Friday, Nov. 1, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Mrs. Walker Named To Head Christmas Seal Sale in Ashland Mra. R. E. Walker has accepted the post as chairman of the 1940 Christmas Seal campaign of Ash land, it waa announced today by Miss Helen Bull!«, preaident of the Jackson County '1'uberculoaia as aoclatlon Mr«, Walker I m chooaiiig her committee member« and plana for the entire drive will be coin- pleted shortly. Campaign material haa already arrived ut the association's head- quarti-iH, Mra. Walker «aid, and an curly «tail on preparation« for mailing ia assured. 'Hie campaign OfMM Nov SR "Ashland, like all other com- munitiea, haa ita tuberculoaia problem,“ aaid Mra. Walker, "and at Icaat once a year we ahould in­ tensify our effort« to help solve the problem. "Tuberculosis Mill lead« cauaea of death in thia country for per- aona between the agea of 15 and 45 Thia will be the 34th Christmas when voluntary worker« have co- operated with alate and local tu- bercuioaia associations to raise At ita annual general assembly, fund« to carry on the nation-wide which just closed a thrve-dsy «<•«■ campaign against the disease. M«n in New Orleans, N R Powley, “Christmas Beal« have helped to president of the Pacific Telephone and Tvh-giaph coii.p.i'. . VII elected president of the Pacific "AKRON" MODERN Telephone Pioneers of America 'l*hia organization, national in MECHANOFORM TRUSS scope, ia compoaed of men and women of 21 yeara or more in ; FOR WORK OR PLAY the telephone induatry. It waa Thin Smooth Rvbbot Bock Pad* formed in Hill and now haa in No Poiti To Wear Clothing excess of 45,000 members. The purpose of the pioneer«’ or­ ganization ia the promotion, re­ newal and continuance of friend­ ship made during the progress of the Industry, to recnli and |>erpct- uate the fact, tradition and mem­ ories attached to the development of the telephone Induatry, and to preserve the names and records of th<- participant!« in the ■ ••«tab ADJUSTABLE CENTER liahinenta and extension of this great system of electrical com­ Sponge Rubber Pad* munication. No Lag Strop* Pros. N. R. Powley made hi« ac­ ceptance sjieech by long distance telephone to the delegates gath­ ered in the convention at New Orleans. wage a winning fight, but we must not become over-confident An an enemy tuberculoaia ia far from be­ ing vanquished." Committee member« to assist in the work will be appointed next week, according to Mrn Walker. DIAL 7021—FOT K DELIVERIES DAILY FLOUR $1.09 PUMPKIN Camay No. 2i/2 Tin TOILET SOAP 9c Oregon BANANAS—pound - Sc MILK LETTUCE—per head 5c 3 for ORANGES—each - 1C 19c SWEET POTATOES-4 lbs. - 13e CAULIFLOWER-per head 10c CORN FLAKES Crystal White Soap- 6 giant 23c Kellogg or Post Fishers Biscuit Mix, dish free 25 c Sc Phone Pioneers Pick Powley as President DEPENDABLE NON-CAM’El.LABLE, NON- PRO RATABLE Health and Accident Insurance Aino Life, Automobile and Fire insurance PLUM, DATE OR FIG— HEINZ PUDDINGS HONE Y-5-lb. pail PABLUM - - 39c KELLOGG SHREDDED WHEAT 9C COFFEE Any Kind Except Sanka M. T. BURNS On the Plaza For real, quick relief from distress of an aching cheat cold and ita cough­ ing- rub on Mustsrole, a wonder­ fully soothing "COCNTKR-IHKITANT". Better than a muilard platter to help break up painful local conges­ tion! Made in 3 strengths. EAST SIDE PHARMACY finance your car PICNIC HAMS BACON Paper Napkins pound pound 80-count 19e 19c 5C ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS 14C 13C Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| Royal Club Stringless Beans-No. 2 Royal Club Cream Style Corn-No. 2,2 for Royal Club Shrimp-wet pack Royal Club Leg Meat Crab 16C 29C Meco Catsup IOC PHONE PHONE TL Low-Cost Financing Builds Bank Credit q for other needs—in 41 state-wide branches! •. H. WIN NIR, Maitaf«r Quality Meats for Less NUMBER ONE BEEF—CHOICE PORK! RIB STEAKS-pound 22C ROUND STEAK-pound SIRLOIN STEAK-pound 25c LEG '0 PORK ROAST-pound 17Lc WIENERS-pound 18c 2 pounds 33C 100 PER CT. PURE PORK LARD-4 pounds In Your Container 4 OF PORTLAND I MIMI I «.-5 Snow Drop . SATURDAY AM) MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS ’ • The Ixulles club held a coatume Halloween party at their regular meeting at the club house Thurs- day afternoon. Those who attend­ ed ware MeHdamen Frank Ward, Bradley, Bay Elliott, Fred Haynes, Walter Bruy, Scott Willi« of Ash­ land. Russell Hauls, William M, Cluaky of Medford, Waldemar Holmberg, Frank Graves, Mora J. I ’. ii i. v. L D. < 'lark, Hen < illmn. Ted Quaiiinie, Planka, Vernal Nv- beker, Kd Adam», liras of Ash­ land. inn Poff, Arthur Nelson Donovan Ward, Lloyd Luper, John Kulvi'tt. Hui ry I Jin ml t uml Frank Oh I und ‘Hie moat original coatume was worn by Mr« Thanks and the iiKKt comic coatume t>x Mra. Frank Ward The afternoon waa «pent at bridge with Mr« Vernal Nebeker taking high prize and Mr« W McClusky second and Mr« Fred Haynes low Mra Fred Haync« was hostess for the after noon Dellciou« refreahmenta wen- si-tv rd • Mra. Verta Luman and daugh­ ter Ann of Mi-dford were guests of Mr and Mra Wade Hoop Tues day • Mr and Mra Richard Williams ami family motored to Medford Naturdnv t<> visit l!<-n da Mr« Hoy Rushton mid to ace their new grand-daughter, born Thurs­ day night Mother ami daughter are both doing wall. • otto Hchleuter left recently foi Glenn, Calif where he will be em­ ployed on irrigation ditch work He has been employed at the Mt Crest ranch wince June. • Mra Antone Mendes and fam- A new record for music Inntruc­ tion in the Ashland public whools wan announced yesterday by Gor­ don Tripp, who said the total of 225 students studying inatrurnent- al mucic ia the largest ever at­ tained here. The instrumental instruction in­ cludes a junior high band, junior high orchestra, high school orch­ estra, high achixd pep band, with a IJncoln schixd orchestra soon to be formed by Miss Lucie Landen. A full Hat of the various instru­ mental classes will tie published In The Miner an apace will permit. , • HILTS NEWS • —— ily were in Yreka Sunday to viait Mr Mendva in the Yreka General hospital. Mr. Menden in now im­ proving rapidly. • Mi and M ih W Gian und non were in Y reka on business Satur­ day evening. • Mi .nel Mix <’ liuuingartMi ware in Yreka Saturday. • A Halloween party lor the Hilt young foika waa given al the club house Tuesday evening, aponaored by Charles Wiight. The evening was spent at guinea and dancing and cider and doughnut« were nerved for refreshments. • Mi and Mrn. Clyde Purvis and Mr. lut rett were guests of Mr. und dra. Jim I’urvla Suturday. • by the piece, pound PORK SAUSAGE—2 pounds 19c ' I About People You Know! | Record Classes For Music Announced