Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, September 20, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6
© H.
Friday, Sept. 20, 1940
Items of Interest
to the Housewife
WNU Servie*
Dogs having acres* to the hous*
If new tinware Is rubbed with
Carmen seemed to him never to fresh lard and thoroughly heated should be kept thoroughly ckun
’’Hit’s Deaf Peterson, Mort Got
was heard by the ears of a fron­
CHAPTER XV—Continued
tiersman trained by many surprises any whisky? One o' the boys ez got have looked so lovely yet there was in tli« oven before it is used, it and free from fleas. Serious dam­
a bad toothache—keepin’ us all anxiety in her eyes that she could will never rust, no mutter how age muy be done if ficus enter
The Texan was as good a* his to catch unusual sounds.
not wholly conceal.
much it i* put into water, For rugs or upholstered furniture.
In the fewest possible moments a awake.”
Word. When Carmen rode up to
• • •
■tamed tinware borax produces
"Shall I confess?" she murmured.
where he had halted, a look passed horseman, galloping up to the near­
•What boy?”
the best results. If a tea pot or
between them that only they under­ est table, threw himself from the
A teaspoon of salt and dessert-
"Can't hear y', Mort Got any "I haven’t slept, and 1 have hardly
saddle. The drooping head of the whisky? One o’ the boys ez got a eaten since you left. Mother of God,
coffee pot is discolored on the in­ spoon of lemon juice answer th*
what a relief to see you I You ar* side, boil it in a strong solution of same purpose as "suits of Lemon”
The three rode together. As they pony, his desperate panting, the bad toothachi ■keepin’ us all— • ' »
borax for a short time and ull its for removing iron mold from linen.
approached the river Carmen point­ froth that flecked his chest and
"What did you wake me up for?” sure you are not wounded?”
brightness will return.
ed. "Do you see those two cabins dropped from his muzzle, the nerv­ demanded Blood sourly. With this
It is not a poison and will not
• • •
ous champing at the bit, all told the abusive retort he threw open the
across the Melena?”
prove injurious to the linen.
Helpful Economy. — Why not
Bowie looked. "I do see them. story of a grueling ride. The dis­ door.
• • •
mounted rider lifted his hat and
What are they?”
"Tell me, did you find hit»?”
Pedro understood then why Bowie
Potatoes thut are to be French
•Two uninvited neighbors of ours looked, dismayed and inquiringly,
fruits for dinner when the fam­
had taken the cast door. The faint
fried should stand in cold water
—Americanos, who have settled
ily is dining alone? If thes* are
rays of light already in the eastern
at least an hour before cooking.
"And what happened?"
for someone. Bowie rose from his
substituted for rich pastries und
sky struck Blood, standing barefoot
• • •
"Nothing, or next to nothing."
seat«it the table.
“But that is on the rancho."
puddings, you will note an im-
"Pedro!” he called, raising his
"Tell me everything, everything.
"They seem to think our rancho
When laundering curtains of
provement in your digestion as
and knife in scabbard.
is theirs. They are what you call hand.
"Simmie and Pedro went with well as your pocketbook.
voile, scrim or any muterial which
Bowie, facing west, stood with his me. We surprised him, and he is
• • •
"Senor Bowie!" exclaimed the va-
has to be ironed, if they are folded
"They should be driven off. Does quero with relief. “Please! Will face in shadow. He had neither now jailed at Monterey on a charge
It is a good plan to disinfect so the selvage ends are together
you speak with me?” The vaquero pistol nor knife on his person. For of murder."
Don Ramon know?”
■inks and other drains once each and ironed they will hang perfect­
what he meant to do, either might
ly even and straight.
"But where do you come from?" week.
"He has been across there to see walked rapidly beyond earshot of
prove his undoing. Simmie and Pe­
them. One of them is your old the tables, the Texan following him.
"From Monterey.
I rode over
"What is it, Pedro?" asked Bow­ dro had ample coverage if needed. with hm."
friend. Captain Blood. He pointed a
Like the spring of a mountain lion,
rifle at Don Ramon and told him to ie. "What has happened?"
She drew a deep breath. “If I
Bowie came down on the squatter,
"Senor Bowie—Sanchez!”
get off his property or he would
told you how happy I am to see you
"What about him?"
pinning both his arms at his sides. back, unharmed, you wouldn’t be­
shoot him. And said, incidentally,
"He has been murdered.”
In vain Blood tried to get his right lieve me!" They were looking
there were too many greasers in
hand on the grip of the pistol in straight into each other’s eyes. Per­
this country, anyway.”
his trouser band. Raging, he strug- haps it was too intense. She took
Carmen spoke in the calm tone
gled with his left hand to reach her efes from his, looked down and
most calculated to arouse the anger
"Who killed him?"
the haft of his knife, But he was resumed more calmly. "We are
of an honest man.
Pedro, under his Indian restraint, held in a loop of iron muscles capa­
Bowie exploded. He swore sav­
breaking camp tomorrow morning. I
flamed. "That Americano, El Cap­ ble of cracking his ribs.
agely in English.
told our guests we should have to
itan Blood.”
Blood bit and gouged in his in­ go home. They wouldn’t stay after
"I don’t understand,” said Car­
"Is that bushwacker abroad sane way until Bowie delivered a
us—so we are all for home tomor-
men innocently, though she had a again? How did it happen, Pedro?”
sow. And the men are trying to de­
pretty correct idea of his language. snapped Bowie.
“If Don Ramon allowed that ..."
I cide what can be done with the
“This afternoon Sanchez, with his
squatters. They are everywhere.”
blurted out Bowie.
nephew Felix, was over across the
"He was unarmed. And he didn’t river, looking for some stray cows.
"The best thing to do with 'em
want to get killed.”
would be to hang 'em all.”
While Felix worked along the Mele­
“But somebody’s got to do some­ na. Blood saw Sanchez on the hill,
"Are you serious?”
thing. These scoundrels will gob­ rode up to him and ordered him off
“Quite. They’re not bona fide set­
ble the whole rancho piecemeal.”
his land—you know, senor.”
They're bushwackers and
Carmen sighed. "Discouraging for
“I know. Go on!" snapped Bowie.
bums, here to steal what land they
the poor Spaniards." she said re­
"Sanchez told him it was not his
can and sell it to the real settlers
signedly. "But the good God will land but that he wanted no quarrel
when they come—and that won’t be
do something for us. We are go­ with him and rode away. Before
long now either."
ing too far, senor; let's turn this way Sanchez had gone fifty yards Blood
"They are calling the last dance.
to the valley Does Guadalupe look drew his rifle and fired at him. The
But you are too tired?”
very different to you from what it bullet struck Sanchez in the back.
"Not tired, but you know I’m ■
used to?”
He fell from his pony.”
poor dancer.”
At dinner th* talk turned on the
"Did he die right away?”
She laughed.
“You dance well
squatter problem already seriously
“He died before we got him
try it? Oh. there's
agitating the owners of the ranchos the house. Felix had ridden out
a young don coming my way. Don't
about the bay region. The scum i the swamp when Blood rode up
let him carry me off!”
of camp followers, always ready to Sanchez. He heard the talk and
Bowie led her out He was wei­
move and emboldened by Fremont’s saw the shot fired. Blood turned on
corned by the couples in the set,
invasion, had spread over the land him and swore he would kill him,
and under the inspiration of the
like noxious insects, devouring all too, if he ever caught him that side
scene he threw himself into the
in their path.
of the river again. So Felix loaded
steps. If he could not be called
But Carmen’s heart was set on ; Sanchez on his own pony and
graceful, he was at least energetic.
the merienda, for the success of brought my friend home." The stol­
which she was accountable, and id Indian’s voice broke.
To hear Carmen laugh when she
next morning she had a long list of
"Get my horse. Pedro. Wait here
corrected a misstep, to watch the
is much better to trust yourself to
Discriminate Reading
things to be done in making ready for me. I will go back with you. Is
play of her rich mouth, of her daz­
It doe* not matter how many, I a few good author* than to wan-
for the picnic. Bowie was called on Simmie at the rancho?”
zling teeth and her red lips, to note but how good, book* you have. It' der through several.—Seneca.
to such an extent that a more so­
“He is, senor,”
the flash of her quick eye and the
phisticated man might have suspect­
Bowie walked slowly back to the
rise and fail of her full
•Who » There?”
ed she had sent for him chiefly to tables. The guests had risen. Pine
bosom when the dance was done
help her. The Texan, however, en­ torches were aflame and, fastened
and she walked proudly away on his
joyed his work hugely and. having at convenient places, afforded light blow that stunned him. In that frac­ arm, would be enough to stagger
wrung from Don Ramon the privi­ for the gamesters. They were play­
the senses of a colder man than
lege of supplying the wine, made ing Twenty-One. Carmen stood with his left leg upward, caught the the Texan. If she would not mar­
a trip to Monterey for some import­ a group of ladies who were discuss­ squatter's right arm under his knee. ry, as she had once told him, she
ed vintages and for those delicacies ing her dinner. Approaching. Bow­ When this released his own left hand was certainly friendly.
procurable only along the shipping ie signaled to her. As she joined his fingers flew at Blood’s neck.
The entire household of Guada­
Despite the rolling and writhing,
him she saw from his face that
Carmen was startled next day something was wrong. “What is the squatter was held in a vise that lupe were over next morning to pay
when two carretas were unloaded at it, Senor. Bowie?” she asked hur­ cut off his wind. Hovering close to the last tribute to the deaif vaquero.
the ranch house. “Certainly," she riedly.
the two men as they threshed about Padre Martinez said the funeral
Mass, and fellow riders from the
said as she stood with Dona Maria
"I hate to tell you, señorita, but the floor, stood Pedro, alert to help.
and Bowie, watching the servants I must explain; yet I don’t want Simmie, with pistols in each Hbnd, rancho carried the unhappy Indian
carry in supplies, “you Americanos to spell your party. Don’t let any­ stood inside the door ready to shoot to hi* grave.
At dinner that afternoon Dona Ma­
are wonderful.”
one know. Control yourself. San­ either way—to repel squatters if
"But please remember, señorita. chez has been murdered.”
Blood's one frantic yell had been ria spoke out in no uncertain tones.
I am not an Americano. I am a
"Senor Bowie.” she said, address­
He went on with the story despite heard or to finish Blood himself. But
Nab< in N*-ed s
You said the merienda her horrified expression. She obeyed no squatters appeared.
ing him directly, ’’Don Ramon feels
would last three days. And there his caution so well that he mar­
The squatter, half choked, hoarse
Mo r f V I’amins
will be some good eaters among our veled at her restraint.
and bloodshot, hair and beard wild, going to say, but I don’t care—and
guests. There won't be much of all
"It would do no good to tell Don his shirt torn away in the scuffle, Carmen thinks just as I do, even if
and M nerals,
Ramon or Dona Maria at this time— was quickly bound with rawhide she doesn't say so. I think that if
these things left to carry home.”
It is sometimes more fun to get do you understand, señorita?”
strips. It was light enough to make Rancho Guadalupe can be saved
She reflected and sorrowfully as­ out faces. He burst into a torrent of from these marauders that are
L s :
ready tor a trip than to make the
trip. Carmen, with her assistants, sented. “I have spoiled this won­ profanity. "I’ll have the law on you threatening us on every hand, rob­
had a capital time getting ready for derful party for you. Carmen, only for this, you greaser's pig!” he bing us of horses and cattle every
her picnic. The weather favored because I felt I should tell you why shouted.
day and stealing our land, you are
her, and the party set out from the I must leave. I am riding with Pe­
the only man that can save it. All
“Easy, Blood.” suggested Bowie,
rancho in high spirits; indeed, with dro back to the rancho. You would
we ask is to be allowed to die in
the family, the servants and the naturally want to know why, and I
peace in our own home—and with­
coat pick it up. You're taking a
vaqueros loaded with hampers, and somehow just couldn’t lie to you.”
out protection even that may be
"Señorita, it’s those squatters, and ride."
the two carretas, the string of
denied us. Tell us, Senor Bowie,
"What do you mean?” thundered
horses and riders looked like a cav­ Blood's the leader. With him to fol­
would you come back at any price
Then suddenly he or on any terms to Guadalupe?
alcade. It was led by Señorita Car­ low, they are getting bolder and the squatter.
bolder. If they can shoot down Don wrenched furiously at the thongs on
men, attended this time by Bowie.
What can we do to coax you?”
As was befitting, they were early Ramon’s vaqueros like this on his his wrists; but Pedro had tied too
Don Ramon was smoking calmly.
many rawhide knots to feel uneasy
on the ground—among the first—
toyed with her fork and
and a busy morning went to mak­ next? Blood must be caught before over his efforts.
kept her eyes as closely glued on it
“I mean you’re going to Monterey as if she were afraid it might get
ing all ready and greeting new ar­
for jailing with a charge of murder away.
rivals. Following the annual cus­ this thing blows over.”
But Dona Marla’s eyes
She raised her eyes. The light of
tom, the first dinner late in the day
against you.”
flashed with earnestness as she
the campfire struck them, flooding
was a gala affair before settling
made her plea.
their depths. "You will be careful?”
down, ostensibly at least, to the
There was dancing that night at
Taken aback by the sudden on­
she stammered.
work of gathering strawberries.
the merienda. The camp was light­ slaught, Bowie sat for a moment
“I am always careful.”
Don Ramon presided at the first
"But this time very careful, se- ed by bonfires and torches, and dons silent. He soon felt he must say
table with his Dona and Señorita
and donas, old and young, were something but couldn’t make up his
as hostesses. Henry Bowie and a
stepping to the music of guitars and mind what to say. "It wouldn’t be
"I will be.”
few special guests sat with them.
"I shall neither sleep nor rest till the snapping rhythm of castanets.
a question of terms, Dona Maria,”
The dinner was featured by game you come back.”
he said at length. "But it would be
provided by Guadalupe vaqueros.
"I may have to take him to Mon-
Bowie complimented the hostess on terey. There may be delays? Tell ringing through the pines, the soft hard for me to get away from Cap­
tain Sutter. I should have to talk
its variety.
Don Ramon in the morning—that beating of the guitars, the serene with him before I could give a defi­
Note tho bonefH# of delicious oranges
“I was lucky,” she confessed to will be time enough. Adiós, Carme­ shadows of the dancers moving
nite answer. I've told you, and I
nutrition!«. uy Full? half our families get too few
him in an aside. "Sanchez brought lita.”
through the figures of quadrille and tell you again, that the happiest
vitamins and mineral* to enjoy the best of health! So make it yew
in practically all of it—the venison
She could only utter “Adiós."
minuet, and the scene lighted by the days of my life have been spent at
and elk and the quail and pigeons—
family rule to enjoy orange* every day.
Pedro took a fresh pony, and the glare and glow of the scattered fire* Guadalupe. I have an affection for
all in two days. Sanchez is the best ride back to the rancho was made
Ju*t peel and eat them for grand daily refreshment. Or keep ■
hunter on the rancho."
in good time. Bowie routed out he neared the camp on his pony late household; I think you all know that.
big pitcher full of fre»h orangeade handy.
Carmen was walking on air. Her Simmie.
An frounce glass of juice give* you
in the evening. He was alone and, But I must think things out. I should
face reflected every emotion a hap­
If the darkest hour is just before
mally need each day. Abo add* «/««/« A Bi and C, and the min-
py hour could awaken: low bubbling the day, it was certainly dark when tethering his mount, he walked to like to stay down over Sunday, any­
erab n*Af«**> pbuphorui and inn.
laughter; natural color deepened by the ponies of Bowie, Simmie and the fringe of the spectators.
Thb season the wonderfully juicy Californb orange* are plenti­
“Delightful, Senor,” exclaimed
pleasure and excitement; quips and Pedro splashed through the Melena
ful m rtar- ThoM »tamped ’’Sunkbt’’ on the »kin are But ftr Jam
It took some little time for him to
retorts rolling from a ready tongue; swamp and forded the river a mile
single out one he was looking for.
Ertfy ffff/ Order them next time you buy groceries.
ria and I can have a few long rides
teeth and eyes that flashed together. or so above the squatter colony.
She stood among the onlookers but through the hills without being
And when the wines were served,
Half an hour later the three men
her guests at the tables under the walked single file, like ghosts, up a little apart, her eyes fixed on the afraid of being carried off.”
trees sang with extraordinary fervor to the east door of Blood’s shack, dancers.
Carmen did not neglect her oppor­
a drinking song punctuated by the Bowie knocked. It was some time
She heard a mild voice behind tunity. She was in the saddle early
popping of corks and the clinking before there was any answering her: "You are not dancing, seño­ next morning, waiting for Bowie,
of glasses. In fact, Bowie’s wines sound, "Reaching for his pistol,” rita?”
who had been out with Pedro be­
proved equal to inspiring more than said Bowie to himself, He knocked
She almost whirled to meet the fore sunrise to look over the cattle
one drinking song. And as the din­ again just as he heard a movement
i words. She clasped her hands. "Oh, suitable for a matanza. Since the
ner progressed, the señoritas raised within.
Senor Bowie. Thank God, you are herd was being depleted by thieves
their glasses with the caballeros to
"Who’s there?” the words came
almost daily, Don Ramon wanted to
augment the choruses.
in the loud hoarse tones of a man back!”
turn as many head as possible into
"Only keeping my promise.”
In the midst of this hilarity and just awakened. Bowie, making no
money. Bowie changed horses in
She regarded him with startled double-quick time when he saw Car­
the final moments of the parting day answer, knocked a third time.
a clatter of hoofs was heard among
“Who's there?” This time tha tone eyes. "You are not hurt?”
men and they rode into the hills.
Best for hi ice — ¿///</ Fren/ use f
the more distant pines. At least, it was savage.
“No indeed.”