Friday, S*-pt. 27, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Pane 9 .traira ■HHMHMMMMHHB i CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE HOTEL ASSEMBLY NINTH A MADISON, SEATTLB Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young Comfortable Moder* Room* Weekly I« OS Dining Roo Daily li t» Coffee Shop ia BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN DENTAL PLATE REPAIR D r . H arry S emlír , Al AiDQ • >*» A MQASiSCTN • OBI PHOTO FINISHING 16 PRINTS 25/ Boll Davaloaad sad U »flau Me. MX PHOTO MBeprtauSa OeOCN. UT AM A Book Shelf for The Study Comer By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA —Maybe One Doctor Isn’t Enough By RUTH WYETH SPEARS QCHOOL again, and this sketch shows a quiet study corner for one girl. It is all very gay in tones of golden yellow and green and was made almost entirely of things already on hand—even down to the hooked rug. The hanging book shelf doesn't really hang at all. It is made of a box screwed to the wall, and if you never thought of slip-covering a book shelf, here ia proof of how smart one will look, especially if By C. M. PAYNE S’M ATTER POP—He Will Have to A>k a Riding Master it is matched with a chair covered in the same material. The legs of the chair are painted green and so is the old kitchen table which has now become a desk. The yel­ low tone is repeated in the blotter and an old brass lamp and other desk things carry eu* the green and yellow color scheme. A shelf like this one would be attractive in almost any room, even the bath­ room or the kitchen. This box was so rough that the oil cloth lining was necessary. A box of smooth wood could be painted inside. a MESCAL IKE A Sure-Fire Deal if We Ever Saw One mlhuntley • a NOTE: Ona hundred sixty of these homemaking articles by Mrs. Spears have been printed In five booklets, each its pages. The stocking Cai and doll on the shelf are tn Book 3; dlrecUeas tor the book rug are in No. S; also descriptions of the other booklets. Booklets are ISc postpaid and should be requested direct from Mrs. Spears. Send order to: MBS. RUTH WYETH SPEAKS Drawer 1» Bedford H1U1 New York Enclose 10 cents tor each book ordered. Name . Address Social Security Teacher—Now, boys, if Napoleea were still alive today, what do you think be would be doing? Smart Aleck — Drawing old-age pension, sir. / By J. MILLAR WATT Allies’ Target Man a Knot of Roots A man is a bundle of relations, a knot of roots, whose flower and fruitage is the world.—Emerson. THE AWFUL MilCf TOU MT I THE SPORTING THI~NG~ Á r /¡A tronc FATHER GETS SQUELCHED Did you tell your teacher that I helped you with your Latin last night?" "Yes. dad.” "What did he say?" "Said he wouldn't punish me this time as it would be a shame to make me suffer for your ignorance." By GL UY AS WILLIAMS ] Kind Nature Nature is always kind enough to give even her clouds a humorous lining.—James Russell Lowell. Watch Your Kidneys/ Proper Spirit Magistrate—You've committed six burglaries in a week. Prisoner—That’s right. If every one worked as hard as 1 do we'd be on the road to prosperity. Careful, Mlater Bored Victim—So you didn't land him then? Angler—You haven't been listen­ ing to me. I only had a fishing rod, not a crane. Not Big Enough Fair Traveler—Why do you punch that hole in my ticket? Station Official—So you can pass through. D oans P ills WNU--13 â