Friday, Sept. 13, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 • The Upper Valley Community club met Wednesday with 17 la­ dies present. Mrs. Gowland and Mrs In low presented the program and games, at which Mra Helms won first prize and Mrs. Kincaid the booby prize. The mystery box was opened and at the close Mrs Wallis. Mrs. Russel! and Mrs. Pankey served refreshments. Friday and Saturday! SUN »MON «TUE JOAN FREDKIC CRAWFORD * MARCH [wow »4 ■ * RUTH HUSSEY JOHN CARROLL 1 Rita Hayworth Nigel Brace • WED & THUR • MID-WEEK SPECIAL! “45c Kiddies a Dime! SIX-MAN MELEE TO OPEN ARMORY CARD MONDAY A SIN-MAN battle royal will be A the opening feature on Promo­ ter Mack Lillard's weekly wrest­ ling card at Medford armory Mon­ day night. Sept. 16. Mike Nazarian, the tough Ar­ menian who has a six-match win­ ning streak at Medford, will be gunning for his seventh but will be in hot company. Others on the program are Steve Nehoff, the Bulgarian bad man; Whitey Wahl- bepg, little Swede from Minnesota who proved such a sensation on the last card; George Wagner. Texas speed ball; Jack Hagen from Louisiana, who possesses one of the best headlocks in the busi­ ness, and last but not least. Kla­ math Falls' popular barbecue king. Ernie Piluso. Bad blood exists between Piluso and Nazarian since the Armenian has taken two straight wins over Piluso by employing savage meth­ ods. Wagner has it in for Nehoff because of the rough treatment he received at the hands of the Bur- garian last Monday. Wahl berg’s fire-ball maneuver­ ing outsmarted Hagen last Mon­ day and the Shreveport mat artist probably will send a few licks in the Swedes direction in an at­ tempt to get even. But, as is usual in battles royal, Nazarian and Nehoff will probably be the target of the four cleanies [ when the free-for-all starts off with the others teaming up when and if they can eliminate these two rough-house bullies. The first two eliminated will re­ turn for the first match of six 10- minute rounds with the next pair out composing the second bout over the same distance. The last two left will clash in the evening's final struggle over one hour straight time or two out of three falls, the case in each bout. The battle royal starts at 8:30 • Mr. and Mrs. John Webster and Mrs. Bob Logan were business callers in Ashland Tuesday after- noon. • Edward Smith of Myrtle Creek visited his sister, Mrs. O. K. Mc­ Curtain and family. • Rex McCarty, who has been in the United States army for the past three years, stationed in Ha­ waii, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Elmer Blunck. • Allen Busey returned home last week after serving a four-year en­ listment in the United Statesnavy. • Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Butterfield returned home Saturday. They have been caretakers at Hiatt Lake during the summer. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hill of the Dead Indian country brought their two daughters and son down Sun­ day to enter them in the Talent school. • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hart moved from their home here into the Bauley property on the old high­ way south of town. • Dr. and Mrs. Steve Frink and son of Texas have been visiting Mr. Frink’s brother and family and mother, Mrs. Frances Frink, the past week. • A new addition is being made to the John Webster house. The work is being done by D. R. Smith, local contractor. • Those who called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tryon Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Curl of Portland and Rev. and Mrs. Bel­ knap of Medford. • Mrs. Frances Frink and Grand­ son Robert Frink left Saturday evening for Tacoma. Robert will attend school there. • Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lowe mov­ ed to Sams Valley last week. Mr. Lowe is principal of the high i school there. • Ray Reed, who is employed at Lincoln, spent Sunday with his , family here. • Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lockhart of Ashland visited friends here Sun­ day evening. • Mrs. Edith Cochran’s house Is undergoing a change in the way Bowerman Sees Team () f ‘A 1 id d lew eight men ’ "The squad as a whole is far from beefy although they aren’t featherweights,'' said head coach Bill Bowerman as he opened train­ ing for his 1940 Medford Tiger football team Monday. He has been putting his charges through light blocking, tackling, passing and punting drills all week but will get down to earnest work next week in preparation for the 1940 opener against Weed’s Cou­ gars on the Medford turf Friday night. Sept. 20. About 40 boys have reported to Bowerman, 10 of them being new­ comers to grid wars. Bowerman stated that most of the new men showed promise of developing into good material. The squad returned Saturday from a week's framing at Lake o’ the Woods. of dividing the down stairs into two apartments. • Bill Boyd of Crescent City call­ ed in Talent Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Russell of Applegate visited Mrs. Russells parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Staiger over the week-end. They left the first of the week for Canyonville where Mr. Russell will be em­ ployed. • Mr. and Mrs. Vinyard of Will­ iams Creek were calling in Talent Sunday. • Mr and Mrs. William Gliems of Quincy. Calif., spent the week­ end with Mrs Gleim's parents. Mr and Mrs. Earl Allen. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Birdsley have purchased the Ed Maxon property on Railroad avenue. • Mr and Mrs. Clarence Holdrige are the parents of a son born Wednesday. The baby weighed eight pounds. • Bill Hotchkiss made a trip to Klamath Falls Sunday and brot back a load of hay. • The Ladies Improvement club met Wednesday afternoon to out­ line a program for the year. • Mary Withrow of Lincoln spent Wednesday with Mrs Ed Maxon. • Mr and Mrs Floyd Young and family motred to Crater Lake Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hooper re­ turned home Saturday after sev­ eral days visiting in Eureka. • Jack Gardner of Lincoln spent the week end at his home in Tal- ent. • Chester Boone of eastern Ore­ gon called on his sister. Mrs. Blanche Hungate, enroute to the San Francisco fair Thursday. • Mrs. Ben Webster was an Ash­ land caller Thursday afternoon. • Elva Thompson visited in Ash­ land Wednesday with her sister, Delia, who operates a beauty shop there. • Mr and Mrs. Willard Miles and daughter of Ashland called on Mr. and Mrs. Will Rush Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Miles formerly operated the variety store here. • Mrs. Clarence Skeeters and Mrs. Bill Hervey were shopping in Ashland Saturday. • Mrs Katherine Davidson re­ turned home Friday evening from the Community hospital in Ash­ land where she has been a patient for the past two weeks • Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tame were Medford shoppers Friday after­ noon. • Tom Lamb and R. F. Parks were business callers in Medford Thursday. • Miss Marian Gould, former GRIZZLY SKED PLUGS ALL BUT FEW DATE GAPS rPHE POSSIBILITY of a 10 gu me schedule faces the Ashland high Grizzlies this season when Leighton Blake sends his charges Into their opening clash tonight against iAkeview on the eustem Oregon field. According to B. C. Forsythe, princi|>al. the contract with Lake­ view will undoubtedly be renewed for another two-year period with the Honkers coming here in 1941. Tlie Coquille Red Devils will come to Ashland Oct. 26 with the Grizzlies making the trip to Coos county next season. A two-year agreement has been entered into with the Roseburg Indians with this year's game being played there. Oct. 4 and 18 are open on Coach Blake's schedule and letters are out to Marshfield, Myrtle Point and Cottage Grove with two of these teams expected to accept for a two-year contract. An effort is being math1 to have Ashland the 1940 site in each case. The Grizzly schedule follows: Sept. 13 Lakeview there. Sept. 20 Open. Sept. 27 • Grants Pass there. Oct. 4—Open. Oct. 11—«Klamath Falls here Oct. 18 Open Oct. 26 Coquille here. Nov. 1—-Yreka there. Nov. 15 • Medford here. Nov. 21 Roseburg there. Nov. 28 Grants I*ass here. • Denotes conference game. teacher here, has accepted a posi­ tion teaching at Merrill, Ore • Mr and Mrs A E. Williams and daughter have moved from upper Wagner creek into their home adjoining the Methodist church. • The Talent Grange met Thurs­ day evening, Sept. 5, with visitors from the Bellview Grange. Victor York and Albert Arnold were pre­ sent. Mrs. William Breese was presented with a large bouquet of gladiolas as a remembrance of her 85th birthday. Mrs. Breese is the oldest member of our Grange. A program was enjoyed and consist­ ed of singing and readings by dif­ ferent members. For refreshments watermelons, furnished by Mr. and Mrs. George Hartley, were served • Mr and Mrs Leo Netherlands of Winters, Calif, are visiting rel­ atives in the valley. • Mrs. Meda Fox spent Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hewitt in Phoenix. • Misses Dorothy. Edith and Ber­ nice Huson of San Francisco ar­ rived here Tuesday to visit their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Huson, and family. • The Talent school opened Mon­ day morning. Roy I*arr, principal, was unable to determine the total enrollment figure due to the fact that many of the students are working in the fruit. • Mr and Mrs Whitehead of southern California and Norman Ashington of Colorado Springs, Colo., were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McMahan While here they drove to Rogue River to call on other relatives. • The local fire department has installed a booster and pump on the fire truck, «ddlng quite a bit All Roads Lead To Caton’s CLYDE CATON’S Junction Garage Siskiyou Blvd, at Indiana Phone 6311 1 LITHIA A HOME OWNED THEATRE Phone 7561 ; Friday, Saturday “HEAVEN WITH • WANT ■"« • A BARBED WANTED Representative to look after our magazine subscription interests in Ashlund and vicin­ i WIRE FENCE” ity. Every fuinily orders sub­ scriptions. Hundreds of dollurs are s|>ent for them each fall and winter in this vicinity. Instruc­ tions and equipment free. Guar­ anteed lowest rates on all peri­ odicals, domestic and foreign Represent the oldest magazine agency in the United States Sturt a growing and permanent business in whole or spare time A<1 dress MOORE • (1JTTRN.I . inc . Naples Roud, North UurhiK ton, New York ___ FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and sales. Medford Office Equip nient Co., 32 North Grape street. Medford. (48tf) NOTICE OF HEARING OF FIN­ AL ACCOUNT OF ADM1MN- Tll VI'OR In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM AIJiERT DUN- MIRK, sometimes» known as Albert W. Dunmire, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, the Admin­ istrator of the Estate of William Albert Dunmire. sor ..mes known as Albert W In..mire. Deceased, has filed in said court his final account in the matter of said es­ tate, and the Honorable J B Coleman, County Judge, has des­ ignated Saturday, the 28th day of September, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, at I the courthouse in Medford, said county, as the time and place for a hearing thereon. Anyone having an objection to said account is required to present the same on or before the date of said hearing. HENRY GALEY Administrator, j BRIGGS & BRIGGS. Attorneys Pioneer Bldg . Ashland, Oregon Attorneys for Administrator. Date of first publication: Aug. ] 30. 1940 A Lot of Noise Alone, Broke and In Isive! with Jean Rogers Glen Ford ; A 20th Century-Fox Picture! -------also—— Tex Ritter in “PALS OF THE SILVER SAGE” Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “BROADWAY BILL” with Myrna lx>y Warner Baxter Wednesday and Thursday Everyone 10c IN VOl'It PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATET Nee STEVEN R. SCHUERMAN PHONE 4721 • METROPOLITAN LIFE ISS! KAM E CO. There are a lot of ways to do anything. One U to make a lot of noise and waste a lot of energy. Our way is to make less noise but get more done. We mistake«, make don't either. Every detail checked carefully. BATTERY LIGHTS TIRES MARFAK LUBRICATION • WASHING • VACUUM CLEANING ■ i/f’’ ■■ • • • • QOMETIMEN it takes a lonely highway and a broken-down engine for a man to realize that he should have had the car fixed before. Don't let this happen to you be­ cause In the end It will either mean a costly re­ pair job or a new car. Ke smart and let Caton’s make It good as new with a complete scientific check-up. Tomorrow may be. too late^—do It today! We specialize in body and fender work, painting and brake and wheel align­ ment work. AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 3 ALL-NT AR MAIN EVENT» TO BE SURE—COME TO REED & YOUNG’S TEXACO SERVICE Ashland Hotel Bldg. Phone 4501 J ■Q2S3E to the efficiency of the equipment. It will also be helpful in oomtmttng fires beyond the city limits. With the new equipment it will be im > s - sible to oombat a fire any place where a water supply is available • Mrs Francis Tame left this morning by stage for Marysville. Calif, for an indefinite stay. e • Albert Arnold and Victor York nttended the Grange meeting held at Talent Tuesday evening. • Subscribe for The Miner today Double SA II Htam|»s Him days! Medford Armory For Reservations Phone Brown’s, Medford 101 J She was the rtugnesi 1 toughest... Sweetest i , Odiali» th« Welt!!!,'. 1 _ MAY J IW0N L omnny eiir. * THE BARE FACT IS . . . WE FEATURE WE NERVE THE COLDEST BEER IN TOWN! TRACTOR —Come On, Miike U n Prove It! VAKMEKN and ranchers of southern Oregon and northern California will find our welding, blacksmithing and general repair service complete, efficient and dependable. We have earned a reputation for know-how on all types of farm machinery and tough problems are our favorite job. Whether you need a small or large job, straight­ ening, welding or machining of a difficult replacement, we can help you—on short notice, if necessary. Our tractor, truck and automot­ ive repair men are experienced, equipped with the proper tools, and their charges are reasonable. MATURING A-ONE DRAFT BEER 5c 4 OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP PHONE 4586 I ® Finest Quality Brew In Generous 6-Oc. Glass! WE MAKE STORAGE TANKS 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND per glass X BOHEMIAN CLUB AL BROWER, Proprietor