Friday, Oct. 4, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 0 I About People You Know! j • Mr and Mrs. T L. O'Harra several days this week at the made a business trip to Cave City home of M r. and Mrs. H. L. Monday. Bennett. • Mr. and Mrs Earl Nutter re­ • Jack Enders made a business luim*d recently from a 10-day vu- trip to Coming last week-end. cation trip to Hun Francisco. • Mrs. Bill Ford Sunday returned • Mrs Paul Harmsan Monday re­ to her home in Dunsmuir following turned from a visit with friends in a visit here at the home of her Redding. t parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Burna • Mr«. Waive Ender« and Mrs. • Mrs I asm Hjsrling recently left Don Brace visited with friends in for Paisley, Ore. for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Tom Brattain. Klamath Falla Hunitay. • Mr and Mr». Walter Nash vis- • Verne Hastings made a busi­ itvd here for several day« this ness trip to Hilt Tuesday. week at the home of Mr and Mr«. • Carl Martin underwent an ap- |M«ndectorny at the Veterans’ hos­ Dim Provost. • Mr. and Mr«. J. P. Wolf return­ pital in Roseburg Monday. two ed Monday from a trip to San • Mrs. Kay Huffman and sons returned Sunday from a trip Francisco. • Gene Ritzinger of Eugene «¡lent to Han Francisco • Mrs. Ada Clark Tuesday re- last week-end here with relative« turned from a visit with friends at and friend«. and Corvallis. • John Billing« of Klamath Falla Eugene ------------- •------------- visited her» last week-end at the home of hln parents, Mr. and Mr». Ralph Billing«. • Don Cooke left Monday for Portland where he plan« to enter the University of Oregon Mee and other nl ng friend*. • Mr and Mrs Andy Vieira and • Mr» Herman Mayberry recent­ daughters June and hois drove to ly returned from a vacation trip Weed Saturday to visit relatives in Loa Angeles and Han Francisco • Mr and Mrs Cameron of Yre­ • Idck Petersen visited with ka arc the parents of a son born friend* in (Tiiloquln Sunday. at the Hilt hospital Saturday • Marc Smith l< ntly for afternoon. Corvallis where he will resume hla • Mrs Roy Salo returned Tues­ studies day from a visit in Eugene • Mr and Mr» Arthur Wick vis- ................ ■ ■ • - ■-------------------- ited with friend« in Central Point Sunday • Mr and Mr* Bill Jungwirth of Kinmath Falla visited here Inst relatives and week-end with Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar friend« • Mr an