Friday, October 4, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 9 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Fun for the Whole Family HOTEL ASSEMBLY NINTH A MADISON, 8EATTLB Comfortable Modern Rooms Daily Si » Weekly 1« Up Dining Rooca Coffee Shop BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN MlGM ASOVE IME ARENA .SHOOK IE CLUHä Df ftPtRATtiy TbW BROWN YilPt ‘AT THE BACK DCCR.MYRA NEAPLY FAINTEO AG SHE SA' N HAL S SPECIAL WIRE BWAK IN TWO of the proper ?/ MEN MAD MANAGED TÖ THROW A NET CNER THE MAD Dog - •M eanwhile . two SAY. YOU DUMBBELLS. HEEP THAT MUSIC GOING !?! DO J YOU-INANT US TO ----- < 'OH. HAL. YOU X 6EE W OPE AM \ WAS R16HT - YOU MIGHT HAVE been KILLED .". OH. MY OAOLING. VJHAT VJOULD I HAVE s done ? I LALA PALOOZA H HARRINGTON PPAFA M O - adhesive course •PF V PANIC ' _ 500 “* homelike roowi Same Biscuits Newly Wedded Man—By George, Lucile; these biscuits of yours look exactly like those my mother used to make, 20 years ago. Wifey—How delightful! I’m se glad! Man (biting one) — And, by, George, I believe they ARf the same biscuits. By RUBE GOLDBERG I THINK I FELT THe THEATRE SHAKE WHEN LANDED OTELSI from ’2:90 per day with bath Broadway and Salmon Street« Vincent Sleeps Peacefully On COMS BACKSTAGE . QUICK, DOCTOR • \ THERE’S BEEN I AN ACCIDENTI Plan your stay at Portland's newest hotels, the ®EFP PANGS WAS NEARLY FF?A n TC HEV, DOC, KEEP MOVIN’ - LALA MIGHT BE DYIN’I DON’T BE BOSSED THAT’S GOOD . ■V YOUR LAXAT1VK-RKLMVR CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY • Whan you teal tury, headachy, logy duo to eloggedup bowel«, do *■ trulliona do — take Foon-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning — thorough, comfortable relief, helping you »tart the day full of your normal energy and pep, feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mint doesn’t disturb your night'» rest or interfere with work the next day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the cheering gum laxative, yourae/C It tavtea good, it’s handy and economical... a family »upply FEEN-A-MINT To< By C. M. PAYNE Careless With Life There is nothing of which men are so fond, and withal so care­ less, as life. HMIK Read This Inportant Messaci Oh, So They Don’t Have a Book, Huh? Inquire Within Go to your bosom; knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know. I No child can be sure to escape BOWEL WORMS Maybe you don’t realize how easy tt ta t* become infected with round worms! Your child may ‘ catch" the infection from other children, from a dog. fhom uncooked vege­ tabl e s. from Infested water. By X MILLAR WATT POP— The Tankard Corps . I DONT GET CAUGHT ! JAYNl'S VERMIFUGEis the best know* worm-expellant in America. It has been used by mlLllona for over a century. JAYNE'S VKRMIFUGB has the abil­ ity to drive out large round worms, yet tt tastes good and acts gently. It does not contain santonin. If there are no worms it works merely as a mild laxative. Ask tor JAYNB'S VUt-MI-FUGKM any drug store. Foolish Sheep It’s a foolish sheep that makes the- wolf his confessor. CQLDS quickc^ «4« LIQUID TABLSTS SALVE NOSI »SOM COUOH OSO Ft - WNU—13_________________ 40—a JUST A STARTER The auctioneer held up a pair of antique silver candlesticks. “Will someone give me a start?" he began. “One dollar,” came a reply. “What's that?” queried the auc­ tioneer. "Ah,” retorted the bidder, "1 thought that would give you a start!"—Montreal Star. Snappy Suggestion Customer—I wish to buy an appro­ priate gift for a bride—something timely and striking. Merchant—How about a clock? Love Is Blind Housewife—If you love work, why don’t you And it? Tramp—You ought to know, Mad­ am, that love is blind. Method “So you've discovered a way to get your husband to dig in the gar­ den?” “Yes, I call It a sand trap.” THE SPORTING THING ARMSTXO/VC Heart’s Envoy The tongue is the ambassador of the heart.—Lyly. That Na^in^ Backache May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modem life with Its hurry and worry; Irregular habits. Improper sating ' and drinking—its ri»k of exposure and lnfeo- tion—throws heavy strain on ths work of ths kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter exeeaa add and other impurities from the life-giving blood. You may suffer nagging backache, headache, diaaineaa, getting up nights, lag pains, »welling—feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other eigne of kidney or bladder disorder are some­ times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan’t Pith. Dona's help ths kidneys to pass off harmful exeeaa body waste. They have had more than half a century of public approval. Are recom­ mended by grateful users everywhere. Ask year aeigkborf D oan spills