SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Beauty Reaches All-Time High in New '41 Chevrolet Friday. Sept. 27, 1940 | Henderson Will Show New, Improved Ford ’41 Models Here Today NEW FORDS HERE TODAY! Ashland motorists will get their first view of the 1941 Ford cars today, Sept. 27. when the new curs are put on display in the Turn Henderson Motor company nhow- rooma. There are two line« of Ford cars for 1941, Henderson has announc­ ed. These are the deluxe and the super deluxe Both are longer, wider and much easier riding than ever before, and incorporate more improvements than have been made in a single season since the V-8 engine was introduced in the Ford line nearly eight years ago. 1941 Ford Super DeLuxe Fordor sedsn. Like the rest of the new "Die Mercury can» also are long­ Ford line, It Is larger, easier riding, and more beautiful outside and In. er, wider, and easier riding. Of especial interest to many show room visitors will be the new sta­ tion wagon, added to the Mercury line thia year. There also is a new txxly type in the Ford line. It is the super deluxe sedan coupe, a six-passen­ ger close-coupled body type which promises to be very popular. ----------- •------------ • Karl Nima made a business trip to Redding last week. • Ed Baer of the Green Springs was a business visitor recently. • Lyndal Newbry and Stan l>avla left recently for Corvallis where they will enter Oregon State col­ lege. • Mr and Mrs K. L. Hicks of The Dalles visited here a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horatio Hicks. • Betty Danford left recently for her school at Wildervilie. • Mrs Kay Huffman and sons. Donald and Robert, are taking in the fair in San Francisco this week. • Subscribe for The Miner today. Completely new styling joins with numerous mechanical improvements to make the new 1941 Chevrolet, now on display at ail dealers', a worthy successor to the ears which have earned first place in public favor year after year. The greater size and roominess of the new models, as well as their sleek new beauty, are apparent in the Special De Lute Sport Sedan, shown above. At Ct) is shown the spacious interior of the same model's rear compartment, and at (3) is its front compartment, showing two-spoke steering wheel with hom-blowing ring, new sliding-type sun visors, and smartly re-styled dash. The latest edition of the Oregon Driver’s Manual, published by the state motor vehicle department, will be placed in the glove com­ partment of all new cars sold in Oregon in 1941, it was disclosed today by Earl Snell, secretary of state. Snell said his department was cooperating with car dealers in all parts of the state in this project. The new manual contains com­ plete information on rules and regulations pertaining to the safe operation of motor vehicles in Oregon. It is the manual studied by those who wish to pass the law test for a driver’s license in this state. ‘‘I urge every driver who ob­ tains one of these manuals to study it thoroughly, 'even if he has been driving for some time,” said Snell. “We sometimes neg­ lect keeping up with changes in our vehicle laws and by reading this booklet, this situation can be remedied. It often is wise to re­ fresh our memory on the vehicle laws and by passing the book around among members of the family, many others may be bene­ fited by the information included.” Car dealers have expressed ap­ proval of the plan to put the man­ uals in all new cars, declaring that the person who understands the vehicle laws is a much better and safer driver than one to whom the law is vague. Dick Morrow of Wagner Crsek were calling on friends in Talent Thursday afternoon. • Mrs. Van Winkle of Jerome Prairie visited Mr. and Mrs. Karl Baylor and family last week. • Mrs John Allen of Phoenix was transacting business here Monday. • Merle and Mike Huff who have been stopping at the Talent camp ground left Monday morning for the Klamath country to work in potato harvest. • Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McMahan of Rogue River called on Mr. and Mrs. A. McMahan Monday. • Mrs. Ray Murphy left Friday for San Francisco for a visit with relatives. • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hervey mov­ ed from the Golden property into Ben Hart’s house last week. • The Townsend club met Tues­ day evening at the city hall. After the business meeting a series of motion pictures was shown. A large number of people attended and enjoyed a watermelon feed at the close of the meeting. National Guard at Medford. • A number of Talent people at­ tended the Grange fair held at Bellview last week-end. • Mr. and Mrs. Al Sherard spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. June Whitset and family at Grants Pass. • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elazien of Portland are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hamilton. • Attending the Christian Science lecture at the Varsity theater in Ashland Tuesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McMahan, Mrs Lon Maxson and Mrs. Earl Withrow. • Mr. and Mrs Ben Clark have returned home from Ashland where Mr. Clark has been the past week building a fireplace. • Ivah Blackwell and Mrs. Lar­ der of Ashland collided in Talent Monday afternoon. • Mrs. Rosetta Merrick of Al­ hambra, Calif., is visiting her sis­ • Mr and Mrs. C. R. D. Jone* ter, Mrs. Breese, this week. spent several days with friends in • Mrs. Maurice Barlow and Mrs. San Francisco this week. • Mr. and Mrs. W. M Barbet re­ cently returned ffom a vacation trip on the Oregon coast. • Mrs C. T line is visiting for several weeks in !>>« Angelos ' • Jean Sharp of Roseburg was a WE MAKE STORAGE TANKS! If you use heavy castings, husky equipment of any kind you’ll especially appreciate our welding and machining equipment, our years of experience and our understanding of machinery problems. Our prices are reasonable and our work is guaranteed. We are ready with both stationary and portable electric and acetylene welding equipment. Call on us! OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND PHONE 4SM ‘uvta • Howard Mayberry who is em­ ployed in northern California viMl- ed hero for several days with rela­ tives and friends. MEN WITH TRUCKS, TRACTORS OR ANY HEAVY EQUIPMENT WILL LIKE OUR DEPENDABLE SERVICE! One of the major changes is substitution of concealed safety-steps (4) for the running boards of other years, an improvement adding to the car's beauty without sacrifice of the safety and convenience which running boards pro­ vide. At (5) is the sit-cylinder Chevrolet valve-in-head engine for 1941, in which many refinements have been made. Horsepower is increased from 85 to90 without affect- ing economy; and cooling, lubrication and carburetion are all improved. In circle is the new switch which reverses the ignition current polarity each time the starter is oper- , a ted, indefinitely prolonging the life of distributor points. a guest of Mra Tillie Balstad New Driving Manuals i been the past week. Mrs. Balstad ac­ Mrs. Young home and Will Be Placed in All companied plans a week's visit there. Cars in Coming Year • Leonard Neylas joined the 1941 Ford DeLuxe Coupe. Like the rest of the Ford line for 1941 It Is longer. wider, easier riding, with added beauty of line and finish. the on LEADED 1941 who will have complete charge of the place. • The Talent P-TA sponsored a covered dish dinner in honor of the faculty Thursday evening, in the school cafeteria. An interest­ ing program was given for en­ tertainment of the large audience. • The Girl Scouts met at the home of Mrs. Roy Parr Tuesday evening. The following officers were elected: Patrol leader, Min­ nie Dobbins; assistant patrol lead­ er, Lydia May Baylor; secretary, Lucille Young; treasurer, Beulah Balderstone, and scribe, Barbara Terrill. • Mr. and Mrs. Lem Frink are leaving soon for Seattle where Mr. Frink will be employed in the ship yards. • Mrs. Sam Welburn returned home from the Community hos­ pital in Ashland where she under­ went a major operation. • Mr. and Mrs. O. Carve. have purchased a naw coupe. • George Pheifer was a business caller in Medford Wednesday af­ ternoon. • Mrs Ed Young of Murphy has FORD Get the Facts You’ll Get a Ford I Low Cost Financing Builds Bank Credit for your other needs In 41 state-wide branches J. W. McCOY, Manager O. H. WENNER, Assistant Manager NOW ON DISPLAY AT TOM HENDERSON MOTOR CO. FORD—MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE Ashland FIRST RRTIORflli BRÜH OF PORTLAND J