Page 6 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Nov. 1, 1940 T7 F arm Bq B en A mes W illiams SYNOPSIS T opics BCM AMffi WlUJAH', W • «J. Ssrv I C c- kick of her feet thrust herself up- ward, swung one leg over the gun­ • wale. clambeied in. Ttie mate said: "Here's my coat. Miss Doncaster." When they came alongside, the > rail was lined above them. A sailor • gave Mary a hand up. cupping her • foot in his palm, and Captain Keen i reached down to help her. On deck. Mrs. Gale had a long coat to put : around the girl. Mrs Gale said: "Run and change. Mary.” But the girl stayed a mo­ ment to be sure George was all right. They were rigging a whip to hoist him aboard, since he was still too weak from the shock of his im­ mersion to help himself. The mate and the sailors watched him grave­ ly. Mary, understanding that he would not want her to see him thus, went below, leaving him to other hands. George even when he was safe on deck was barely able to stand. John Gale said to him: • Well. It s lucky for you Miss Doncaster was aboard.” "Yes. I'd have drowned. Where is she?" "In her cabin, changing." "1 want to thank her.” "Later, The first thing is dry clothes for you, and a noggin of | faction, “I think that's the first question I ever heard you ask.” she George McAusland was M years old declared. "Yes. of course I do. After DICTATOR'S MENU when he sailed from America to under­ all. I've only been away eight or take his post as a missionary in the Fiji ( ' 'Correspondents could see Islands A crime he had committed in a nine years " dictators dining in the train, fit of excitement had shattered all his "You seem glad to come back." could not see what they were confidence tn himself He (elt forced to avoid pretty Mary Doncaster, who board­ "Of course! I'm coming back to ing."—News Item ) ed the ship at Honolulu She was en m.v home, is my father and moth- route to visit her parents, who were Benito—I'll bet they’d like to know er! This is where I live, really. I missionaries on Gilead Island. Mary whnt we're eating. was attracted by George'a attempts to just went away to school, you know. Adolf—Public curiosity is a queer •void her. By C. B WILLIAM* I lived with my aunt in New Bed­ thing. (Haad. N. C Stall Ctllfit Agronomy ford. Aunt Patty Hanline. Uncle Dfpnimfitt) Benito—Maybe we should an­ Tom was away all the time; only nounce the menu. CHAPTER I—Continued Legumes plus proper fertilization came home twice. He's mate on Adolf—Let 'em guess. What kind hold the key to fertile, productive the Venturer. Cap'n Corr's whaler." of soup is this? soils. "So you're sorry for that poor George echoed: "A whaler?" He Benito—English beef soup. The most practical method in young man?" John Gale asked. said with a strong distaste: "Cork- Adolf (indignantly) — Now look building up the productive power of “Yes," said Mary. He’d be nice ran’s told me stories about the here . . . Boils culls fur the proper growth and if he didn’t think he had to be so whalers, the whaleships. They’va Benito—You’ll like it. I had two handling of suitable lcg\ime crops in severe! And when I speak to him. he ruined these islands." Englishmen boiled in it especially rotation with properly fertilized ma­ jumps as though I’d stuck a pin in jor crops. "Whalers aren't so bad. him. Mrs. Gale says he wants to New for you. Adolf (skeptically)—You and who The mere growing of legumes does talk to me and doesn't know how. Bedford's full of them, The Ven- not assure added fertility unless He'd feel so much better if he just turer is a fine ship. I know Cap'n else? these crops are handled properly. did.” Corr, His sons are mates aboard Benito—You’ll like the fish course. If the legumes are removed from "You think he does want to talk her. I knew them both in New Bed- Adolf—What kind of fish? the field, leaving on the land only to you?" ford, Peter was in the same school Benito—Brenner Pass pickerel the stubble and roots, their use in "Of course! Why shouldn’t he? I'm with me; and Richard too, for a Adolf—I thought we were going to this manner alone will prove a delu­ young, and pretty, and friendly, and whilig years ago. He went to sea nice; and he's not nearly as old as as cabin boy first, and then came have man-eating shark. I love iL sion so far as being an effective he thinks he is. You watch him, home and came to school for two Some of my best friends are man- means of increasing the producing sometime, when I’m talking with years, and then went fourth mate eating sharks. What about that Suez power of the soil in ■ permanent way is concerned. Joseph Neargood.” with his father again.” Her eyes shad I asked you to get? Effective methods of increasing Benito—Ahem. It was out of sea- were dancing, amused at his ex­ They heard a cry forward, and the fertility of soils must be those pression. "I thought Richard was son. Mary leaped past the old man to that will leave the soil at the end of pretty wonderful, and Peter too. of look overside. George McAusland Adolf—Now for the meat course. each year fairly well supplied with somehow had fallen off the stage, course. Richard was so shy he hard­ thoroughly decomposed orgunic mut­ ly looked at me. but I worshiped What is it? had toppled into the sea. ter and an increasing umount of him. You know how little girls are." • Benito—Lamb. "He can't swim!” Mary Doncas- rcudily available plant foods. Thia Adolf (excitedly) — Lamb! Lamb ter exclaimed, The old minister “I'm afraid 1 don't know much will be the effect which the proper for Adolf Hitler? heard the hiss of tom garments: about little girls.” I growth and hundling of Jcgumes will and, an instant later, she stepped She smiled. "Or big ones, either, have on the land out of her skirts and petticoats, and do you, Mr. McAusland." she chai- Anyone at all familiar with the —slim and white in less encumber­ | lenged; and then she told him quick- simple principles of soil manage­ ing apparel—vaulted easily over the I ly: "But maybe you'll see them. ment knows that fertility cannot be rail into the sea. Richard and Peter, I mean. Cap’n maintained when the crops removed The deck was a scurry of activity. Corr promised to put in at Gilead take off the land more plant foods John Gale kept his eye fixed on to see my father and mother on than arc returned to it That's why this voyage. Mother's Uncle Tom’s these two dark spots that were it's so important to turn under some heads, in the vast waste of ocean, sister. Maybe we'll find them at Benito—I ordered lion, of course. of the legumes. Gilead when we get there. I hope But there was some mistake. I feel hidden as they dipped into the The best time to apply ground trough between great swells, lifting so." as out of place with lamb as you do. limestone Is from three months to on the crests again into his view. He asked in curiously thick tones: Adolf—Take it away! It’s a won­ one year before seeding legumes. "Why? Because you want to see der you don’t serve breast of dove. This gives the stone sufficient time « your uncle again?” Benito—How about a little turkey? to contact acid in the soil particles CHAPTER II Adolf—I’ve been after that all and counteract it. "I want to see them all. of ve g The application of lime to culti­ course,” she said. At the moment when Mary Don­ vated land should be made after Benito—Do you care for tripe? caster leaped overboard. George He said, after a moment, almost Adolf—It depends on who prepares plowing, and the material should be was almost directly below her. She wistfully: “Fve never known young mixed with the topsoil. Little bene­ jumped wide of the vessel’s side in men. My brothers were a lot older it Benito—Well, if anybody can pre­ fit may be expected if lime Is plowed order to clear him; and when she than I." under before being properly mixed came to the surface again, the ship, ”1 know,” she assented softly. pare tripe I can. • e with the topsoil. On pastures it is towering high, was gliding smoothly “You haven't known young women Adolf — Haven't you any frogs' only necessary to scatter the lime away across the silent sea. From either, have you?” on lop of the sod; however, better legs? her decks shouts came back to the "No.” Benito—If anybody has frogs' legs results will be obtained If it can be girl, and she saw the splash of a She said, smiling in the darkness, you should. How about a helping worked in by light harrowing. grating thrown overboard, and knew as though he were a child: “I knew of spinach. It Is full of iron and is help would come quickly. Bat the girl stayed a moment to you wanted to be friendly with me, great for your strength. But in the meantime this helpless be sure George was all right. but you didn't quite know how.” Adolf—Spinach may be all that George McAusland had sunk, sucked “I want to be friendly with every­ it's cracked up to be. but I wish I under in the burble at the ship’s rum. You're blue with cold. Come one!" knew what vegetables those British stem. Mary swam toward the spot along." The hen that lays the golden "But specially with me, a littla, were eating. where he had disappeared, and saw George followed obediently; but egg. and lays it regularly, can • a his floundering arm break the sur­ he refused the rum. He shook with don't you?” she urged. "Only you're live as long as her less produc­ Benito (suddenly)—Ah, I forgot! face. He coughed and gasped and a teeth-chattering chill till he had sort of afraid?" tive sister, according to a five- "I don't think so!" he protested, We're having lobster. I love lob- muttered something; and she heard rubbed himself dry and glowing. year study made at the Penn­ ster. It looks so warlike. Do you the words: Then he lay down under blankets to half-resentfuL sylvania State college by Dr. "Into Thy hands . . .” "Oh, but you are,” she insisted. like it boiled or broiled? warm himself, and slept till John Dean R Marble, associate pro­ Adolf (fiercely)— I eat it shell and , She felt a hot impatience with him Gale came to rouse him for supper. “You’re afraid to do the things you fessor of poultry husbandry. all! because he did not know how to “All right?” the older man asked. want to do.” "Many poultrymen believe that Benito—Do you really like it that swim, and because he now surren­ “I thought you were probably He swung toward her as though the high mortality of laying hens dered so supinely. She cried: "Don’t asleep, needed sleep more than any­ startled; but someone spoke behind way? is due to breeding for standards Adolf—No, but it makes me seem talk so silly! You’re not going to thing.” them. of egg production which are so tough. drown! You’re all right! I’ve got Suddenly George sneezed. high that the bird's physique is “Yes, I'm fine. I’ll be along.” you. Lie stilL” weakened," Dr. Marble stated. “You'd better go below, hadn't But he was slow in dressing, Benito — Now for the dessert Do At her voice behind him, George dreading the necessity of meeting you?” she suggested. "You’ve taken "However, during a five-year pe­ you like cake? stiffened rigidly, and a little wave riod we cut the mortality of se­ Mary and of thanking her. When cold.” Adolf- Me. a cake eater! crest lapped across his face and into lected poultry In half and proved he came out into the main cabin, the He blew his nose. "I'm afraid I his open mouth, and he gagged and that we can breed longer-lived others except John Gale and the have.” They went aft together. Mrs. Benito—Do you care for raspber- revolved in the water like a croco­ poultry without any loss in egg Captain had finished supper and Gale prescribed hot lemonade, but ries? dile twisting to tear off the gout of production, egg size, or body were already on deck. "Gone to George protested that he was all Adolf-No but you and I stand a flesh in which its teeth are set He weight. Selecting and breeding watch the sunset.” the old minister right, till he sneezed again. Then swell chance of having to stand fer rolled over facing her and tried to for all these characteristics is explained. “It promised to be fine.” he consented to go below. ’em! clutch at her. She dove instantly, practical." George was relieved at this post­ • • • During the days that followed. escaping his grasp, and ruthlessly During the past decade mor­ ponement; but when he and John John Gale was pleased to see that SUMMARY BY EITHER SIDE caught his foot and pulled him un­ tality has been increasing. Dr. Gale presently went on deck—the having taken the plunge. George no 1 der water. Then she slipped up past, Marble claims. He believes that sun was gone, the sky fading fast longer avoided Mary, They were Vote for my man him, clear of his hands that were careful breeding could help to to the deep blue of night—he faced much together, as often forward as And unseat, oh, like talons, and from behind him solve the problem. his duty. Mary was in the waist on the after deck, Adolf. Josef Under Corkran's caught his collar again and drew him with Mrs. Gale. He went toward instructions they Benito, And practiced rope to the surface. them, and they saw him coming, and work and listened Satan. rickets to his tall tales, She was on guard against any sud­ Mrs. Gale asked: And all evils Mary led him to talk of whaling; den movement by George; but he “All right now?” Such as dandruff and sometimes Corkran told of now submitted, rigid as an oar. Yet "Fine,” he told her. She said bloody battles with Leviathan that And boll weevils! he was heavy, and his clothes were That crop yields decrease as soil some approving word and went aft, made George's pulse pound, and II heavy, and the grating was farther erosion increases is shown by testa leaving him alone with Mary. He sometimes he made them laugh to Moths and heartburn, away than she had thought. Before made on farms last summer by the wished to ask Mrs. Gale to stay; gether in a gleeful incredulity. Tonsilitis, she reached it, she was tired, her Soil Conservation service. turned to face Mary reluctantly. She Grippe, hay fever— heart pounding. The ship now was They sighted the tip of Gilead’s In tests made on five farms, it smiled, understanding, and said How they blight us! almost broadside to. She hoped highest peak one day as the sea cut was found that fields with less than quickly: Tyranny and boils someone aboard had had the wit to the sun’s disk in half. At dawn they 25 per cent of the topsoil gone pro­ They grieve you . . . "It ’ s all right. You needn ’ t thank keep an eye on them; and then she were close aboard, or seemed to be, duced 51 bushels of oats or 47 bush­ Vote for my man— saw a man in the rigging, pointing me.” although still ten or twelve miles els of barley per acre; fields with 25 They will leave you! "I want to,” he told her, blurting distant in their direction; and when the next to 50 per cent of the topsoil washed • • • swell lifted them, she saw a boat in out the words; and then he spoke Mary was with Captain Keen, and “The Japanese government has away yielded 42 bushels of oats or the water between them and the the phrase he had decided was most George joined them and asked ■ entered into this triple alliance for 28 bushels of barley per acre; fields ship, the oars glinting in the sun, suitable. "I owe you more than I question; and Mary said: peace and the development of the with 50 to 75 per cent of the topsoil can ever pay." racing this way like a spider. gone produced 35 bushels of oats “We'll come tn a big bay present­ world.’’—Premier Konoye. Mary smiled. “I’m glad you feel ly, with room for a hundred ships. She told George: “Hold on to the or 23 bushels of barley, and land Tweet! Tweet! grating. Don’t try to climb on it so much in debt to me. It will be It runs deep into the Island, over with more than 75 per cent of the • • • Just hold on.” His fingers clutched fun to have you try to pay. Be two miles, and there’s a small is­ topsoil washed away yielded only Representative Starnes of the Dies the edge, and she released him and very nice to me, won’t you?” But land in the mouth of the bay, 23 bushels of oats and 17 bushels of then she relented, seeing his em­ so there are really two ways in. committee says more than 600 Bund barley. moved away out of his reach. members or sympathizers, all He said humbly: "I can’t swim.” barrassment, and said quickly: “It The bay narrows all the way to "There is an evident relation I could the beach at the inner end. You’ll aliens, are known to have jobs in shown hefe between topsoil losses She laughed, herself easier now. wasn’t anything, really. eastern industrial plants making "I noticed that! You’ll learn. Every­ have kept you afloat all day.” see!” Her eyes were happy with war munitions and supplies, And and crop losses," says M. A. Thor- “I’m sorry you had to . . ."He anticipation. “Father and Mother one swims in the Islands. I could finnson, soil conservationist "Sheet swim before I could walk, I think. hesitated. "Well, I mean . . . Well, will come out to meet us,” she pre­ probably the Bund attitude is that erosion removes the top, or most it ’ s pretty good, for a start. The boat’s near.” His teeth were I know how brave you were, how dicted. productive layer of the soil. With • • • chattering. “You’re not cold,” she hard it was to do what you did.” “Will they be keeping a lookout?” CANDIDATE FOR FIRING SQUAD each inch that washes away, there said. “That’s just nerves. Don’t Mary frowned a little, puzzled, is left a material that is not only “Oh no, but someone will see us.” It always seems to be incredible worry, we could float like this for and then suddenly understanding. less productive, but that is more A radish is considered edible. days.” ’Oh, you mean because I took off a She pointed ahead. “That’s the en­ subject to erosion." * trance, Cap ’ n Keen. You can ’ t see —Shirley Mae Williams. She talked more and more swiftly, few petticoats?” • • • it yet, but that rock that looks like a fighting to hold him up with words; He insisted stubbornly: “I know hill with no trees on it is the island Nothin'* seems to me less valid for under her eyes strength visibly what it must have meaijt to you.” in the mouth of the bay.” •lumbers in any salad. Thai Phenothiazine, a new and power­ flowed out of him. Yet he must She touched his hand. "You’re • • • The Captain asked: "We go iu ful drug which is now being used hold on a minute more, a minute sweet; but honestly, I didn’t mind. I TOUGH GOING experimentally for treating sheep more . . . didn’t even think of it. Naturally I south of it, don’t we?” It is going to be pretty hard, it and goats for worms, has been giv­ The boat reached them. The mate couldn’t swim in a lot of petticoats." “Whichever’s easiest, according to was in the stern; two sailors at the And she said, faintly amused: “You the wind. There’» deep water ev­ seems to us, for even the Japanese ing splendid results on flocks around Columbia. Flocks that have been oars. "Take him first, Mr. Chase,” know, Mr. McAusland, you’ll have erywhere, even close in to shore. to voice a salute such as ‘.‘Heil, Yomawatcaskuo." treated twice have been doing splen­ she said quietly. “He’s tiring.” to learn to look at so many things The best holding ground is about a And both Hitler and Mussolini didly. It takes about flve days after They hauled George McAusland differently on the Islands; to learn mile this side of the beach.” will look silly wielding a Japanese treatment to clean the animals of over the gunwale, and he collapsed new ways." Captain Keen nodded. Mary went worms, and all worms are killed, in the bottom of the boat between "I hope instead of—learning their forward, George with her; and she fan. • • • except possibly some tapeworms. the oarsmen and the mate. “I’ll ways, I can teach them ours. Do pointed out to him things familiar Major Quisling is designing a net' Even the nodule worm«, which are come in over the bow," she said. you remember a lot about your tn her eyes, which his could not yet flag for Norway. Some people are so bad la cheep on some farms, are The mate swung the boat and she childhood down here?" perceive. so sweet and considerate. kOM. caught the bow and with a deep She looked at him in a quick satis- (TO BE CONTINUED) LEGUMES RAISE SOIL FERTILITY CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT HOTEL ASSEMBLY NINTH A MADISON. NEATTLB Comfort«bl« Modern Hoorn« I'.iilv SI IS Weekly IS Up Coffre Shop Dining Room Nitrogen-Rich Crops Need Special Handling. I Good Laying Hens Do Not Die Young • • • • Sheet Erosion Destroys Fertility of Farm Land To froat windows make ■ very strong solution of cpsorn suits and vinegur. Apply It with a pauit brush and when it is dry go over it with white varnish if you wish it to remain on for good. \ The Pleasant Way to Correct Constipation Why let yourself tn for all Um discomfort of constipation-and then have to lake rui emergency medicine-If you can ai-oid by grttlng at the cause of th« trouble? If your difficulty. ¡Ike that of millions, la due to lack of ''bulk'' In the dirt, the "belter way'' Is to oat Kellogg's All-Bran. Thia crunchy toasted cereal-a natu­ ral food, not a medicine- baa just the "bulk'* you nerd. If you eat it every day, it will help you not only to grt regular but to keep regu­ lar, month after month, by the pleasantest means you ever knew I Eat All-Bran often, drink plenty of water, and ''Join the Regulars.1* Made by Kellogg's in Battle Creek. Bold by every grocer. If your condition la chronic, it la wise to consult a physician. Certain Wealth Not to be avuricious is money; not to be fond of buying is ■ rev­ enue; but to be content with our own is the greatest and most cer­ tain wealth of ail.—Cicero. Read This Important Message! IM you dr»»d th— "trying jmars” (IS U> M)T Ar» you pul»l moody, cranky asd NtHVOUBt Do youleer hot Ma. «wak­ ening dlny stwlbl Ar» you imlous <4 >!(»■ UotM othar womsa get? 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