Friday, Sept. 20, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Fun for the Whole Family PHOTOGRAPHY 16 PRINTS BoH rtavaloHÚ and IS »rtota *«. ■KM PHOTO By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP Comfortable Modern Rooms Dally 11 2S Weekly IS Up MEANVIHILe. AT THE BACK UooR cowe on . Boys, let ' s liven things up - those seals / CT b P OH THE GA9, ■-------- PlNHtACJ! NEARLV RUINED i----------------- ¿THE SHOW/ (2 HOTEL ASSEMBLY NINTH A MADISON, 8EATTLB MORSE*'SE PAR LIN Gr, - THE y SAN THAT DREAMS GO B/ OPPOSITES —'f ANVM/Ay •• Dining Rooaa Coffee Shop 1 ToilV YT> VJÍiefc¿Ahi LALA PALOOZA —Too Late to Send Her an SOS By RUBE GOLDBERG The Ono Who Won Miss Slater—Are you living In the handsome house left you by your aunt. Colonel—the bouse you went to law about? Colonel—No, my lawyer resides there. BEASON THEY HELP S’MATTER POP— Fixing for Night Work By C. M. PAYNE "Even congressmen are helping to Inaugurate this crow-killing cam­ paign.” "No doubt they are—to avoid eat» Ing ’em later on.” His Destiny The solemn-looking man remarked to his friend: “I hope that you are not unmindful of the fact that we ell have a duty to perform. We must combat the unrest which exists in the world.” “I am doing my very best," said the other. "How?” “I manufacture mattresses." MESCAL IKE The Extra Two Were on the House, We Suppose Bys.L huntuly Hard to Suit Store Owner—What did that cus­ tomer say when he refused to buy that suitcase? Son—He said when he bought a bag he wanted to see some cowhide In it Store Owner—So what does bo take us for—magicians? Suggestion "Now, we’ll play zoo," said Wil­ lie. "I'll be the elephant” "That will be fine,” said Aunt Ma­ bel. "But what shall I be?” "Oh, you can be the nice lady that feeds the elephant buns and . sugar.” Easy Way Out Beggar—Spare a dime, sir. Pm an old soldier. Retired Colonel—What regiment? Beggar—As I was going ter say. I am an old soldier as Is sufferin’ from loss of memory. Suspicion’s Tongue POP— Flunked! By J. MILLAR WATT See what a ready tongue suspi­ cion hath!—Shakespeare. Is your child a NOSE PICKER? THOUGHTFUL The man in the dock was looking particularly doleful. "Please be lenient with me, your worship," he said, addressing the magistrate. “I have a good many dependent on me for their support. It would be only fair to consider them.” A soft light came into the magis­ trate's eyes as he listened to this plea. "Children?" he inquired, a touch of kindness in his voice. The prisoner shook his head. "No, your worship. Detectives." THE SPORTING THING By the Will ’Tis the will that makes the ac­ tion good or ill. Miserable with backache? HEN kidneys function badly and) you suffer a nagging backache,! with dizziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination and getting up at nig* 1; when you fetl tired, nervous,j alFupset... us« Doan's Pills. x Doan’s are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom­ mended the country over. Adi yoor neighbor! W Penalty of Being Adored First Guy—She treats her husband like a Grecian god. Second Guy—How’s that? First Guy—She places a burnt of­ fering before him at every meal. Proof "Anyone would think I was noth­ ing but a cook in this house.” "Not after a couple of meals, they wouldn’tl” i It may be just a nasty habit, but sometimes nose picking is a sign of something uastler. | It may mean that your child has round worms —especially if there are other symp­ toms. such as fidgeting, finicky appetite; restless sleep and Itching in certain parts. Many mothers don't realize how easy it is to catch ’ this dreadful infection anti how many children have it. If you even suspect that your child has round worms, get JAYNE S VERMIFUGE right awayl Drive out those ugly, crawling things before they can grow and cause serious distress. JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE is the best known worm expellant in America. It la backed by modern scientific study and has been used by millions for over a Century. I JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE has the ability to drive out large round worma, yet ft tastes good and acts gently. It does not contain santonin. If there are no worms it works merely as a mild laxative. Ask for JAYNE'S VER-MI-FUGEatanydrugstore FREE: Valuable medical book, "Worms Living I aside | You." Write to Dept. M-2. Dr. D. Jayne & Son, 3 Vine St.. Philadelphia. -I think George must have Mt th« pia settar." D oans P ills