Page 10 Friday, Sept. 27, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Patterson Plans To ‘Blitz’ Six-Man Lo''? Coach Leonard (Pat) Patterson of Jacksonville high school once ■gain is gunning for the Jackson county six-man football title with the return of three regulars from last year's championship team and 17 other players. Gerald Pearce of the backfield and John Wood­ ward and Cliff McGinty, ends, are last year's regular members re­ turning. Six other lettermen of the 1939 squad have answered Patterson's call and the mentor is looking nappily forward to another suc­ cessful season. Those veterans who have returned are Cliff Medley, and Ed McGinty, backs; Merlon LeRoy, center; Bill Hyde. Walter Hueners and Jack Swaryck, ends. The Redskins have arranged the fohowing seven-game schedule: Sept. 27, Phoenix Oct. 4. Talent; Oct. 11, Gold Hill; Oct. 25. Myrtle Creek; Nov. 1. Ih-ospect; Nov. 11, Oakland, and Nov. 25, Eagle Point. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Homes of Yakima, Wash. arrived in Ashland Tuesday for a visit at the home of Mrs. C. I. Homes and other rela­ tives and friends. • Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Anderson recently returned from a vacation trip in California. • WANT ADS • FOR SALE—New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medlord Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford. (48tf) SOUTHERN OREGON HIGH SCHOOL CONFEREHCE TO OPEN TONIGHT WITH ASHLAND'S TIFF AT 'PASS 158, THE Southern Oregon high inches, sophomore; Citi Ì school football conference opens Decker, left tackle, 18 6 feet 1 tonight when the Grizzlies of Ash­ inch, 210, sophomore; Bob Dunn, i. land high invade the Grants Pass right end, 17. 5 feet II inches, 140, Caveman gridiron at 8 o’clock. | , Junior; Bill Elam, fullback, 15, 5 Coach Leighton Blake of the feet 3 inches, 126, sophomore; diet Grizzlies is confident that his team Fowler, right end. 16, 6 feet, 160 will make a good account of pounds, junior; Clyde Garrett, themselves in spite of the fact right guard. 16, 5 feet 9 inches, 154 that John Bergstrom is definitely pounds. Junior; Keith Haines, left out with a badly sprained ankle ( tackle, 15, 5 feet 8 inches. 197 Lawrence and Al Newbry and Martin Herrin pounds, sophomore; have minor injuries but will start. Hall, left guard. 15, 5 feet 4 inches, Bud Provost will get the call at; 133 pounds, sophomore; Russell left end in place of Bergstrom Hawk, center, letterman 1, 16. 6 with the rest of the starting lineup feet, 183 pounds, junior; Martin shaping up something like this: Herrin, fullback, letterman 1, 16. Westerberg at left tackle; Ran­ 6 feet. 187 pounds, Junior; Charles dles. left guard; Hawk, center; Jandreau, left half, letterman 1, Garrett, right guard; Newbry, 16, 5 feet 8 inches, 130 pounds, right tackle; Fowler, right end; Junior; Albert Newbry, right tack­ Caton, quarterback; Jandreau. left le, 15, 5 feet 9 inches, 155 pounds. half; Weaver, right half and Her­ Junior; iaMir Ormond, left guard, 15, 5 feet 8 inches, 160 pounds, rin, fullback. A squad roster, showing name, junior; Bud’ Provost, left end. 16. position, years a letterman, age. 6 feet, 152 pounds. Junior; Ivan height, weight, and class, follow: Randles, left guard, 18, 5 feet 8 Dale Anderson, right guard, 14, inches, 148 pounds, senior; Don 5 feet 4>? inches, 148 pounds, Warren, quarterback, 17 5 feet 5 sophomore: Bob Autry, right tack­ inches. 120 pounds. Junior; Earl le, 15, 5 feet 7 inches, 137 pounds, Warren, left half. 17, 5 feet 7 inch­ sophomore; John Bell quarterback. es, 123 pounds, senior; Bob Wea­ 16, 5 feet 8 inches, 144 pounds, ver, right half, letterman 1, 17, junior; John Bergstrom, left end. 5 feet 9 inches, 157 pounds, senior; 16, 5 feeet 11 inches, senior; Bill Dick Westerberg. left tackle, let­ Blackmer, right guard, 16, 5 feet terman 1, 17, 6 feet 1 inch, 196 10 inches, 146, junior; Bill Burdic, pounds, senior; Earl Wordsworth, right half, 14, 5 feet 6 inches, 120, right half, 15, 5 feet 3 inches, 118 sophomore; liick Finnell, sophomore; John Cady, center. 18, pounds, i 5 feet 5 inches, 125, senior; Ken right end, 16. 5 feet 9 inches, 143 Caton, quarterback, 15, 5 feet 9 pounds, Junior. I ing. Mrs. H. De Jamett, president, conducted the meeting and Mrs. Arthur Pedersen led the devotion­ al«. Those who attended were Mes- dames Frank Ward. Walter Bray • Frank Lewis of Los Angeles, and daughter Judy. O. Bemheisel. gravei truck driver for Parrish Frank Bemheisel. Frank Graves. Brothers’ Construction company, W. Holmberg, John De Witt, W. was seriously injured Friday after­ 1 Gran, T. Quamme, H. Clevenger. noon when his loaded truck was Richard Williams, Nelson Watts struck by the northbound South­ I and son Gene, Arthur Pedersen ern Pacific train and carried about and children Sonny and Ruth, and 820 yards along the track. Lewis Harry De Jamett. Following the suffered broken vertebrae in his business meeting delicious refresh­ neck. He was given emergency ments were served by the hostess­ first aid by Dr Schlappi at the es. Mrs O. Bemheisel and Mrs. Hilt hospital and then rushed by Frank Bernheisel The next meet­ ambulance to the Yreka General ing. Oct. 3, will be held at the hospital. He is doing well now. home of Mrs Frank Ward. The truck was completely wreck­ • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams ed. Mrs. Lewis came from Los visited Tony Mendes in the Yreka Angeles to be with him when noti­ General hospital Sunday evening. fied of the accident. • Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Cobb re­ • Hilt Ladies Aid met Thursday turned from a two weeks vacation afternoon at the home of Mrs. O. trip in southern California. Bernheisel with 14 ladies attend- • Mr«. Jack Lindener and her baby daughter of Yreka went home from the Hilt hospital Wednesday. • Mrs Eldon Bradfield and baby came home from the Yreka hos­ pital Wednesday evening • Mr and Mrs W Gran visited Tony Mendes in Yreka Wednesday evening. • Mr and Mrs. Richard Williams spent Wednesday in Medford. • Warren Bayliss returned to Se­ attle to resume his studies at the university. • HILTS NEWS • THIS DELICIOUS CHEESE FOOD digttiibl» os milk itflf NOW PLAYING Through Saturday o Could Noi rorge! YOUNG, GILBERT . SUN DA Y—MONO AY—TU ESD A Y HENRY FONDA- THE RETURN OF 4 FRAÏJK JAMES V F f A wM OINI TIIKNIY JACKIE COOMI \ HENRY HULL IT TOPS “JESSIE JAMES* IN ALL THE THRILLS OF AMERICA'S MOST LAWLESS ERA! A XXS CIMTUSr-FOX HCnSM.' WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY DARGAIN DAYS-15C LAURELHRRDV M A UNITED ARTIST RELEASE plus Roland Young, Constance Bennett in “TOPPER TAKES A TRIP” (Held over from last week) • The Ladies club met Thursday afternoon at the club house with Mrs. Harry De Jamett hostess for the afternoon Others present were Sesdames Frank Ward, Vernal ebeker, Fred Haynes. Lloyd Lu- per, Ben Ollom, Ray Elliott, Frank Ohlund, Arthur Nelson. Ed Ad­ ams, John Kallvet and Arthur Pe­ dersen. Bridge was enjoyed by those attending with Mrs El Mott receiving high prize and Mrs. Kall­ vet, low. Delicious refreshments were served. • Miss Florence Mendes, daugh­ ter of Mr. and and Mrs. Antone Mendes, became the bride of John­ ny Verandes of Hayward in Reno, Nev., last Tuesday. They will make their home in Hayward. • Mrs. A. Pedersen gave a birth­ day party for her daughter Ruth Sept. 6. Those present were Don­ na and Ruth Roaecrans, Doris Wall, Sherry Bradfield, Maurine and Sally Ryce, Kay Williams, Donald Lee, Jere Brooks, Rosalie Parker and Sonny Pedersen There were favors for all and a lovely birthday cake and ice cream were served. • Mr and Mrs. Jean Hebvard of Ann Arbor, Mich., who spent sev­ eral days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Roop, left Thursday afternoon enroute home via south­ ern California and New Mexico. Mrs. Hebvard is a cousin of Mr. Roop. She Just recently returned from a visit to her homeland in Sweden and to the former home of Mr, Hebvard in Paris, France. Mr. Hebvard is a professor of archi­ tecture at Ann Arbor. Mrs. Ethel Florey of Medford was also a guest at the Roop home. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams and xm Roy spent Saturday in Medford on business and visiting Mrs. Roy Rushton. • Raymond Coleman returned home Friday after spending three months playing baseball in the east, and is spending a week deer hunting before enrolling for his studies at Yreka high school. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gil berg and daughter were Medford visit­ ors Saturday. • Miss Phyllis Sullivan of Dorris is staying with Mrs. Elmer Jack- son and attending high school in Yreka. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lindener of Yreka are the proud parents of a little daughter, Diana Kay, bom Monday morning at the Hilt hos­ pital. • Mrs Stella King was in Med­ ford Saturday. • Miss Jessie Davis of Portland LEG SPECIALIST! Above is Balk Estes, clever 1 leg wrratler, who fiu-en Taro Ito > In the o|>ener at Medford armory Monday night. Others oti the curd are George Wilson v». Whitey Wahl berg and Bob Kruse vs. Mike Nazarian. Miner ‘Seer’ Gives Nod to 10 Cinches For Week-End Tiffs By HARRY CHIPMAN The old average took an early season Jump last week-end when 10 football games were picked in tins column with nine of them being correct. After one week of grid contests the average reads .900. Again this Friday the neck goes out for 10 more selections with each one of them being tough to pick, excepting the Gonzaga- St. Mary's fracas at San Francis­ co Sunday. Those Bulldogs are Just too good for anything on their schedule this season. Tonight, Leighton Blake takes his Ashland high Grizzlies to Grants 1‘ hss where they will open the league schedule against the Cavemen. Due to Grizzly grid ex­ hibitions over a past two-year per­ iod the Cavemen look pretty good but Blake says for the writer to pick his squad, or else, and he’s a pretty big guy so it’s Ashland for a win. Medford didn’t have anything but 11 men in uniform and Bill Bowerman against Weed last Fri­ day night but the combination was good enough for a win so we take the Tornado over Corvallis at Medford tonight Klamath Falls will retain their spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Norton, enroute home from San Francisco where she had been called by the death of her only sister. Miss Davis is Mr. Norton’s niece. • Mr and Mrs William Gran and son Bill spent Saturday afternoon and evening in Medford. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kennedy spent the week-end in Grants Pass. • Tony Mendes was taken to the Yreka General hospital last week for treatment and underwent an operation Tuesday morning. • Mrs Tom Toulouse and chil­ dren, Tom and Caroline, of Mon­ tague were visiting Mrs. Oren Ed­ wards Monday, • Wayne Baumgartner and Fred Haynes went to Dunsmuir Satur­ day to play for a dance. • Mr. and Mrs C. A. Baumgart­ ner were in Yreka Saturday eve­ ning. • Billy Bemheisel left for Grants I*asa Sunday to enlist for army training. • Ivan Black returned from his Alaska trip Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Black and children were shopping in Medford Saturday. A Lot of Noise KRUSE WILL TRY HALTING WINS OF MIKE NAZARIAN TO BE SURE—COME TO REED & YOUNG’S TEXACO SERVICE Ashland Hotel Bldg. Phone 4501 Double sah Stamp« Sundays! I’hone 75411 Friday, Saturday Frankie Darro In “LAUGHING AT DANGER99 THEY’RE MU A RED TO DEATH BUT STILL FULL OF FIGHT! “COVERED WAGON TRAIL" with Jack Randall Sunday, Monday and Tuesday --------- «--------- • Dale Williams and Everett Nance left Monday for I-xm An­ geles where they plan to enter the Douglas Airplane school. undefeated status tonight when they entertain Eugene on the Peli­ can gridiron. Here's a real tough one: Can Tex Oliver and his gang of Web­ feet atop the San Diego Marines tonight at Eugene ? Every system of football prognostication has failed to come up fur an answer so there is nothing left to do but use our own Judgment. Oregon has a good team but if the Miner's linotype operator has any small type, will he please put the follow­ ing in the tiniest letters: San Die­ go Marines Oregon State has a push-over with Idaho at Corvallis Saturday Michigan comes a long way to meet California .. ............... s ~ Hearn at Her- keiey Sa tu rday but it will bv worth it. Michigan As mentioned brfore, Gonzjvga over St. Mary's at San Francisco Sunday. Babe Hoillngberry is praying for wet weather at Loa Angeles tomorrow • but the weather-man says he’ll be disappointed no Southern California will come through Stanford will have a field day against the San Francisco Dona Saturday The tilt is in San Francisco. Those Rose Bowl-bound Wash­ ington Huskies will show Minne­ sota how football should be played when they tangle at Minneapolis Saturday. “THE AWFUL TRUTH" with Cary Grant Irene Dunne Wednesday and Thursday Everyone 10c 4 IS YOUR PRESENT UFE INSURANCE ADEQUATEf See STEVEN R. PHONE 4731 • METROPOLITAN UFE INSURANCE CO. SERVICE GOOD FOOD —What More Can You Ask? When you are nerved tasty lunches and sandwiches and served them quickly, you en­ joy meals more fully . . . and added to that, we fea­ ture delicious home-made pies that really top off a lunch. Drop in soon! EARL D. (PETE) NUTTER AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 3 AIJ^HTAR MAIN EVENTS Medford Armory For Reservations Phone Brown’s, Medford 101 THE BARE FACT IS .. SERVE THE COLDEST DEER IN TOWN! • • • • BATTERY LIGHTS TIRES MARFAK LUBRICATION • WASHING • VACUUM CLEANING A HOME-OWNED THEATRE L>OB KRUSE. Oswego broccoli ' grower and one of the Pacific coast's veteran wrestlers. will at­ tempt to put a halt to Mike Naza- rian's winning when the pair clash in the top main event at Medford armor)’ next Monday night, Sept. 30. Both men are past masters al the wriat lock and each delights tn creating rough goings-on in the ring. It took a lot of 1 to get Nazarian to consent to the bout for the Armenian knows that Kruse has the best chance of nip­ ping his winning streak where it hurts worst. George (Wildcat) Wilson, for­ mer all-American f<»otb