• Margaret Starnes who teaches r at Applegate spent last week-end visiting here with relatives and friends. • Subscribe for The Miner today * 7/ r DECL ä RATW^F K» I This your vote t your Per.on*1 independence 1« j V TAKE THIS LIST TO THE POLLS with you! Republican Candidates General Election Ballot Jackson County NATIONAL President— 13 WENDELL L. WILLKIE Vice President— CHARLES L. McNARY State Congressman, 1st District— 15 J.AMES W. MOTT Treasurer— 19 LESLIE M. SC OTT Attorney General— 22 L H. VAN WINKLE Representative, 19th District (2)— 23 WM. m . M c A llister 34 EARL T. NEWBRY County Judge— 27 J. B. COLEMAN Commissioner— 29 ARTHUR E. POWELL Clerk— 31 G. R. CARTER Assessor— 32 C. A. MYERS Coroner— 35 H. W. CONGER 6 This adv paid lor by tbe Kepublican Stott Central Committee. Kara C rendali, Cbm.; S W. 4th and Washington, Portland, Ore. --------- - Ü ' -i. & Friday, Nov. 1, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 1 'n 'tv>t i- 'Ä■■ F Sixteen Gain Driving Bicycle Safety Poster Tips in Classes Here Will Be Distributed N ■ W • Sixteen students participated in the safe-driving classes sponsored by Earl Snell’s Traffic Safety di­ vision held at Ashland high school. Good progress in tiie art of driving safely was made by all who par ticiputed, according to C. D. French, state examiner^ who con­ ducted the Ashland classes. Ashland students were: Myrna Byrd. Shirley ~ ~ ‘ Cushing, Grace Close. Dale Anderson. Florence Wood. Josephine Curtis, Donald Warren, William Van Vleet, Em­ my Lou Smith, George Mack, Jean Rhoads. Vyvyan Freeman, Audrey Wilcox. Cecil Bishop, Marilee Er­ win and Mrs. Clarice Anderson. • Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hamilton I and son John of Grants Pass wen« ! guests at dinner Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mra. J. Ed Gowland, Mra. Gowland being Mra. Hamilton's sister. Mr. and Mra. Hamilton were residents of this community for a number of years. Their son John is visiting them and his friends from Hawaii He plans to leave soon for Norfolk. Va., where he will continue naval' training before going on to An­ napolis. His brother. Harold, also is in naval training at Hawaii, and Clyde Hamilton is with the Grants . I’ass national guards stationed at | Camp Murray. All three Hamilton ents and his brother Victor at boys are well known here and at- Eugene before returning. Henry __ ; in ■_ Z.ll ‘ I Elmo, also of is visit- tended school Bellview. v.1 ?« California, C~ 1“. Ir vizit <>«"« • Mr. "and and Mrs. Mra. Daniel Farmer lnK lhia week at lhe th‘‘ Lani,li “ bome and daughter Dolores of Dorris, • Mr. and Mra. Edward McCray guests Calif., spent Saturday night at the of Ashland were dinner " *- John Fanner home and were Sunday of Mrs. Charles Anderson guests at dinner Sunday at the and son Dale. home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bynl • Mrs. Don Austin has completed and small daughter, Florence a course in beauty culture at the Leonard school in Medford. Mrs. Carolyn. Austin now is a licensed operator. • A group of friends surprised • Mrs. Charles Anderson has Mr. and Mra. John Lanini at the completed school census for home of their parents, the Vin­ the Bellview the district. All children cent Lanini family, Thursday with between the ages of four and 21 a charivari in honor of their re­ are registered. cent marriage. The guests, who • Mrs. Mary Rector who works enjoyed the evening with the hon­ in Ashland spent the week-end at ored couple, were Mr. and Mra. home with her parents, Mr. and Roscoe Applegate. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Willis Rector. Chester Applegate, Helen Kruger, • Miss Peggy Warren attended a Mra. Montgomery and two daugh­ Hallowe'en party the Medford ters, Dorothy Applegate. Mr and School of Beauty at Culture Wed­ Mra. Gibson. Mr. and Mra. Carl nesday evening. Peggy and Louise Henry. At the close, during the Martin are both students at the refreshment hour, many lovely school. gifts were presented to the hon­ • Mis. M. A. Ring attended a orees. They left for their home luncheon in Medford last Wednes­ near Eugene this week. day given by Mrs. Hays, who is • Mr. and Mra. Curtis Byrd of general chairman of the county Dorris, Calif, spent Saturday with P-TA committees. Mrs. Ring is Mr. and Mra. Willis Byrd and chairman of the magazine com­ family. mittee of the Bellview unit. • Walter Seitz, who has been em­ • Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Deadmond ployed during the summer months entertained Dr. and Mra. C. F. at Tionesta. Caiif., is now em­ Tilton last Wednesday evening, ployed on Greensprings'mountain. serving a wild goose dinner with • W. O. Martin was a business all the trimmings. caller in Medford Saturday. • Floyd Samford recently return­ • Earl Hamilton and son Milton ed from a four weeks trip which made a business trip to Portland he and Mra. Samford took through the first part of last week. the southwest. They went to San • Mra. Ruth Bushnell and family Antonio,•Tex., Juarez, Mexico, and of Washington visited with friends a number of other places of in­ in this district last week. They are terest. They spent some time with former residents. Mra. Samford's relatives in Phoe­ • Mrs. Beth Hamaker of Ashland nix, Ariz., Mra. ........ Samford ..... ... —• where ......... ....... with her sister, Mra. Archie Kin­ expects to remain for some time caid, was in Medford on business as her mother, Mrs. Dill, is quite Tuesday afternoon. ill. Mrs Dill spent one winter • Joe Dugan, home demonstrator, here with Mr. and Mrs Samford held a free landscaping meeting and friends will regret to learn of near Phoenix Wednesday. Several her illness. Bellview people attended. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud • Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid entertained a group of friends visited Sunday afternoon at the Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. 1 Charles Weaver home. Pankey s birthday anniversary. It • R. E. Bell and son Kenneth, was also Lydia Katherine Davis' who are employed near Klamath birthday. The guests, Mr and Mra. Falls, spent last week-end at the Lewis Pankey, Mr. and Mra. Wade R. E. Bell home here. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kin­ • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arnold caid, Mr. and Mra. Frank Davis, returned Friday from a several and Misses Marie Walker, Gladys days trip which took them to Long Whitson. Eunice Kincaid, Lydia Beach, Calif, and many other Katherine Davis, and hosts, Mr. stops on their return trip home. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud and Mra. 0 Dennis Lanini of Gilroy, Calif, Sorenson. The rooms were decor­ arrived here last Sunday to spend ated in Hallowe'en custom and re­ some time visiting with his par- freshments of doughnuts, cider and pumpkin pie were served at the close of the evening, the hon­ orees receiving a number of lovely gifts. • Mr. and Mra. Wade Wallis spent VOTE FOR last Sunday in the Applegate dis­ trict with Mr. and Mra. Lee Wal­ lis and two sons, Bobby and Jim­ mie. A birthday dinner was served at noon honoring Jimmie Wallis. • Mr. and Mra. Charles Myers of Talent were guests of Mr. and Mra. H. M. Olson Sunday. • Mr. and Mra. Gail Modeen spent REPUBLICAN Sunday at the home of Mr. and NOMINEE Mra. A. R. Mamels in Medford. • Mr. and Mra. George Mann are FOR making a combined business and pleasure trip to Los Angeles thia COUNTY week. • J. R. Ayers celebrated his 87th COMMISSIONER birthday anniversary last Thurs­ day at the home of his daughter, Jackson County Mra. Charles McKee in Medford General Election Nov. 5 Mr. Ayers is the father of O. G. Ayers and has lived in this com­ munity for a number of years un­ “A dollar’s worth til moving to Medford about two weeks ago. of value for every • Mr. and Mra. M. A. Ring and daughter, Mra. Peggy Johnson and .dollar spent!” small son Donald, were guests of friends in Hornbrook last Sunday. • Mrs. R. D. Reynolds has re­ —Paid Adv. ceived word of the passing of her aunt, Mra. Fannie Arnett, who made her home with the Reynolds when they first moved here. Mra. Arnett hail moved back to Colo­ rado and was moved to Sidney, ARTHUR E POWELL SCOTT Distribution of a bicycle poster entitled “Do's and Don'ts for Bi­ cycle Safety,” will be started by the state traffic safety division of the secretary of state's office in the near future, it was announced today. Tile poster is in three col­ ors, 1!» by 24 inches mid stresses good bicycle riding practices by means of pictures and type The poster will be distributed to schools, clubs and other places where bicycle riders gather, it was announced. Any school or other group interested in obtaining these (Misters is invited to write to the Traffic Safety Division, secretary of state's office, Salem. Oregon, mid the [Misters will be sent with­ out charge. Distribution of these bicycle posters is part of the state de­ partment's campaign against bi­ cycle accidents, it was said. An­ other phase of the cam|iaign is the bicycie manual which is now under preparation by the safety division ----------- •------------ EXAMINER HERE NOV. 8 An examiner of operators and chauffeurs will be in the Ashland city hall from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Friday. Nov. 8. to issue licenses and permits to drive cars. LOLITA PIERSON PLEDGED lolita Pieriton. Ashland, him Trinity Episcopal been pledged to Orides, organiza­ tion for unaffiliated women at the Church University of Oregon Precent at Dr. <'Imide E. Sayre, Vicar the ceremonies were Hazel P Hchwering, dean of women, Jun««t Holy Communion, 8 a. m. Smith, employment secretary, and Church school, 9:30 a. m. Mrs Edith Seifert, hostess of Ger- Sermon and Holy Communion, linger hall. Dean Hchwering sjioke 11 a. m. briefly to the girls on social eti­ Holy Communion, Wednesday, quette. 9:30 a. m. ----- _•--- Choir will meet Friday, 7:30 P • Clark Thomas. Steve Zinka in mid Clarence Bynl made a duck You are cordially Invited hunting trip into Klamath county worship with us. Monday. Beecher Danford mid • Miss June Blasted made » • Mrs I loris spent several days this week week-end trip to Portland. • Merritt Schilling of Dunsmuir nt Camp Clatsop with Captain visited hen« Sunday with his mo­ Danford. • Subscribe for '¡Tie Miner today. ther, Mrs Etta Schilling. VOTE 27-X FOR J. B, “BUN” COLEMAN REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR COUNTY JUDGE --------------------- •----------------------- BOJE AT TUB .SPRINGS O. H. Boje. traveling state park foreman mid son of Mr. mid Mrs ’ Henry Boje of Strawberry lane. ' now is at Tub Springs state park making needed repairs and adding new features. --------------------- •---------------------- • Vem Hastings made a business trip to Yreka Monday. • Mr. mid Mrs. D. E. Baxter of Spray, Ore. are visiting here at the home of Mr. mid Mra. Earl Rogers. • Stuart McDonald of Turlock, Calif., visited here last week-end at the home of Mr. and Miy. Jack Lucas. Neb., when she became ill and passed away. Friends will regret to hear of her death. • LeRoy Ayers of Tiller spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Ayers. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ohlund of Hilt were visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Dick Black Sunday. • Arno Vavoda of Medford was calling on Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Gail Mo- utvo iutauu/ vvvjiuig, dcen Tuesday evening. * Mr. <4,-, j-j. x . Dynge of Central Point spent Sunday with Mr antl Mrg o G Ayers. e John Walker left for Seattle last Friday where he will visit for a few days with his brother, Dav- id Walker, who is attending Uni­ veraity of Washington. _ Mr. and Mrs. Walker and son Johnnie plan to leave Thursday for their home in Alamosa, Colo. They have been spending the past two weeks with the J. Z. Walker family. • Mr. and Mra. Richard Joy at­ tended a Christian Science lecture Monday evening given at the Hol­ ly theater in Medford. The Bellview P-TA met in reg­ ular session last Friday evening Business meeting was conducted by the president, Mra. Reynolds. The teachers were in charge of the program which included commun­ ity singing led by J«ise Walker; play, “Story of a Pumpkin.” given by Betty George, Clarice Brant­ ley and Inez Yockel; reading by Jerry Boe, "Pompous Mr. Pump­ kin”, and four numbers by the sextet. Pie and coffee were served at the close of the program. Elect a native of Jackson County who is acquainted with the Coun­ ty’s needs and is qualified by ex­ perience in County affairs to fulfill the du * s of the office. J. B. “Illin” Coleman for County Judge Committee Aubrey Norris. Secretary In appreciation of the confidence ex­ pressed in me by both tht» Democratic and Republican parties in placing me in nomination for the office of County Treasurer, I shall, if elected, strive earn- estly to merit that confidence by continu­ ing to serve faithfully every interest of Jackson County to the best of my ability. * Respectfully, RALPH E SWEENEY Candidate for County Treasurer — Paid Advertisement H. W. CONGER FOR STAI « TREASURER CORONER VOTE 32 X FOR C. A. MYERS County Assessor Your Support and Vote Was Appreciated in the Primaries and Will Be Appreciated In the Nov. 5 General Election REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR Jackson County, Oregon QUALIFIED BY MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE AS JACKSON COUNTY DEPUTY ASSESSOR If Elected I Will Give Efficient, Courteous and Economical Service —Paid Advertisement Republican and Democratic Nominee (Unopposed) for LESLÏB M. 8COTT Chairman Itale Highway Commission, 1932-1935 Ad paid br Scott foe T imiuim Commi««« Paid Advertisement