Friday, Nov. I, 1940 7 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER I (DI Paqe ,7 101 Crochet Table Cloth Of Peacock Plumes THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young | BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA —Vincent la Getting Pretty Big to Play With Toys ' Pattern 6757. DEGINNERS, make an impres- *-* sion with your handiwork! Thin medallion, Peacock Plumes, so easy to crochet, will make you as proud as the peacocks who in­ spired it. • • • fl Pattern 8757 contains instructions for making medallions; illustration of them and stitches; photograph of medallions; materials needed. Send order to; Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. 82 Eighth Ave. New York Enclose 13 cents In coins for Pat­ tern No Name Address By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP—No Bridge, No Crossing VJMA35A RUÔH, ^SOLDIER TUA FOE ,s> O4A&IN ENEMV TOOK THA ßRlDGE-AN RAN AVXAV WITH IT ONLY lc A TABLET TO EASE PAIN OF NEURITIS«# With Genuine Bayer Aspirin Oh, Is That All? MESCAL IKE By J. MILLAR WATT POP— No Kidding Get this Famous Quick Relief today without thought of price We feature the fact that Bayer As­ pirin costs only lc a tablet, to drivo home the point that there’s no reason even for the most budget- minded person to accept anything less than genuine fast-acting Bayer Aspirin. For at the most, it costs but a few pennies to get hours of relief from the pains of neuritis, rheuma­ tism or headache ... and get it with all the speedy action for which Bayer Aspirin is world-famous. Try this way once and you’ll know almost instantly why people everyw here praise it. It has rapidly replaced expensive “pain remedies6 in thousands of cases. Always ask for genuine “Bayer Aspinn” by its full name when you buy . . . never ask for “aspirin” alone. Demand BAYER ASPIRIN Cunning Fool A cunning woman is a knavish fool. NOSE PICKER? SPENDTHRIFT Little Sandy arrived home from school completely out of breath. His father asked him what was the mat- ter. "I ran al) the way home behind a streetcar and saved a nickel.” Sandy replied proudly. "Not bad. my boy—not bad!” said his father. "But why didn’t you run home behind a taxi and save a quar­ ter?” First Course Proprietor—Didn’t the waiter give you a menu, sir? Neglected Patron—Certainly; I ate that an hour ago. THE SPORTING THING A1KMSrnONC It may be just a nasty habit, but sometimes nose picking Is a sign of something nastier It may nu-an that your child has round tcormj -especially if there am other symp­ toms. such as fidgeting, finicky appetite, rustless sleep and itching in certain parts. Many mothers don’t realize how easy It Is to "catch" this dreadful infection and how many children have It. If you even suspect that uour child has round worms, Iet JAYNE S VERMIFl GF. right awayl »rive uut those ugly, crawling things before they can grow and cause serious distress. JAYNE’S VERMIFUGE is the beet known worm expellant in America. It Is backed by modern scientific study and has been used by millions for over a century. JAYNE S VERMIFUGE has the ability to drive out largo round worms, yet it tastes good and acts gently. It does not contain santonin. If there are no worms It works merely as a mild laxative. Ask for JAYNE'S \ ER-MI-FUGEatany drugstore. FREE: Valuable medical book, ‘‘Worms Living Inside I You." Write to Dept. Mg. Dr D. Jayne A Sun. 2 VlneSt., Philadelphia. WNU-^13 44 40 Must Have Been III "Where have you been for last four or five years?” "At the ’varsity, taking medicine. "And are you quite better now?" Nothing Lasts Forever “Does your wife tell you every­ thing?” “She probably will if we live long enough I” —that will save you many a dollar will escape you if you fail to read carefully and regularly the advertising of local merchants