Friday, October 25, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Paqe 9 Fun for the Whole Family By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP Transfer No. Z7S2 'T'HE Flower Basket quilt is one of the most beautiful and versa­ tile designs you could imagine. Parts of the flowers may be ap- pliqued and the rest done in out­ line, or if you desire, the flowers may be done entirely in em­ broidery. • • • * LALA PALOOZA —Vincent Should Be Placed Under Observation The transfer. Z782. 15c. gives you the cutting pattern for the pieced baskets, as well as 20 different flower motifs which fit In these baskets. You will And many more uses for these flowers, too. as they are ideal for luncheon cloths, curtains and other linens. A quilting design also comes on this transfer. Send order to: By RUBE GOLDBERG Box 1M-W AUNT MARTHA Kaasas City, Mo. Enclose 15 cents tor each pattern desired. Pattern No...................... Name .................................... ................. Address ........................... . ..................... t S’MATTER POP First Duty The first business of a philoso­ pher is to part with self-conceit.— Epictetus. By C. M. PAYNE Whoa, Pop! Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly be­ cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, In­ flamed bronchial mucous mem­ branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un­ derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis MESCAL IKE N ow Let Somebody Kick By alhuntuey Living Well A wise man keeps on good terms with his wife, his conscience and his stomach. Is your child a NAIL BITER? POP— It Surely Must Be Failing Sight By J. MILLAR WATT It Isn’t always "nerve«” that make« a child bite his nails Often It s because of a reason few mothers suspect — WORMS! If. along with nail biting, there are signs of uneasy stomach. tiiueky appetite, tid- gvtUiK. sleep . . . la kt heed! These may be the symptoms of round icomu; a nasty infection that can cause real distress. JAYNE’S VERMIFUGE ia the beet known remedy in America for exiwdling rouno worms. It has been used by millions of mothers, for over a century, and is backed by the most modern scientific study. JAYNE’S VERMIFUGE has great abil­ ity to drive out large round worms, yet it tastes good and acu gently. JAYNE'S does not contain santonin. If Inert are no icornu it worts merely as a mild laraiite Ask for JAYNE'S VFJt-MI-FLGEat any drug store. FREE Valuable medical book. "Wornw Living Inside You." W rite to Dept MhX. Dr. D. JaynaA Sou. 2 VlneSU. Philadelphia. Common Sense A handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning. Black .. Leaf 40 JUST DASH IN OR SPR CLOSE SHAVE The tog was very thick, and the chief officer of the tramp steamer was peering over the side of the bridge. Suddenly he saw • man leaning over a rail only a few yards away. "You confounded fool,” he roared. "What on earth do you think you are doing? Don’t you know my ship has the right of way?" Out of the gloom came a sardonic voice. "This ain’t no ship, Captain, This is a lighthouse." Ages When You THE SPORTING THING Caught ROOSTS First Step One must catch the bear before he puts the ring in his nose. COLDS LIQUID TABLETS SALVE NO*« OSOS* cough prom 666 I HEIM IDEAS A dvertisements Scene—An excursion !r Ticket Collector—That chid more than three years old. Mother—I know he does, bu had a lot of trouble. Kindly Old Lady—My poor ma was there no one to stretch out a hand to you? Ex-Convict—Yes, mum, that’s bow they got ma. AD ON I are your guide to modern living. They bring you today's NEWS about the food you eat end the clothes you wear, the stores you visit and the home you live in. Factories everywhere are turning out new and interesting products. ' II l| || || • And the place to find out about these new things is right here in this newspaper. Its columns are filled with important messages which you should read.