Friday, Oct. 25, 1940 SOUTHERN ORP3GON MINER Page 7 Nominee Schuler Tells State Banking Board Background for Co. Asks Voter Approval Judgeship Candidacy Of ‘Liability’ Change Hutunlay night. The affair was H|x>naor«xl by the G<»< m I Cheer club. Music by the Four HarmoniZcrs. • Mr. uml Mt a. Hoy Unruh of Phoenix called on friends here 'I’uvwday evening. • Mr« Rosetta Merrick who has been a guest of iter sister, Mrs IC Uteeae, for some time returned the flist of the week to her home In Glendale, Calif, • Harry Stearns of A«hlttnd wax a Talent visitor Thursday. • Mm Hugh Coinbeat and baby boy returned home Saturday from the Community hospital in Ash­ land. • Mrs. Bertha Hungale ami Blanche Hungatu were Medford «hoppers Monday morning. • Bob Keith returned home Ins I weak ti"in an d flip In Montuna and midwcHtcrn states. • Sumner Parker of A«hland was u Talent caller Wednesday. • I>on Newberry of Medford wax campaigning here Friday. • M in . W. Bevington of Ashland and Mr. tuid Mm. Roland Parka and daughter of Sprague River were dinner guests of Mr. und Mrs. R. F. Parka Friday. • The ladle« of the Royal Neigh­ bor» held an all day meeting at the home of Mrs Cluude William* Wednesday. There was a covered dlah lunoheon at noon. • .1 1 Bahlemtone, who wax in­ jured last Week when the team of horses he was working run uway. Iinowmg him under a hay returned home from the hospital and 1» improving «lowly. • Mr ami Mm J. W Welsh und family moved to Ashland thia week. • 'Die Talent Townsend club met at the city hall Tuesday evening Hcturcs were shown as part of the entertainment. Cake and cof­ fee were served by the ladies. • Mrs Hamctt Batea returned home from Medford where «he ha* l»een receiving medical treatment, and is much improved. • Mm v ami daughter Shirley were shopping In Medford Tuesday, • Forest Jennings ami family have moved into the Golden prop­ erty on Gibson avenue. • Ruth ami Violet Keniston were Medford caller« Suturday. • Mr ami Mr« Bill < , who spent the summer near Portland returned to their home south of town last Week. • Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tame spent the week-end at their runch on la-ad Indian. • Mr in I Mm II (M m of Pros­ pect «pent Sunday with Mrs Goins* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Logan. • Charley Skeeters with a party of men left Monday morning for a hunting trip in eastern Oregon. • The Talent Grange held it» reg­ ular meeting Thursday night with M i n. i i-: s Robbins in the chair Plana were made for entertaining Pomona Grange which will la* held with the Talent Gr mg« Saturday. Oct. 26. A covered dish dinner will Ire served at noon. Judge Coleman of Jacksonville was a guest and gave a talk on road work for Jackson county. Next hospitality committee will lie Harry' Wea- gant, Mrs. Howard Homes, Ken­ neth Haw. Mix Hensel, Mr«. W W Robison and Kiva Newman Next regular meeting will be held Nov 7 with the election of officers • Mr. and Mrs. Richard IHta- worth moved from near Trail to Wagner creek last week. • Lloyd Lamb of Ashland called on relatives here Wednesday • Wayne Wheeler <>f Galice, Ore., was a business caller here Monday I. K Hhuler, democratic nom­ The state of Oregon banking ine« for county judge, in response department thia week urged ap­ to a query, explained background proval by voters of an amendment of his candidacy for Miner readers to remove the double liability of this week in the following state­ stockholders In state banka in the ment: following letter and statement to "I was bum In North Dakota 55 The Miner. Said A A. Rogers, years ago on a farm und lived superintendent of bank«: there until 1 wits 19 years of age. "Kkiclisied you will find state­ Having hardly an eighth grade ment of the state banking board education, 1 decided that 1 wanted of Oregon on one of the constitu­ to go to college. From that time tional amendments referred to the on 1 worked my way through pre­ people by the 1939 legislature. paratory school and univi*islty. I "Oregon is one of the six re- received the degree of BL in South maining states which has not re- Dakota and MA degree at the lieved stockholders of the state Univeislty of Minnesota, then an­ chartered banks of the double lia­ other year at Northwestern unl- bility on stock owned by them, viu ally. and, due to this provision, appli­ "I then taught history ami de­ cations for the organization of bate at Hamlin university In St. state bunks at several points en­ Paul, Minn. During the World war titled to banking facilities have 1 served us welfare officer on been retarded until after the No­ transports crossing the Atlantic vember election.” eight times. Coming to Medford The state binking board’s for­ in 1920, I taught history and mal statement, signed by Charles civics in Medford high school for A Sprague, governor; Earl Snell, one year before going into busi­ secretary of state, and Walter — ness. Pearson, state treasurer, Is "1 have built five buildings In follows: “Your state banking board is Medford ami have paid as much as $3500 a year in taxed. I know the convinced that the proposed problems of taxpayer» I have amendment for the removal of the served ax chairman of the budget double liability on the stock hold­ committee of the city of Medford ers of a part of our state banks ind the experience I have had should be adopted Since depoMta m constxuctlon work should enable in our state tranks are insured. me to give a good business ad- Rouble liability is a needless and ninlst ration outmoded provision. "My experience in the classroom "National banks have been re­ jvith girls ami boys and my scout­ lieved of this obligation and its masters work in the city of Min- continuance on state banks put iea|M>lls have given me a wide un- the latter under a serious compet­ icrstandlng of Juvenile problem» itive handicap. Its removal would "1 will Nup|>ort old age pensions, assist in the growth of the state whenever possible, ami work diii- banking system which we feel is fently for welfare and health or- needed in the sound development puilzatlons. I am married and of the state.** lave one child, am a member of • Mr and Mrs James Gillespy he Kpiscopal church." Sunday returned from a business | Mr and Mrs Max Marvin of trip to Pasadena. Henley visited here inst week-end • Mrs Richard Hunger of Cor- vallis visited here last week-end it the home of Mrs f Marvins “ parents, Mr and Mrs. F D with her mother, Mrs Charles Pelsman Nutter. • Bob and Bill VanVleet Monday • Mrs Glen Prescott visited with returned from a hunthig tup to friends in Merrill for several days during the week. eastern Oregon. A total of 739 Oregon drivers Jost their licenses through revoca­ tion» as a result of convictions for driving while Intoxicated during the first nine months of 1940, it was announced today at the offtce of the secretary of state Thia is an increase of 30 percent over the revocations for the same offense dining tile first nine months of 1939 when the total was 565. Under Oregon law, revocation of the license of a driver convicted of driving while under the influ­ ence of intoxicating liquor is man­ datory and the driver Is eligible for reinstatement at the end of one year providing he can file proof of financial responsibility, which must be maintained for the ensuing two years. RAY J. SCHUMACHER G. R. CARTER ’t» REPUBLICAN-DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE JACKSON COUNTY Four years satisfactory office experience before coming to Ash­ land. Nineteen years successful dairyman in Ashland. I stand for more equal distribution of the old age pension funds; fair and impartial use of road funds to all parts of the county; taxes as low as possible for good government, but not go backward! GIVE SOUTHERN JACKSON COUNTY A VOICE IN COUNTY AFFAIRS! —Paid Advertisement 1 Proved Ability Deserves the Support of ALL Voters! 13 X FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT FOR VICE PRESIDENT— 13 X HEHRY A. WALLACE FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, FIRST DISTRICT For County Clerk 16 X CHARLES A. ROBERTSON FOR STATE TREASURER— YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE to APPRECIATED ( Vw S *» A* V* —Paid Advertisement T N 18 X A. L (AL) BROWN FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL— 20 X BRUCE SPAULDING FOR REPRESENTATIVES FROM JACKSON COUNTY— GEORGE W NEILSON Republican and Democratic Nominee for J DISTRICT ATTORNEY of Jackson County GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER li, 1940 ★ COUNTY ASSESSOR Experienced, Qualified, Earnest and Conscientious Service to All 12 Years Experience in the Duties of the Office —Paid Adv. County Commissioner FOR PRESIDENT— for Qualifie«! by Practical Experience DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR The Jackson County Democratic Central Committee Recommends the Following Democratic Candidates With Pride and Confidence in their Abilities: ------------------------- Tippling Drivers Top List of License Losers E. B. Poyer Paid Advertisement I 26 X GEORGE W. HEILSOH FOR COUNTY JUDGE— 28 X I. E. SCHULER FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— « 30 X E. B. POYER FOR COUNTY CLERK— 31 X G. R. CARTER FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR— 33 X RAY J. SCHUMACHER i FOR COUNTY TREASURER— ★ YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT & VOTE APPRECIA lED! ' M M FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY— 34 X RALPH E. SWEEHEY FOR COUNTY CORONER— 35 X H. W. CONGER —Paid Advertisement