Page 4 r • The Bellview Grange held its • Word has been received here annual booster night at the hall that Mrs. J. F. Neely a former Tuesday evening. After the busi­ restdeni, of Talent is senousiy ill ness meeting the lecturer, Mrs at the home of her daughter in G. E Gowland, presented the fol­ L a > s Angeles. lowing program: Numbers by the • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newland harmonica band; report of Grange who have lived in Medford the activities by Mrs. H. B. Carter past summer have moved back to followed by the chairman of each their home in Talent. uie committees giving a report • A Southern Pacific bridge crew on their work. A complete report of 14 men will be located nere lor was given by the fair committee the next couple of weeks, makiitg The Walker quartet gave three some needed repairs on the treatie numbers; Ray Barker and Lydia south of town. Katherine Davis gave a skit, “A • Several local boys have left bride preparing her first meal for during the past week for the pota­ the new husband". The children to harvest at Tulelake. Calif. enjoyed a few games, after which • Mrs. Wayburn and children of refreshments were served and the Ashland spent Tuesday at the remainder of the evening was home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Sherard. spent in dancing. • Mrs. Joe Tryon entertained at • Leo Simmons and niece, Wanda dinner last Wednesday for Mr. and Glenn, from Eureka, Calif., and Mrs. Lem Sam Harper of Keno spent Sun­ Meda Jean. Frink and daughter, day at the R. E. Bell home. Mr. • George Pheifer and Wayne Simmons and Mr Harper are cou­ Cowdrey were hunting * on the sins of Mr. Bell. Sunday. • Miss Evelyn Willis has been Greensprings • Herb Moore Bellview was a quite ill, suffering from tonsilitis. business caller of here Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs A R. Kincaid • Mrs Glen Brown of Anderson gave a party Sunday evening in Creek visited her parents, honor of Miss Eunice Kincaid's Mrs. Ben Clark, Tuesday. Mr. and birthday anniversary. The guest • Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Green pur­ list included Mr. and Mrs. G. E. chased Hearing place and mov­ Gowland, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ed there the last week. Stenrud and Mrs. Stenrud's mo­ • The Campfire Girls met Thurs­ ther, Mrs. Andrew Sorenson, who day evening at the home of the is making her home with them, Mrs. LaVelle Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Pankey, Mr. and president, Hamilton and Marie Boani- Mrs Wade Wallis, Mr. and Mrs Harry man were in charge of the meet­ Walter Davis and Lydia Katherine ing. Davis, Marie Walker, Earl War­ • Mr. and Mrs. Ole Carver went ren and the Kincaid family, Eu­ to Grants Pass Sunday to visit nice received a number of lovely their son Dean, who left Sunday gifts. The evening was spent in | evening the Grants Pass games and visiting and at the National with Guards for Camp Mur­ close delicious refreshments were ray. Wash. served. Mr. and Mrs. Tripp moved from • Mrs. Mark True and Mrs. W. D. • the Sherard house in to the old Jackson were at the Medford Richfield property on the old high­ courthouse Tuesday attending a way. flower arrangement showing in, • Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tame en- charge of Miss Louise Lutz of. Corvallis, home management spe- ! cialist. Mrs. Archie Kincaid and will be present to talk on ■‘Oregon Mrs. E. F. Kable were represent­ products-made desserts.'’ atives of the extension unit, pre­ I • The club meets Wednesday of senting their original arrange­ next week. Mesdames Albert Ar­ ment, which was discussed, with nold, I. E. Deadmond and Vincent arrangements presented by other Lanini are to be hostesses, with units of the county. | Mrs. R. E. Bell and Mrs. Archie • Mr. and Mrs. Mark True were Kincaid in charge of the program. visiting in Central Point Satur­ • Mrs. Paul McKinnie and son day at the home of Mrs. True's Vernon returned from Vancouver, Wash., where they visited rela- father, H. L. Gregory. • Mrs. W. L. Moore of Medford tives. spent Sunday visiting with Mr. • Mr. and Mrs. Con Austin left Sunday for Seaside to visit Mrs. Moore here. • Herman Helm and his daugh­ Austin’s daughter. ters, Joan and Barbara, returned • Miss Aileen Lnlow of Gold Hill Tuesday from Portland where they was at her home here last week- were called by the illness and end. • Mrs. J. W. German of Reno, death of G. W. Helm, his father. • Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Randal Nev., is visiting this week with and son, Douglas Lee, of Medford the A. R. Kincaid family and with spent Sunday evening at the home Mrs. Clara Taylor in Ashland. of Mrs. Randal's parents, Mr. and Mrs. German is a niece of Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. James Metcalf. • Marie Walker, with Mrs. Kay, • At a special board meeting returned Friday from a vacation Tuesday evening Mrs. Delno Sloan of Phoenix was elected to fill the trip to Portland and the coast. • Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Rosen vacancy caused by the resignation spent last week-end visiting his of Mr. Overos as principal of the Bellview school. Mrs. Gaily had parents, the J. W. Rosens. • Earnest Applegate returned been substituing for several days. Friday from northern Oregon All members of tthe board were where he visited a short time with present, Mrs. W L. Moore, L. W. D. Meservey, William Briggs. Mrs. friends and relatives. • Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Samford Charles Anderson is clerk of the left last week for Dunsmuir to board. visit with their son and daughter- • Mra. Archie Kincaid entertained at dinner Thursday Mr. and Mrs. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ford. • Richard Joy and Chester Corey J. C. Hamaker and Mrs. Clara returned Saturday from Mt. Ash­ Taylor of Ashland, and Mrs. J. land where they were hunting. W. German, here visiting from They were successful in bringing Reno, Nev. • Mrs. Clara Taylor of Ashland, a large buck deer. • Mrs. Claude Conley and small John Hammond of Idaho, Mrs. son James Franklin were removed German of Reno, and Mrs. Archie from the hospital to their home Kincaid spent Wednesday evening at the Clarence Taylor home. Tuesday. They are doing nicely. • The extension unit meets Fri­ • Mrs. Henninger and Mr. and day with a covered dish dinner at Mrs. Theo Wenaus were in Med­ noon, with Mrs. Henry and Mrs. ford Tuesday. Mrs. Wenaus secur­ Heilmeyer. Miss Jacqueline Brier ed her citizenship papers. Friday, Oct. 4. 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER tertained at their ranch on Dead Townsend meeting in Medford Fri­ Indian Sunday for Mr. and Mra. day evening. K C Dudley of Yreka • Mrs. Harriett Bates, who has • Mr. and Mrs. Claude Williams been confined to her home for the moved from the Henry Burnett past two weeks of illness, is im­ plane« into the home vacated byN proving". Mr and Mrs. Lem Frink, Monday. • Guy Stager returned from Port­ • Julia M:n Wels>r, who spent land where he received medical the summer with her ¡»aronts hero, treatment. i eturned Friday to }\>rtland and • Mrs Roy Estes was shopping will attend school there. tn Medford Saturday afternoon. • Marvin Gardner, who has been • Sam Hamilton, who has been stopping in the Talent campground confined at home the past sum­ the last month, left Sunday for mer of injuries received while his home in Council Bluffs, ia. working witn a spraying machine, • Mr and Mrs. Ix*m Frink and is able to be out again, daughter left Sunday morning for • The fire de(»artment was called Seattle where Mr Frink will be out to a fire at Mrs. Ellzalteth employed in the shipyaixls. Huson's home on Wagner avenue • Mr and Mrs. Guy Stager spent last Wednesday evening. The fire a couple of days last week visiting was extinguished with the aid of at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nate ttie football squad which was near Russell on the Applegate. the scene and many others who • Earlene Withrow entered the assisted. The house was burned to beauty school at Medford Monday the amount that a new naif had : • Mr and Mrs. R. F. Parks visit­ to be put on as soon as possible. ed last Wednesday and Thursday • Mr. and Mra. Ed Maxon have with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Parks sold their store to Mr. Batchelkir in Sprague River. of Medford who will take posses­ • Mrs Mary Leslie of Bonanza sion immediately. is visiting her brother, Reverend • Isut week while John Gore was Friedenberg, this week. walking along the railroad track. | • Ray Garland attended the he was struck by a northbound train. He was taken to the Com­ munity hospital in Medford. Tile extent of his injuries have not been learned. • Mr. Erhea moved his barber shop Sunday to his home on Rail­ road avenue Erbes states that he has other plans In view than bar- bertng thia winter. • Mr. and Mrs. F Wedge return­ ed home Sunday from a few days at Crescent City, Calif. WHAT CAUSED THIS? ... FAULTY BRAKES! But this driver wm fortunate... hr didn't lose his life! Why take Much chances when YOU drive f let um check the lirukiw today on our Weaver Safety Isuie and adjust them correctly! One stop on the louie and you REE the adjustment of each of your four brakes . . . al mo check your wheel align­ ment liiMtiuitly, accurately! CLYDE CATON’S JUNCTION GARAGE SlnklyiHi Boulevard ut Indlun.i PHONE Mil PAINTING • RETOUCHING • BODY A MOTOR REI’AIRN