallows (cut in quarters) range everything buffet style and let Few drops oil of pc,'«rmInt those days. Little did I ever dream the guests help themselves. You'll Melt chocolate in top of double want a table that boiler. Add sweetened condensed you'd turn out like this. Dictator—There you go belittling is festive, easy to milk, stir over rapidly boiling water me again! handle, and yet 5 minutes, or until the mixture thick­ Wife—I’m not belittling you. casual. You may ens. Add marshmallows, and stir Dictator—Yes you are. (He lights even want to set until they • begin to melt. Remove up card tables in from heat and add peppermint Cool. ■ cigar.) • o the living room to Spread on cold cake. This frosting muke your guests covers tops of 2 Winch layers or top Wife (sternly)—Put out that nickel comfortable after and sides of loaf cake generously, stogie! You know better than to they have helped or about 24 cup cakes. smoke in the living room. themselves from the buffet. Dictator—I'll smoke where I wish. Vanilla Ice (.-■ m. Nutural colored linen, or rough This is my house. (Makes 1 quart) homespun cloth will make a smart Wife—Lissen, you either put that 2 cups milk background for your serving table, roman candle out or you go out on 1 eup sugar Candles are often used very effec- the back porch and smoke it. And 2 tablespoons flour tively. when serving buffet style, for no back talk! ¥« teaspoon salt they add both atmosphere and light. Dictator (who knows when he is 2 egg yolks (well beaten) If you double as hostess and chief licked)—Oh. all right, but 1 want it 2 teaspoons vanilla extract rook, you'll enjoy the game twice as understood that my action is not to 1 cup whipping cream , much if you plan a menu that can be misinterpreted as a sign of weak­ Scald milk, reserving H cup. Mix ness. I am not establishing a prece­ be prepared beforehand. Sandwich makings and a hot steaming bever­ and blend the sugar, flour, and salt, dent I know my rights and . , . age are a wise choice. Then wind and mix to a smooth paste with the Wife—Aw, Joe, pipe down! You up the feast with ice cream and cold milk which was reserved Add sound so silly. this mixture to the scalded milk and chocolate cake. • • cook, stirring constantly until thick, Frankfurter Nandwich. Dictator — I resent your studied at­ Boll or steam largo frankfurt­ in a double boiler for 15 minutes. tempts to undermine my self-confi­ Add egg yolks which have been well ers until tender beaten and codk, stirring constantly, dence. It’s not very nice of you. and juicy Slice Wife—You've got me wrong. Joe. 3 minutes longer. Add vanilla and thin on white or All I want you to understand is that chill. Fold in the whipping cream rye bread and which has been whipped, place in you can't get away with all that serve with mus­ ice cream freezer and freeze, using boss of the universe stuff with me. tard sauce and I knew you when. 3 parts Ice to 1 part rock salt. hot potato salad Dictator—You ought to be proud Nausagrs In Pastry Blankets. with Garnish of me. • (Makes 8 sausage rolls) pickle. Wife—Why? !*A cups flour Hot Potato Salad. Dictator—Look what I’ve done! ■-* teaspoon salt (Serves fl) Look where I've risen! And all on ¥4 teaspoon baking powder my own ability. « medium-sized potatoes *4 cup shortening Wife—Gee, but you’ve got a 4 slices bacon (minced) 3 tablespoons cold water (approxi­ swelled head. Don’t I get any cred­ 1 medium-sized onion (sliced) mately) it? Who designed that emblem? I 2 tablespoons bacon drippings 8 pork sausages Who thought up that color did. ¥« cup water Sift together the flour, salt and scheme for the shirts? Me. Who H cup vinegar baking powder. Blend in the short­ sat up with you night after night 1 teaspoon sugar W teaspoon salt ening. Then add studying history and trying to point V« teaspoon pepper just enough water out Napoleon’s mistakes? Dictator—Have we got to go over to form a dough, Cook potatoes In jackets. Cool, mixing lightly. all that again? You helped me. I skin, and slice. Pan broil minced Roll out and cut admit. But I had to have brains. bacon, then saute onion in bacon Wife—Baloney. Al) you 1 had to into 8 oblong drippings until brown. Combine and pieces, each suffi­ have was a radio and your nerve. heat water, vinegar, sugar, salt, and • • ciently large to pepper. Add to mixture in frying wrap around one Dictator—Let's not argue, Is my pan. and mix with potatoes. Place link of sausage. steak ready? in bnking dish and heat in moderate Place individual Wife — What makes you think oven (350 degrees) before serving. sausages (well pricked) on individ­ you're getting steak? s Fgg Meringue Surprise Sandwich. ual pieces of pastry; fold ends over Dictator—I told you I wanted (Serves 6) and roll up. Place folded side down steak tonight fl slices bread on a baking sheet. Prick crust with Wife—So what? You're getting ¥« cup butter (melted) a fork. Bake in a hot oven (425 de­ cold roast beef. ¥« pound sharp cheese grees) for about 30 minutes. Serve Dictator—I will not have my or- fl eggs very hot. ders ignored with impunity. 1 will Salt and pepper not be treated so contemptuously. 6 slices bacon I will not permit my authority to be Trim slices of bread and brush disrespected. Better Baking. one side with melted butter. Place Wife—If you knew how funny you buttered side down on a cookie The smell of baking cookies looked talking that way. you'd cut sheet. Cut cheese into strips about and cakes will soon be permeat­ it out. Toots. Vs inch In thickness. Arrange them, ing the house. Fruit cakes will Dictator—Don’t call me Toots. Do side by side, or fence-like on the be baked, packed and stored you know what millions of people bread. Separate eggs and drop one carefully, until the time they are are calling me? They are calling egg yolk in the center of each slice to be used for gifts. "Better Bak­ me t!.eir hope, their idol, their peer­ of bread. Sprinkle with salt and ing" includes fruit cake recipes less leader! pepper. Whip egg whites until stiff which have been thoroughly test­ Wife—Yeah. And do you remem­ and dry. and pile high on top, com­ ed in Miss Howe's own kitchens. ber what the boys used to call pletely covering the egg and cheese. This cook book also contains back in your boyhood days? Cut the slices of bacon into halves many good cookie recipes, from Dictator—What? and place two halves on each sand­ old-fashioned Ginger Cookies to Wife—Peewee! wich right across the egg white. Fudge Drops. e Place in moderate oven (.350 de­ If you are planning on giving Dictator—This is too much, grees) and bake for 10 to 15 min­ cookies and fruit cakes to your go down to the palace where utes, or until the egg white is brown friends as gifts, it will be wise to boys respect me for what I am. and the bacon Is crisp. write for "Better Baking” now. Wife—Okay, as long as you don't Silver Cake. Start your baking early, and bring 'em up here. (Makes 1 loaf cake) avoid the last minute rush. You • • • may secure your copy of this ¥i cup butter "Eight types of Near Beer Being cook book by writing to "Better 1 Mi cups granulated sugar Tried in Germany.”—Headline. So Baking" care of Eleanor Howe, 2% cups cake flour (sifted) that is victory! 019 North Michigan Avenue, Chi­ 3 teaspoons baking powder cago, Illinois, and enclosing 10 ¥4 teaspoon salt CAN YOU REMEMBER— cents in coin. 1 cup milk Away back when the word "de­ 1 teaspdon vanilla extract (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) fense” generally referred to foot­ 4 egg whites (stiffly beaten) ball? • • • Cream butter, add sugar and beat Tip on Molasses well. Sift the flour, baking powder Marshal Petain is for a back- Before measuring molasses for and salt togother. and add to sugar to-thc-farm movement. The Man and butter mixture. Mix well, and recipes dip the cup or spoon in hot With the Hoch. water and the molasses will turn • • • place In refrigerator. When desired for use, remove mixture from re­ out more quickly. ALLIANCE frigerator. Break up lumps with Three howling dogs got out one day fork. Add milk and vanilla, and Test for Custard Into such blustery weather beat until mixture is smooth and Baked custards should be tested That lest they be blown off the map creamy. Then fold in the stiffly beat­ with a knife. When knife comes out They tied their tails together. en egg whites. Pour into greased of the center of custard clean, then H. Langeler. loaf cake tin, and bake in a mod- it is done. • • • Barbara Bell Pattern No 1228 B is signed for sizes 14. 18, 18. 20; 40 and Corresponding bust measurements 32. 38. 38. 40 and 42. Slza 18 (34) requires 6*,s yards of 30-lnch material without nap Just out! Be among the first to enjoy it! Barbara Bell's new Fashion Book, with more than 100 new designs. Send 15c for it now! Plan your whole wardrobe this easy, budget-saving way, and revel In having individual versions of new styles that you won't see elsewhere! Pattern, 15c: Pattern Book. 15c. One Pattern and Pattern Book ordered to­ gether, 25c. Send order to: SEWING CERC1.B PATTERN DEPT. 14* New Montgomery Ave. San Francisco Calif. Enclose 15 cent* In coins for Pattern No Namo Address Van (amp's Porko nd BEANS Feast-for - the - Least Tight Place When you get into a tight place, and everything goes against you, till it seems as it you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that’s just the place and time that the tide will turn.—Harriet Beecher Stowe. Jlsk Me Another A General Quiz The Questions LI ERE’S real lullaby luxury, for 4 * yourself and the lucky friends to whom you give it—this bedtime ensemble comprising a high- waisted nightie that's lovely as a dance frock, and a sweet little bed jacket. Send for design No. 1228- B, and make it up in fine, sheer batiste, chiffon, georgette or—if the cold wind sweeps through your bedroom—of challis or albatross. It will look as though you had Texas Under 6 Flags Texas has lived under six dif­ ferent flags — French, Spanish, Mexican. Texas Republic, Confed­ erate and United States. First flag to fly over the area that is now Texas and parts of New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming was the French tricolor, from 1684 to 1763. In 1687 the Spanish began to gain control and from 1763 to 1821 it was under the Spanish flag. Mex­ ico gained her independence from Spain in 1821 and from then until 1836 Texas was under the Mexican flag. Then Texas revolted and from 1836 to 1845 it was under the flag of the Texas Republic. The Texas Republic w’as admit­ ted to the Union as a state in 1845. During the Civil war Texas flew the Confederate flag —Pathfinder. 1. How long is the time from new moon to new moon? 2. What is the largest cave in the world? 3. Were other colored lights than red and green as stop and go sig­ nals respectively ever used? 4. Where is the mountainous dis­ trict known as the Riff? 5. What is a chromosphere? 6 What baseball pitcher holds the record for the number of games won during his major league career? 7. Is prayer an inseparable part of all religious worship? 8. What does a Scotchman mean by a brae? Be a Pattern Be a pattern to others, and then all will go well; for as a whole The Answers city is infected by the licentious passions and vices of great men, 1. Twenty-nine days, 12 hours, so it is likewise reformed by their 44.05 minutes. moderation. 2. The Mammoth cave in Ken­ tucky is the largest. It contains more than 200 miles of galleries. “Only Medicine I Ever Used 3. As lpte as 1925 street traffic and now I’m 811 Kept ADLERIKA on hand the past 27 years.” (O. G.- lights on Fifth avenue. New York Tex.) ADLERIKA contains 3 laxa­ city, flashed yellow for “start,” tives for quick bowel action, with 5 red for “caution,” and green for carminatives to relieve gas pains. Get “stop.” ADLERIKA today. 4. Morocco. AT YOUR DRUG STORK 5. A gaseous layer surrounding the sun. Sans Character 6. Cy Young, with 511 victories. Nobody is truly unassailable un­ 7. The 150,000 Druses of Syria never pray, believing that it would til his character is gone. be both presumptious and imper­ tinent to ask the Creator to con­ sider their own personal needs and wishes. 8. The slope of a hillside. When you take Smith Brothen Cough Drops, you get Vitamin A at no extra cost. Smith Brothers-Black or Meat hoi-st ill co« only 54. Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A Vitamin A (Caroteoe) raises the resistance of mucous membranes of nose and throat to cold infections, «hen lack of resist­ ance is due to Vitamin A deficiency. lore«»» orte b«»( located hotel 1000 ROOMS . 1000 BATHS $4 eno pa«tM,$4 twopanoa« SkANAOUtfNT DAN L LONDON HOTEL ST. FRANCIS UNION SQUARE Joy the Mainspring Joy is the mainspring in the whole round of everlasting nature; joy moves the wheels of the great timepiece of the world; she it is that loosens flowers from their buds, suns from their firmaments, rolling spheres in distant space Go Around seen not by the glass of the astron­ Better go around than fall into omer.—Schiller. the ditch. YES, SIR,SLOW BURNING IS THE GOOD WORD IN CIGARETTES. CAMELS ARE EXTRA MILD THAT EXTRA FLAVOR IN CAMELS IS THE REALTHING FOR STEADY SMOKING EXTRA mildness EXTRA coolness EXTRA FLAVOR In recent laboratory tests, CAMELS burned 25% deu’er than the average of the 15 other of the largest-selling brands tested — slower than »ny of them. That means, on the av­ erage, a smoking equal to 5 extra smokes PER PACKI GET THE EXTRAS” WITH SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS i