Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, October 25, 1940, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
Friday, Oct. 25, 1940
Neglect of Accident Hazards Claims'
32,000 Lives Annually in U. S. Homes
Lincoln School
• Jack Pearson of Merlin visited
here last week-end with his par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pearson.
On Tuesday, Oct. 22, the fourth
grade member* of the IJncoln
school garden club helped Mias
O'Brien transplant plants and
bulbs. Some of the boys made u
temporary fence for |>urt of the
Miss Young gave the pupils of
rix»m 7 and M a very Interi'stlng
talk on alcohol. Stir showed the
children by experiments how ul-
cohol is both good and l>ud The
children saw how injurious alcohol
is to people who drink it.
Room 0 is muking a mural to
decorate the room. In the art class,
taught by Mr. Wilds, the boy*
and girls drew patterns of ani­
mals. The mural will be made in
spatter work using these patterns
The children of room 7 wrote
letters to Connie Powell, one of
their classmates who is ill. They
are glad that she will s<x>n be back
to school.
The sixth grade pupils were
sorry to lose their student teach­
er, Mr. Carothers, who taught
arithmetic. He went to Washing­
ton to work for awhile.
The second grade is building a
Donald Burton has moved away
to Hayward, Ore.
• Miss Susan Sikes, who teaches
school at Shady Cove, spent the
week-end with her mother, Mrs.
Grace Sikes, and attended teach­
ers’ conference. She teaches the
first, second, third and fourth
• Miss Jane McCoy of Ashland
spent several days this week with
friends in Bellview.
Washington, D. C.—The American Home—traditionally the symbol of
• Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grimm and
and safety—rivals the highway as the scene of the nation’s
daughter Ola May and J. H. Will­
iams were dinner guests Sunday of greatest number of accident fatalities.
In a statement issued here by the Home and Farm Accident Preven­
Mr. and Mrs. Con Austin in Ash­
tion Service of the American Red Coss, it was pointed out that accidents
• Mrs. Harold Greene and two in the home, Including falls, burns and other common mishaps, claimed
children, Marilou and Rodney, re­ 32,000 lives last year—only 600 less than the number of motor vehicle
turned to their home in Tacoma deaths. Farm accidents accounted for an additional 4.200 deaths.
Friday after spending several days
Statistic* showed that home deaths last year increased 500 over the
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
year and farm accidents Increased 300.
Henry Stenrud.
In addition to a mounting death toll, home and farm accident* last
• Bill Brails of Ashland was a
dinner guest Sunday at the W. O. year caused upwards of 4.700.000 Injuries which resulted in economic
Martin home.
losses running into millions of dollars.
Each year 1,400 adults and children
• Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Newbry and
To reduce the number of rural aed urban accidents in and about the die from accidental poisoning.
sons Albert and Tommy will leave home the American Red Cross In 1935 inaugurated tt* accident preven­ Label bottles clearly and keep
Saturday for a two weeks visit in tion program as a parallel project with the Fir*t Aid and Life Saving
them out of reach of children.
Idaho with Mrs. New’bry’s parents.
• Mrs. Charles White and daugh­ Services. This year, 9,000.000 "check
ters Lois and Agnes spent last lists” describing accident hazards
week-end at Lakeview on business. and urging their removal will be
• William Sikes went to Redding distributed throughout the country.
Approximately 2,000 Red Cross
on business last Wednesday.
• Mrif Artro Swingle and chil­
• Mr. and Mrs. Chester Apple­ chapters have undertaken a pro­
dren of Bremerton s|x<nt several
gate returned Monday from a few gram to acquaint householders in
days here thia week ut the home
days visit to Walla Walla, Wash., their vicinities with accident haz­
of her |>arcnta. Mr and Mrs. T. B
where they were guests of Mrs. ards iu the home and on the farm.
Applegate's sister and family, Mr. Chapters will be aided by the
and Mrs. Clark Lanckton.
• The Bellview P-TA will meet Junior Red Cross and the schools
Friday evening, Oct. 25. The
The program will stress the vital
teachers, Mr. Sloan. Mrs. Pendle­
ton and Mrs. Dews, will have need for removing accident hazards
charge of the program. Mr. Sloan, causing falls, as this type of acci­
principal, will give a talk. Pie and dent resulted in more than half of
coffee will be served by the re­ last year’s home accident fatalities.
freshment committee at the close Burns and explosions caused the
of the meeting.
• Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kesler, next heaviest loss of life.
Accident prevention is one of
who have just moved here from
Texas, have purchased the ranch seven services conducted day to­
owned by O. G. Ayers and plan to day by the American Red Cross in
make this their home. Mr. and it* tireless campaign against acci­
Mrs. Kesler are parents of Mrs. dental death and suffering arising
42 East .Mula Street—Phone 4531
Luke Willis.
from disaster and other causes of
• Betty Ring returned Sunday to emergency nature. These services
Umpqua, Ore., where she teaches are supported solely by members
school. She spent several days
with her parents while attending who join each year during Roll Accidents on the farm yearly Injure 200,000 persona and machinery Is the
leading cause. Most deaths and Injuries are due to carelessness.
teachers’ conference here last Call, November 11-30.
Thursday and Friday.
• The Bellview embroidery club
Gene and Jimmy Arnold, twins,
met with Mrs. B. H. Christlieb Walker and is planning to build a
Fern Valley, and Dennis Dahl.
Tuesday. The afternoon was spent house. The deal was made through j
Conrad, Montana.
in needlework and at the close of the Bert Miller agency.
the meeting delicious refreshments • John Lanini and bride of Eu- j
The children have been making
were served by the hostess. The gene are spending this week with i
Hallowe'en masks in art class. Tin-
next meeting will be with Mrs. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent
W i v we make the masks bi to
yew ¿wy yew/i.
Lanini. They were married last
George Helms.
model a face out of clay and then
Shirley Sparks of the first grade cover the clay with strips of soak­
• Miss Alice Wright, a former Saturday at Eugene and Mrs. La­
missionary in India, has bought a nini was formerly Miss Glama had a birthday this week. Mrs. ed paper. After they dry strips of Take delivery of your new car
Sparks made cookies for us and paper are pasted over that Sev­ at the factory. and save enough
small tract of land from J. Z. Williams.
eral layers are used before the to pay your Greyhound far«' $38'l5»o Detroit fi**
• Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ayers have we had a very happy time.
Alfred Boileau is leaving the mask is covered with wet cheese tmrk Knot and all your ei-
sold their home to their son, O. G.
Ayers, and are moving to Med­ second grade here to go to Long cloth. When the mask is complete­ |M-n*en driving home ... plus a
JH.OCP ford
Beach, Calif. Marjorie Wood en­ ly dry it is taken off the clay form, cash saving!
to make their home.
See Grey hound
• Mrs. Addie Henninger is con­ tered the second grade this week. trimmed, painted, rubber band put agent for details.
We have a new pupil in the sixth on and is ready to wear.
fmed to her home, ill from an in­
Deftot: Grev hound Tavern
grade room. His name is Wayne
fection in her foot.
Some of the children have fin- I Phone: 3341
• Mrs. Malinda King of Ashland Wood and he came from the Lin­ ished pasting and arc waiting for
was guest of Bellview friends coln school. We are very sorry that the faces to dry so that they can
Wesley McKenzie moved to Talent. paint on the features.
• Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Olson were
The fifth graders have been
Skippy Rush spent last week­
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. end visiting in San Francisco. He making maps of Oregon.
Charles Myers of Medford.
told us about his visit to the zoo,
• Mr. and Mrs. Gail Modeen at-' to a meeting of Boy Scout troop
tended the Klamath-Medford foot­ 82. to the show "AU American,’’
ball game held at Medford Friday which tells of the life of Knut*
Rockne, and the army air corps.
• Mrs. Richard Black was a vis­
Twelve boys and girls from the
itor to Hilt last Friday.
4A and 5A room plan to attend
• Ralph and George Sikes of Dor­ the Story Hour at the library,
ris spent the week-end with their Thursday evening. Miss Mason is
mother, Mrs. Grace Sikes.
telling us an interesting story. We
• Phyllis Walker, small daughter ■ always like her stories.
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker, re­
New third grade pupils are:
ceived a badly injured shoulder Maxine
Wood, Lincoln school; Pa­
last Tuesday while playing on the tricia Kathan,
Cornelius, Ore.; !
school grounds.
• John C. Kesler, who recently
moved here with his parents from Miles Farmer complimented them
Texas, has been employed at the at a lovely dinner at their Dorris
home. Those present included the
Flurry milL
• Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Farmer and
son John of Alamosa, Colo., arriv­ Betty Lou, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
ed last Sunday for a two weeks Byrd and family, Mr. and Mrs.
visit with Mr. Walker’s parents, Dan Farmer and Dolores, Mr. and
OMf ütt U ytan
Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Walker and Mrs Williamson, Glen Williamson,
family. John was a former em­ Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Byrd and fam­
ploye at the Ashland Daily Tidings. ily and Miss Julia Ann Noble of
fftrtotof tZUt
pr yoart . oi irtuth
• A birthday party was held at Ashland.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter • Miss Alice Metcalfe and George
Davis honoring their daughter, Warren were dinner guests Sun­
Lyda Catherine, Sunday. Besides day of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Davis
Bellview friends enjoying the day of Medford.
were Mr. and Mrs. Clay Barker, • Mrs. Archie Kincaid rettrmed
Ray Barker and Miss Ellen Satch- to her home Monday from a two
ell of Ashland.
weeks visit to Portland, Tacoma
• Mrs. R. E. Bell and family re­ and Seattle.
turned this week from Seattle • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Renick and
where they visited her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sells and two
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ small sons of Myrtle Point spent
len D. Miller. Mr. Bell and Mr. and from Friday until Sunday with
Mrs. R. E. Bell Jr. of Klamath Mrs. Charles Anderson and Dale.
Falls drove to Seattle from Klam- Mr Renick is a brother of Mrs.
ath Falls.
Anderson and Mrs. Sells a niece.
• Curtis Byrd and Miss Ruth • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sexton
WilHamson were married Saturday and two daughters of Klamath
t^nqt cf ÍJiiftr
at Reno, Nev., being accompanied Falls spent Tuesday and Wednes­
aitici) at
Md» U m Prodcar
there by Mr. and Mrs. Willis Byrd. day with Mrs Sexton’s parents,
hai rftriñd 45Ck
Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mr*. I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grimm.
Falls and Burns Leading Causes,
Red Cross Warns in Safety Appeal
For Winter Protection!
Heaters-Chains-Top Materials
Driving and Fog Lights
Taylor R. Williams, Authorized Dealer
School News
Tell the Salesman
0 Low-Cost Financing
VOTE 317 NO!
C> Builds Bank Credit
for your other needs...
in 41 tfafe-wide branches!
a Victim of S. W.?
Painting and body work
headquarters. Get our quo­
♦Summer Weariness Is the
result of punishing heat and
summer wear and tear. Your
motor should he checked to
make sure that no serious
damage has occurred . . .
and to put It into perfect
condition for cold weather
Delay may mean
a costly repair bill later,
slow starts and excessive
better y drain.
O. H. WINNIR, Monaoer
PHONE 5311
fill I Ai
B I > O I I T
I N I U 1 A N