Friday, Sept. 27, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER GENERAL HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONS HUGH S. JOHNSON TRIBUTE TO BANKHEAD Washington, D. C. NEW YORK —This is pretty late NAZI CENSORSHIP It's not being widely publicized, for a piece about the passing of but Nazi Germany already holds a Speaker Bankhead, but if it were tight rein on all messages sent by even later, I couldn't let the going the stale department to its diplomats of a great man pass without at least in parts of Europe. In fact, the the tribute of a sigh. These Bankheads have been south­ state department is unable to com­ municate at all with certain sections, ern public men in the very finest of and oommunications to other sec­ American traditions — father and tions must be relayed through Ber­ three sons. The father of the late speaker and present Senator Bank- lin The department has its secret head also was a senator. A third codes for transmission of official brother was a cadet at West Point messages, but codes are no good if in my time ana became an able and beloved officer in our army. the messages don't move. If Mr. Hull wants to communicate They were all much alike in ap­ with a member of the U. S. diplo­ pearance and more alike in charac­ matic staff in Paris, he cannot do so ter—courteous, considerate, brave, directly, but must file to the new loyal, gentle and kind. Those are a lot of adjectives, but French capital of Vichy, and from there, subject to the whim of the I considered every one before I Petain government, the message wrote it, and I couldn't fairly or accurately have omitted any, I may be moved on to Paris. A short time ago, messages had never met anybody, associate or op­ to be sent via Berlin, with the hope ponent. in public life or out, who that Nazi officials would permit didn't have about that opinion of the U. S. embassy there to relay the these men, which is a remarkable message to Paris by courier. circumstance indeed. Both Brussels and Antwerp are The late speaker was noted for all completely cut off, except through these qualities and, notwithstanding Berlin, but oddly enough. Rotterdam intense party loyalty, for leaning and Antwerp are open for direct over backward to be fair to the communication. Any messages from opposition minority. • • • Washington to Norway's capital, Oslo, must be routed through Stock­ RED CAPS holm. Mayor LaGuardia wants to mo- Note—Though this has meant a bilize the Pullman porters for the reduction in official messages to Eu­ New Deal third term. I don't know rope. the total of cable messages about the Pullman porters. They clearing from the state department are railroad employees. Neither is breaking all records for volume, NRA nor its successor labor laws chiefly because of heavy communi­ could help them much. Certainly cation with Latin America. the mayor would have harder sled­ • • • ding with the station porters. Both SMOKELESS POWDER the red caps and the public are reg­ SHORTAGE imented by the wages and hours ad­ Destruction of the Kenvil, N. J., ministration and they don't like it powder plant was a far more seri­ Before the more abundant life ous blow to national defense than cauie to llieiii, while there was no­ anyone in high official circles want­ body to guarantee their maximum ed to admit hours and minimum weekly wage, It now leaves the United States and no compulsion on the passengers with only two smokeless powder to pay them 10 cents for every pack­ plants in the entire country—the du- age toted, they found the traveling Pont plant at Carney’s Point. N. J., public reasonably generous. A two- and the government-owned Picatin- bit tip was usual for a real load. ny arsenal at Dover. N. J., not far Sometimes it was only a dime and from Kenvil. It produces only a sometimes nothing. But these cases very small amount of powder. 1 were exceptions—usually old ladies Real fact is that powder plants and country bankers of the David ere slow and cumbersome to build, Harum type. requiring a series of buildings in A compulsory dime for every which the powder is gradually dried. Two new plants are being rushed to package carried was an untried ex­ completion by the war department, periment. Now the red caps wish but they will not be finished until it had never been tried, even if when the public doesn't collectively next spring. One of these is near Charlestown. i pay their minimum wages in full, Ind., and will be opera led by the their employers—the terminal or duPonts. though built by the gov­ railroad companies—have to make ernment at a cost of $25,000.000. The up the difference. The boys variously estimate to me other will be at Radford. Va.. and will be operated by the Hercules that it has reduced their incomes on Powder company, though built by the average 10 to 25 per cent. They would prefer Adam Smith’s doctrine the government at the same price. How serious is the powder situa­ of laissez-faire to the Henry Wal­ tion was illustrated by the fact that lace thesis of "regulate everything.” one day after the New Jersey ex­ They want their rugged individual­ plosion. the war depart ent issued ism restored. "speed-up" letters to both duPont Formerly, and because he didn't and Hercules, whereby they are or­ have to, the average passenger with dered to increase powder production one man-sized grip willingly gave a from 200.000 pounds a day to 300,- quarter for carrying it Now Uncle 000 pounds a day in the Radford Sam tells him that 10 cents is enough plant; and from 200.000 a day to 400,- | and that the porter must take it. 000 a day in the Charlestown. Ind., ; Sometimes, as in a recent experi­ plant. This means that the plants i ence of our First Lady, who left a will be bigger, but it does not mean train with seven parcels, what with they will be finished earlier the hurry and bustle and this and Day after the New Jersey explo­ that, the passenger forgets the new sion. also, the war department sent rule and, as in that experience, a confidential memo to the White hands out half a buck and thinks it House on the seriousness of the pow­ generous. It used to be, but now der situation. the tariff should be 70 cents. The Note—German intelligence agents carrier-for-hire relationship has not unquestionably knew the exact ca­ yet been sufficiently established for pacity of American powder facto­ these small enterprisers to demand ries. and how limited our present the extra dimes. Just the same, they production was—namely. 20,000.000 get debited by the company exactly pounds a year. They must have as though they had been collected. known also that the destruction of This also may be imagination, but one factory would throw the Unit­ some of the red caps think they see ed States off its preparedness sched­ a tendency to fewer but larger ule more than any other single in­ pieces of luggage. cident. • • • • • • MERRY-GO ROUND The state department is still try­ ing to keep the muzzle on Mrs. “Dai­ sy” Harriman, forthright minister to Norway. Apparently Mr. Hull fears she will tell what really happened there. Sen. Joe O'Maboney polled the highest vote ever received by a Democrat in the recent Wyoming primary. With less than half of the normal vote cast in this election, the Democrats figure they have ■ good chance to carry the state in November. Jesse Jones, the Texas banker, who Joined the Reconstruction Finance corporation under Herbert Hoover and became Its chairman during the Roosevelt administration, will succeed Harry L. Hopkins as secretary of comme-ce. He is here shown at the White House receiving the oath of office from Justice Stanley Reed. Canvas Citv for Mobilized National Guard I j The conscription bill is a law and it Is high time. But because of the last-minute rush and the sheer poli­ tics and demagoguery of part of the debate, a perfectly unworkable, un­ constitutional and almost unintelli­ gible provision was jimmied into it —the provision relating to compul­ sory orders and, in the alternative or in addition, the condemnation of plants. It provides that either the secre­ tary of war or the secretary of the navy may place an order with a manufacturer at a price fixed by the secretary. If the manufacturer doesn't proceed to fill it at that price and give it priority over all other orders, it shall be deemed a felony punishable by three years' impris­ onment and a fine up to $50,000. Also, in case of a failure not only to take but to fill the order, the plant may be seized and operated by the government. As this column has repeatedly urged, the government must have power to commandeer not only man­ ufacturing plants but also supplies, warehouses, wharves, roads, docks, ships and even railroads. The pres­ ent provision applies only to com­ pulsory orders for manufacture and to manufacturing plants. I am aware of no experienced authority who contests the granting of such a power to the President when properly defined, For the rea- gon of its almost total inzufflciency as just explained, the provision is not properly defined. During the last stages of buking a cake u piece of greased pu|>er on the top of it will ullow the in­ side to cook through and keep th« top from burning. • • • Wilted green vegetables cun b« freshened by washing in wuter a little vinegar, and containing then left to soak in this solution for an hour before cooking. • • • Remember that a cracked egg cun still be boiled successfully if u teuspoonful of vinegar is added to the water or the crack is rubbed with salt. • • • A good way to test whether a fern requires water is to give the pot a sharp tap. If it sounds hol­ low it needs water, but if u dull sound is given out the ■oil is wet enough. • • • When a wire basket is used for Maj. Urn. Allen Gulliun, advocate frying croquettes, dip the basket general of the I'nltcd Slates army, into the hot fat befcj« placing in who will be nominated by the Presi­ the croquettes. The croquettes dent as chief of national draft board. will not stick to it when done, and will be easy to remove. • • • Apples may be used in almost any salad recipe to give added crispness and crunchincss. • • • « Wanted by Nazis Keep the comb clean by wash­ ing it regularly in warm soap wa­ ter to which has been added a little ummonia. The ammonia will aid in loosening the dirt. Ilins« thoroughly and dry. % Speech of the Soul Utterance is not confined to words. Our souls speiijc as sig­ nificantly by looks, tones, or ges­ tures—the subtle vehicles of our more delicate emotions, as they do by set words and phrases. Indeed, the soul has a thousund wuys of communicating itself. —TurnbulL INDIGESTION An aerial view of the tent city at Camp Dis, N. J., where some S.200 National Guardsmen will be housed until construction of wooden barrack« is complete. A total of S52 buildings, to handle al least 20,000 men, are being built. 60,500 guardsmen have just been mobilized for federal duty I as the opening move to put 1,000,000 men under arms by January 1, Adolf Hitler has Ju»t placed a price of Sia.000 on the head of "Ru­ dolph,** Austrian patriot now in America, who was chief of the Aus­ trian freedom station in France. , may aSr, « «he Heart Oaa trapped 1 a Ute ««.aaark er gelU( avr art Ilka a han «nager -a U.. beer, Al the Orel U-UeaS eMart awn aag ai w aiie d-pea d an Il-Il — Tal4-«e «e gaa free Na la« eUn l-rt Bacie -f lU fa.leeS- erO. e b,...«n i«r artd If Ike rlK.ffi IM»SK d ee« a < peen H-ll o twtler reterà Uxu. k, U. »«4 metre lArl.'lU.k M—r Uosa St Using Every Moment Recovering Every moment muy be put to some use, and thut with much more pleasure than if unemployed. —Chesterfield. L / • KILLS kLICE, JUST A 0A»H IN WATWRg■___________________ One Road Of all the paths of life but one— the path of duty—leads to happi­ ness.—Southey. Child of Mho will •vsrgst That'» what YOU think, MothaH Jane, Jacqueline and John, three pitiful little inmates of the East Grinstead (England) sunshine home for blind babies, hurry to tbe home’s air-raid shelter as Nazi bombs roar overhead during one of their “morale­ softening” raids on non-military objectives in England. With the coming of channel storms and inland fog, military targets in England will be hard to find from the air, but the Nazis have lately acquired the habit of drop- ping their lethal cargoes almost anywhere over Britain. Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo, ex­ president and “strong man” of the Dominican Republic, who Is recov­ ering from a long Illness, plans to vacation here for his health, after a complete physical checkup. He is shown on his arrival at Miami, Fla., by chartered plane, en route to New York for medical attention, Weighs Nearly a Ton—but Harmless! U. S. Drops Cliarges DRAFT LAW SECRET AIRPLANE CONTRACTS The public is not going to get any more information about airplane contracts let by the war department The army is putting the lid on as a military precaution. Inside fact is that news of recent contracts was released only to offset the impression that the work was not getting ahead. Secretary of War Stimson had stated on August 9 that contracts had been let for only 33 planes 'of the 4.000 authorized in June. Just a month latdr, September 10, the war department released figures that told a different story. Instead of 33, the number of planes contract­ ed for was 2,797. These figures were put out to re­ assure the public. But from now on there will be no talking, The war department is following the lead of General Marshall, who says, “You can’t play poker with everybody looking at your hand." • • • Use potato water (a) when milk­ ing stock; (b) when making gravy, und (c) if you are u brend- muk<*r, use it for mixing the bread dough. • • • Nobody 1« Immune to round worm« Chil­ dren can pick up I his naaly Infection front ■Mooked vegelal.lra or bad water, from other rhlldrun or dogs. II nri, are soma of the dangrr liana that may moan IIring, crawling round worms are inside your child Kldgi-tlng and miulrm Ing. t noaay atomach Itching nose and seat. Krwllraw sleep. lilting nails. If you even auanrrt that your child has round worms. g«H J A YNK H VKitMI KiMlE right away I JAYNK'H la the lawt known worm cx|H