Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, October 04, 1940, Page 8, Image 8

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Page 8
That wholesome, tangy
outdoor taste...
© Ff.nk H. Spearman
WNU Service
fu*f hecrf and eaf. •. delicious
cold...healthful. ..economical...
order, today, from your grocer.
For ■ little variety bake your
pies in square or rectangular­
shaped pans. Often they arc eas­
ier to cut into equal portions from
such a shape.
« e e
“We will wait for two more an­ your old mission, I can and will find through the big gate or just what
had actually happened. Bowie did
gels, Padre Martines." suggested it for you!"
Hardly had the two faced about Bowie, "Pardaloe and Simmie will
"It's a dark night. Blood.” sug­ not slow the almost uncontrollable
when the clatter of hoofs behind be here any minute. What I want gested Bowie.
“Better wait till horses until they had reached cov­
er in the doubly dark alameda. Car­
them indicated they were being fol­ to do is to And the señorita quick, morning.”
Fat burns easily. It should there­
lowed. They broke the ponies into to quiet her fears."
Blood stamped ferociously on the men parted from his embrace slow­
be handled carefully during
a swift lope; their pursuers rode
It was only his searching voice tile pavement. He roared at Bowie.
faster. Fortunately, the distance in the house that drew Carmen from He stormed at the padre.
to rest her head, and in her ear the cooking. Even a small amount
was but short and, as dusk fell. her hiding place to And refuge in
“Don’t depend on me to hold these close to his breast she had heard of fat in a frying pan will ignite
if it is over-heated. A kettle of
Felipe and Carmen dashed safely his arms. "We've been frightened hungry boys back. I can’t do it. his heartbeat.
through the opened doors into the to death at home, my dearest." he They want money and they want
Suddenly she remembered herself. deep fut can quickly produce quite
mission compound and Felipe, leap­ whispered. "Tell me what’s hap­ supplies and they’ll burn this place “Darling, are you hurt? Tell me a blaze.
e e e
ing from his horse, closed the clum­ pened’ Carmen, you are safe, dar­ to the ground if they don't get both." quick!"
sy gates behind them.
ling, safe. Tell me."
“No, vida mia, no. But you?" he
you’re wasting your
store them in the bread box.
A gleam of light Aamcd through breath," intervened Bowie. “If you whispered.
The clattering horsemen pulled up
e e e
in front of the church and with the high window.
or your ruffians try to touch so much
She laughed low and cautiously.
many shouts and oaths scattered
"What is that?" whispered Car­ as a strip of bacon here tonight “I am not. Thank God, we ■ re
A novelty container which will
over the plaza, demanding admis- men.
hold several of the handsome vine
somebody will get killed. Now I’m safe."
“Nothing to worry about They going to shut this door and go to
“I think so. but we may be pur­ plants is a clear glass bowl about
Feast -for - the - Least
Felipe, though mild, was game in were getting wood together for a bed. and I advise you to do the sued. I hope not. Now I will give five inches in diameter. Plants
a pinch, He caught up a blunder- bonfire when I scented the outAt. same."
such as the ivy or philodendron
you a more comfortable seat."
buss from the guards' quarters and You see, m.v precious one,” he con­
will take root in such bowl filled
Relying on Others
“Bowie. I’ve got a long score to
coaxed two neophytes to arm and tinued gravely, "this is what this settle with you—”
relies on another's table
"What is that, 'Quito mio?" Car­
appear with him in the church tow­ beautiful country is coming to.
is apt to dine late.
“Wait till daylight. Blood. I'm men spoke from her own saddle is stunning.
er. The raiders yelled at them These ruffians are as bad as the going to bed." He slammed the door ■nd her voice betrayed her acute
and one of them, a renegade mis­ savages and with no more regard shut Clamor outside grew to a alarm.
sion Indian, shouted insolently to for women. Come back with me roar. A hasty conference took place
Bowie noticed the low sharp rum­
Felipe to open the gates or they to the sacristy. Pardaloe and Sim­ in the sacristy—the despairing fa­
bling. But he was so alert to the
would break them open.
Felipe, mie will be here very soon."
thers. the Texans and Felipe, with danger of pursuit that he did not at
equally defiant, declared he would
But Pardaloe and Simmie. arriv­ Carmen anxiously listening.
first comprehend.
shoot the first man that attempted ing soon, brought disquieting news.
Bowie did not seek to disguise the
He was not left long In doubt.
The disturbance in the plaza had situation. With twenty or thirty men
rumbling grew instantly loud­
There were hesitation and wran- all been made by six or eight of the
behind him. Blood's boast that he er. The horses became unmanage­
gling threats among the horsemen.
would clean the mission out might able. They shook with terror. A
They milled around the plaza, while
be a serious one. Simmie noticed deafening roar burst on the ears.
within the church Padre Martinez
that Bowie looked grave. He knew Of a sudden Carmen and Bowie
and all in the mission enclosure
the Texan was not squeamish about were rocked in their saddles—the
were on their knees before the
facing odds. But Carmen's pres­ earth was heaving in terrifying
ence was another matter. Should waves.
’Temblorl" gasped Car­
heaven for aid in the extremity. An
anything happen to him in the fight, men. "Temblor!"
hour or more passed, with the raid­
what might happen to her?
Bowie seized her bridle. The feet
ers churning about the plaza but
He asked Carmen to step outside of the frantic horses sprawled, their
shy about testing Felipe's marks­
a moment. He then spoke to Padre legs sank toward the ground. So
manship from the tower.
Martinez. "I’m put in an awkward abrupt was the halt that Carmen
At length the renegade rode up
position. Padre. I don't like to seem was pitched over her horse's head
to the tower for a talk with Felipe.
to run away from you in face of as he scrambled to keep his legs
He explained that the party were
these drunken devils. But my first under him.
squatters from the Melna and had
responsibility is for Senorita's safe­
The savage roar of the temblor
no grudge against the mission if
ty. and if they made good their as it wrenched the earth was ear­
they were treated right The only
threat to Are the mission, she might splitting. Bowie leaped from his
man they wanted to square accounts
find herself in the worst kind of horse to raise Carmen from the
with was Bowie, and if he were sent
‘out they would leave.
Padre Martinez laid his hand on bling in his arms, trying to keep
Felipe, less shrewd than the rene­
Bowie’s arm. "I understand per­
gade, told him at once that Bowie
fectly, my son. I ask you to take,
was not there. This was really what
before all else, whatever measures
they wanted to know, inasmuch as
are necessary to protect our Seño­
he was the only man they were
rita—for, as our benefactress, we
afraid of. The renegade rode away,
feel that she is ours as well. What­
and presently the attack on the
Made by
ever may happen here, it is your
gates was renewed. Fortunately, a
duty to protect her.”
few of the young Tularean Indian
Bowie called Carmen into the con­
mission boys, inflamed with the
... »’•»• •*
ference. He laid the situation be­
_........ «
spirit of their warlike ancestors, had
■tM ”
seized muskets from the guard­
in anxiety, listened. She looked
house, and they fired at the raiders
To square accounts with Bowie.
from one to the other and back to
through the portholes. They did
little damage, but they scared the backwash from the squatters. The Bowie in confidence. “You know
Time to Give
Beyond Help
cowardly squatters enough to hold two scouts in their search for Car­ best, Don Henry," she said trust­
Give neither counsel nor salt un-
Too late the bird cries out when
til you are asked for it
I It la caught.
them off.
men had reconnoitered the river and fully.
He called in Pardaloe and Sim­
The renegade, after a long time, the Melena. From a squatter strag­
rode back to the tower for another gler they bad learned that Blood mie and told them what he meant
talk with Felipe. The party, he was back with his friends but that to do. Felipe he dispatched to scout
said, were ready to leave, provided supplies were low and they were the quadrangle and search for an
the padre would set out a cask of talking of raiding the mission that opening not covered by Blood's
men. Felipe came back with no
wine as a gesture of good wilL
Felipe sent the message down­
"If Blood undertakes this tonight good news. He shook his head.
stairs. Padre Martinez had retreat­ it's not a good place for our Seño­ "Those men are everywhere.”
"Ben," he said to Pardaloe.
ed to the sacristy. He called in rita.” said Bowie in the sacristy
Padre Gomez, his assistant. The conference that followed. "He won’t "when the big gate is thrown open
assistant was for the proposal, the leave without plenty of fight But— by Felipe, fire your pistols, you
and Simmie and Felipe, straight
padre, against it Carmen was we ll see.”
called in. She listened to all that
The Texan declared that Carmen into the crowd outside. I'll be shoot­
was urged and without hesitation should be spirited away. “We ll ing both pistols from the saddle
sided with the assistant “Only,” have our hands full to take care of while we dash through the bunch
she added coolly, "set out a cask the Indian women if Blood starts in before they can shoot back. Cover
HHfnfionists rccont mend them
Felipe with your rifles, boys, while
of brandy, not of wine. Those on brandy."
Towering tree« whirled in
wretches will be less dangerous
They had scarcely finished their
drunk than sober, If it should oc- talk when a chorus of cheering yells us. Is it all clear?"
cur to them to set fire to the quar­ out in front gave notice of fresh
“Clear as daylight, Henry.” mum­ his own feet while he supported the
ters, heaven knows what would hap­ arrivals. Had there been any doubt bled Pardaloe. "Just say when.”
half-conscious girl.
pen to us.”
Felipe, aided by a neophyte, was
as to this, a loud knockifig came
Nature tossed and heaved in an
Her counsel was followed. The at the outer door.
The padres bringing up the horses. Bowie be­ agony of convulsion. Towering trees
gates were opened. A cask of bran­ looked to the Texan for guidance, gan to check over the cinches. "Fe­ whirled in circles, whipped to the
dy was rolled out, and a basket He whispered to Carmen. She dis- lipe." he said in surprise, "what's ground, now prostrate, now upright,
with drinking gourds was sent appeared from the room,
The the matter with these horses? They or snapped like matches at the base.
along. The renegade, with a heavy knocking grew violent.
are trembling with sweat”
And over the moaning and crash­
stone, broached the cask, and an
“Señor, I know. I saw it Quien ing of the troubled darkness there
“Put out the candle, Padre,” said
orgy of drinking began. It absorbed Bowie. “Then open the door.”
sabe? All the horses in the stable spread a faint ghastly light such
the interest of the revelers for a
“Open the door?” echoed the are sweating and nervous, I do as never has been looked on save
time, to the exclusion of all else.
In ■
blanching man as it was pounded not know why.” Padre Martinez at moments such as this,
For an hour that was long and
came out with Carmen.
fearful instant a silent and peace­
loudly from the other side.
anxious to the mission defenders
"Padre," said Bowie, “what does ful landscape had been flung into
“Don’t be afraid,” murmured
the drunken yelling and singing
this mean—these horses? See how an inferno of appalling destruction.
went on. Then there came a knock
they sweat and tremble.”
Shock followed shock as the mighty
at the sacristy door. Panic seized back, the rest of you, and keep out
“Hasten, hasten, my son! Some­ temblor shook the earth in a cata­
the little group. A whispered con­
The Texan took his place just to thing may happen. They know more clysm and tore yawning gulfs across
sultation followed. Knocking, grow­
side of the door itself. "Throw than we do. Hastenl” exclaimed its face, as if bent on making hor­
ing momentarily more impatient,
ror complete.
the agitated padre.
open," he directed.
continued. Only a wax candle light­
Bowie, breathing hard and com­
Bowie mounted his restive horse.
Open went the door. A Aicker
ed the room and, with faces
unstrung, held Carmen's
blanched as they listened to the from the bonAre outlined the burly
head against him as she shook from
pounding. Carmen was told in whis­ figure of the man who was knock­ arms to face him. "Clasp me un­
head to foot, praying low and be­
pers to slip out and hide in the ing; other eager ones stood behind der the arms, querida, so as to
Put ORANGES in School Day Lunches!
house. Padre Martinez had already him.
Bowie pulled himself somewhat
given absolution to his assistant and
“Who’s in there?” demanded the
r.ttrycnt likes to peel and eat an orange! Or to sip
together. "Surely the worst is over,
received it from him, firmly believ­ raider loudly.
of the frtsh juice. Just to enjoy the delicious,
Bowie fastened this with knots for
ing their hour was at hand. The
"Nobody’s that’s deaf,” retorted
venerable man now blessed himself, Bowie. “What do you want. Blood?”
And nothing else that’s so delicious is so good for
But the search, punctuated by re-
asked for protection from above,
"Oh! It’s the rancho pet, eh? With Carmen snuggling low against
him, he drew his pistols.
you! For, ttys the Department of Agriculture, hardly
took up the candle in an unsteady Well! I’m glad you’re here.”
hand and, summoning St. Michael
half the families in America get enough vitamins and
“Don’t waste your breath, You
to his aid, threw open the door.
minerals to permit the best of health.
may need it Say what your busi­ said to the scouts, “send your pis- to go back to the mission for
From the dark came a tart ques­ ness is, or get off this property."
tol fire straight into their faces and horses.”
And oranges are your richest everyday source of vita­
tion: "What is the matter here?”
“But ’Quito,” said Carmen, fear­
Blood laughed truculently. "My yell like Indians. Then poke our
C and a good source of vitamin B(. They also sup­
And Bowie, booted and spurred, Texan friend. I’m here fo tell you horses hard, and away we go. Are ful, "we shall be killed by those
ply vitamins A and G, calcium, phosphorus and iron.
stalked into the room. "Why did you’ll get off this property before you ready? Open!”
you not open the door?”
So put a healthfill Sunkist Orange in
The dash out was a shock to the
He tried to laugh: his throat had
you are a half-hour older. I talk
“An angel from heaven!” ex- to Padre Martinez.”
score of men, some on foot but gone dry. "Never fear,” he man­
every lunch box. Let health begin at
claimed Padre Martinez.
most in the saddle, who were crowd­ aged to say, “those wretches are
“Here he is. Say your say."
breakfast with BIG glasses of frtsh
“Señor Blood,” asked the padre, ed around the big gate. The pistol miles away before this. It is a
orange juice for all the family. Order a
fire, the yelling, the two horses prod­ walk, but we must try. I will carry
Bowie, "Señorita Carmen has not "what do you want?”
supply of Sunkist Oranges- the pick of
come home. She was here. Where
“I want supplies for twenty-five ded and spurred, trampling and you, vida mia.”
California’s best-ever crop of wonder-
is she?”
men—flour, bread, meat wine and charging into the raiders, threw
“Not so. I am drag enough on
them into momentary confusion.
“Still here, señor!”
brandy—presto. ”
you as it is. Vamos, querido.”
copmebt. 1.40, Oltfomi. Fran Onmr. «Mun*.
fe : W-
"Thank God for that!"
Bowie, yelling, discharged his pis­
“Señor Blood, you know no hun­
The rising moon began to shed a
"She left this room when your gry man is turned from this door, tols to the right and left. The raid­ ghostly light over the desolate land­
knocking began.”
for you have been fed here more ers ducked and dodged as their scape. The shock of the night of
"Why so?”
than once. But I have not such horses reared on one another. A terrors keyed Carmen up to mak-
"We feared it was the drunken supplies in the mission tonight for volley of oaths, an enraged yell ing the long walk back without feel­
raiders in front. They know she is five men, much less twenty-flve.”
from Blood, went up; a scattering ing it. Nearing the mission, a
here. What shall we do, señor?"
“I demand these supplies right flash ci rifle and pistol Are lighted strange
“Where are your soldiers?"
now, in the name of the United the plaza for an instant But the them,
Their eyes were closely
"San Jose was threatened this States of America.”
gate had clanged shut, and the bent on discovering hideen guerll-
morning by the same men, and they
“And what will you do if you phantom riders had melted into the las before they themselves should
went down to offer protection. They don't get them?” interposed Bowie darkness of the night
be discovered.
Every clump of
have not returned.”
shrubs was skirted gingerly; every
“And they won’t,” predicted Bow­
"Shut up, Bowie! My men must
Long afterward Bowie learned tree, prostrate or standing, was a
Besl lor .Juice —////</ c^re7ff use1 f
ie, “till this fight is over."
be fed. Padre, you've got tons of that no two of the stunned guerillas possible hiding place for a skulker.
“What shall we do, señor?"
food. If you can't And this food in agreed on who had ridden out
Van (amps
Pork, nd BEANS
They tempt
the children to
consume a lot of
extra milk!
love them!