THE BULLDOG TO GRAPPLE CHICK IN TOP MAT FARE Medford-Grizzly Grid Game Is Transferred The annual football duel be­ tween Medford and Ashland high schools, originally scheduled for the Ashland field on Nov. 15. has been shifted to Medford's turf and will be played Armistice day. Nov. 11, probably starting at 2:30 p m. Principals B. C. Forsythe of Ash­ land and Leonard B. Mayfield of Medford reached terms agreeable to both schools after several days of dickering. Lack of proper seating arrange­ ments at the Ashland field and the big Armistice day celebration by the American Legion in Medford were given as combined reasons for wanting the change. ----------- •------------ FOOTBALL! Scores last Week Ashland Juniors 7 at Medford 21. Ashland Reserves 6 at Central Point 13. Klamath Falls 14 at Medford 16. Games Tonight Coquille at Ashland (Saturday night). Medford at Bend. Grants Pass at Klamath Falls. ------------- a------------- • Mrs. Evelyn Hollister is visiting for several days in Portland. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tayler Wed­ nesday returned from a vacation trip to Astoria and Portland. Courtriy Pacific GrtybonnJ Liati One of the newest and most popular tourist attractions in the West is Shasta Dam in Northern California. When completed, this mammoth structure will he Ameri­ cas secund largest dam in height and concrete mass. Its waters will irrigate 2 million acres of valuable farm land in Central California. Above is shown the giant cableway system that distributes concrete to all parts of the project Shasta Dam may be reached by Greyhound and its connecting bus service right to the dam. Beta Boys, Crandalls Cl AUf CTAPTIMfi Top SOCE Intramural aLW" « I Rif I lnU Hoop Tourney Tussles Friday and Saturday! JANE WITHERS gire» p« Ûs hsgkiig Indo« ca the kaugkty highbrows.. “TUMBLING TUMBLEWEED” CARY GRANT IRENE DUNNE in “MY FAVORITE WIFE” • WED & THUR SPECIAL! Muto 15C Kiddies a Dime! > Friday, Oct. 25, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 10 COSTS JUNIORS Ex-Champ at Medford A HOME <»WNEI> THEATRE I'hoiie 7501 I IH'IJJXX; JACKSON, famous 1 * hammerlock artist from Port­ land, Yukon, Alaska and other prints, returns to Medford armory next Monday night, Oct. 28, after a time s|x*nt in southern Califor­ nia. and will mix with Cowboy : Dude Chick. Wyoming cowpoke, in the top main event of Promoter Mack Ullard’s weekly mat pro­ gram. Jackson's stomping hain- merlock, combined with his other rough maneuvers, makes him a tough customer in any match. I Chick, however, has no toler- ' ance with men. of Jackson's calibre and will probably dish out a lot of roughness himself in an effort to cap his performance with his highly-rated lariat spin. Billy Rayburn of Atlanta, Ga, will be making his first southern Oregon ap|x«anince tn the middle go when he faces Ernie Ihluso of Klamath Falls. Rayburn is reputed to be a clean matman and up near the top in the light heavyweight ranks. Don Juan Sebastian. crooning grappler, again comes back to ENNE JAMEN, former light M«‘