Page 4 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Of Course He Picked a * Torpedo9! Friday, October 18, 1940 Lincoln School The Lincoln school council de­ cided to have patrols to keep the children in order while going through the halls. The patrols are on duty in the morning and at noon. The members were chosen by the council and wear tauiges on their arms. Oct. 15, room 6 played nx>m 8 in a game of fk jackets on the bulletin boards for the children to choose books from the college library. A few of the class will go get them The rest of the class will go to the city library to get books from there. The children of rooms 5, 6, 7 and 8 went over to the college to see two very good pictures. One told about the working and fornia- tion of volcanoes and the other one was about the wonders of water. Some of the pupils of the fourth grade arc going to take clarette lessons from Miss Lucie Landen, Monday, Oct. 21. Tile pupils lire very anxious to learn to play this instrument. Mary Jane Coleman entered the fourth grude of Uncoln school on Tuesday, Oct. 15. She hits been a pupil in the Washington school since she entered the first guide She likes the Washington school but she thinks she will like Lincoln school too. • - • U-e Ashcraft and Wilbur Hher- fy spent lust week-end in Port­ land where they attended the Washing ton-Oregon game. • Ben Gibson of Klamath Falls was a business visitor here Mon­ day. • Mr. and Mrs Wi’lli.« Turner and daughter Ruby and Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Myers were picnicking at Cinnabar springs down the Kia- math river in Caiuomia Sunday. • V ictor Lanmi from Eugene spent several days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lanun. • John Arnold, who is employed with the railroad company al Marshfield, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ar­ nold. • Jack Williams went to Port­ land last week-end to attend the Washington-Oregon football game. • Mrs. Lucy Schraeder of Klam­ ath Falls spent the week-end with her daughter and family, Mr. Mrs Ted Huff. • Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Korth son Jimmy of Burney spent week-end with Mrs. Korth s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Martin, Chief Torpedo Officer of the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, and with J. H. Williams. Honolulu. William E. Swango arrived at the Pontiac plant recently to take delivery on a 1941 Pontiac De Luxe Torpedo Eight. Mrs. Swungo points to • Ted Guetzlaff was duck hunt­ the torpedo emblem on her husband's uniform. "I've handled torpedoes for ing in the Klamath Falls district years," laughed Swango, "but this is the first time I've ever driven one." last Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Con Austin were over night guests of J. H. Will­ committee and presented an art­ during the noon hour. How long he iams Monday. • R. E. Bell Sr. and son Kenneth icle on womans suffrage. At the had lain nobody knows. He was spent the week-end at their home close of the meeting reireshments rushed to the hospital and an X- here. Both are employed in Klam­ were served by Mrs. Albert Ar- ray was taken to determine nold, Mrs. Vincent Lamm and Mrs. whether any bones were broken., ath Falls. • Mr and Mrs. Ben Webster were workers which him been stationed • Mr. and Mrs. Herman Helms I. E. Deadmond were busui<-is visitors in Medford • Mrs. R. E. Bell and daughters shopping in Medford Tuesday af­ in Talent the past 10 days left Rosemary and L*atricia and son ternoon. today for Donham, in the Wolf Monday. Whenever you are going place* you «ill GOING FOR LISS • Mrs. Harold Greene and chil­ Sam left Wednesday morning for • Mrs. Elene Robinette of Car­ Creek area. on« round appreciate Greyhound'« frequent servies, Seattle to visit with Mr. and Mrs. • Mrs. Mary Birdsall has pur- negie. Alaska, and Mr. and Mrs dren, Marilou and Rodney, of Ta­ wry trip Portland »5.20 «8.40 luiuriou* Super Coache« *n.s . id . wie- avenue. •Hl Grants Pass 1.05 DEPOT: GREYHOUND TAVERN and Mrs. Henry Stenrud and Mrs othy were fishing on Klamath • The Cai ner roast a the •>«a ot juanita «Mr and Mrs. Ralph Welbum i Chicago 3HH5 00.00 Stenrud's mother, Mrs. Somenson. river Sunday. HMM* 3311 ar. Tuesday are the parents of a baby boy Redding 3.10 5.00 • W. O. Martin was in Medford • Melvin Thompson, with Mr. and and Betty Lio-i. Mrs. George Thompson and son bom Monday at the Community night. on business last Tuesday. e Tryon were hospital in Ashland. • The annual budget meeting of Carl, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L • Mr and Mrs the Bellview school district will be Martin of Winters, Calif., were transacting busin •* in Medford • Mrs. Earl Withrow of Lincoln is visiting relatives and friends Wednesday morning held Monday, Oct. 21 at the school visiting at Horse creek Sunday. r • • Mr. and Mrs. A. Arnold, Floyd • The crew of railroad bridge here this week. house. Carter, Mrs. Ed Dunn, Mrs. Wal ­ • LeRoy Ayers spent the week­ end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. ter Hash. Wade Wallis, Herman O. G. Ayers. LeRoy is employed in Helm and Mrs. C. Anderson were on the legist rati on committee that the CCC camp at Tiller. Registration • Mr. and Mrs Al Randles and served Wednesday. son Douglas spent Sunday with was held at the club house. Mrs. Randles' parents. Mr. and • The Bellview Grange met Tues­ day and members gave a shower Mrs. James Metcalfe. • Mrs. Melvin Conley of Duns­ honoring Curtis Byrd and his bride­ muir, Calif., spent a few days thia elect. The committee, Mr. and Mrs. week with her parents, Mr. and Stenrud, Mr. and. Mrs. Rector, Marie Walker, Dott Williams and Mrs. Reynolds. • The Bellview P-TA which was Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Reynolds, to have met Friday evening has served attractive refreshments. been postponed until Oct. 25 due to the teachers’ conference which is in progress at the Southern Ore­ gon College of Education. Pupils are enjoying a two-day vacation. • Mrs. Edwin Dunn entertained the sewing club Tuesday serving luncheon at 1 o'clock. Those at­ • Mrs. R. O. Bennett departed tending included Mesdames Her­ Monday for her home in Monticel­ man Helm, Roy Crow, George lo, Caiif., after making an extend­ Helms and Ben Christlieb. ed visit at the home of Mr. and • The J. Z. Walker home is be­ Mrs. C. Williams. ing remodeled, completion being • Mr. J. and Mrs. H. V. Olson, who planned in about a month. The been living on the Anderson home will be in two apartments have road for the past couple of years, with the Joe Walker family occu­ moved Medford last week. pying one and the J. Z. Walker • The to local postmaster lias been family the other. able to secure better mail service • Mrs. Luke Wallis and son for Talent and Vicinity inasmuch Dempsey returned home last Fri­ as parcel post will be put off the day from Texas where they visited northbound Shasta at 10:30 a. m. for several weeks. Her parents in place of beihg held over in Ash­ and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Claude land for the night train. Parcel Kesler and John C., accompanied post also will be put south- her home, planning to locate In Dound Shasta at 5 p. m. on instead of this community. being held over until following • De Forest Metcalfe of Los An­ morning. This new service will geles spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James give Talent the same service the larger offices enjoy. Metcalfe. • Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smith and • Ivan Farmer, Mr. Willis, Claude family moved this week near Cen­ Kesler and son John C. were hunt­ ing on Greensprings mountain tral Point. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Saturday. Farmer and Willis each Jennings purchased the property vacated by the Smiths and have brought home a buck. • The Upper Valley Community taken possession. • Mrs. John Hamilton of Tulelake club met last Wednesday in regu­ is spending a few days at the lar monthly meeting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Leroy Ol­ Grange hall. Mrs. J. E. Gowland acted as chairman. Mrs. Bell and sen, and other relatives this week. Mrs. Kincaid were on the program • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murphy and family who have spent the past summer here have returned to their home in Dallas, Ore. • Ralph Hamilton is home from A the Tulelake potato patch for a few days. • The Gold Pear Harvest dance held at the city hall Saturday night was well attended. The af­ fair was sponsored by the Oxjd Cheer club. Music by the Four Harmonize rs. • Blin Coleman of Medford called on friends here Saturday after- noon. ®Mrs. George Pheifer spent Betty Always Wins! Tuesday afternoon in , Ashland She’s got that extra some­ transacting business. thing that it taken to put • Mrs. A. Russell of Ashland vis­ it over. Possibly she gets ited Mrs. Anna Dickey Saturday. NOW ON that sparkling brilliance • Mrs. Ben Clark spent Friday from drinking MILK! afternoon visiting Mrs. Ralph Hibma south of town. CLOVER LEAF • Members of the Epworth Lea­ gue gave a party Tuesday night rm for Agnes Lacy. • Mrs. Helen Eller and son Cart of Wakefield, Kan. are visiting NORTH MAIN PONTIAC’ DEALER Mrs. Eiler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hamilton. On Tuesday the We are proud to announce our appointment party left for a trip up the Wil­ than ever, the outstanding values in the low-price field. DEPENDABLE lamette valley to be gone a couple as dealers for Pontiac, America ’ s Finest There’s the sensational new De Luxe "Torpedo” that's NON-CANCELLABLE, NON- of days. Low-Priced Car —and we cordially invite PRO-RATABLE Health and ftriced right down among the lowest —the new Stream- • Earl Vetter joined the United Accident Insurance you to come into our salesroom and inspect the new States army and is stationed at iner "Torpedo,” newest member of Pontiac's Also Life, Automobile and Fire Vancouver, Wash. 1941 Pontiac "Torpedoes” now on display. "Torpedo” family . . . and the brilliant new Custom Insurance • Frank Redke of Klamath Falls "Torpedo,” the last word in beauty and luxury—ten spent the week-end in Talent vis­ You’ll see the biggest, smartest looking, finest per* beautiful models in all — and every one is available as iting friends. M. T. BURNS forming Pontiacs ever built—with scores of new im­ either a Six or as an Eight. Come in —inspect our quarters • Hatlid Carrol of near Trail On the Plaza visited friends here Sunday. provements and advancements that make them, more and see these thrilling new Pontiac "Torpedoes” todav! • George Carter, county clerk, was a business caller here from Medford Tuesday evening. • L. J. Balderstone met with a serious accident Tuesday morning Mil I I A ■ '<>KN <*. a Ne. •"•LLIRFH Formula, A Now Idea. A when a team of horses ran away a a • w New “IS Minute" Treat- S 0 L D m«wt —NO ACID. Hnll.- with a hay rack, crashing into a fpcUon Or Money Bark a tree and pinning the driver un­ der the rack. He was found un­ CORI-OFF conscious by his wife who returned EAST SIDE PHARMACY from a shopping trip to Medford i • • • • fyGMYHOUW GREYHOUND rheW 3 Beautiful New Lines of Cars YOUR CHOICE OF A SIX OR AN EIGHT IN ANY MODEL QUART EACH DAY DISPLAY AT DAsnr kasM CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO 52-56 CORNS HURT? S NEW ASHLAND /tr dnofAer 2hq Mear Mor jS/rtffacf