Friday, Sept. 20, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER will give a dance Saturday night Munday they are serving a chickei dinner starting at 12:30 and con tinning throughout the aftrm«x>n The committee la planning f«»i • Harry Farmer of New Bieber. large crowd# lx «th day# and la ask Calif. «pent a few day« last we««k Ing that the farmer« cooperate it With Mr. and Mr«. John Farmer. bringing in their exhibit# early. • WO Maitm mid J II Will­ iams were fishing at Hyatt lake Bunday, • I»ui«e Martin is spenrt on the 4-H summer school er, Tom Lamb, thi« week. Mr. and ■he attended at Corvallis in June. Mm. Lewi« Estes are moving into There was a special program pre­ the Estes property recently pared by Mrs R. E Bell, Mrs rated Seitz and Mr«. Dankworth. They • Louis Loper of Valley View alao comprised the refreshment a business caller here Monday committee The sch«»ol children are morning. making a memberslrip drive and • A. O. Waterman of Sisters. UM !’-TA ladles wth Ore , has been a gu««t of Mr «nd at the grange fair Saturday and Mrs Harry Lowe Mr. Waterman Sunday They will «ell hamburg­ is a former resident of Talent. er«, coffee and cold drink«. Mrs • Mrs Ben Webst«-r and Mm Bob Reynold«, Mrs George an«l Mm Lrgan were «hopping in Medford Dankworth will h“.ve charge of Wedncjxiay afternoon. • Mrs W W Bell was shopping the «'onceaston. • Miss Marie Walker and Mrs in Ashland Monday. Al Iren Kay are leaving Sunday • Mr and Mm Will Umb and with Barbara Kay who will enter daughter of near Butte Falls call­ school at Corvallis Marte and Mm. ed on relative« here Thursday. Kay will go to the MMt for a few • Carl Baglein of Medford, a for­ mer resident of Talent, called on day» before returning home. • A group of the Grange member« friends here Thursday afternoon mat at the Grange hall Wednes­ • Miss Ella Pitenger visited her day and cleaned the hall and brother, J. Pitenger an«i family ground« getting ready for the fair Sunday. to be held Saturday and Sunday. • Mr and Mm. Karl Fowler and The ladle« served a potluck lunch son of Grants Paas spent the week-end in Talent visiting with at noon • Mr« Archie Kincaid was a Mek-end with her parents, Mr and Mm. Roy E Talbot of the College inn. • Mr« Mark Tru<> wit)» a group of ladies attended the Houthw««t iT««bytcrial conference in Klam­ ath Fulls last Monday. • Bol> Miller was a burin««» visit­ or In Medford last Saturday. • Alice Metcalfe, who is employ­ ed bi the Jackson hotel beauty shop in Medford, »¡»ent the hurt week-end with her parents, Mr an«l Mm Jam«« Metcalfe. • Miss Betty Ring left Saturday for Um|xjua, Ore., where she will twu'h »chool, • Miss Fem WtMtnrm, who is at­ tending Leonard's Beauty school in M«*dford, «¡»ent Sunday with hrr ¡ mi rents Fem won a scholarship last spring in individual hair styling. • Mm Luke Willis and small son left last week for an extended visit with her parents in Texas • W E Pierson spent the first of this week deer hunting In north- rm California. • Mm G. W Willls returned to her home last WrdntNklay from Fullert«»n where she has been vis­ iting her daughter an Hatl. taedM Or Monty lUik Nrw LEG OF PORK ROASTS 19c lb SALT PORK 18C lb 171C lb SAUSAGE ISC lb FRESH SIDE PORK 17C lb Pure Pork Lard Open Kettle Rendered 3 lbs 25c Bring your container Morrell’s Eastern Sliced Eastern Bacon 25c lb COII-OFF BAST SIDE FHAKMACT WIENERS A V.4** BOLOGNA ISC lb BACON By the Piece 23c «