Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, October 04, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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Chemical Plant
G eneral
Washington, D. C.
WASHINGTON.—Five weeks ago
Unless the Roosevelt administra­ I questioned the value and efficiency
tion shakes itself free of red tape of the civilian pilot training pro­
and really does something about tin, gram. which is a plan to train 50.000
it may have a major scandal on its pilots for military and naval serv­
ice by farming the students out to
Months have passed since the na­ civilian pilots in groups of from 10
tion first woke up to the fact that its to 40 to be trained at so much a
(Consolidated Features—WNU Service. I
supply of tin was desperately low. head. I said that it was not prop­
During that time, Japan has edged erly supervised, was dangerous and
EW YORK —In Uncle Remus.
down closer and closer to the Ma­ unlikely to produce many military
Brer Fox said to Brer Tarripin,
lays and the Dutch East Indies, our and naval pilots who would not have “You ain’t seen no trouble yit I’m
chief tin supply, and now is at the to start all over again in the primary de man w'at can show yer trouble."
gates of French Indo-China.
training of the armed services.
Meanwhile, the plan to set up a tin
I wrote that after seeing the plan
smelter in the United States using in process and talking with experi­ Once Again /«and adds to
Bolivian ore and to save a dangerous enced and impartial training experts — ..
the public zest
ocean haul half way round the upon whose Judgment I rely. From Fooling the Jinx
world, still is clutched in the large other such men that column re­ It for his new revue, "Boys and Girls
hand of Jesse Jones.
ceived indorsement, but by some in­ Together," at its Boston tryout. His
Jesse now is going through exactly terested in that program I was told revue sounded extemporaneous, like
the same routine that the state de­ with various degrees of indignation everything else he does, and seemed
partment followed four months ago that I did not know what I was to make people feel that even these
—asking American metal companies talking about
dire days will end when an old mas­
how much tin they would smelt, what
Wayne Parrish, editor of Amer­ ter, who though he was licked, can
process they would use. etc. Last ican Aviation, has watched this thus improvise a knockout
May several companies told the development closely, has recently
Set upon by * blizzard of trou­
state department they were glad to made a study of it and has not as
bles, financial and domestic, two
co-operate: Phelps Dodge, Ameri­ a recent gossip column implied, the
years ago. Brer Fox Wynn re­
can Metals. American Smelting & remotest political interest. In an
tired to his Park avenue cave
Refining and Vulcan Detinning.
editorial in the September 15 issue,
to sit around in bis pajamas and
From them the state department he goes a lot further than did my
bite his nails. Then something
had secured all necessary informa­ column and even hints at the very
touched off a giggle or two and
tion. But after it had finished, the odorous condition which may result
he began trying on funny hats,
national defense commission went in a congressional investigation.
and working up a few gaga. He
into the matter all over again, ask­
Assistant Secretary of Commerce
began to feel better, and along
ing virtually the same questions.
Hinckley wangled a total appro­
came George Wood and Pat C.
Now, at long last, the tin prob­ priation of $37.000,000 to finance this
Flick with a bankroll.
lem has come before Jesse Jones, program. It was presented as a
who as federal loan administrator defense move to train 50,000 pilots—
That recent mess of trouble was
passes upon the $2.000.000 loan perhaps for Mr. Roosevelt’s 50.000 Mr. Wynn's twenty-seventh upset in
which is to be spent on constructing phantom planes.
the light of which his comeback is
the tin smelter. And Jesse Jones
The record is not clear as to not so surprising. His radio chain
has gone into all the aforementioned whether congress was told that noth­ was as fragile as a Vassar daisy
red tape still again.
ing in the plan commits any trainee chain and took $300.000 of his money.
The tin situation is made even to any kind of military service, but A delayed income tax time bomb
more difficult by the fact that al­ Mr. Parrish reports that pros­ blew up a similar amount Harassed
though one of the busiest men in pects are assured that there is no by lawsuits and whatnot he found
Washington. Jones declines to dele­ such obligation and told just to for­ his wellspring of gags had dried up.
gate authority, wants to know all get that part of it Out of 77 gradu­ He shopped around for new and used
the details.
ates of the secondary course. 76 gags, but found none in stock. It
Jones is now secretary of com­ didn't seek military training.
was his own inner resources which
merce, a department which Herbert
finally reclaimed and reissued the
Hoover once made one of the most
No military or naval authority is waggish Mr. Wynn.
important in the government. But very clearly on record, but private­
Funny hats have figured in bls
Jesse »Iso insisted upon keeping bis ly neither branch believes that a
karma from the first. His fa­
hands on the vital job of federal satisfactory substitute for the serv­
ther, a milliner, came from
loan administrator. This makes him, ice primary courses can be given
Csecbo-Slovakia and his mother
next to Roosevelt, the most power­ in this haphazard fashion.
from Turkey. In the millinery
ful man in the government—also the
Those who doubted the wisdom of
shop, he handed himself many
most sought after.
the transfer of the independent CAA
a laugh, trying on bats. When
Result is that slate department of­ to the political department of com­
be was 16, his father said it was
ficials, national defense commission­ merce, do not feel much encour­
time for him to take up the mil­
ers and tin experts have to mark aged by these developments nor by
linery trade, but be had other
time waiting for a chance to see the increasing sabotage of the in­
Ideas. He tied a shirt and a
Jesse Jones. And after they get spection service of the old CAA.
Sunday suit into a Dick Whit­
to him they have to wait for him to which hung up so remarkable a
tington bundle and made his
go through all the details—personal­ record of air safety on the transport
way to Norwich, Conn.
Meanwhile the threatened Japa­
He talked his way into a rousta­
Veteran inspectors are being sub­
nese conquest of Asiatic tin supplies merged. weeded out or resign in bout job with a barnstorming com­
proceeds. Meanwhile also the Unit­ disgust to make places for less ex­ pany, presently got a small part,
ed States lacks enough tin actually perienced men.
and burlesqued it just enough to ro-
on hand to last a full year.
It is hard enough to understand veal his genius for comedy. Twelve
Noto—Present molasses-like nego­ how military and naval pilots can years of barnstorming and vaude­
tiations regarding tin have won the be trained by a slapped together ville followed, His recurring trou-
nickname "Tin-doggling."
hay crate organization of civilian bles have been such that interview-
• • •
pilots, but harder still to see how a ers or critics usually stress the
safe and uniform course of instruc­ Pagliacci note when writing about
“The Republican.” sprightly, en- tion can be given in so many inde­ him, but it’s rollicking, sympathetic
terprising G. O. P. monthly, offers pendent “schools” by instructors laughter which greets his happy
some interesting advice on how to themselves of a wide variety of ex­ comeback.
place your money in the election.
perience and training without an in­
At its request, and with the as­ spection service rating almost per­
surance of complete freedom of fect efficiency. Many of the so- \I7TNSTON CHURCHILL stirs
’ ’ wide interest and approval
opinion. C. M. Oehler, a research called “private flying specialists"
specialist, prepared a betting “tally who are “directing" this loose joint­ with his demand for simple and pre­
sheet” In offering it the magazine ed organization for training mili­ cise language, official and unofficial.
warns, however, that conditions may tary and naval pilots were examined More and Mora «“ ^e interest
of national ef-
and failed to qualify under the old
change abruptly.
“Election bettors must take into
, ~
His own re-
In this new "specialist” rating, u,
consideration." says the publication,
Word Gunnery cent ad.
“the possibility that a major 'emer­ they receive higher pay than ex­
dresses have been models of clarity
gency' may burst into bloom late in perienced inspectors—$5,600 a year,
and force. He has risen nobly to
October or very early in Novem­ as compared with $3,200, $3,800 or
the demands of the hour. All the
ber and may be a decisive factor
more credit to him in view of his
in the outcome." With this in mind highest rate in the old inspection
previous lapses.
This department
it presents the following tips on service. This and similar policies
old speech of
are stripping that service of compe­
how to bet Willkie money:
Mr. Churchill's in which he scolded
“Cinch bet"—Vermont, Kansas, tent men.
Much worse faults of carelessness certain offenders for "terminologi­
Maine. New Hampshire, Iowa. South
cal inexactitude," and deplored the
Dakota, Massachusetts, North Da­ and monkey business have been re­
public trend toward ornate lan­
kota. Minnesota. Michigan. Total,
confirm them. What this situation
87 electoral votes.
“Give odds’’—Rhode Island, Ne­ needs is a congressional investiga­
Perhaps under the pressures
and urgencies of the times pre-
braska, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, tion. Maybe it will get it—but not
cisionists are coming forward la
Ohio. Wisconsin (?). Total, 101 elec­ until after the election.
• • •
toral votes.
the entire field of communica­
“Even money” — Indiana, New
tions as they are in machine
York, Illinois. Total, 90 electoral
tooling. War casualties among
While 1 was in Chicago recently,
pedants and mystagogues may
the "Defend America by Defending
“Ask odds"—Oregon, Wyoming, Britain” committee staged a mass
be heavy. Over here, Charles
Connecticut, Delaware, California, meeting—largely of Gold Coast In­
A. Collin takes a long overdue
Idaho. Total. 45 electoral votes.
swipe at the mystic word maze
tellectuals—in the Coliseum. It was
“Ask long odds’*—West Virginia, harangued by several eminent breast
of life insurance policies, as he
Montana, New Mexico, Kentucky, beating war criers. All they ask
addresses the Insurance Adver­
Colorado, Missouri, Maryland, Utah, now is to strip our inadequate army
tising conference in Atlantic
Total, 67 electoral air force of 50 of its flying fortresses
This writer has been
thrown for a loss every time he
and detach from our navy the mos­
“Don’t bet”—Nevada, Oklahoma, quito torpedo boats which congress
tried to read an insurance policy
Tennessee. Arizona. Virginia, North recently prevented the President
and has had to take them en­
Carolina, Florida, Arkansas, Louisi­ from sending to Britain.
tirely on faith.
ana, Alabama, Texas. Georgia. Mis­
How this kind of thing could be
Also in tune with the times Is
sissippi, South Carolina. Total, 141 done lawfully—even under the at­
Judge Pecora's deep pondering and
electoral votes.
torney general’s phoney opinion by
which the destroyers were detached long-.tudied decision in that ques­
without even consulting congress— tion mark or period case. Sixteen
Assistant Secretary of State Berle doesn’t appear. These people don't entrants in a civil service examina­
believes Spanish is the coming lan­ care. They don’t even worry about tion were sustained against their
guage for Americans, is having his that, because they know the Presi­ examiners when they picked the
question mark as the proper ending
children learn it.
dent doesn't care either.
for a certain sentence.
The Liberty league, moribund for
Just getting under way before the
the last several years, last week
After the terrible rolling we got
quietly folded up completely. The for listening to our Anglophiles in war started there was in England
few remaining employees were paid 1917, I never expected to live to see a society for general word renova­
, off and told the league was giving the day when anybody would be tion and fumigation and the further­
up the ghost. Chief reason given dumb enough on the one hand and ance of good diction. In these en­
was the Hatch "purity-in-politics” have nerve enough on the other, to deavors, Mr. Churchill now gets a
act. Jouett Shouse, league director, defy the great weight of American putout, but something more than an
assist should go to the mischievous
who in its heyday drew a $36,000-a- public opinion and try to push us in­
and ironic A. P. Herbert, the par­
year salary, is supporting Willkie to another world war to make the
liamentary gag man who was tar
but is not taking an open part in world safe for anything but our own ahead of Mr. Churchill in blasting
the campaign.
country. This Eastern Seaboard at over-elegant word setups. Half
Minnesota's Gov Harold Stassen propaganda, apparently fully fi­ Irish, the author of about 20 novels,
has a leading role in guiding the nanced by somebody, is threatening and a half-dozen plays, he has
pinked much revered, but preten­
labor end of the Willkie campaign. to get away with it.
New Iregion
tious usage.
The burning ruins of two buildings are shown In the above photo of
the Pennsylvania Industrial Chemical corporation at Clairton, Pa., which
was damaged by an explosion of resin and oils. The blast resulted from
"adverse chemical reaction" in an agitator. Six persons were Injured
in the blast. The damage Is estimated al $50.000. Flames were brought un­
der control an hour after the explosion.
Find Four Dead in Plane Wreckage
Four passengers who went up for s noon-hour fliknt plunged to thrir
death within the city limits of Kansas City. Those killed were Ralph
Howe, a flying Instructor, and Ralph Irey, also two stenographers, Mias
Juanita Clanton and Miss Georgia Yankee. At the left a doctor can be
seen trying to find a spark of life in one of the victims.
Milo J. Warner, attorney, of To­
ledo, Ohio, who has Ju»l t>een elected
National Commander of the Ameri­
can Legion at their twenty second
annual convention In Boston. He is
one of the Legion's founders.
Threatens F. I). R
Twenly-two-ycar-old Lincoln de
Cleyre, arraigned in Philadelphia on
charges of threatening to kill Presi­
dent Roosevelt, lie Cleyre has been
threatening the President since IBM,
according to government authorities. ,
Passing the Time in Air Raid Shelter Spruces Up for Army
A blanket serves as an extra pair
of pants for Private Edward Tor-
Here’s a peek Into a Ramsgate air raid shelter. The city of Rams­ tolani, who sharpens • crease as
gate, in England, has been subjected to constant air raid alarms, and he gels ready to enter the regular
the people have, during these many weeks past, grown quite accustomed army of the United Hlates. He’s one
to spending long hours In air raid shelters. Girls are knitting as they of the 3,500 men in three New York
pass the time. Housewives discuss the high cost of living and other home city National Guard regiments who
problems. Little boys suck on Ice cream cones and wait, like the others, have dropped their civilian pursuits ‘
for the raid to pass over. London's loss of time every day because of air tor a year's service In encamp­
raids is a very serious matter, and the Nasis seem to know It.
President Signs Peacetime Draft Bill
President Roosevelt signs Hie nation’s Aral v-aoetlme conscription
bill. Standing, left to right: Secretary of War Henry Stimson, Rep.
A. J. May, chairman of the house military affairs committee, Gen.
George C. Marshall, chief of staff, and Sen. Morris Sheppard, chairman
of the senate military affairs committee.
Speaker of the House of Repre­
sentatives Kam Rayburn of Texas,
who succeeds the late William Bank­
head. One of his first duties was
presiding over Rankhead’s state fu­