Friday, October 18, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 r 1 ""‘church1 Pal About People You Know! | 4 / • Mr and Mrs Frank Johnson • Mr und Mrs Viggo lAssen, of Crescent City visited here for John Hughs and W C. Brown • .'-ml «lays this week al the made a trip to Nikevlew Sunday. home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Huff­ • Tom Fuson of Medford visited man here Monday with his mother, • Mr and Mrs. Dum Provost Mrs. Mary Wzzi left recent­ "Tile Eskimo" by Elsie Bemheisel, ly for her home in Santa Bur tiara and pantomime burlesque, "The following u visit here st the home lighthouse Keeper’s Daughter,” of her parents, Mr and Mrs D. with the following cast: Keeper. Perozzi Miss Izicille Gansberg; daughter. • James Baughman of Marshfield Mrs F R Williams; wife, Mrs visited here last Week-end at the Ward; doctor, Mrs Enzie Wright; home <>f Mr and Mrs Clint villain. Mrs Planks and reader. Baughman. Mrs John Kalvet Following the • Margaret Trimble of Portland program delicious refreshments visited here last week end at the were served by the committee, and home of Mr and Mrs. George were enjoyed by all present Trimble. • Mr and Mrs Richard Williams • Mr and Mrs Howard Mayberry I and sons Russel and Roy were vis- of Chiloquin visited here last | Ring in Medford Saturday. week-end with friends and rela- • Mrs Frank Ward, Mrs Dono- lives | van Ward and daughter and Mrs • Mr and Mrs Earl Woolridge Walter Bray and daughter were Sunday returned from a honey- shopping in Medford Saturday, nOOU trip t<> the northern part • A number of Hilt residents of the state Mrs Woolridge is drove to Yreka Friday evening to the former Arlene Struve attend the football game between • HILTS NEWS • r Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Holy Communion 8 a m. Church school 9:30 a m. Sermon and morning prayer 1) a m. Holy Communion, Wednesday 9:30 a m. Choir will meet Friday, 7:30 p m. 'rhe Every Member canvass will be taken on Nov 17. You are cordially invited to wor­ ship with us. — • Methodist Episcopal Church Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Allen McGee, the newly elected superintendent, will be in charge Morning sermon at 11, subject. "Islands of Good-will,” 'Die adult choir under direction of Miss Max Ine Conover will sing an anthem. Mrs Frank Davis at the organ 'Die Epworth league for the high school group and the Wesley !x-ague for those above high school age meet t<»r worship at 6:30 Evening sermon at 7:30, sub­ ject, "The Value <4 a Soul.” The young peoples choir under direc­ tion of Mrs Cora Bruce will sing "Heaven is Nearer” iLilleans). Prayer meeting Is held on Wed­ nesday evenings at 7:30, at which time the Book of Revelations is being carefully and prayerfully studied. ---- •— DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AM) MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS !■ L» Bulk WhiteKouse Hills Blue Pound In Glass -far All Other Brands Can Except Sanka 10C lb 23e lb 19c COFFEE Oregon LEMONS—per dozen 19c LETTUCE—per head ’ 5c SWEET POTATOES-4 lbs 13c CRANBERRIES—pound - 19c BANANAS—pound - - - - 5c ORANGES—each - - - - lc MILK 6 for 37c BACON pound MAT< HED SLICE— ASHLAND STUDENTS PLEDGE Among the 408 students pledged at the beginning of fall term by fraternities and sororities at the University of Oregon are 10 stu­ dents from Jackson county Pledg­ es Include Jean Frideger. Delta Delta Delta LeRoy Dale Kaegl and Glenn Gordon, Theta Chi, all of Ashland. the Yreka Miners and the Klam­ ath Falla Wildcats and witnessed the third victory for the local team, the score being Hi to 7 in favor of the Yreka Miners. • Mrs. Olive Allison returned Monday night from a two weeks vacation trip to central and south- em California where she visited relatives and friends. • Mr and Mrs W A Gran and non Bill were in Medford Satur­ day. • Mrs Roy Hord and son Bob returned recently from a vacation trip to Eugene. Ore • Mr and Mrs Arthur Gil berg and children were in Medford Sat­ urday • Mr and Mrs. L. Rossi and Mr. and Mrs Joe R<*si and son were Mt Shasta visitors Saturday • Adolph Zanatto planned to go to San Francisco this week to take his brother Victor there for med- leal treatment. SRS8® INSIST r 19c Kraft Elkhorne CHEESE pound 19c PINEAPPLE—No. 2| - - 17c COCOA—No. 2 tin - - - 17c RANCHO SOAP—4 for - 23c SWANSDOWN—package - 21C DOG FOOD—King Chow, 3 for 13c PEARL SHORTENING-4 lbs 39c FLOUR Snow Drop Kitchen Queen 49 s 49’s $1.09 $1.29 DRIFTED SNOW CROWN FISHERS BLEND 49’s $1.45 ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| - - - - Royal Club Whole Kernel Corn—No. 2 Royal Club Stringless Beans - - - - Royal Club Catsup—per bottle - - • Royal Club Coffee—per pound - - - Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| - - - - Meco Sliced Beets........................ Meco Corn 3 for 14c 13c 13c 15C 24C 17c 10c / ■ » “Quality Meats for Less”—Always! r Of Low Cost Financing il Builds Bank Credit t < '•' el- 5 for your other needs in 3 41 state-wide branches G. H. WENNER, Manager OF PORTLAND * BEEF LAMB PORK Pure Lard Leg of Spring Kettle Rendered For Soup Lamb 25c lb 4 pounds - - 25c - - 12|c lb Home-Cured Choice Lamb For Boiling 17c lb Bacon Roast 12| to 18c Chops - - 30c lb Sliced 23c lb Per Pound Shoulder Leg of Young Sirloin Stk. 25c Roasts - 17jC lb Pork - - - 18c lb Nice and Tender HAMS - LUNCH MEATS - POULTRY- CORNED BEEF CC CO I P O I ATI O N 1 f. ■