Friday, October 18, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER BUILDING CONTRACTORS Page 7 BUILDING PROGRESS «1= Continuous, Consistent Service P ittsburgh ® P aints -S WXHNI0I IIOIMIDI /NOOf* /• J WCIIUM VUH I'ltOOl For more than 2ft year» thin company ha» been supplying the building need» of this community. Continuous service, complete and adequate to Ashland and vicinity. Consistent service— though long established we have kept abreast of the time» with the newest and beet of building ma­ terial». Gathered here for your convenience you will find the flneat quality of lot-ally produced lumber and other material», combined with product» from other part» of our great country where the heat In their line I» made. Prices at our yard are always consistent with value. /S un P roof 1 paint . I QIAtll WICK’S FURNITURE STORE PHONE 8761 297 KANT MAIN STREET, ASHLAND Ekerson Paint & Roof Store Paint and Roof Contractors Flat Roofs and Composition Shingles Paints and Wallpaper PAIKO PRODUCTS Time Payment« fur Remodeling BUILI) AND REPAIR NOW! Now ih the time to build. Own a home of your own—it’s the difference between living and just merely existing. There’s so much more comfort, bo much more actual happiness in owning your own home. And now with prices so reasonable and payment terms so liberal, there’s nothing to hinder you from realizing your ambition. So if you are planning to build or remodel your home, you will find on this page the helpful services of members of the building industry who will be glad to serve your needs. Phone 3843 IM South Hurt let I Street, Medford Pioneer Roof Service LIND BROTHERS Complete Floor and Window Decorating Linoleums DISTINCTIVE STYLING AND EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Ed Gaine» of the Pioneer Rad, or 3 Ixtads for fft Builders' Hardware and Supplies 3 North Main Street, Ashland Phone 5521