Friday, October 11, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- I ■ - About People You Know! | 4 • Mrs. E 8. Robbins was called • Frances Schilling of Karn» Vai to Portland early In the week by i ley visited here laat week-end at tile sudden death of her father. the home of her mother, Mrs Et­ • Dick Petersen underwent a ma­ ta Schilling. jor operation ut the Community • Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Allen and Hospital Tuesday. Mr and Mr». Jack Peacock ot • Mr ane Witt, Frank Ward and relative» • Mr and Mrs M T Bum» vis- Harry De Jarnett. lt«i in Klamath Full» Sunday at • Marlowe F Geroy and Walter the home of Mr, and Mrs Charlea Bray, accompanied by Claude Wright, Jack Eddy, Donald Geroy, Burna. • lx»u Kogers and C M IJtwiller Horton Geroy, Norman Bernheisel inadt» a fishing trip to Rogue river and Billy Gran, were gut-ata of the Hornbrook Boy Scouts at their Monday. • Mr and Mrs Herb Moore and Thursday evening meeting at the Mr and Mrs Ralph Koozer made KP Hall in Horobrook. • A special meeting of the IEU a week-end trip to Harbor. • Mr and Mrs. I><»n Callahan of was called Friday evening to dis­ Chiloquin visited here Bunday with cuss means of financing aid for the defense of Donald Kosecruns, relatives and friend». • (Jury Newton is visiting with who is being held in the Yreka relatives in Independence thin Jail on a charge of manslaughter following the death of Andrew week. • Mr». H 8 Short, Margcret Nelson in a hunUng accident. It Short and Carl Brower made a was voted to use all available trip to Corvallis and Newport funds of the local and membership contributions were also approved. Sunday. • Margaret Starnes of Applegate Four mem tiers were chosen to at­ visited here last week-end with tend the hearing in Yreka Satur­ day morning. Further discussion her parents • Mr and Mrs R O. Graber are of plans for the defense was taken the ¡»«rent» of a daughter bom up at the regular meeting of the IEU local held at the club bouse Oct 3 at their home here • Court Rose of Hilt visited here Tuesday night. Sunday nt the home of Mr. and • Mr and Mrs. Sam Dunaway and daughters and Mrs. Dumas Mra. J B. Newcomb. • Mr and Mra. J H Hardy made and Phyllis Alphonse, Mr. and a trip Into northern California Mrs W. A. Gran, Norman Dutro and Horton Geroy. W. Eastman Sunday. • Mr and Mr» W D Whittle are »pending several days this week in The Dalles and Portland • Betty Ring, who teaches at Umpqua, visited here last week­ end at the home of her parents. Mr and Mr» M A Ring. • Mr and Mrs. Earl UnInger and Mr nnd Mrs. Charles Roberson made a trip to Lake o' the Woods Sunday. • HILTS NEWS • f r 0 and family attendee! the football game at Weed Saturday afternoon to see the Yreka Miners score an 18 to 0 victory over the Weed Cou­ gars, their first win since 1932. • Mr and Mrs John De Witt were hosts U> a dinner party for the Sunilay school teachers Those present were Mesdamtra M Jtv< > M. E. Hender»w»n, Helen Dr, Helen Reigel and Mlns Marian Hunt • Officers were Installed by the Junior Epworth Itcague, with a candle lighting ceremony at their regular meeting at the church Tuesday afternoon A party was enjoyed following the meeting with Mrs De Witt in charge. • Mr and Mrs W. T Poff and 5 »on Duane »¡»ent the week-end in Medford with her parents, Mr. and Mrs L. 8 Slavens. • The Girl Scout committee meeting was held at Mrs. J. De Witt's Tuesday evening to make plana for the activities during the winter Those present were Mes- daines Fred Bayliss, T. Quamme, Sam Dunaway, Enzie Wright. Misa Lucille Gansburg and Mias Marian Hunt • Adolph Zanatto and Billy Gran took Victor Zanatto to the Yreka General hospital Sunday afternoon for x-rays and a check-up follow­ ing a severe siege of sinus infec­ tion. Victor returned home Tues­ day • Mr and Mrs. W McCluskey of Medford and Mr and Mrs. Scott Willis and won of Ashland were dinner guests of Mr. and Mr». Bert Mitchell Sunday. ------------------- •-------------------- Trinity Episcopal Church I>r. Claude E. Kay re, Virar Holy Communion, 8 am. Church school, 0:30 a m. Sermon and morning prayer, 11 a. m. Holy Communion, Wednesday, 9:30 a m. Choir will meet Friday, 7:30 p. m. You are cordially invited to worship with us. DEPENDABLE NON-CANCELLABLE, NON- PHO-RATABLE Health end Accident Insurance Also IJfr, Automobile and Fire Insurance M. T. BURNS On the Plaza A QUART EACH DAY y Betty Always Wins! She’» got that extra some­ thing that It takes to put It over. Possibly she gets that »¡Hirkling brilliance from drinking MII.K! CLOVER LEAF DAIRY Phone 8782 Don’t 'Blindfold’ Your Family With Poor Lighting Page 5 » I DIAL 7021— FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS Drifted Snow Flour, 49’s.. $1.45 Oregon LETTUCE—per head Se BANANAS—pound - - - - 5e SWEET POTATOES-4 lbs 13e CELERY—per bunch 10e CAULIFLOWER—large 10c MILK 3 for 19e COFFEE Any Kind Except Sanka 25C 1C ORANGES, each. SUGAR White Satin SPAM 25c 10 lbs 49c TASTY SALAD DRESSING—qt 19c 25 lbs $1.22 Royal Club Jell Powder-3 for 14c 100 lbs $4.88 Mild Ex Bleacher—| gallon 19c Snow Drift SHORTENING 3 pounds Spuds, 25 lbs. No. 2 23c 45e DEL ROGUE PUMPKIN 9e Cascade Sodas DEL ROGUE SOLID TOMATOES 13c Salted MATCHES—per carton 15c 2-pound box RINSO—large - ■ - 19c 19e ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas—No. 2 15e Royal Club Whole Kernel Corn 13e Royal Club String! Beans 13e Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| - 14e Royal Club Catsup—per bottle lSe Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| - 17e Royal Club Grapefruit— - - - 2 for Royal Club Grapefruit Juice - ■ 3 for 29c « M>1 >■1 V k J VI t rJ I f p » I < t » 5 H «U? i » 'Í TLTt L 'M L i t r Y J I* 1 “Quality Meats for Less”—Always! LAMB BEEF PORK Fresh Don’t permit a “blackout” in your household by neglect of proper lighting for every room and every member of the family! Keep a supply of efficient light globes on hand at all times, and provide your kitchen with bright light for cook­ ing and laundry duties, your living room with bridge and table lamps for all the comfortable spots! A reading lamp over your bed is a handy convenience, too! See your electrical appliance dealer now. Leg of Spring Pigs’ Feet 5c ea Fresh For Soup Lamb - - 25c lb Side Pork 18c lb 12|c lb Choice Lamb Salt Pork 17c lb Ribs Chops - - 30c lb Pork Chops 25c Roast 12| to 18c Pork Steaks 19c Shoulder Roasts 19c Steak 20c to 35c Roasts - 17|c lb Pork Fresh, Iciui Leg Roast Ashland Light Department Home-Cured Bacon, by the piece, mighty good 20c lb Hams - Lunch Meats - Poultry - Corned Beef “Your SERVICE Department” Shanks - 7|c lb I m • it* *