Friday, Oct. 4, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON ★ Entered as second-class matter February 15, 1835, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 A, a pL . SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR >150 SIX MONTHS 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) “THE TRUTH WILL^^ ★ HASTY’ DEFENSE OF WINDY’S ACCUSATIONS RESULTS IN EMBARRASSMENT FOR PRESS! Just how silly a large proportion of the American press can make itself appear was amusingly illustrated recently when Candidate Wendell Willkie made his famous accusation that President Roosevelt had held telephone conversations with Hitler and Mussolini prior to the Munich pact and had “sold Czechoslovakia down the river.” The loyal republican press hastened to qualify the accusation and justify Windy Wendell’s contention and, just when they were editorializing themselves into believing such trash, along came Willkie’s press agent with a retraction. Wendell had “misread” his speech and meant to say something quite different, claimed the lame apology. Which left many of the “great” dailies of the na­ tion—and even the pompous Medford switch-hitter— out on the limb where publications often hang them­ selves ! ★ * * <1 • • i» S L ¿ LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES OWNER BV 64000,000 OF US ISA RE5ERVC OF $29 BILLION— \ A RIG PART OF OUR STAKE IN G overnment , A griculture and I ndustry . SET YOU FREE” Late last week plans were announced for a $20.000 athletic field for Ashland high school and immediately . « news was greeted . _A A with SA.I— enthusiasm A. * wwwww A and w* .-1 n approval YMYXnVn 1 the by practically every taxpayer in the community. The announcement gained important notice over the entire state. Of the $20,000 estimated expenditure, the school district will put up about $8000, with about $12,000 to be contributed by the federal government through the • Works Progress administration. Work on the develop­ ment is expected to get under way within a few weeks and will give the Ashland school system an athletic plant second to none in southern Oregon or northern California. Such a complete and far-seeing program probably could not or would not have been outlined, however, if it had not been for the generous assistance promised by the WPA, one of the chief money-spending agencies of the new deal. But despite constant political criticism, the administration carries on its program of helping to erect permanent and useful monuments to education, industry and progress. Already Ashland has gained a sewage disposal plant, many street and water depart­ ment improvements that would not have been possible without the hated governmental spending, about which we hear so much lately. Of course there should be no partisanship as con­ cerns the high school athletic field, which certainly will prove to be a worthy investment of school district and federal money, but it is ironic to note the preval­ ence of Willkie buttons among those who so willingly accept assistance from Washington. SECURITY |L> EHIND THE HAT ARE SOME THESE DOLLARS ARE PUT TO WORK ? GRATITUDE, APPARENTLY’, HAS NO PLACE __ IN THE ‘AMERICAN WAY’! ★ ter. Fiances Sander Editor and Publisher fyH] ★ money in utility BONDS IS ENOUGH Leonard N. Hall ( ’nr I < MJ 1 SU. Jg. ★ TELEPHONE 8561 • Paul Icenhower recently entered Multnomah Bible »ch.Mil in Port- land. • Anita Cooke of Klamath Faile visited here lust week end ut tile home of her ¡tarenta, Mr. and Mie R. H. Cooke. • Genevieve McGee of Klamath Falla visited here laat week-end at the home of her |xreiita, Mr. and Mia. Allen McGee. • P. R. Finnell made a bueineaa trip to Portland during the week. • Mrs. Mux Roberson left Wed­ nesday for her home in Klamath Falls following a visit here with relatives and friends. • Mr. und Mrs Charles Uiinli of Dunsmuir visited here Sunday ut tiie home of Mrs. Nellie Powers. • Steve Zarka made a deer hunt ing trip to Klamath county Tues­ day • J. A. McDonough of Dunsmuir visited here with friend« Wednee day. • Mr. and Mrs Soe Somier of Mount Shasta visited here thin week at the home of their daugh­ I OUR DEMOCRACY (PjOLtCYOWNERS TO PROVIDE LIGHT AND ROW*R FOR NEARLY 7000.000 HOMES [I nvestment in U.S. * BONDS IS ENOUGH TO 8UIL0 30 BOULDER DAMS f • Mr and Mrs. Clyde Huffman left Wednesday on a deer hunting trip into Klamath county. • By«-i Putnam of Canyonville visited here laat week-end at the home of his parent». Mr. and Mrs James Putnam • Subscribe for The Miner today INDUSTRY IS ENOUGH TO SUPPLY FACTORY A Lotof Noise BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT TO KEEP 260.000 WORKERS BUSY Avprgaaar nation. attach *aly when they think they can win. Hera nra a «ware facta tk*f ehould discourage such ambition, toward fko Unlfud ltafec The Mine bomber can fly 30%> foster am! farther in the United State* than in Europe. It can carry 20% more bomb«. Why? Because in America we manufacture 100 octane aviation gasoline in quantity— a thing no other nation can do I But that’* only half the •tory. Aincrica’a oil companie* can expand their retinerie* to provide aviation fuel for 50,000 plane», or even more, fatter than the plane* cun be built. It There Enough Crude Oil? Ye«, thank* to the industry’» voluntary conservation pro­ gram, Pacific Coaat well* are operating far below capacity. No other country in the world ran even beyin to tup- port a modern mechanited army on hi domeitic produc­ tion of petroleum. But the United State« ran, because we have over half the proved oil reserves of the world. |A I MOUNT OF POLICYOWNERS MONEY IN PROPERTIES AND MORTGAGES IS ENOUGH TO GIVE MODERN HOUSING FOR MORE THAN 6,000,000 PERSONS. There are a lot of ways to do anything. One is to make u lot of noise uml wüste a lot of energy. Our way is to make less noise but get more done. We don't make mistake*, either. Every deUli la checked carefully. SOMETHING NEW TO NEWSPAPERDOM—AN “AD” THAT SELLS NATIONAL CONFIDENCE! Although every newspaper is glad to accept paid advertising, little of it inspires enthusiasm other than for financial consideration. In today’s issue of The Miner—and on this page—appears an ad by the Pacific Coast Petroleum Industry entitled “How to Avoid War” which certainly deserves editorial endorsement. We suggest that all readers make it a point to read this advertisement, for it contains a reassuring mes­ sage that is pertinent to national defense and one which begets patriotic confidence. You’ll be glad you read it! • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedgepath of Medford visited here Wednes­ . day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Nance. • Mrs. Paul McKinnis and Vernon recently returned from Yacolt, Wash., where they have been vis­ I iting with relatives. • Mr. and Mr». F. O. Warren of Los Angele« vim ted here recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs A. L. Wren. • Mrs D. M. Brower and Miss Voda Brower recently returned from a visit with relatives in Al- bany. BATTERY LIGHTS TIRES MARFAK LUBRICATION • WASHING • VACUUM CLEANING • • • • J TO BE MI RE-COMIC TO REED a YOUNG’S TEXACO SERVICE Ashland Hotel Bldg. Phone IMI Double SAH stampa Sundays! The Pacific Coaat by itaelf can supply the Navy — even a two ocean Navy—with all the fuel oil, diesel oil and special­ ized greases it will ever need. Rubber and Explosives from Oil Synthetic Rubber, developed by petroleum reaeercb chemieia, i, now being produced in commer­ cial quantities in cooperation with the large rubber manufacturer». Before our present supply of natural rubber is exhausted, the U. 9. can be made 100% self-suffi­ cient with rubber made from oil. Explosives. The petroleum indus­ try he» »igned contracts with the War Department to produce 60.000,000 gallons a year of fc'urer, the basic ingredient of TNT. Gtyierine is being made in even greater quantities. Produc­ tion of both these vital materials can be expanded to the require­ ments of new explosive plants ai fait ai the pt anti tan be built. The way to avoid war is to make America self-sufficient— make America strong. The petroleum industry, on ill own initiative and without government tub nd y, has pre­ pared itself to do its part with­ out delay in a national emergency. A merica’t de ¡ente will never be"grounded." Petroleum will never let her down. A report to the public on th* FINANCE YOUR CRR PACIFIC COAST PETROLEUM INDUSTRY 'Ilirce-quartera of a million people in ■ II parta of the Pacific Coaat depend on thia industry for their living. PACIFIC inTERnflTionAL LIUESTOCK sxposiTion a_ _ __ 30'" Annual ROWDY TALK BEGETS ROWDY BEHAVIOR! Although the booing, pelting and rotten egging Wendell Willkie received while in Michigan this week was regrettable and to be censored by members of both political parties, it was not surprising. Rowdy behavior is inspired by rowdy oratory, and certainly the republican nominee, from his famous “to hell with Chicago” crack on, has been guilty of strong and inciting talk. His accusations and criticisms of the President have not been consistent with the high posi­ tion the country’s first citizen holds. You just can’t go around throwing slurs, at the man whom the great­ est majority of people in our history twice have en­ dorsed. It makes too many folks mad, and he who throws mud exposes himself to vegetables. Willkie has promised to help the farmer dispose of surpluses and if he doesn’t treat the people’s choice with more respect, he’s likely to accomplish that with­ out going to the White House. with HORSE SHOW ond RODEO PORTIAMO. OREGON Octobar 5 Io 12 Low-Cost Financing Builds Bank Credit for other needs—in 41 state-wide branches! 19 Show* In O m Ilavaa aerea uadaa oaa root Xihibita ol pura-brad Llvaatoek. Doga, Poultry, Pat Stock, Wild Lila, Maa. ulaeturad aad Laad Produota. 4-H Club aad Statik.Hughaa Vocational tducalloa Work; alao Comblaod Horae Show and thrill­ ing Indoor Rodeo. L«rt* Promium Litt* low fores -mi unes CHEST COLDS Why a Pre-Arranged Funeral? SIXTH—Protection to your estate. Your funeral ex­ penses will be the first inroad on these resources. Steps to limit such expenditures to an amount you deem adequate are very properly In order. Here’s Quick Relief from Their DISTRESS! LITWILLER FUNERAL HOME (We Never Close) OF PORTLAND Phone 4541 C.M.LitwlBer HOW AVOID WAR M I M B I « I I 0 I I A L DIROSIT The annoying diacomforta of a cold In cheat or throat., wriorally oaao when soothing, warming Muaterole la applied. Hotter than a mustard plaster, Msia- torole gets action bccauae It'a NOT just e aa)vo. It’s u "cfiunter-irrttant"i stimu­ lating, It penetrates the surface akin and helps to quickly relievo local congestion, aches and pains duo to colda. Used by millions for 30 years. Recom­ mended by many doctors and nuraea. In three strengths: Regular, Children's (mild) and Extra Strong, 40*. Approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau.