Friday, Hept. 27, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 À [ About.People You Know! * • Mr. and Mi» 8 H. Short re­ cently returned from a vacation trip to Seattle. • Jean Erideger recently left for Eugene where «hr plan« to enter the University of Oregon • Mr and Mr«. R, E Detrick made a trip to Klamath Falls Sun day for a visit with relatives. • Varoltnc Sajalrr and (iharlotte Short recently left for Corvallis where they will enter OSC. • Kant Ashcraft of Portland vis­ ited h««e last week-end with rela­ tive« und friends. • Mr and Mr» S J. Bailey re­ cently »pent a few days in San Francisco visiting with friends. • Madeline Beals of Klamath Falla recently arrived here for the winter term at SOCK • Mr. and Mrs Paul Thrum* of Gold Hill visited here last w«ek- end at tlie home of Mr. and Mr» James GUlispy. • Manley Brower and Velma Brower visited in Klamath Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Majlden. • I »ran Warren recently returned from Vancouver, B. C. • Mrs Arthur Hiuks of Belling­ ham, Wash., visited here this week at the home of her mother, Mia. William Myer. ------------- --------------- j r • Mr and Mrs tiharle» McKee of Msdford the week-end with Mr and Mr» O. G. Ayer». Mr«. MeKee i« a sister of Mr. Ayer*. • Ml»« iKitty Ring who 1» tegah- lng school at Umiiqua, Ore. spent the week-end with her parents here. • It E Bell, who suffer»«! a ter-1 lotls biJury to one of bis eyes la"l | week, is able to gu back to his work. • M‘as Mary Rector Is working for M um Ethel Reed hi A «a I and • JCitUmr Wade has returned home from Medford worn* she worked the ¡.ear pear season i wm ae<. through inrougo me • I k«M of this district, is n«rw attend­ ing tho university at Seattle. • Mr and Mrs Richard C. Joy returned Tuesday evening , from Istke o' the Woods where they va- caBoned for a short time. • Miss Edna Hash left Tues«!*} for Hly, Ore., to visit several day> with Miss Ada Casebeer. • Mrs. Vincent Isininl, Mrs. Wal­ ter Hash and Edna Hash were In Medford 'Ihursday on business They attended a meeting of the officers of the extension units of the county. • The Bellview extension unit will hold Its meeting Friday, Oct 4, starting at 10:30 o'clock in the mornlug. The ho»te»s*s for the covered dish luncheon at noon are John ««“W« ,*n‘‘ fleer« by Mm. “ Ayer of Ashland will follow and a program on the subject "Desserts from Oregon- made products," will lie presented by the county demonstration agent, Mbs» Jacqueline Brier • Tha Bellview PT-A held a (neetlt)< Hnd rc^.pUnI) for the teacher* Thursday night of last weak. Im ring the bwfce-s meet- i**' V u ii i , I ing, members voted to accept 75 l°i>C|,|t ¿r I percent of thp »applies for free KlguuU» Falls spent the w«ek-enuP.h(x>1 ,unchpa the Surplus with hl* parents here. Commodities committee of jick- j...... 'y .^r «»■« at the Flurry planing null. i wuthing to furniab caruied torn« • W O. Martin, J. H. Williams. toes may receive e,mptv Jars at the Alice Metcalf and Louis« Martin school house. During the program were In Medford on business M<«i teachers Mrs Dew«, Mias Pendle­ day. Alice remained in Medford ton and Mrs. Gaily talked and also for the week. Lloyd Moore In behalf of the • J van and Chester Farmer have school board A qirartet, composed returned to their work at Klam-| of Rev. Walker and son* Tom, Joe a th river. Ivan was Ul for several and Jess, presented several selec­ days. tions. At the close of the meeting, • Miss AiJecn Inlow who teaches refreshments were served. school at Gold HUI spent the week­ I • Robert Rosenbaum and Boyd • Iticbanl and Bobby Osterman end with her parents, Mr. and I Hamlen of Willow Springs were visited the Hun Francisco fair last Mrs. Vai Inlow, and attended the I week-end guest« at the Walter week. They wwil over the Oakland fair. I Hash home. budge and Golden Gats bridge too. • Miss Helen Dunn returned to I • T7ie student body of the Bell- her school at Jacksonville Sunday '¡hey enjoyed the fair. I view school conducted a home- • Dawn Wilt played her accord­ afternoon after spending Ute week­ I made cundy sale at the P-TA ion Tuesday for her fifth grade end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs I meeting Thursday. Eleanor George, and some other grades Everyone Ed. Dunn. I president^ Ola May Grimm, viee • Mr and Mrs. Paul Halbert, Mr. •j president, and Edna Yockei, secre­ liked her songs. and Mrs Elmer Halbert and • Pat, the canary, has come to tary-treasurer had charge. ■pend a week in the fifth grade I 'laughter, and Mr. and Mrs Chet • Word has been received of the room Pat is over 11 years old but I Rol>ert« of Ashland were doer marriage of Miss Beryl King of 1 hunting in the latkeview district San Francisco, formerly of Ash­ ■liil likes to sing. • Irncle Neale Wilson of Ocean­ I from Thursday until Sunday. They land. to Mr. G. Dale Jorgensen, side, N. Y., is a new puj»il in fifth 1 were lucky, bringing hou r four also a former Ashland resident. grade. We now have 36 tn out deer, three 3-p<4nt and one 4-point. The couple was married in Reno, • Mr and Mrs Jesse Walker arc Sept. 1. Mr. Jorgensen left immed­ room. • The first grade is so pleased to the parents of a baby girl bom iately on an 18-month cruise They have the new lights. "We can have Sunday evening, weighing nine plan to make their home in Ban sunshine all the time," they aay. pounds, named Linda Ruth. Mr. Francisco • The first grade helped Patsy Walker is Janitor of the Bellview • Mrs Wade Wallis entertained Coomcs celebrate her birthday school. the women of the Presbyterian Monday. The children played I • Herman Helms and two daugh­ church at the annual “dollar day" ters, Barbara and Joan, left Tues ­ games and had a happy time. program at her home Wednesday • The sixth grade has two new day evening for Portland. They ■fterkoon. pupils. Their names are Nina were called there by the aertoua • Mrs. Mark True entertained Roads from Bums. Ore and Gene illnosH i t Mr Helms' father. Tuesday at a fried chicken birth­ • Mr. Johnston has sold hrs serv­ day dinner, honoring Mr» M. M. Baker from Klamath Falla. • On Tuesday afternoon Nomi* ice station on Griffith creek and Tucker. At each cover a lovely June Simmonds' mother and little 1s «¡a-ndlng a few days here with corsage was place«! and during brottMT Dennis came to visit the his family who operate the Bell- dinner the honored guest. Mrs view store. Tucker, was presented with many fifth grade. • Tliere are 39 children in the • Mrs Ida Eayars, Mr. and Mro nice gifts Those enjoying the eve­ second grade at Washington Jesse Eayars, and Mr and Mr» ning with the hostess and honoree school. There are 12 girls and 27 Howard Eayars of Klamath Falls were Mrs. William FLsher of Mon­ boys. Mrs. Willits is our teacher. »[>ent Sunday with the R E Bell tague, Cahf.. Mrs. W D. Jackson, We have been learning about family. Mr«. Howard Gearhart and thing« that live on the seashore • Mr and Mrs. Ora Myera of Claire Scott of Ashland. and in the ocean. Many of us saw Medford were Sunday guests at • The Grange fair held this week the ocean last summer. We have the R. E Bell home. was considered successful and some «cash el Is. agates and drift­ • Milton Hamilton returned Tues­ member« are considering plans for day from Portland where be visited wood on our table. We have stai a fair next year. t isli and m-a urchins too. Carl a short time with his sister. Miss brought s«ii sand dollars. We call Adelina Hamilton, and hi« aunt. them sea cookies. . . A new girl Mrs Arny Spafford. came to our room last Monday • Mrs. Keys of Condon, Ore., is She is Lois Kathan. We are glad staying at the Claude Conley home to have new friends... Delmar was for several weeks. Dr. Claud» E. Sayre, Vicar out of school three days He was • The school budget notice has sick. We are glad he is beck at been posted at several places in Holy Communion. S a m. school again, Everyone was here the district. The budget will be Church school. 0:30 a. m. voted upon later in October. today. Sermon and Morning Prayer. 11 • Mr. Smith la teaching soap • Dale William« left recently for a m carving and clay modeling _ in Is* Angeles where he is entering Holy Communion, Wednesday, fourth grade art. The children are the Douglas Airplane school On i 9:30 a. m. his trip down he visited his aunt fond of art work. Choir will meet Friday. 7:30 p. • The fourth grade has new spell­ and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. m. er« this year. They make «¡telling Crow. You are cordially invited to easier and teach word meaning* • Rev. David Walker, formerly of worship with us. Monmouth, son of Rev. J. Z. Wal- • Miss Hager 1« fourth grade mu­ sic teacher. Mr. Tripp teaches wind instruments, which many pu­ made by Indiana of New Mexico pils are learning. and Arizona Cash Perrine brought • Joyce Carter moved from the many Indian arrow heads and one fifth grade to Rocky Point, Ore., large tomahawk. where she will go to school. There are about 30 pupils tak­ • Mary Frances Rush brought to ing violin lessons this year, 25 of school the chrysalis of a monarch whom are new students. There butterfly. After It came out of the will be about 50 members in the chrysalis it took about two hours orchestra to harden its wings. Then it flew • The fourth grade has been away out the window. When wa playing baseball at recess. There, read a story about the pinon pines, are two 15-mlnute receases a day. Mary Frances brought some pinon • I -ast Tuesday a moving picture i of the national parks was shown. | nuta to school. ■ Betty Always Wins! • Shirley Edwards brought a Many scenes from Mt I^assen, She’« got that extra some- lovely bouquet of roses. The ruses Glacier and Sequoia national parka thing that It take» to put are red, dark pink, light pink and were shown. Some interesting it over. Possibly «he gets yellow. We put these rose® in the parts were the bears, mud pots, that sparkling brilliance mystery vase. There is a dark waterfalls, lakes and the General from drinking MILK! mystery about this pewter vase. Sherman tree. We learned that • The third grade has an Indian this huge sequoia tree is ovsr 35,- pueblo on its sand table. The chil­ 000 years old. dren made it themselves. They • Band work is getting nicely DAIRY also have a collection of Indian started under the direction of Mr. Phone 678« relics. Many of them have been Tripp. Washington! School News * Trinity Episcopal Church DIAL 7021— FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS Drifted Snow Flour, 49’$ ■ 1.49 LETTUCE—per head ■ 5C CAULIFLOWER—large - - 10c CELERY—Utah - - ■ - 10c SWEET SPUDS—4 pounds 15c ORANGES—each - - - - lc Mild-Ex BLEACHER Quart Bottle COFFEE KRAFT VELVEETA— Any Kind Except Sank a Cheese, 2-lb. box 47c 25c RAISINS— 4 pounds 19C CASCADE CRACKERS-2 lbs 19c OREGON MILK DEL KQGLE— 19c SOLID TOMATOES— 2 for 25c PVMPKIN-3 for SUGAR Picnic Hams, pound 17c 3 for DEL ROGUE— Sea Island Pure Cane CERTO^3 for - - - - 45c 10 lbs 50c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP-6 - 23c 25 lbs $1.25 SWANSD0WN 100 lbs $4.98 Royal Club Jell Powder—3 - 10c ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas—No. 2 Royal Club Whole Kernel Corn—No. 2 Royal Club Spinach Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| Royal Club Coffee—No. 2| Meco Corn—($1.95 per case) Meco Peas—($1.95 per case) 3 for Meco String Deans—($1.95 per case) 3 for 13C 14C 17C 24c QUART ACH DAY CLOVER LEAF Quality Meats for Less—Always! Service to your door! Orders sent C. O. I), if you have no charge account Meat and delivery guaranteed. We sincerely appreciate your patronage LEG OF PORK ROASTS WHAT A DIFFERENCE MIRACLE WHIP MARTS IN SALADS! Cut from Young, Tender Pork! 19c lb YOUNG PORK SPARERIBS BEEF LIVER 15c lb 18C lb LEG OF SPRING LAMB 1 Fancy FRESH PIGS’ FEET 5c ea flavor is so lively! • • TFI u I loho prewar ii ! M.n.y Buk 25c lb Lamb Shldr Roasts SLICED EASTERN BACON 171C lb 25c lb % ** PORK LIVER 15c lb Bologna 15c lb PORK SHLDR ROASTS 17'c lb