» Friday, Oct. 25, 1940 - ' r I I - SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ------- J - —— J About People You Know! j • Zelda Heer of Han Francisco • Mr and Mrs Gewge Rone re­ visit« . i here Sunday with her cently move»! from Klamath Falls mother, M i i Bertha Heer. to make their home in Ashland. • M re. I Jora Gb-ngsr recently re­ They are former residents. turned from ti trip to Klamath • R ohs Tilley of Hisklyou was a Falls ami Chiloquin where she vis- buHine** visitor Tuesday. • John lamgston of Medford wa* it»M| with relatives. • Ellen Galey of Palo Alto I m vis­ a buNini-MH visitor Tuewlay. Holder made a business trip iting here thi* week nt the home • Bill Grant* Pana Monday. ot her purents, Mr. unii Mm. IL to J. C. Ferguson recently retu ni­ C. Galey. ed tro m Crescent City where he • Mr and Mr* Al Hetwick and has been visiting with friend*. Mr. and Mr*. Jack Berwick of • Mr and Mr> Allen McGee Klumath Falls visited here Hun- made a trip to Hcott Valley la «' day at the home uf Mr. and Mr*. week-end. U II is«.v< i • Mr and Mr* Ted Savage and • Jame* McNair of Corvallis vis Virginia of (Chiloquin visited here Red here last week-end at the with friend* Wednesday. home of hl* parent*, Mr. and Mt* • Cliff <’ulmer, Ben Anderson II.«1 M« Nan and Gene Hopper made a duck • Louise Logan who I* a student hunting trip to Tulelake Bunday ut OSC in Corvallis visited here • Mr and Mm Fiarik Meadow* lust week-end with Alice Harker. of !>>s Angele* are vi*iting here • Mr an«i Mrs Joe Hander of for neveral day* at the home of Mount Shasta visit»'»! here Sunday Mr and Mr*. Dave Kerr. with their daughter, France* Ban- • Jim Hidgood and Hain McNair ih-l made a buaim-s* trip to Portland • Marion Gould visittxl here Hun- thin week. mlng of the of Klamath Falls visited here last Was week-end at the home of Mrs. May new minister, Rev Edwin S Rich­ ardson, ami hi* family, from the I >11 vis • Betty Horne of Chiloquin visit- •Mt, and that he wll1 hold his first e«l here last week-en»! nt the home service here Oct 27. An appeal of her |Mirents. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. also was made to members to as­ sist In making garments fur the Hon ■ • Mr and Mrs Kenneth Brown R»-<1 Crass Following the business of Hilt visile»! here Sunday at the meeting a social hour was enjoy­ home of his father. W C. Brown ed with delicious refreshments be­ • Mi and Mrs Earl .\’>-wbi v le- ing serve»! by the hostess, Mrs. W. tunied Sunday from a business Holmberg. • Mrs Wade Roop was hostess trip to > • Mr and Mr* I>e«n Home of at a gathering of old friends at i^ikcvicw visited here la«t week­ her home last Wednesday evening. Those who were pr«nent were Mrs end with relative* and friend*. • Oinstance Powell wa* dlrn-harg- Alberta Murray of Riverside, Cal.. c<) Sunday from the Cornmunity Mrs Susie Curtis of I^keview. hospital where «he recently un­ Ore., Miss Marie Walker and Miss Gladys Whitson, both of Ashland derwent a major operation. • Norma Ebnother of Prospect • M ims Emma Geray, who is at- «pent last week-end here nt the tending thc Ix*onard Beauty col- home of her parents, Mr and Mr* lege in Medford, spent the week- end at the home of her parents. .1 Sbnother • Mr and Mr* C .1 Baughman Mr and Mrs Marlowe Geray, re­ visited with relatives tn Klamath turning to Medford Sunday eve­ ning Fall* Monday • W G Sander made a business • Mr and Mrs. M F Geray, Mr and Mrs W. A. Gran. Billy Gran trip to Yreka Wednesday. • Mr and Mrs. Virgil Jackson and Horton Geray attended the left Wriincmfay for a visit with theater in Ashland Sunday eve­ ning friends in Marshfield. • Roland Scheidcrviter and Jo* • Victor Zanotto is seriously ill Jcssell made a hunting trip into in the Yreka General hospital. l-Jlte last week his brother Adolph, Klamath county this week. • Mr. and Mis W D Jackson accompanied by Aldo Ccccato. and Mr. and Mrs. T E. Fowler took him to sc»- a specialist in San Monday returned from a trip to Francisco, returning to Yreka Idaho where they visited with Monday. • Lester Ijaurentz spent Sunday relatives • Mr. and Mrs Ed Cary recently in Medford. returned to their home in Santa Cruz following a visit here at the home of Mrs Cary’s parents, Mr. an»! Mrs F H. Crowson. • Don Mar*h of San Francisco is visiting here with friends and rel­ atives for several days this week • Elmer Jones of Klamath Falla visited here Tuesday with friends. • HILTS NEWS • r Page 5 Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. < land»- I.. euijie, Vicar Holy Communion M:30 a m. Church school 9:30 a. m. Hermon and Morning Prayer 11 tt. m. Holy Communion Wednesday, 9:30 a. m. Choir will meet Friday, 7:30 p. m. You are cordially invited to wor­ ship with us. • DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AM) MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS Methodist Episcopal Church CORN FLAKES POTATOES Post or Kel!ogg’s 50 lbs. US No. 2 CASCADE SALTED SODA CRACKERS 5C 39C 2-lb box 19c Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday church school hour, 9:45 a. rn. Alien O McGee 1* the sup- erintendent. A class for every age group. Morning sermon at 11; sub ject, "Thou Knowest, Therefore Thou Oughtest.” The adult choir, under the direction of Ml*» Con­ over, will sing a selected anthern. Mrs. Frank Travin at the organ. Th»« Epworth and Wesley 1 Prag­ ue« meet at 0:30 p. m. for Wor­ ship Evening sermon at 7:30 o'clock; subject, "Win You s. u Out?’ The young peopleri' choir under the direction of Mrs. Cora Bruce will *ing the anthem, "O Sometime* the Shadow» are Deep” Milenas The prayer meeting is held each Wednesday evening. A study in the book of Revelation. SOLE Alumni Select Officers for 1910-41 At a meeting uf the Alumni as­ sociation and an alumni banquet at the Lithia hotel Friday night the alumni of the Southern Oregon College of Education elected the | following officers for the year I 1940-41: President, laiwre.ice Kai-j ser of Medford; secretary-treas- « urer, Melvin Smith of Ashland, first vice president, Chester Squire of Iaikeview; second vice presi- , dent. Dorothy Marshall of Klam- i ath Falls; third vice president, | Pauline Riensche of Eugene, and fourth vice president, James I Baughman of Marshfield Featured speakers of th»' annua) banquet were Dr. Walter Redf»>rd. president of the Southern Oregon i College of Education and Albie Beck, superintendent of the Jack- j aonviiie public schools. "AKRON" MODERN MECHANO-FORM TRUSS LEMONS-360 Sunkist—dozen 19c LETTUCE—per head - 5c BANANAS—pound - - 5C CRANBERRIES—pound 19c ORANGES—each - - lc SWEET POTATOES—pound - 3c JELL-O—per pkg - - 5c OXYDOL-large - - 19c IVORY SOAP—medium 5c Dog Food—Vita Food-4 for 19c KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR $1.29 MII D-EX BLEACHER-gal 29e Oregon MILK 3 for 19c A BACON pound 19c CRISCO 3-pound tin 47c COFFEE SUGAR Tasty Any Kind Except Sank;, White Satin Salad Dressing 10 lbs 49C qt 19C FOR WORK OR PLAY Thia Smooth Rubber Bock Poda No Poiti To Wear Clothing ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas Royal Club Cream Style Corn ■ Royal Club Wet Pack Shrimp Royal Club Catsup—per bottle Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| - Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| - Meco Corn—No. 303 - - - - Meco String Beans—No ADJUSTABLE CENTER Sponge Rubber Pods No Leg Straps EAST SIDE PHARMACY 15c 13C 15C 15C 14C 17C 3 for 25c 3 for PHONE I HOW'S YOUR BREATH I USE OUR DELIVERY SERVICE—IT’S FREE! You may lie guilty of halitosis (Nid breath) this very minute, and yet be unaware of it. That's the insidious thin about this offensive condition, so frt iiucntly due to food fermentation ii the mouth. You yourself may not recognize ii . . . but everyone you come in contact with does. Listerine Antiseptic halts such fer mentation, said by some authorities (« be a major cause of mouth odors, am overcomes the odors themselves. So why risk annoying and offending others? Why hurt yourself socially and in business? It is so easy to guard against offend­ ing by gargling with Listerine, the safe antiseptic. Your breath becomes sweeter and more agreeable. If you value your job and your friends, use Listerine Antiseptic regularly. Lambert Pharmacal Company, St. Louis, Mo. A LISTEBINE '«HALITOSIS (■ » aasATU) a * . WHAT A DIFFERENCE MIRACLE WHIP MAKES IN SALADS! flavor is so lively! So zestfull WilKonz) prefer it * 100% Pure Kettle Rendered Lard 3 lbs 25c Mrs. Powell’s Chicken Tamales 15c ea Young, Tender Leg o’ Pork Roasts 18c lb Fresh Pig’s Feet, 5c each Pickled Pig’s Feet, 14-oz. jar 25c Leg o’ Lamb Roast 25c lb Shoulder Lamb Home Cured Bacon I71/2C lb 20c pound, by the piece Sliced Morrell’s Eastern Bacon 25c pound Pork Sausage, for Sunday breakfast 15c pound