Friday, Oct. 4, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 10 Ashland Juniors Bow Average In SOGGY FRACAS ¡Picking MR.X ’ TO INVADE Dive, But Chipman To Medfords 13-0 As ENDS IN 0-0 TIE Undismayer As Yet MEDFORD ARENA Local Season Opens Football and this column didn't Couch Al Simpson's junior high along so well last week since MONDAY EVENING foot bull eleven, making their 1940 IN GRANTS PASS get five of the prize selections went debut on the Ashland high field Friday and Saturday! THE BEAT OF TOM-TOMS MATCHED THE BEAT OF THEIR HEARTS ... •• th«, glided hideout! / Yn a l win-soaked field at Grants Pass last Friday night, Ash­ land high's 1940 football machine Opened the southern Oregon con­ ference with an 0 to 0 tie with the Grants Pass Cavemen. Despite the soggy condition of the field, which had been covered with saw­ dust, the game was exciting as both teams often threatened to score. Fumbles and frequent pass interceptions made the outcome difficult to determine until the final gun sounded. Ashland's chances to score came early in the first quarter as Martin Herrin crashed the Grants I’ass line and reached pay dirt only to have the ball knocked from his hands and ruled as a fumble. Herrin played a bang-up ball game and this week has been carrying an eye discoloration and bruised face to prove it. Ken Caton quarterback, is on crutches be­ cause of a wrenched knee and will be out for about another two weeks. Nearly all the backfield men who saw action for Ashland are carrying some markings caus­ ed by the Cacvemen's neck-tie tackles. But the hosts didn't get by with­ out injuries. One Grants Pass player was taken from the field on a stretcher when he suffered neck injuries and several had mi­ nor hurts typical to a football game. Head Coach Leighton Blake was well pleased with the way his squad handled the wet ball and with the manner in which they executed plays. CharlfcChan ■ AT THE Six-Man Football To Open at Talent Today with SIDNEY TOLER SEN YOUNG Six-man football will make its debut at Talent this afternoon at 2 o'clock when Talent high meets the defending champions of the county, Leonard Patterson's Jack­ sonville high Indians. Reports from Talent say their squad is on about the same par with last year's team, which was not the best in the conference. Talent's starting lineup for the Jacksonville game hits been an­ nounced as follows: Fenton, cen­ ter; Keith and Slack, ends; Rocke, quarterback; Gleim and Slagle at halfbacks. ------------•------------ WAX ylbtUH SUN*MON*TUE¡ Love! Excitement! Thrills! Gym Blaze Postpones Reserves-Pointer Tilt Fire which Tuesday noon totally destroyed the old Central Point gym and burned’ $1000 worth of the Pointers’ football equipment has forced cancellation of the Cen­ tral Point high-Ashland high re­ serves football game originally scheduled for the Central Point field Friday afternoon. The blaze, believed to have started from an over-heated wood i stove, burned all of the equipment which had been strewn about the floor in front of the stove after being washed following the wet, muddy game with Roseburg last week. • WED & THUR • MID-WEEK SPECIAL! MultelSC v rong, but the average is .700 to date with 20 games picked and six missed. Willie Httlen of the Medford M-T has discarded his crystal ball and the other «lay he called the writer up offering to trade it for a glass <4 suds or just anything old and worn out that might be cm hand. He says he has now adopted our system of guessing that is, just guess Good luck. Wil­ lie, your percentage rating needs it. The 10 choices for this week fol­ low: Klamath Falls takes on jun­ ior college competition tonight on their own grid when they face lacssen J. C. of Susanville, but the Pelicans are tough enough to win. Medford's undefeated record will remain intact tonight when they entertain the Grants Pass Cavemen in a conference tilt. Stanford's whipping1 of U. S. F last Saturday cannot go unheeded so the Cardinals are in for a win over Oregon at Palo Alto. St. Mary’s looks too strong for California at Berkeley Saturday. Oregon State's mighty team will upset the defending champions, Southern California, at Los An­ geles tomorrow’. Washington, angered at their loss to Minnesota, will take their spite out on Idaho at Seattle Saturday. Washington State will have no picnic at Pullman with Montana, also Saturday. A big "homecoming” has been arranged for Amos Alonzo Stagg when he takes his College of Paci­ fic gridders to Notre Dame Sat­ urday but the celebration will be dampened by a Notre Dame win. Tonight at Loa Angeles, UCLA I will have a narrow .-«pieak with Santa Clara but will come out on top. Texas A&M. bound for the Rose Bowl, will defeat Tulsa Saturday i The game is at College Station, Texas. ----------- •------------ | : Friday, Saturday “THREE FACES WEST” with John Wayne Sifrid Gurie aho----- “HOT STEEL” with Andy Devine Richard Arlen Sunday, Monday and Tuesday • Subscribe for The Miner today • WANT ADS • FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co , 32 North Grape street. Medford. (48tf > “PRIVATE AFFAIRS” : wiu Wednesday and Thursday NATIONAL LETTER WRITING WEEK Everyone 10c: W n E S T L I N AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT IM VOI R PRESENT UFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? 3 ALI.-STAR MAIN EVENTS SUNDAY October 6 to 12! Medford Armory ? For Reservations Phone Brown's, Medford 101 àfl Moe STEVEN it f SCHUERMAN Ì PHONE 4721 • METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. ■ ■■ 1 MMV THE BARE FACT IS . .. Surprises... SERVE THE COLDEST BEER IN TOWN! _ i —Come On, Make J Us Prove It! * ^FEATURING A-ONE DRAFT BEER 5c per glass ® Finest Quality Brew in Generous 6-0«. Glass! BOHEMIAN CLUB AL BROWER, Proprietor TRUCK AND TRAILER BUILDING AND REPAIRING g We wont to emphasize our truck and trailer service department, for we are especially equipped for heavy-duty welding, building and repairing. Trucks and tractors don’t come too big or too tough for us and we have gained much experience in metal fab­ rication for bodies, frames and logging beds. If you plan repairs, rebuilding or strengthening of ANY heavy equipment, consult us! ..»are not always pleasant! In addition to our automotive repair service, we maintain a complete electric and acetylene welding shop, Including both ftortable and stationary equipment. We are southern Oregon and northern California lenders in the manufacture of storage tanks of all types, and we offer a complete machine shop and blacksmithing service. Our work is guaranteed! Not all surprises are pleasant, or to be taken In stride by the unprepared. You cun safeguard yourself hud your family against economic tragedy resulting from fire, theft or accident through Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company's Dividend Policies safely nt savings as much as ONE-FOUIITH regular premium costs! Protect your Investment In your car, your business effects, your home and your personal possessions and face the future with increased assurance. We'll be glad to give you complete details without obligation. OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP I. C. ERWIN PHONE 1586 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND * i Nancy Kelly Hutfh Herbert Start Coach Leighton Blake's "vars­ ity” crew, idle this week, is drilling . on plays and learning new ones in j preparation for the conference! clash with Klamath Falls here Oct 11. Blake stated that in spite of the reputation Klamath has built up this year, not one of his entire squad will be afraid of the Peli­ cans when they take the field. The boys are drilling pass defense and will be in tip-top shape when they go to the post against their Kla­ math county rivals. In the only football game in the valley tonight, Medford meets Grants Pass on the Tigers’ turf. It is a conference scrap. Also to­ night. Klamath Falls steps into tough competition in taking on Lassen Junior college at Klamath Falls. • Mr. and Mrs. Cevil Templer of Camas, Wash, visited here this week with friends. They are for­ mer residents. • Thomas J. Fuson of Medford visited here Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. Mary Wood. • Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Sears and children, Carla, Bob and Jack, re- centy moved here from Grants Pass to make their home. • H. L. Moore made a business trip to Grants Pass Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Will Gates of Medford visited with friends here early in the week. • Max Barraclough and Kenneth Damon made a business trip to Dead Indian Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaRue of Bandon visited here recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Wren. • Robert Harper of Hilt was a business visitor in Ashland Mon- ’ day. • Mr. and Mrs. Verne Thomas of Yreka visited here Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kerr. ! last night, dropped a 13-0 game to Medford juniors before u fulr sized crowd. Medford kicked off to open the first quarter but on the second down Simjwon'a tx>ys fumbled ami Medford recovered. From Ash­ land's 3S-yard line Medford ad­ vanced to the 20 on three plays and then a 20-yjard end run by La>well Fleser reached pay dirt for the visitors. The try for point was wide. Again Medford «cored; tills time in the svctaid period when they took an Ashland punt in mid-flekl and moved it to thy one-foot line on running plays. From there Jack Baker scored on a quarterback sneak The extra |aiint was scored by Fleser on a line smash. Sini|Mton's boys looked good in every de¡mrtment but* obviously were suffering from "first-game fright." The tilt wasn't all med- ford, however, for the local juniors carried the pigskin to Medford's five-yard line in the clotting min­ utes of the final period but the gun beat them out of any |*osaible score. Medford's first string averaged 152 pounds to the man while Ash­ land's average was 145. Officials were Parker Hess, ref­ eree; Clifford Mcljiin. umpire, and Jake -Schaffer, head linesman ------------ •------------ A HOME-OWNED THEATRE J Phone 7561 Don’t Forget! Subs, Varsity Men Strengthen Lineups For Coming Games Kiddies a Dime! ---------Flu»- MEDFORD ARMORY wrestling fans will six' a newcomer in action next Monday night, Oct. 7, when Mr. X, who hails from parts unknown, meets up with Taro Ito, the barrel-shaped Jap, in the open­ ing bout of Mack IJllard's weekly card. The unknown man, who is not the same Mr. X who previous­ ly wrestled tn Medford, weighed IMS pounds and, like his hooded colleagues, is reputed to be excep­ tionally rough. George Wilson, the sonnenburg s|>ecialiat from the University *>f Washington, takes on Mike Nazu- rian in the top main event. Naza- rian has been victorious in eight of his nine Medford matches and expects to find Wilson easy pick­ ings Fans who remember the night the former Washington grid flash broke a ring post with his mighty sonnenburgs, doubt this. Milan! has arranged a rematch for the middle go. He has sched­ uled another dish of the thrilling go of two weeks ago between Whitey Wahl berg and Balk Es­ tes. Both boys are as fast as the proverbial grease*! lightning and they are clean and scientific. The Mr. X-Ito clash will go to th« mat at 8:30 p. m promptly ------- •------------ • W. E. Wright of Happy Camp, Calif., visited with Ashland friends Wednesday. • Mr and Mrs. C. E Walden made a business trip to Grants Pass Tuesday • Don Halfhill left recently for Corvallis where he will continue his studies at OSC. • Mrs. Verne Hastings and Pa­ tricia Hastings made a trip to Dunsmuir Tuesday. LITHIA 240 EAST MAIN STREET PHONE 87S1