Friday, Nov. 1, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER I Wakefield, Kan., who are visiting Ray Schumacher, 1 here. This is Mr. and Mrs. Kru­ first visit in Oregon. Assessor Candidate, ger's • Tlie health unit met at the of Mra. Iloy Parr Wednes­ Of ‘Pear Pie’ Fame home day afternoon. Ten ladies were Kay J. Schumacher, democratic nominae for count yaaaaaaor, in well known to reaidanta of the Anhland-Tnlrnt area, where he gained wide recognition and ap­ preciation for hl% nucccHHful work in promoting the Tlilcnt pear and Tomato eh<»w of aeveral aeaaona ago which featured the largeat |war pie in hiatory. Schumacher, who wax engaged in buainewi In Talent and who haa been in buaincaa In Jackaon county for the laat 1ft yeura, laat apring nought hla party'« nomination to the aaaeaaorahip aa hla fl rat bid for elective office, with marked aucccae. lie laiaea hla qualification« for county aaaeoaor'a dutlee on hia aucceaoful ouaineaa record, hla atudy <>f ilutlca and problem* of aaacawornhipa and hla wllllngneaa to give the office the prog renal vc attitude of younger admlnlnt rat ion Schumacher haa been conduct­ ing an active campaign and |g expected to make an imprexaive ahowlng In the general election with many otxcrvera conceding hla election aa probable. present. • 'Hie Talent school band has been outfitted with new capes and caps. • Mr and Mrs Charles Estes of Crescent Ciey, Calif., arrived Fri­ day evening to spend a week in vaiiey visiting relatives and friends. • Mr and Mix It F ParkM visit­ ed Mr and Mix Fred Hodapp near Cagle i*olnt Friday after­ noon. • Billy Breese, employed in the Klamath country, spent the week­ end at his home here. • Mr. and Mrs.-Jack Gossett of Medford were guests at the home of Mr ami Mrs. Roy Estes Sunday afternoon • Clarence Smith <>f Ross lane, Medford, called on Talent friends Saturday. • Mr ami Mrs Al Sherard and Mr. ami Mrs Jo«* Harrison attend­ ed a Townsend meeting in Med­ ford Sunday. • Delta Thompson of Ashland vis­ ited in Talent Sunday. • Mr and Mrs H O. Butterfield left Monday to visit their daugh­ nesday, Nov. 7. Special business will be brought up and all mem- liers are requested to be present. • Hatlid, Shirley and Esther Car­ rol of near Trail were business callers here Monday evening. • Jirn Brown has returned home after spending the past couple of weeks on Brush mountain. • The homecoming of the Talent hizh school will be held Friday, Nov. 1. A football game between Phoenix and Talent will be one of the features of the program of entertainment. —•--------- • Mrs Kenneth Madden and Bob- by of Klamath Falls spent last week-end here at the home of Mrs. Madden’s father, Manley Brower. • Tom Gettllng of Klamath Falls visited here last week-end at the Monday following an illness of sev­ home of his parents, Mr and Mrs eral weeks. Ed Gettllng. • Carol McCollum and Jeanette • Thelma Reed of Eugene visited Burton «¿ent last week-end with here for several days early in the friends in Eugene. week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. • George Roddick of Stockton re­ Cliff McLean cently left for his home following • Mrs Bertha Heer Monday re­ a visit here at the home of Mr. turned from a week-end trip to and Mrs. Arthur Preston. Portland for a visit with her • Captain Charles Delsman of 'laughter, Mrs. Alda Anderson. Camp Clatsop spent laat week-end • Mr and Mrs S. H. Short. Mar­ here with hia family. garet Short and Carl Brower made • Mr. and Mrs R. K. Durant and a trip to Corvallis Sunday for a Kenneth of Friant, Calif, visiter! visit with Charlotte Short who is i here Sunday at the home of Mr. a student at OSC and Mrs. Phil Bryant. • Mr and Mrs Dan Watson are • Mr. and Mrs. O. G Crawford the parents of a daughter bom and Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Dunham JBunday at the Community hoa- made a trip to Klamath Falls via pita). Yreka and Weed Sunday after­ • Herbert Hayes was discharged noon. from the Community hospital • Subscribe for The Miner today. E. B. POYER DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR County Commissioner JACKSON COUNTY RAY J. SCHUMACHER Medford were gueata of Mr and Mia Will Batea Sunday In the af­ ternoon they, with Mra. Batea, took a drive In California o\. i the new road. • Mr and Mra Joo Tryon and Mra. Charlca Eaten were trananct- ing buaincaa in Medford Wednes­ day afternoon. • Wool has been received here that Milam Burnett, a former res­ ident of Talent, has been united in marriage to Mrs. Norma Both of Medford. • Mr and Mrs H. E Nelson and family of California have moved into the property recently vacated by Mr and Mra W W< ixh • The firemen's laill was attend­ ed by a large crowd Mr and Mrs Bob Ixx*ke won first prize for the most ancient costume. Mrs. Rex Nichodemus received the door prize Music was furnished by Smitty's Sizzling Swingsters. • Mm George l’h< if. r was a busi­ ness caller In Ashland Tuesday af­ ternoon. • Mr an