SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, October 25, 1940 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT F arm B q B en A mes W illiams BIN AMt.s WILLIAMS e. ■ « j . anr v , c v T opics Hl.Phillipr HOTEL ASSEMBLY , worked under Corkran’s instruction I Mary turned to look up at him. The I to learn the knots and bends and sun from the skylight fell full upon —1— NINTH A MADISON, NBATTI -B Comfortable Modern lloonii To sign a crew is one thing; to 1 hitches, and how to seize and splice her countenance as she turned, and AXIS CONFERENCE 1 George stopped like a struck man. Weekly •• Up Dally II >1 keep all hands aboard till sailing and serve. Mussolini- Well! Dining Room Coffee Shop John Gale, observing the friend- shaken and trembling, She thought time is another. At dusk. Captain Von Ribbentrop You took the Keen moved the Sunset from the ship between McAusland and Cork- he would fall, and she rose quickly word out of my mouth! wharf out into the stream to wait ran. tried to understand its basts. to help him. slim and yet »armly Mussolini—Wluit explanation has round in her tight bodice above loose for the morning tide. She was a He saw that when they were togeth­ Hitler to make to me’ full-rigged ship of three hundred and er, George was always the listener. full skirts of sober stuff. The button HOUR SERVICE la Nest Cassi Von Ribbentrop—Explanation for at her throat was unfastened; and forty-seven tons burden, bound for ' Riing ar Mail Tear Platea The mate called Corkran to some The experience from 472 voice of the Fiji Islands to load with sandal­ duty; and George, turning, saw John George as his eyes fell before hers farm families who kept home ac- Mussolini - He was to have licked 1er Reni«-CREDIT Exteaded wood for Chinese and Indian ports; Gale near them, and stopped beside saw her smooth white throat. She count records during 1939 tells England by August. I had his word touched his arm. steadying him; and but she was under charter to the him. "Corkran’s a strange nian,” D r . H arry S imu », Dentiti young married couples on the farm fol It AlitaV atoo • a MuaaiaoN ■ fobhan « obi Mission Board to carry certain he said, and he colored in a slow John Gale spoke her name and his, where their money probably will go Von Ribbentrop Everything in a freight and passengers from San way. "Most men are ashamed of and she said: in the years to come. These rec­ war cun't be done according to “Here. I’ll help you. Sit here.” Francisco to Honolulu and to the their vices, but he brags about his. ords were summarized by home ac­ schedule. Marquesas, on the way. "I want to He's simply an animal." George said defensively: “I'm all counts specialists from the Univer­ Mussolini- This is a line time to give the men overnight to sober and sat sity of Illinois college of agriculture. tell me! right." He freed himself HOUSEHOLD The older man suggested: "You • • • off before the missionaries come she had First of nil newlyweds will find can't always judge men by the way down; but his arm where aboard. Mr. Chase.” Captain Keen touched it burned long after her that undoubtedly the money value of Von Ribbentrop Germany can't QUESTIONS they talk. George.” told the mate as the ship swung to fingers were removed. He sat be- their living and ravings will in­ help it if the British full to give up - ........... "I suppose not.” McAusland side her at the tabla with Captain crease from the first five years they in uccordunce with our expectations her anchor. "And another thing. As long as they're with us. I'll have laughed uncertainly. "And—I like Keen at the head, but he could not are married until around the time Their slowness in surrendering is Keep flowers out of drufts us no going ashore at Honolulu, or at him, in spite of what he is,” he ad­ look at her. He ate briefly, a little, they will celebrate their silver wed­ very disturbing to Herr Hitler much as possible; they are more the Islands, nor any native girls mitted. "I don't know why." with trembling hands, silent, so that ding anniversary. From then on. Mussolini If it disturbs Hitler, susceptible to u chill than humans. coming on the ship at all.” One late afternoon. George, under his silence oppressed them all. Aft­ it's pretty likely to decline. So say what do you think it docs to me? • • • • • The Reverend John Gale and Mrs. Corkran’s instruction, was learning erward he took refuge in his cabin those who have been paying the bills Half an hour is ample time to Gale were returning to their post in to put an eye-splice in a discarded again; and when next day, his ankle these many years. Advice given Von Ribbentrop-But there la allow for baking of medium-sized Micronesia after a year’s leave at piece of eight-inch cable when the quickly healing, he was able to hob­ is to plan ahead for the peak times nothing for us to worry about. apples. home; and the Reverend George masthead man sighted the first dis­ ble on deck, he walled himself be­ of expense. Mussolini—Did you ever try stand­ Savings increase during this sume ing for any length of time with one McAusland went to serve his ap- tant peaks above Honolulu. George hind an .intense dignity. prenticeship with them. McAusland laid down spike and maul and But if he was afraid of Mary, he period of marriage and then decline foot in the middle of a desert, one was not a young man as years go. swarmed aloft to see for himself; was attracted to Joseph Neargood. gradually. The decline is the re­ in the middle of the sea and the but his training for the ministry was and when presently he descended. The Marquesan was youthfully im­ sult primarily of the decline in life other foot in the middle of Europe? only just concluded. He was rath­ pressed by his own consecration to insurance payments and payment Von Ribbentrop—You are giving er small, and decidedly thin. He the Mission work in which he would of principal, say home accounts spe­ yourself too many feet was. actually, thirty-eight years old. presently assume a place. McAus­ cialists. However, there usually is Mussolini—Before I get through I John Gale, since they met a day or land, his own life committed to lead an Increase in other investments may need 'em. I don't like the looks two before, had studied his new as­ the Island people to Christianity, for old age. of things. Newlyweds won't have to worry sistant He had some misgivings. saw in Neargood a fine example of Von Ribbentrop—Why did you much about the food bills during what could be done in that direction. McAusland seemed full of a restless come into the war? The Sunset was five days out of the first four years of their mar­ earnestness; but the old minister Mussolini—You know very well knew that too much zeal could be Honolulu; and the day was lovely ried life, but they will have to figure why I came in: You gave me a on furnishing and equipping their and serene, with a light steady as dangerous as too little. complete scenario, showing that breeze and a long easy swell so that home then. Clothing bills are lowest Aboardship. Mrs. Gale went to her France was finished and that Eng- at this period, because there are few the breast of ocean rose and fell as cabin to settle her belongings there; land was as good as sunk sweetly as the bosom of a sleeping people in the family, but the highest but John Gale and McAusland K GENUINE Von Ribbentrop—Everything will average amount for clothing usual ­ woman. Two sailors on a stage stayed on deck to watch the busi­ come out as we promised, All we ly is spent by women married one slung over the side forward were BAYER ASPIRIN ness of departure. scraping and painting, and Mary to four years—a fact of interest to need is patience and a new plan. NOW DOWN TO "What decided you to become a • • • Doncaster and Mrs. Gale stood by all husbands. missionary?” Gale asked. During the five to nine years mar­ Mussolini—Why can’t you mop up the rail above the catheads, idly “Why. sir, at the Seminary I read watching the men and watching the ried period, young folks might as England the way you did all those a great deal about the mission to There must be porpoises under the bow. Now and well figure on doctor bills and med­ other countries? the Sandwich Islands, and—I want Other traitors, fifth columnists and quit* then as they talked together the ical expense for babies. to be like the men who led that sound of Mary's laughter rang out items will have to be budgeted ac­ ters there, too. work. They did so much, and ev­ pleasantly. Captain Keen, near the cordingly. There was a tendency Von Ribbentrop—Yes. but Eng- eryone loved them." McAusland two missionaries aft, cocked his for operating expenses for the land has 'em all in jail, Now lis- added humbly: "I want to help peo­ household to go up gradually over sen. Der Fuehrer says you have head that way and chuckled. ple, and—to be loved. I’m pretty Are you "We’ll be sorry to say good-bye a period of years. However, it is got to take Gibraltar, clumsy about it, though; about mak­ to Miss Doncaster," he remarked. higher during the five to nine year ready? ing friends.” Mussolini—Who? Me! "The girl has an honest, friendly period probably because of addition­ al services needed while the chil­ The other suggested: "The trick is Use this famous quick way sound in her laughing." dren were small to like people. People like a man today without thought of Mary and the others were coming Cash outlay for housing and who seems to like them.” He asked: aft toward them; and George, al­ recreational equipment reaches its price! "But what turned you toward the ways apt to avoid Mary, went for- peak during the 10 to 15 year mar­ ministry, at your age?” Yo-’ may be utterly surprised at the ward along the other side of the riage period. speed with which Haver Aa[>irin McAusland answered frankly: "I'd deck, her She looked after him, She looked after him, her Families might as well figure right bring* relief from neuralgia, head­ killed a man, in Nevada City, in the mo ­ eyes sobered by hurt; and a sobered by hurt. now that they will spend a great aches and rm of rheuniattatn and mines.” There may have been sur­ meat later, when Mrs. Gale an d deal of money keeping up with ex­ neuritis. Among the fastcat, most prise in the older man’s quick Joseph Neargood had gone below, penses in the 15 to 25 year mar­ effective ways known, Bayer As­ glance, and an unspoken question, dropping from the ratlines the last she smiled and said to John Gale: ried period, for this is the time when Von Ribbentrop—We must have pirin not only brings relief from for the other explained: "I suppose six or eight feet to the deck, he "I saw you talking with poor Mr. savings, food, clothing, recreation, the co-operation of Spain. We must such pains very fast . . . but this I don’t look like a—man of violence; stepped on the marltnspike where he McAusland.” and education, other than college, move fast. quick way ia very inexpensive, it but I lost my temper. He was drunk, had left it It rolled under him; and reach their peak and cause a drain the result was a severely sprained Mussolini — My troops never He chuckled. "Now I wonder why may save the dollars once spent on and shooting at me, and I threw a on the purse. Usually the children moved faster than they did when high priced remedka. pickaxe at him. It hit him in the ankle. John Gale bandaged the you call him ’poor.’ ” hurt; but in the morning when they "But isn’t he? He might have so are in high school. Furnishings and they were in Spain. head." Once you try it . . . actually fed were anchored McAusland was too many things, but he's afraid to take equipment reach their second high­ Von Ribbentrop—This time it's got its quick relief, you’ll know why John Gale thought he would have lame to walk. The Sunset would est peak at this time, largely be ­ to be in the right direction. thousands make sure they get no to readjust his estimates of this lie in harbor overnight while Captain them." cause furnishings have to be re­ • • • "Afraid?” substitutes for Bayer Aspirin, by young man. “Wasn't that—just an Keen lightered off the freight con­ placed and parents wish to make Mussolini—There are moments "Well, at least sort of ashamed, always asking for it accident?” he suggested reassur­ signed to the Honolulu mission but their home as attractive as possible when I think maybe we are biting and shy.” by its full name when ingly Mr. and Mrs. Gale went to lodge off more than we can chew. "Ashamed of what?" The old man for the young people. they buy . . . never by "I suppose a man is responsible with friends ashore, and they urged watched ber with a lively interest College expenses start showing up Von Ribbentrop—You have my as­ the name of "aspirin * even for his accidents,” McAusland George, despite his lameness, to "Ashamed of—life, perhaps.” The in the budget during the 15 to 25 surance this will be done on a 50-50 alone. insisted. “He had no family. There come along. When George decided girl's cheeks were bright “Don't years married period, but reach basis. was nothing I could do directly; but to stay aboard, Mrs. Gale thought you know people like that? Old their peak in the following 10 years. Mussolini—What do you mean by Demand BAYER ASPIRIN I wanted to find some way to— he was shyly relieved at having a maids who insist that there's some­ Church contributions and commu­ that? atone.” valid excuse for avoiding a casual thing sinful in loving and marrying? nity welfare are major items at this Von Ribbentrop—Germany will do Captain Keen, one eye on his ship, meeting with many strangers. the biting; you can do the chewing. People who persuade themselves time. Giving and Taking joined them with some casual word. After a couple has been married Mussolini—The more you talk the Ashore, she and her husband found - that the things they want to do and We should never remember the McAusland walked forward to watch that two other passengers would don’t dare do are refilly wrong; and 35 years, their chief type of savings more nervous I get. benefits we have conferred, nor* them cat and fish the anchor, and board the Sunset here. One was who think everyone else is wicked goes into investments. This is prob­ Von Ribbentrop—Brace up! Don't forget the favors received.—Chilo. John Gale looked after him, and Joseph Neargood, a tall young Mar­ for doing them?" ably because families are recouping you know Germany and Italy are funds expended on the children dur­ super races? Don't you know they after a moment he smiled and asked quesan convert trained in the col­ He spoke in an affectionate amuse­ the Captain: ing earlier periods and also are sav­ are the two greatest Powers on lege at Oahu, going now to take bis ment "So wise so young I" ing for old age, the specialists ex­ earth? Don’t you know they ara "Would you take that young man place in the native mission at Fatu- ‘Tin not so awfully young,” Mary Transportation costs and nations with a destiny? Don’t you for a”—he hesitated, used McAus­ hiva. The other was Mary Doncas­ assured him. "I’m nineteen. Re­ plain. and all take ADLERIKA when gifts are at their peak during this know they will rule the world? land's own phrase—"a man of vio­ ter. Her father and mother had es­ needed.” (W. N.-Iowa) When partly member I lived on Gilead till I was period, probably because the couple lence?” tablished themselves twenty years ten, and the Island girls start hav­ digested foods decay, forming gas, Mussolini—I know it. and you has fewer obligations and finally has The Captain said wisely: "There’s ago on one of the smaller northern ing babies when they're not much bringing on sour stomach or bloating, know it . . . but does the world a chance to travel. The gifts mainly never any knowing. The quietest islands of the Marquesan group, older than that” try ADLERIKA. Get it TODAY. went to grown children of the family know it? little man I ever knew killed four which Ephraim Doncaster called (TO BE CONTINUED) AT YOUR DRUG STORE to help them establish their own Malay pirates with a caps’an bar.” Gilead. Mary was born there a NEW LINE-UP homes. year later, and lived there till when "He and I are going to work to­ The Japs now join she was ten years old they sent her Discontent gether, these next years,” John Gale The Nazi deals home to New Bedford to school. I Discontent is the first step in the And sing. "Heil. Heil. explained. "I’m trying to find out // Now she was returning to them; progress of a man or a nation.— what sort of man he is.” The gang's all heels!'* and John Gale, when he had talked • • • Wilde. Captain Keen said: “You'll find with her, approved Mary mightily. The gross annual income on about General be Gaulle Is making out, presently. Being shut up on the He and Mrs. Gale agreed between 30 per cent of the farms in the the mistake of assuming that the same ship with a man, you come to themselves that it would be good for , United States was less than $600 in French realize what has hap­ know him. The sea strips him McAusland to have the girl’s com­ 1929. pened to France. down, wears him down till what's pany aboard the Sunset during the • • • • • inside him shows through." rest of the voyage to Gilead. When Farm population increased 2,076,* The old minister nodded; and dur­ they were all rowed out to the ship A man showed up at an army re­ 000 in the decade 1930-40. The west Help Them Cleanse tlie Blood ing the days that followed, while next afternoon a little before sailing cruiting station the other day with north-central states had a decrease of Harmful Body Waste the Sunset took her peaceful way time, the old man looked forward to a portable radio. Yet there are peo­ of 268,000 people in the drouth years Your kidneys STS eonstsntly flltsrlnf across the peaceful sea, he some­ watching McAusland’s face light ple who scoff at the talk of a new wssl. matter from tho blood stream. Bui occurring during the last half of the kidn.yssom.liniHi l«r In their work —do times thought that McAusland was with pleasure at first sight of Mary; and terrible weapon in modern war. not act as Nature Intandad — fall to rw- decade. no more than an enthusiastic boy. but George was not on deck to greet • • • mnvs Impurltle* that. It retained. may polaon the ayatem and upset the whole The first morning at sea, he him­ them, and John Gale found him in body mechlnery. German submarine commanders More than 782,000,000 baby chicks self came on deck to find the other his bunk with a slight temperature, Hymptome may be natclntf heckache, are produced annually by the com­ must get instructions, "Proceed with pereiatent headache, attack, of diaalnma. bare-footed, his sober black trousers presumably from the pain of his Setting up nlghta, awrlling, pultinraa the atrocity; we are ready with de ­ mercial hatcheries operating in the rolled up his thin shins, pushing a hurt under the eyea—a feeling ot nervous United States, reports the U. S. de­ nials." aaalety and loee of pep and strength. holystone up and down the plank­ • • • George did not come to supper, Other eigne ot kidney or bladder dis­ partment of agriculture. ing under the instruction of the so he did not see Mary till next order are aonietbnee burning, scanty or WHAT A LIFE! • • • too frequent urination. sailor with the parrot. The sailor's morning. John Gale had told him There should bo no doubt that prompt This is his pain name was Corkran; and the two A barnful of dark Holstein cows treatment la wiser than neglect. U h she was aboard, but—afraid of say­ And this is his sorrow: Doan’s /'ills. Doan’s have been winning were laughing together at McAus- ing too much—he said only: "She’s requires more light than the same new friends tor more than forty years. It’s hair today— land's awkwardness. The parrot the daughter of Ephraim Doncaster, bam full of light-colored Ayrshire They have a nation-wide reputation. And gone tomorrow. Are recommended by grateful people the watched George too, its head cows. the missionary at Gilead.” George country over. Aik your mitktorl — Richard Avedon. cocked, and presently it nipped inattentively expected Mary to be • • • Corkran’s ear and said wheedlingly: like a younger edition of Mrs. The latest estimate on the United CANDIDATES FOR THE FIRING "Mighty pretty. Mighty pretty!” States late potato crop is for a pro­ Gale. Mrs. Gale was pretty as pa­ SQUAD Corkran laughed and clapped Mc­ per flowers under a glass case, with duction of 277,000,000 bushels, which ★ Here is a itory so vivid Ausland on the shoulder. “There, a pale and delicate beauty that would be 2,000,000 bushels less than A man I’d smack upon the kisser 43—40 Reverence!” he said. “That’s Pat’s would not disturb a man; but Mary the 1939 crop. Purchasing power of Is Crabby Cal, the Newsreel Hisser WNU-13 and real that it will Fairly way of saying he takes to you.” city consumers is better than a year (Unless he takes to tactics new was mightily disturbing, beautiful And hisses when I'm hissing, too.) lift you aboard the home­ ago. The friendship between these two not with youth alone but already • • • bound whaler," Venturer/ developed rapidly. Corkran was an ripely. The ship's carpenter had New York schools have stopped Whether you're planning ■ party able seaman, above the level of his fashioned a crutch for George out of A good way to utilize wasteland buying maps. Boundaries change so wheie things are happen­ or remodeling a room you should Incident to contouring field crops, often that the schools draw maps on fellows in the forecastle; and he did a mop-handle and a block of timber follow tbt ndvortntmenti ... to ¡carn his work so cheerfully and complete­ cut to fit the minister’s shoulder as well as terrace outlets, is to use a blackboard and make erasures or ing thick and fast. what’s new... and cheaper... and ly that he had certain tacit prlvi- socket When George hobbled out , better. And the place to find out an electric fence. As time goes additions as news from Europe about new thinga ia right hers io leges, Whenever he was on deck, into the cabin, the others were al­ on new cross fences should be built comes in. "The class in geography this newspaper. Ira columns are he and George were apt to be to- ready at table, Mary sitting with on the contour instead of straight will now look at yesterday’s map filled with important messages gether. McAusland was intensely her back to him; but John Gale across the slope. which you should read regularly. and give all the errors." curious about ship's business. He greeted George as he appeared, and \ CHAPTER I FARM COUPLES OFFERED ADVICE Newlywed Couples Are Warnet! to Save Early. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 Now Speed at Low Cost in Relieving mm PAIN “FAMILY OF ELEVEN "Exciting Farm Notes Watch Your Kidneys/ is the word for BEN AMES WILLIAMS’ • • • New Serial “THE STRUMPET SEA” • • • • • • Read It in This Paper D oans P ills I mODERIIIZE