!• Page 10 Friday, October 18, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Ashland’H Revived Mites Plan Vicious Medford Reception ASHLAND DRIVES I JESSE JAMES TO TO 19-7 TRIUMPH HINDSIGHT INVADE ARMORY Ashland’s junior high football team will be trying to get revenge OF MYRTLE POINT ON By I SPORTS BATTLE SCENES for the 13 to 0 score against them TO IT) YOU SO 111 Friday and Saturday! JACK OAKIE CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD (Continued from page 1) Weaver fun »bled to give the Bob­ cats the ball at the outset of the i final penod. Bingham fumbled for ' the Pointers with Herrin recover­ ing. Earl Warren gathered 16 i yards for a first down and a clev­ er reverse by Caton was good for 19 yards and the final Grizzly score. A pass attempt for the ex­ tra point was knocked down. On the kick-off. Myrtle Point was penalized 15 yards for clip­ ping but a pass from Sutphin to Harry Brown made back 12 yards of it on the next play. Another pass made it first down on Ash­ land's 28 but Hawk intercepted the next pass on his 21 and ran it back to the Grizzly 31 before he was tackled. Elam, in for Herrin, fumbled on the 27-yard line and Herrin Myrtle Point recovered, came back in and the Pointers made it a first and goal on Ash- land's six-yard line. Four times they tried to pene- trate the Grizzly forward wall but Weaver halted the final at­ tempt on the one-foot line. Herrin kicked out of danger to the Ash­ land 40 where four incomplete passes gave Ashland the ball. Two plays later the Grizzlies fumbled and the Bobcats took over. Next came the 40-yard pass from Sut- phin to Duncan which was good for the visitors' only score just as the gun sounded. The lineups follow: Ashland Pos. Myrtle Point ....... LE........... Duncan I Bergstrom Westerberg ..... LT__ Donnicksen Also CARTOON and PARAMOUNT NEWS! Randles ........... LG.. Melvin Floyd Hawk .... .......... C..... Marvin Floyd Garrett ............. RG........... Walker Newbry .... ...... RT........... Cannon Fowler ___ __ RE______ Paulson D. Warren Q........... D. Brown Jandreau ____ LH......... H. Brown Weaver _____ RH..... ..... Sutphin Herrin ______ J*_______ Stevens Substitutions: Ashland—Caton, Clawson, Decker, Provost. Ran­ dles. Bell, E. Warren. Smith and Elam. Myrtle Point—Bingham. Hall, Porter, Wilson and Medlock. Officials: Jean Eberheart, ref- eree; George Harrington. umpire; Parker Hess, headlinesman. JUNIORS PUSH • WED & THUR • SPECIAL! AduttslSC Kiddies a Dime! WARMER BROTHERS MIRLf GIORGI OBERON BRENT f ► ? ''¡¡1%.^eetjkfiujn ' Plu» «MPdMçJW -J- Paul Wordsworth, playing full­ back for Al Simpson's junior high football team, scored the first touchdown for his school in two years Wednesday night when he went over late in the fourth quar­ ter after clever reverses and a couple of passes had taken the ball down to the Grants Pass Frosh goal line. The Frosh had scored twice previously, however, and took the big end of the score 12 to 6. The juniors were a little cut of their class against the Cavekids as the bigger team tore through for long gains. Grants Pass scored’first in the second quarter on a right end run from 18 yards out but their con­ version try was no good. In the third period the Frosh took the ball on their own 30-yard marker and with sheer power advanced to the Ashland 10. There they were held for three downs inside the junior’s 10-yard line but on the fourth went through the Ashland right tackle to score standing up. Again their try for extra point through the line was no good. Owen Griffith was the spark­ plug for the juniors’ offense which resulted in the score. He started the drive in mid-field and shot a nice pass to Calvin Ross which set up the play that netted the touchdown. Simpson’s team was evidently still smarting under the 14 to 0 trouncing they received at .the hands of the same team in Grants Pass last Friday. Here the Cave­ kids pushed the juniors all over the field and kept them almost constantly in their own territory. But after the half-time rest period of the game here, the jun­ iors found their reverses and pass­ es and other clever plays would work and made a good showing for themselves. Pointer-Reserve Tilt Scheduled for Today The postponed Central Point- Ashland reserves football game will take place this afternoon at 3 o’clock on the Central Point school field and will mark the re­ turn of Jim Smith, last year regu­ lar, to high school competition. Smith, who was injured in an auto accident shortly before football practice started, reported to Head Coach Leighton Plake last week and will use a specially made cast on his hand. The tentative starting lineup for the reserves, according to Blake, is Finnell at left end; Decker at left tackle; Hall at left guard; Randles, cent ¡r; Smith, right guard; Clawson, right tackle, and Dunn, right end. In the backfield will be Ken Caton at quarterback; Earl Warren at left half; Don Warren at right half, and Billy Elam at fullback. « -f LITHIA A HOME-OWNED THEATRE Phone 7561 « Thursday night, Oct. 24, when JESSE JAMES, one of the lead­ they meet the Medford junior high Friday, Saturday WHEN Coach Leighton Blake ing wrestlers in the United on the Medford field. ’’ sent his Ashland high school Slates, will ap|H*ar in the open­ After scoring the first touch- football squad onto the field ing bout at Medford armory next down in two years against the Monday night, according to Mack against Klamath Falls' powerful Grants Pass Frosh Wednesday Pelicans last Friday night few Lillard, promoter. He will face night, the juniors are all fired up Ashland fans expected anything Cyclone Mackey, who has been ap- and prepared to give Medford a less than a crushing defeat, every­ ¡»earing for the past two weeks stiff fight. thing considered. But from the under the name of Mr. X. Coach Ai Simpson is going to first Grizzly play on they leaned James, a former light heavy­ Vote the Mt might Ijuigh forward in their seats, blinked weight champion of the world, is spend the week in drilling his Ticket! their eyes and asked one another in southern Oregon to participate squad in deception and says they will have a vast knowledge of with if what they saw could be. in the Pacific coast junior heavy­ clever football plays to threw The Ashland shift, performed weight tournament in Klamath against the Medford team. Simp­ Elviry and the with precision, timing and accur­ Falls and this is the only reason son has named his probable start­ acy, was so confusing folks on Lillard is able to bring such a ing lineup as follows: McElfresh Weaver Brothers the sidelines couldn't tell which noted matman to Medford. James at left end; Riggs at left tackle; They’re the People's Chok-e! ball park they were in; they hails from Waco, Texas, weighs Delsman, left guard; DeMera, cen­ ------ also — agreed, unanimously, that Coach 188 pounds, and is slated as a ter; Croft, right guard; Gettling. Blake had something on the ball clean wrestler. right tackle, and Kerr at right besides personality and something George (Wildcat) Wilson and end. The backfield will have Nell more in his head than a pearly set Cowboy Dude Chick, a pair of Arant at quarter; Griffith at left of choppers. And the way the fancy muscle-mangiers. Avill square half; Roas, right half, and Words­ local lads hustled through the mid­ off in the top main event. Both worth at fullback. dle of the Klamath line was heart­ men have a wide following In Med­ with ening to team followers who had ford and they are fast and clever. been beaten into habitual despond­ Chick, with his dangerous lariat Charles Starrett ency during football season. spin, once held the world cham­ The Ashland squad, although pionship and in meeting Wilson, Sons of the Pioneers lighter and with far fewer re­ he will be up against one of the serves, was in the ball game from best sonnenburg artists in the the first whistle to the final gun ■ game. Sunday, Monday and it was a surprised bunch of Pete Belcastro. Weed service The fighting Ashland high Pelican players and a worried station proprietor, comes back to and Tuesday group of Klamath fans here that Medford after several weeks away school Grizzlies won a great "moral victory” over a highly- night. and faces Otis Clingman, the vet­ rated Klamath Union high school Every Grizzly fan in town eran Texan, in the middle clash machine under the local who saw the game—and The manner of wrestling between football lights last Friday night. Although these two men is as different as the flnai score that's practically all of 'em— Klamath night and day and a wild match is Falls 14 to 6. the favored next day were holding their Pelicans hail to I»» expected. heads up like a bird dog with fight hard for every point and the a mouthful of ducks and ihe James-Mackey mix goes to Ashlandera were a constant threat whistling like a Southern Pa­ the mat at 8:30 p. m. with for the game's lead. --------- •--------- cific goat caliyig Art Gilbert A 24 -yard pass from Love to buck from lunch. One thought John Wayne Reginato, following a lateral, gave College Opens Hoop became uppermost in minds the Pelicans the first touchdown Claire Trevor hereabouts, and that was Preliminaries Vv ith of the game just seconds before bring on them Medford punka, Walter Pidgeon ended. we'll show 'em. won't we, Intramural Games the In half the third period Bob Weaver. team? Grizzly right half, Intercepted one Blake certainly earned his spurs Six teams are entered in the as far as Ashland fans are con­ Southern of Love's passes on the line of Oregon College of Edu­ cerned and there is little doubt but cation intra-mural basketball tour­ scrimmage and ran 52 yards to with a Galaxy of Niara! that the school board members now under way every score. Weaver's jaunt to pay dirt and district taxpayers were as en­ nament Monday, Wednesday and Friday was one of the nicest pieces of thusiastic over the coaching ap­ afternoon at the college gymnas­ broken field running seen on the parent Friday night as were the ium. Wednesday and Teams entered and their man­ players themselves. The mentor, agers, are Ashland Grizzly granite in a long while Wel­ Thursday although in his first year of coach­ don Sloan; All-Stara, Alumni, Web­ Teammate cooperation in blocking ing, acquitted himself admirably ber; Bachelors, Bill Russell for the dash showed the result of Richardson, and Ashland students, athletic fol­ Medford, Russell Werner; House fine coaching and hard practice. lowers and business men are deep­ of Crandall, Jake Fisher, and Beta In the fourth quarter Klamath ly grateful to him. Boys, Bob Hoefa. crashed to the one-yard line on a Only players who do not have a series of plays and finally went Right End Chet Fowler got the basketball letter are al­ over the goal line on the fourth thrill of his life during the Klam­ college lowed to compete and each squad down. The Pelicans deserved every ath game when he intercepted a Is limited to eight players. Any inch they gained on the drive Pelican pass and galloped, ahead transferlng of players from one through a hard-fighting Ashland of the entire field, for about 30 team to another must meet with line. yards. Lf he_ could have untied All 16 men Coach Leighton ; that gang-plow he was dragging the approval of the team manag­ ers concerned and with Jean Eb ­ Blake used in the game gave an ¡ he'd of made it to the goal line excellent account of themselves as and Papa could have hunted him- erhart, tournament director. A single round robin schedule they outfought the visitors against self another cow-juicer next day. His shoulder blades would have is being run off and at the end of overwhelming odds. Coach Blake and his entire been too sore from pat-pats, and this period the top four teams will several handprints were on his play a championship series, single squad were praised as a team of back as it was, placed there by ap­ elimination, for tournament med­ which all Ashland is justly proud ■ preciative teammates, observant als. fans. At the present time, the House of Crandall looks like the possible Choice play of the day came FOOTBALL! winner since it has not been later, when Bob Weaver .ack- beaten. The Bachelors came the rabbited through the entire Score* I jm I Week closest to stopping the Crandall squad of potato diggers with AT 8:30 EVERY Myrtle Point 7 at Ashland 10. team, losing 27 to 21 in an over­ another interception to score. Klamath Falls 14 at Ashland 6. time period. Bob is just ornery enough to Ashland Junior high 0 at Granta MONDAY NIGHT do a thing like that and is so Individual scoring released Mon­ Frosh 14. shifty the Klamath boys day, Oct. 14, shows Darrell Cope­ Paas Grants Pass Frosh 12 at Ash­ thought he was one of those land of the House of Crandall Junior high 6. S ALL-NT AR MAIN EVENTH new fluid-drive models. leading all scorers with 45 points. land Eureka 25 at Medford 36 Yes, happy days have returned Lawrence Tribett of the All-Stars Grants Paas 12 at Marshfield 0. to the Ashland gridiron and win, w