Friday, Sept. 20, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 SMOLINSKI WILL JUNIORS SHOW GRIDMEN GAIN HINDSIGHT BUCK NAZARIAN GRID PROGRESS CONFIDENCE AS ON SPORTS MONDAY NIGHT After a week of intensive prac­ G-P TILT NEARS tice, A< Simpson has discarded 1 most of his crying towels and says he thinks the Junior High football machine will be alright after all. Simpson has been putting his charges through stiff work-outs since school started and claims the boys are now rapidly improv­ ing at blocking, tackling and pass­ ing. Although his squad as a whole will be light, there are a couple of good little ground-gainers showing up well in practice. The biggest blue and gold attack this season will probably be through the air with the base of play be­ ing placed on deception. Friday and Saturday! 1 1 By 1 TOLD YOU SO LUTH one grid victor)' already ’ tucked saiely away, the Ash­ land high Gnzzues are pointing to the Southern Oregon conference opener with Giants Paas under the Cavemen lights Friday night, Sept. 27. Coach Leightun Blake feels that last week's win over Lakeview gave lus team a much-needed con­ fidence and said they look better after each practice. A number of the boys wno showed practically no promise when practice first started, are beginning to round out and it looks like most of the positions will have capable re­ serves. The deception, which is Blake's long suit, is looking better right along. The players, and positions as­ signed to them, are Hawk and Cady at center; Garrett, Blackmer and Anderson at right guard; ■ Randles, L. Ormond and Hall, left! guards; Newbry and Autry, right tackles; Westerberg, Decker and Haines, left tackles; Fowler and Dunn at right end; Bergstrom and B. FTovost at left end; Caton, Bell and D. Warren, quarterbacks; Herrin and Elam at fullback; Weaver, Burdic and Wordsworth, right half, and Jandreau and E. Warren at left half. Chipman ‘Runs Out* Neck to Pick Grid Outcomes for Week By BARKY CHIPMAN Once more the pigskin season has rolled around and various sports writers throughout the country are sticking their necks out and trying to pick the winners of contests all over the land. The Miner plans to be no exception and will present a list of 10 selections every Friday up to and including the big bowl games on New Year’s day. Just for good measure, the writer jumps out on a limb and chooses Washington and Texas A & M for the big Rose Bowl clash Jan. 1. The following paragraphs pre­ sent the selections for the first big week in collegiate and high school ball: Tonight, at Grants Pass, the Cavemen should see victory over North Bend, although they have lost some good material. Also tonight, the Medford Black Tornado will blow itself to the sixth straight win over Weed's Cougars. Klamath Falls will enjoy its sec­ ond straight win of the season, this time over Commerce high of SUN «MON «TUE | rub a little of it on those minnows he calle steelhead. JOE SMOLINSKI. the tough Pol­ ish imlooka, will make an at­ tempt to smash the wiiming streak of Mike Nazarian, which now stands at seven, in the top ------------------- •-------------------- main event of Promoter Muck Lillard's weekly mat offering at Cavemen Medford armory next Monday night, Sept. 23. Win Season Openers Smolliiskl will be remembered A prayer pus» in the closing as having a hard losing streak minutes of the game broke a tic during his last Medford campaign and gave the Klamath Falls Peli­ but is regarded as one of the a 13 to 8 victory over Chico roughest and toughest Lillard has cans in Klamath Falls Friday night ever brought to Medford. Smolln- The toss was flung from Chico's ski holds no fears of Nazarian's lti-yard line by Bill Christiansen dreaded wrist lock, which has and Neil Mayfield pulled it down been the cause of most of the Ar­ in the end zone. The fourth down menian's wins, and considers him-’ pass broke up what looked like a self every bit as mean as the repeat of last year's Ue game be­ swarthy villain. tween the two schools. Bob Kruse, the Oswego farmer who has only recently returned from a tour of foreign countries, clashes with classy Taro Ito, tiny Japanese, in the middle go. Ito wrestled in Medford some time Representative to look ago where his speed and cleverness WANTED after our magazine subscription brought him a large folkiwing. interests Ln Ashland and vicin­ Kruse, the last time he wslh in ity. Every family orders sub­ Medford, drew one of the biggest scriptions. Hundreds of dodars crowds ever to attend a wrestlit^f are spent for them each fail ami card there. winter in this vicinity. Instruc­ Whitey Wahlberg, with two tions and equipment free. Guar­ straight wins to bis credit, meets anteed lowral rules on ail peri­ a newcomer in the person of Balk odicals. domestic and foreign Estes in the opener. Estes is a Represent the oldest magazine younger brother of Toots Estes agency in the United States who has been seen tn the Medford Start a growing and permanent ring several times. Young Estes business in whole or spare time is said to be larger than his bro­ Address MOORE - (XiTTKEIJ, ther and has a vast amount of Inc., Naples Road, North Cohoc­ clever holds at his command. This ton, New York. I Portland. The game is at Klamath bout will go to the mat at 8:30 Falls. p. m. promptly. FOR SALE- New and used desks And now for college ball: Loyola filing cabinets, swivel chairs and of the West entertains Redlands safes. Medford Office Equip­ that It took him three min ­ at Los Angeles but the writer is ment Co., 32 North Grape street. utes to pass a given (mint, and afraid the Lions will be rude hosts Medford.__ _ ___ (48tf) he was given all points on the and repeat last year’s victory. The ' compaas, except the one to­ NOTICE OF HEARING OF FIN­ game also is tonight. ward shore, as soon as the AL ACCOUNT OF ADMIN 1M- Tuesday, at Bozeman. Mont.,| row boat could get under way. TRATOR. San Jose is a lop-sided favorite "About 30 tons,** was the cal ­ In the Matter of the Estate of to coast to an easy win over Mon­ culated opinion of Clark, who WILLIAM ALBERT DUN- j tana State. had seen them Mure. MIRE, sometimes known as Tomorrow Virginia Military In­ Albert W. Dun ml re. Deceased. stitute collides with Roanoke at The party promptly retired to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Lexington, Va., and last year’s 41 close-in angling and wondered just to 0 VMI win is enough for us. how they were going to be able that the undersigned, the Admin­ They'll win again. to live among their friends with istrator of the Estate of William California A&M travels to Ari­ such a yarn to unfold, and how Albert Dunmire, sot - ' known zona State for a tilt Saturday they'd be able to keep from burst­ us Albert W. Dvnmire, Deceased, has filed in said court his final night. Nobody seems to have the ing if they didn't tell. edge here so our system is to account in the matter of said es­ For once in the history of fish ­ close the eyes and stab. The pen­ ing the big one really got away. tate, and the Honorable J. H. Coleman, County Judge, has des­ cil fell on California A AM Gonzaga looks stronger than ignated Saturday, the 28th «Jay of err September, ItHO, at the hour of for several seasons and will hand Moore Hamilton, of the Med­ 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, at Idaho a set-back at Spokane Sat­ ford News, hardly could get to a the courthouse In Medford, said urday night. Iowa State looks good against phone quick enough to inquire county, as the time and place for a Luther at Ames. Iowa, tomorrow what kind of bottled delight the hearing thereon. ITobably Anyone having an objection to and Pomona will win at Santa fellows were using. wants to switch to that brand and said account Is require«! to present Barbara State tonight. the same on or before the date at said hearing. HENRY GALEY Administrator. BRIGGS A BRIGGS. Attorneys Pioneer Bldg , Ashland, Oregon Attorneys for Administrator. Date of first publication: Aug. 30. 1940 "TT'S a lie!” declared five fisher- A men off the Oregon coast Sun­ day when two of them hooked a whale. “Now look at what we've got to face from our skeptical friends." Carl Meyers. IH‘1 Bergman, Walt Young of Medford, old 1 Told You So himself and Floyd Clark, Harbor fishing guide, had out- boarded in an 18-fuot skiff to halibut grounds about four miles offshore to jig-fish on bottom. Del Bergman, who had had a hard day of losing tackle, sudder.iy came to attention with a shout “I've got a bite!" and steadily his line start­ ed out. “Give lm line, give Im line," kibitzed his companions as the reel sang out and the quintet started licking their lips at the prospect of a 100-pound halibut. Bergman gave Une without choice until the reel was bare and then his 80-pound test strand parted like a wet blotter. During the run Meyers' line also was en- gaged and both lost tackle and just as the boatload launched into proper profanity befitting the oc­ casion the ocean’s placid surface was parted a few yards away and a whale—yes, by all that’s sa­ cred, it WAS a whale—poked his irritated nose out of the water, spat out the plug almost in the pop-eyed fishermen's faces, and made a full length display of strength. The fish was so large, ac­ cording to startled viewers, I LITHIA And If anybody doubts this story they should try folkiwing members of the jmrty around ami see if they aren't kinder to their wives, courteous to strangers and saying their prayers before retir­ ing like grateful souls who had just been yanked beck from the brink to beyond after taking a good look. Even George Shaffer would have arid that WAS a finh! A HOME-OWNED THEATRE Phono 7301 Friday, Saturday “THE HAUNTED HOUSE” Pelicans, • WANT ADS • with Marcia Mae Jones Jackie Moran -------also— “BULLETS FOR RUSTLERS” with Charles Starrett Sons of the Pioneer« Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “BLONDIE HAS SERVANT TROUBLE” with The Bumstead« —plus— NEWS, C ARTOON, HTRANGKK THAN FICTION NEW YORK FAIR IN TEC HNICOLOR luid WASHINGTON' PARADE Wednesday and Thursday Everyone 10c M YOUR PRESENT IJFE INSURANCE ADEGUATET See *■ STEVEN It SCHUERMAN Deer Hunters! The Lake o’ Woods Store and CABINS • WED & THUR • MID-WEEK SPECIAL! I I I * THRILLING NEW BIGNESS IN AU MAJOR DIMENSIONS ««?15c Kiddies a Dime! It’s a SIZE sensation •.. a STYLE sensation. • • a DRIVE and RIDE sensation Bigger in all major dimensions both Inside and out • • • with 3' longer wheelbase and 3-couplt * DASHING NEW •’ARISTOSTYLE” DESIGN roomintu In all sedan models •fa With dashing WITH CONCEALED SAFETY- mr S AT EACH DOOR more luxurious Fisher Bodies that set the new new "Arlstostyle" design and longer, larger, style for the new year ft With a mighty * DE LUXE KNEE­ ACTION ON AU MODELS WITH BALANCED SPRING­ ING FRONT AND REAR AND IMPROVED SHOCK­ PROOF STEERING -also- CHARLES BOYER HEDY LAMARR “ALGIERS” * ORIGINAL VACUUM­ POWER SHinHT*ii°OiT BUILT AS ONLY CHEV­ ROLET BUILDS IT 90-h.p. Valve-In-Head "Victory" Engine that lifts performance and lowers costs-fr It’s the new low-price leader by the builder of leaders • • • CHEVROLET ... holder of first place In motor car sales for 9 out of the last 10 yearsl ^CHEVROLET’S tkLEADER * NEW LONGER WHEELBASE * LONGER, LARGER, WIDER FISHER BODIES PHONE 4001 Medford Armory For Reservation« Phone Brown’s, Medford 101 THE BARE FACT IS .. . WE SERVE THE COLDEST BEER IN TOWN! __ —Come On, Make Us Prove It! * SAFE-T-SPEQAL HYDRAULK BRAKES IT! 3 ALL-HTAR MAIN EVENTS Special Winter Rates! * 90-H.P. VALVI-IN- HEAD ’’VICTORY” ENGINE SELBY CHEVROLET CO. 100 EAST MAIN STREET Will Be Open Every Day WITH NO DRAFT VENTILATION Pls» many mers out. ffand/ng tomfort, safety and convenience footvroo. AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT * '“nCATURING A-ONE DRAFT BEER 5c ® per glass Finest Quality Brew In Generous 6-0«. Glass! BOHEMIAN CLUB AL BROWER, Proprietor I