Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, September 27, 1940, Page 8, Image 8

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Pleasing Motifs for
Pot and Pan Holders
© Frank H. Spaarmxn
Fridgy, Sept. 27, 1940
WNU Servie*
her face into her hand«. shudder “But not a fruitless one. I went I ring his own. Not until they were
—16 ■
out to capture a very wild horse and I well out of range did he slow up.
They had ridden miles and miles
"Don't say. don’t try to sagt, s*- managed at last to coax him into I
“Whal was that shot, Henry?”
before Carmen slackened pace and norita!”
the corral."
asked Carmen.
The public schools have opened
looked over with a laugh at her com­
Dry old Don Ramon interposed
"From worse than death.
Bowie was thoroughly enraged but again and millions of children give
panion. "Oh. I haven't had so glori­ months we two lay ill, our live* an impudent question. “What did he spoke quietly. “Just another mes­
up playing outdoors and start fooling
ous a run since—I can’t remember were given up. Terecita died from your wild horse coax you into?”
senger from Blood—to make sure I in the schoolroom.
when. Not. anyway, since you left brain fever. I, poor I. could not
Carmen met the attack without a know he's out of jail.” Then he ex­
• • •
Guadalupe. My poor pony—I must die. My aunt. Dona Maria, took me tremor. “Nothing to speak of. The ploded, unable to restrain himself
They had a lot of fun during the
breathe him." They walked the for her own. She and dear Don important thing is, California can longer. “A man who'd do that In
vacation, but weren't anywhere
horses. A dell opened on one side Ramon adopted me. For years aft­ count one more caballero. Don Hen­ Texas would be shamed out of the
near as idle as they will be when
of the trail they were following.
erward. senor. 1 would start out of ry Bowie is coming back to Guada­ country. It's all right to take a pot they get back to their studies.
Bowie pointed.
"That’s a lush a sound sleep screaming and sob­ lupe."
• • •
shot at me; I don't object to that.
stand of gras* over there. Shall we bing. At other times horrible dreams
Dona Maria rose to her feet, clap­ But to take one when it endangers
Whether the children have been
let the ponies nibble a bit?”
ping her hand*. "Glorious!”
assailed me.
the life of a woman! It only shows,” getting the right sort of education
Tranafer 7.8976
“He ha* promised to stay."
"They deserve it. don't you
he added after an ominous silence, is now a question agitating many
“It was Dr. Doane and. most of
"Better and better."
E'OR our first fall needlework,
“what a dog this fellow is. One of nations, That many of the weak-
all. the help of my religion and the
"But, of course,” continued Car­ us will have to get out of this coun­ nesses in social systems are due to
1 what could be more appropri­
“I tliink whatever you think, se­ ministrations of blessed Padre Mar­
tinez that brought me through those men blandly, "you never can tell try.”
emphasis on the wrong things in ate than making some new pan
“What nonsense!” Carmen drew terrible years. Dear Padre Marti­ about really wild horse*.”
On the morning following Parda­ school is widely charged. Franc* holders? Gay flower faces, hen
"They are serviceable only when loe rode out to Guadalupe. He was declares, through Marsha) F «tain, and rooster, Toby jugs und a par­
herself up in her saddle. “I be­ nez! When everybody else despaired
lieve I'm tired. Where’s poor Pe­ of my recovery he. almost alone, actually brought to bit," observed welcomed noisily by the vaqueros that its public school system wes “a rot handle holder, etc. Why, even
dro? Oh. he's coming, isn't he? supported me and told me I must Don Ramon dispassionately. "Fe­ and. having brought a goodly sup­ lie,” and says that from now on the smallest scrap bug would sup­
lipe." he said to the houseboy, “here ply of poor tobacco, made the cow­ schools will teach "respect of the ply enough materia), for some of
We did ride fast. There seemed to and should get well.
is a key to the wine cellar. Bring boys happy by passing it around.
be something inside me just urging
human individual, the family, soci­ these are pieced. Bazaura and
"For that reason—all my illness—
me to speed on. Funny, isn’t it, when I became the foster daughter three bottles of the 1830 champagne
gifts will take Inexpensive toll of
“Ben is to be your boss, boys,” ety and the nation.”
... It was a good vintage," he
• • •
how impulses act?”
any you aren't needing yourself.
of Guadalupe it was strictly forbid­
explained Bowie. “And you are all
"If you are tired let’s get down a den for anyone ever to mention the observed, addressing Bowie.
France has blamed about every­
to carry pistols now. along with
The Tejano left in the morning for
Z8S7S. IS canU, fives mollis
moment. I think your cinches are tragedy or the fact that I was not
your lariats and knives. Within thing else for its defeat, and It may for Transfer
ten holders. Send orders loi
fort to break away from Sutter.
giving a little, anyway," he added their very own child . . . This is a
three months I'll have six-shooters be stretching a point to blame the
It was difficult to make his peace,
hypocritically. "Who hooked you very long story—”
for all of you—they're ordered and schools, but this department thinks
but the captain was not wholly un­
"I can’t tell you how deeply I reasonable. Bowie took him into paid for. We've got a bunch of a little shaking up of the American
“Felix, I think it was."
public school system wouldn't do us
feel it. señorita.”
his confidence, and in the end the pesky squatters on the other side
of the river above the Melena. They any harm.
When he asked his inconsequent
“You asked me why I was afraid
o e e
•xpect to gobble up Guadalupe.
question — for word* were spoken of being carried away. I have told
schools are teach­
They're mistaken, but they don't
now only to conceal thoughts—he you. And I had a reason much more
was on his feet, waiting to take her grave for recounting all this, Senor
know it yet. We've got to set 'em ing American boys and girls respect
right on that point—that's why I for the family, society and the na­
down from the saddle. She slipped Bowie. And a confession to make.
into his arms, neither too freely nor Monica, my Indian nurse, is still liv­
sent for your old foreman. Ben Par­ tion. a lot of the kids are not listen­
(There we go preaching
too restrainedly, but inevitably, for ing. She lives with my brother near
an instant, into his arms. That in­ San Diego. One* in a long, long
‘'Now don’t misunderstand me. again.)
* * •
stant was to plunge both into an time Monica comes away up here to
Don't start a fight with this scum
ocean whose waters had been see me.
yourselves—let them start it But
How about getting back to the old-
dreamed of but never before felt.
if you see one of them riding any­ fashioned days when school was
“Do you remember, Senor Bowie,
saves hours of
She drew back almost guiltily as that among the portraits at Guada­
where on the rancho, order him off.
opened with
pr appro f ion « 11 nourishing . s *
she smoothed her riding skirt and. lupe there is one of you?”
If he puts up a fight and you think
prayer and the
económica/ i * i order; today,
without looking directly at him,
you can handle him. well and good
national anthem,
“I remember.”
murmured a thank you. When she
from your grocer.
"Monica, the instant she saw your
saw him throw the lines of the po­
can't, whistle for help. If you catch
plying th* inspir­
picture, screamed. When I quieted
nies, and they began cropping, her
of them running off so much as
her these were the words she spoke:
heart beat faster: he meant to linger
a sick calf, go after him fast with
The schools ar*
'That is the man who brought you
a while
your lariat and gun and don't give
instructing the
back to me at Los Alamos!' "
Pedro rode slowly up. "Pedro,”
him a chance to shoot first Pow­
kids in dates that
Her voice broke. She hid her face
said Bowie, “ride up to the Melena in her hands.
der and lead are cheap. It's better
don't matter, his­
and look about for any bogged cows
to shoot half a second too soon than
torical episodes
He spoke quietly. “Don't let that
before the squatters get them. If
one hundredth part of a second too
that they will
upset you. It might easily be a
we do not follow you look for us
late—remember that. This rancho
never remember
mistake. She could hardly remem­
here on your way back."
belongs to your master, Don Ra-
and various sub­
ber after so many years, señorita.”
mon, and these squatters must be
jects which will
As the vaquero spurred off. Car­
“I argued with her. 'You told
taught that it does.”
be of little use
men sat down on the grass with a
me those men were heavily beard­
“These boys,” explained Bowie
to ’em. The only
pleasing sweep of her voluminous
ed,' I said. This man is smooth
afterward to Pardaioe and Simmie. exam they pass quickly Is the one
skirt, took off her hat and let the
faced.’ She only shook her head.
“have been cowed by Blood and which asks. "What was Jimmy Cag­
sea breeze play through her hair.
That,' she said over and over, 'is
his bunch, who have been doing ney's last picture?” "Name four
"See!" she exclaimed, pointing as
the mar who laid you in my arms
about as they please. We’re going night clubs most often menUoned in
he threw himself on the ground be­
i at Los Alamos!'
to call Blood’s bluff, and you boys the press,” “What six movie stars
side her. "There’s the bay. Isn't
“I remember.
“I was shaken almost to death
know how to do it. I’m going to were divorced in the last 10 days?”
it gorgeous! I don’t think I ever
by her story, senor. Shouldn’t you
Feast -for - the - Least
get him for killing Sanchez, if for and "Has mommer developed a sys­
found this nook before."
be? Senor Bowie, were you that . veteran promised to come
nothing else. What'a the talk in tem to beat bingo yet?”
"Señorita,” he said, plucking a man? Try to recollect.”
dance at the wedding.
• • •
blade of grass and paying no atten­
A week went before Bowie, very Monterey. Ben?”
He stared at the grass by his
Success Secondary
“Well, they say Blood’s friends
tion to her words, "something you side. At length he shook his bead ! impatient, could get back to Guad­
The three Rs would seem to be
Man cannot be satisfied with
said at dinner last night set me slowly. “She must have been mis­ alupe. Fortunately, in the circum­ let him loose. I saw Deaf Peterson Robinson, Rooney and Romero.
mere aucceaa. He la concerned
there one night, and he acted mean.
• • •
taken.” Plucking at the grass, he stances, he reached the rancho in
with the terma upon which suc­
“How could anything I might say added with a slight tremor, "I wish the evening. The night was clear. He’s squatting over there with
Of course, the schools may not b* cess comes to him. And very often
A full moon was rising over the Blood's got a special spite against
set you thinking, Senor Tejano?” she it were true.”
so—is that Blood has got together entirely to blame for the fact that the terms seem more Important
asked, plucking a blade of grass
But Carmen had not done: she mountains, and just within the patio
twenty or thirty guerillas, and he little boys grow up into men who then the success.—Charles A. Ben­
only pressed her victim more close­
yawn as a veterans’ parade passes,
“You said you could now ride ly. “Knowing you as well as I now very highest of her combs and claims he's going to clean the coun­ give a sloppy salut* to Old Glory and nett.
without fear of being carried off. do. senor, perhaps better than you
say "So what!” when told that
Why should you feel afraid of such think,” she continued, "I felt it nese shawl, waited to greet him. blood's got a special spite against democracy is in danger.
a thing? Surely you don't think these would be well to talk first to Senor
• • •
“And Guadalupe’s got a special
miserable squatters would dare do Pardaloe, because I knew he came when she could catch breath to
The old folks at home have some­
with you to California and might ex­ speak, “three nights I have waited spite against Blood,” remarked
She was silent so long that he plain it. I did talk with him. He here long, long for you. Wicked Bowie. “But if the cuss does get thing to do with it. Pop never read
looked up at her for an answer. confirmed the story absolutely, even Tejano. to keep a poor, poor girl a bunch of guerillas together they the Declaration of Independence,
When she spoke her expression had to the beard. Senor Bowie, you are shivering out here in the cold. You can do mischief. No matter. We'll and thinks Magna Charts is a new
need not make excuses. I know just have to look alive till I can screen actress.
completely changed. She was seri­ the man.”
• • •
just forgot me. How are you. get my hands on him again.”
ous. "Shall I tell you?” she asked
Struggling no longer with pent-up
And mom is too busy between
querido? And now that you have—
in a tone quite new to him. ■
emotion, she burst into tears.
“Why not?” he said simply.
“Why. why, should this upset you what you call It—a job. you must his hands on you,” grinned Parda­ bridge, the screen scandals, bingo
and her efforts to get the right fac*
“When I was a child," she said, so señorita?” he pleaded. “It may ask Don Ramon in the morning for loe.
that she isn’t much help to
"a dreadful tragedy came into my only possibly be true. And if it
worth it I, myself, don’t. But I Ben. But we'll get together some the kids either. (So we hear.)
life. First 1 must tell you, senor, I were ..."
• • •
Her eyes, as she raised them to have heard it said that there is no day."
am not the daughter of Dona Maria
Pardaloe and Simmle went to
and Don Ramon. Dona Maria is his. flashed through the tears. “And
Don Ramon made the asking easy Monterey next day after powder "I'll take him on!" cries Pau)
my aunt My real father's rancho if it were?” she echoed slowly and
and lead and extra pistols and to
near San Diego was raided one gravely. “It has been the dream of for Bowie. “If Carmen had done
Says Wendell. "Paul, my eye!”—
dreadful day by Indians. They mur­ my life sometime, somewhere, to as I wished she would have been pick up what they could concerning
dered my father and would have meet that man. In my heart I have yours long ago. You are welcome Blood's whereabouts. Bowie intend­ Biff! Bang! They're merely broth­
ers in
murdered my mother, had it not said, 'If I can ever find that man I to my household. Senor Bowie. I ed to raid the squatters the day
Old Beta Theta Pl.
been for the plea of her Indian will wipe hi* feet with my hair. I trust you two may be happy to­ following the return of the two
• • •
maid. Monica. As it was. the agony will serve him at table. I will be gether and may provide for Guad­ scouts. He himself, on the day they
alupe the descendants for which left, took his vaqueros into the foot­
and terror that Mother suffered that his handmaiden for life.' ”
hills to round up the herd from
day killed her within a few weeks.
Shed a tear for Margie White,
“Henry,” she exclaimed, holding my wife and I have vainly longed.”
The betrothal was made an occa­ which steers were being run off by She signaled left . . . and then
There were three of us children left out her hand for him to help her
orphans: an older brother, my up, "how do you think I have stood sion of festivity at the rancho, cul­ squatters and raiders.
turned right.
That day Carmen took Felipe with
younger sister Terecita, and myself. it since Monica told me it was you?” minating in a formal dinner to which
—A. G. OdeU.
• • •
My brother was not at home and
“Could it indeed have been I? Padre Martinez and his assistant
so escaped. The Indians set fire to Could that sobbing little brown-eyed and Aunt Ysabel from Monterey joyous errand. She wanted to talk Bandaged up is Gus Q Bray—
the ranch house and carried my girl I carried that day on my shoul­ were summoned. The household and over with Padre Martinez arrange­ He said he’d fix his brakes “some
sister and myself away with them der be this magnificent woman who the guests sat at table late and had ments for a wedding.
She found the padre a little thin­
into the mountains.”
stands before me now? Carmen!” gathered in the living Zoom with a
—K. L. T.
ner—each visit marked him as soon­
• * *
“My sister and I were at the mer­ His voice threw more into the words fire in the huge fireplace.
er to become a walking skeleton.
cy of the savages. I don’t remem­ than she had ever heard from hu­
Gatti Casazza died in Italy the
came in to whisper a message to But happily, he told her, he had
ber much of this—I was too young, man lips.
"I love you. I have
not been molested by raids for some other day at 71. He had been direc­
and I was insane with terror. I loved you from the first moment I
gone only a few minutes. When he time and prayed and hoped for a tor of the Metropolitan Opera in New
do seem to remember a stormy ever saw you. Carmen. That is the
returned Carmen looked at him long relief from depredation. His York for 27 years, and before that
night, a terrible fight, and being reason I had to leave Guadalupe.
questioningly, but he ignored all guard? Yes, he had his dozen Mexi­ was director at La Scala. Gatti was
snatched up with my sister and car­ That is the reason I never could
curiosity concerning his absence can soldiers; they were good fel­ a glamorous figure in the days when I
ried away by other Indians—at least stand it to come back to Guada­
from the room and no one asked lows but were eating him out of the world not only felt like singing,
I thought them such. But both Ter­ lupe and yet stay apart from you.
house and home. Today they had but sang and even paid money to
ecita and I were so far gone we Now you know everything!”
It was only when he and Carmen goné down, likewise, his administra­ hear others sing. He must have
• In bringing vs buying Information, as
knew little of what went on about
Her composure, as she stood, were alone after the guests had left tor, to San Jose for a fiesta; he been pretty unhappy lately.
fo prices that ar* being asked for
astounded him. It was now he who and he was bidding her good night was afraid some of them would
• • •
what we Intend to buy, and as to th*
> “But Monica, our faithful nurse, must work to control his voice and that he answered her question.
come back drunk. And his poor In­
Kathryn Holhlman Frank defines
quality we can expect, the advertising
has told me that four days after words.
“It was a messenger from Dr. dians—they had mostly turned hunt­ an optimist as a man who kept his
columns of this newtpaper perform a
“Henry,” she said. His name on Doane. Felipe will put him up for ers and trappers to keep from starv­
the burning of the rancho and the
worth while service which caves us
sunglasses in his hand during the
murders my sister and I were her lips maddened him. He caught the night.”
ing. But, Deo gracias, they wer* last two weeks in August.
many dollars a year.
brought back to the rancho by three her hands. “Do you know every­
“But what did he want?”
firm in their faith. He wished that
• •
• It is a good habit to form, the habit
white men with heavy beards, They thing?” she asked. "Not quite—not
“He brought a message from the his soldiers behaved as well.
of consulting the advertisements every
could speak no Spanish; she could how shamefully silly I once was. I ( doctor to let me know that Blood
The scene that afternoon was as
time wo make a purchase, though we
not understand a word they said, don’t know whether you can ever is out again. He broke jail to­ peaceful as the message from th* was going to get married anyhow
have already decided |ust what wo
and they were not going to leave forgive me. But since you have told | night at Monterey.”
other world which the missioq had
wont and where wo are going to buy
• •
us with her until our old Padre me what you have just now told
Bowie was in Monterey next day brought to men. The few girls and
It. It gives us the most priceless feeling
Pasqual happened along, watking me, Henry—what more must I tell ( on business. His business was with women remaining were busy with
In the world« the fooling of being
adopting the "family vote” system
down from San Gabriel. The men, you?”
adequately prepared.
Ben Pardaloe. When they had fin­ their varied tasks.
or at least one of them, talked by
ished their conference Ben had en­
Carmen took supper with the pad­ of franchise, under which a man
'• When we go Into a store, prepared
signs yith the padre, and he as-
gaged to return to Guadalupe. A re and his assistant, and with Fe­ has as many votes as there are in
beforehand with knowledge of what Is
sured them it would be all right to
fortnight later Bowie was riding lipe started for home in the cool of his immediate family. The French
•ffored and at what price, we go os
turn us over to Monica.”
Dona Maria may or may not have along the river with Carmen. She the evening, They had not ridden
on export buyer, filled with self-confi­
“Señorita," said her companion guessed things when the young mis­ had asked to visit the quarter of far when the Indian signified Car* copy on this side of the ocean. Imag­
dence. It Is a pleasant feeling to have,
the feeling of adequacy. Most of lhe
gently, "this is too hard on you. You tress of the rancho appeared at the the rancho threatened by the squat­ men to stop, He scanned the ala­ ine the rush of party leaders to take
Pap Dionne to the polls!
unhappiness In the world can be traced
are suffering. Don’t tell any more dinner table. Carmen was a bit too ters—three of their shacks were vis­ meda ahead.
« • •
to a lack of this feeling. Thus adver­
now. I feel it myself.” He drew a animated to seem natural.
And ible from where Bowie and Carmen
“Men, señorita,” he said, “horse­
New York has a new milk-bottle,
tising shows another of Its manifold
breath of relief. “Thank God, you Bowie laughed at times, Dona Ma- had halted. As they rode away a men.
Half a dozen or more. They
facets—shows Itself as on aid toward
did escape.”
ria thought, without adequate rea- rifle shot echoed across the Meiena, ar* not our kind. I don’t like to shorter, lighter and "gurgle proof
making all our business relationships
whate^r that may mean. It it still
Carmen gave no heed to his plea. son.
and Bowie heard the sing of the i meet them with you.”
more secure and pleasant.
“Who were these men—those three
made a a lung
long nuc
ride of is
it,” . bullet as It passed.
“What shall we do, Fell,*?”
with us.
men who saved my sister and me she suggested as a leading remark. ■ “Run for it. Carmen!” he ex-
“Turn back at once.”
from—what shall I say?” She put
Carmen responded composedly. | claimed, striking her pony and spur-
• • •
Delicious for
OUtingB ...
Van (amp's
Porkond BEANS