Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, September 13, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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    Friday, Sept. 13 1940
Page 6
© Frank H. Spearman
—1< i
“W!-en Senor Bowie went away
everybody missed him."
“Kind of funny too," Pardaloe
rambled on. “Looked to me as if
Henry never would leave Guada­
lupe. He used to say there was no
place on the whole earth Like it
He was always talking about some­
thing around the place—seemed as
if he even liked the b'ars. Then he
turned clean over. Couldn't inter­
est him in nothing—not a thing. Got
so he wouldn’t hardly open his
mouth. Then all of a sudden he
was hell-bent for going back to Tex­
as. I wouldn't go back there if
you’d give me the whole darned
“And then back the boy comes to
California after all. How some men
change their minds I What do you
think, señorita?"
“Senor Ben.” exploded Carmen
suddenly. "I don't think. I don’t
know what's to become of us. with
all this robbing and murdering
around us. First it was the Indians.
Now it’s everybody, white and red.
Do you ever hear from Senor Bow­
“Seen him last trip up at Yerba
Buena—though company says we've
got to call it San Francisco, now.”
“How is he?”
“Just fine.”
“Did he say anything about Guad­
“Asked about everybody.”
“How long was he staying in
•Only till the next boat"
“How does he like it up the
"Likes it Who’s the old Indian
woman you've got back there with
“That’s an old family nurse. Her
name is Monica. She has been vis­
iting my cousin at Santa Barbara,
and I am taking her up to Guada­
lupe for a good long visit I haven’t
seen Monica for years and years.
She’s the sweetest old creature in
the world.”
WNU Service
what happened after you and Tere­
cita were stolen so horribly?”
"Calm yourself. Monica," urged
Carmen, shaking like a leaf, "Was
the man alone?”
“No. señorita. Two men were
with him.”
“I don't think you can be right,”
declared Carmen, breathing swiftly.
“He has never spoken of such a
thing 1 don't . . .”
Monica shook her head wearily.
“I know only one thing. Whoever he
is. that is the man.”
"Until I am as sure as you are."
said Carmen, "promise me you will
not say one word to a living soul
about this. I can find out. It will
take a little time, Until then, not a
word. Monica.”
“No. my señorita, not a word, But
find out yourself."
The almost distracted girl re-
turned to her room to fall on her
knees, Again and again she re-
called every word of Monica's.
Again and again she weighed them,
with uncertainty and yet succumb­
ing at times to the strange cer­
tainty that Monica must be right.
Dismay seized her with that con­
viction. The stern rule made by
Don Ramon, after the breakdown
resulting from her terrifying experi-
tically convinced that Bowie was
hero of her greatest childhood ad­
In somewhat of a daze she
thanked Pardaloe for all his Infor­
mation and the next morning she
returned to the rancho.
"Why so much trouble?” mur­
mured Carmen, arranging the flow­
ers in leisurely fashion in her lap.
The summer season Is closing,
"Don't mind the thorns.”
and the greut American public bus
“Only roses for you," replied
only a few weeks
more in which to:
Guadalupe did not seem quite the
1— Get its dis
They walked down through the
to Curmen when she got home.
comforts away
hills together. Their own group had
There was too little in its present to
from home.
gathered at a camp table where
interest her; too much in its past
2— Sleep on a
Don Francisco was dealing Twenty-
to think about. And despite her ef­ mattress stuffed
One. Don Vicente espied the truant
forts to busy herself in tilings around
with anthracite
couple first. He lifted his voice,
her. Carmen faded in health and
coal in a bed that
ostensibly to welcome them, but
spirits. Not until Pedro came to her, is a souvenir of the metal industry
chiefly to attract the attention of
hat in hand, one day in the spring at its worst
the rest of the party.
with brief news did she revive. "Se­
3— Become accustomed to mos­
"Ah!” he cried. "We feared you
ñorita.” he said, "Sanchez and I, quitoes in bedrooms, crickets in the
were lost!”
we were over at the valley of the closets, hornets in the sun porch,
Then, walking toward Bowie and
pines yesterday, lookin' for cattle. ants in the table linen and spiders
Carmen, Don Vicente carried Car­
Señorita, the strawberries are red." all over the premises.
men's big fern book in his hand and
She was sewing in the patio, her
4— Drive from 100 to 500 miles in
her shawl on his arm. Bowing some­
far from her fingers. She an overloaded flivver with poor
what flippantly to Bowie, be said
sprang to her feet. "Muchas gra­
brakes, no sun­
with marked deference, “Since you
cias, Pedro, muchas gracias. We
shield, one de­
already have the fair Señorita, per­
will have some. Saddle my pony.”
fective headlight
haps you would like to carry her
Without an hour's delay—less than
and a constant
an hour—spent in a wild gallop into
aroma of some­
"It would be an added honor,"
thing burning.
the hills. Carmen returned to her
retorted Bowie, He took the laugh
room and addressed a note to Senor
5—Spend days
that went around with entire com­
Henry Bowie at New Helvetia.
at a time in heat­
posure and. turning, asked Carmen
ed arguments
"Strawberries are ripe.”
whether she would not now go fern-
lng. "I know where there are some
And with a strange thrill she over what the road signa mean.
rare specimens," he declared.
signed it “Carmen." She dispatched
6— Tour through endless miles of
it by Sanchez. He was to take
But Carmen had already colored
rather more than she liked and de­
horse and deliver it only to Senor hot-dog, gasoline, tourist camp and
souvenir doggie-and-doll zones in
dined further excursion.
Bowie; this upon his life.
the insane belief that it all comes
home, Don Vicente took the post of
When Bowie took the dainty note
under the head of enjoying scenery.
honor at Carmen's side, but she
Ln hand he was surprised. Once
7— Waste hours in country barns
carried in her arm. almost osten­
opened, he could read it at a glance.
displaying “Antiques" signs ao the
tatiously, Bowie’s roses. Bowie had
But what did it imply? He thrilled
little woman can look at spinning
dropped into the cavalcade care­
at the signature. Certainly Carmen
wheels she doesn't want, ox yokes
lessly after losing Carmen, but he
could not be engaged to marry the
she can't possibly use and early
clung jealously to her book and
bald Spaniard. If she were she
American shaving mugs that don’t
ahawL He presently found himself,
would never write him any sort of a mean a thing to her.
somewhat to his disgust, riding at
message, much less one so cryptic
8— Learn what America's doctors
the side of Tia Ysabel. and he did
as this.
are prescribing for belly-ache this
not escape unscathed.
The thrill of the woman who had
"Don't they make an admirable
sealed it tingled now in the veins
9— Spend two
couple?” she asked, looking ahead
of the man who read and reread it or three terrible
at Carmen and Don Vicente, whom
over and over.
nights In those
she had managed to drag into her
"Sanchez," exclaimed Bowie sud­ piano
voluble talk. “I like Don Vicente
denly, "say only this to Señorita known as tourist
so much. Of course, be is much old­
Carmen. Be careful—say it when camp cottages.
er. But he is wealthy. And of such
Carmen, with her maid and Mon­
she is alone. Say: I hunger for
10— Determine
a fine family. They ought to be ica, left the stage at Monterey. Pe­
how much the hu­
very happy together.” she sighed. dro met them with horses and a
Sanchez stared. The message was man system can endure in the mat­
"Do you mean to say that they carreta for the baggage for Guada­
the strangest. But the shining gold ter of steamed clams, fried clams,
are engaged to be married?” de­ lupe. They reached home late.
coin laid in his hand was quite com­ clam fritters and clam chowder, not
manded her much-nettled escort.
It was Monica’s first visit to the
prehensible. He repeated his lesson to mention lobsters, crabs, cucum­
Aunt Ysabel spoke guardedly and northern rancho. She was welcome
until Bowie was satisfied he had it ber salads and the strange fish na­
rather low to be the more impres­ because of her long and faithful
and dismissed him. “Put tive to stranger communities.
sive. "I don't know, actually, as service in the Ybarra family in the
up your horse and go get some sup­
to that, Senor Bowie. But I do South, and she was made to feel at
per. Start tomorrow morning at
11— Pursue the search for a hotel,
know that Don Vicente has spoken home everywhere in the big family
two o’clock. Ride fast or I shall lunchroom, drug store or drink foun­
to Don Ramon and that there is no circle.
overtake you. Tell Señorita I said
tain that doesn't
objection there. Don Vicente is very
"If 1 kin It's yoorn right off.”
Carmen was especially attached
this. But do you understand? Be
cut its orange
wealthy. Well, here we are nearing to her old nurse and for a few days
juice down to a
home. It’s really been a delightful devoted herself to showing Monica ence, that no word should ever be careful no one hears you.”
Late that night, long after the
point where it
ride, hasn't it? Thank you for your the features of the princely domain. spoken of it in the family would
account for a great deal. But what­ house was quiet. Carmen lay dream­
might more prop­
very pleasant company, senor.”
Only one thing troubled Monica. She
ing when she thought she heard a
erly be labeled
The barb rankled deep, but the was mentally alert—Carmen could ever the mystery, the key to all of
low voice without her window hum­
victim had nothing with which to detect no change in her quick ap­
ming her Spanish air, “Go Ask the
12 — Sample
salve the wound. Early next morn­ prehension of everything—but her thought left her prostrated.
some of the
She felt an impulse to send at High Stars Gleaming.” A delicious
ing he was on his way to New Hel­ sight was failing. Cataracts im­
feeling crept over her as rhe lay
paired her vision—but not her appe­ once for him, to learn everything; and listened. She scrupled even to world's worst coffee.
13— Find out where the worst
tite for seeing everything and hear­
Then the happier listen — it seemed like forbidden chefs go in summer.
ing everything. This was as keen embarrassing,
fruit; but, like forbidden fruit, very
14— Make the annual discovery
as ever. Moreover, she had a fund thought occurred that grizzly old sweet.
that there is no sense in trying to
Summer passed at Guadalupe of interesting anecdotes and remi­
It was Henry Bowie, she knew get any salt from a salt cellar at
without the boped-for improvement niscences—at least. Carmen found thing. perhaps everything.
The longer she pondered, the more for certain. None but a madman a shore resort.
in Don Ramon's health. Worry con­ her intensely interesting and often
would have essayed that song on
15— Discover that a change in
tributed to his illness. Dr. Doane kept Monica in her bedroom at night she felt sure that to him she must
the rancho at midnight He had courses makes no difference in
told Dona Maria. “When political to listen to her stories.
turn. Whatever there was of fact in
ridden hard all day to sing late at your golf game.
conditions grow better, so an hon­
Like most old people, Monica rose Monica's story might be learned night.
est man can keep his house in early—much earlier than the house­ from him. Fired by her shock and
She sat up in bed and thought,
ltj—Find out that 97 per cent of
peace,” said the doctor, “he will hold. But she had the freedom of uncertainty, unable to sleep that
Some acknowledgment she must the instantaneous hot-water systems
the house as well as of the serv­ night, so distrait next day that Dona
But conditions did not grow bet­ ants' quarters and wandered freely Maria chided her, yet tortured by make, She tiptoed stealthily to her in the rural districts are out of or­
dresser, found a candle, lighted it, der.
ter. They grew worse. The help­ where she would.
her conviction that Monica was
and crept toward her window. All
17— Observe once again that not
less women at Guadalupe gradually
On a morning that Carmen long
that Bowie saw was a white arm one cook in a thousand can fry an
so resigned themselves to demands remembered Monica gave her a doubts. Carmen made an excuse the
slowly extended and a lighted can­ egg without burning the bottom un­
and raids that they grew almost ap­ great shock. It was so terrible to second day to take Pedro and Maria
dle set cautiously within the pane. til the whole thing tastes like some­
athetic in the face of disaster.
Carmen that she was prostrate for
The singer no longer bespoke the
But marriages, births and deaths the day. It was wintertime and old stage driver. Asking in Monte­ favor of the high stars: a greater thing cut from a hot brake band.
18— Experience incredible difHcul-
must go on even in the midst of cold. The houseboy bad a log fire rey at the stage barn, she learned light quickened his heartbeats in
tumults and wars. A cousin of Car­ in the living-room grate. Monica, that Pardaloe would be in late in that flame of the candle. And as ty getting a room that is not located
men's, Terecita de la Guerra, was looking for a place to warm her­ the afternoon. She lunched with her he reached the end of a dim strain directly over the
married with a great celebration at self, was on band and promised to Aunt Ysabel, pleading shopping to in his song the white arm once hotel garage, a
Santa Clara Mission and went to watch the fire after the boy had left account for her trip, and in good more reached forward, and the can­ new federal proj­
time met the stage. Pardaloe was dle was put out to signify his dis­ ect involving
Santa Barbara to live.
for other duties.
steam shovels on
Carmen’s old Indian nurse Moni­
Carmen, whose chamber was clos­ overjoyed to see her. She told him missal.
a night shift, or
ca, whom she had not seen since est to the living room, was awak­
There were surprises at Guada­
childhood, came up from San Diego ened from her sleep by a piercing "I’m slaying over here tonight, se­ lupe next morning. Senor Bowie ap­ one flight over
to felicitate the young bride. Car­ scream; then followed silence. ñorita. What do you want to see peared, an unbidden guest, for the ballroom
where the worst
men was in Santa Barbara at the Throwing on a wrapper, the Seño­ about, hm?"
breakfast. There was much laugh­
"It s some information I want, se­ ter and joyous welcome at seeing orchestra in North America has
time, visiting her cousin. Both girls rita opened her door and hastened
engaged for the summer sea-
were devoted to the old woman and into the big room. Monica, trem­ nor. I think you can give it to me." him from all except Carmen. She been
"If I kin. señorita, it's yourn, was becomingly reserved. But she son.
Carmen, after many efforts, got her bling. stood looking at a portrait.
to promise she would go up to Guad­
"Monica!” cried Carmen. "Was right off.”
could not altogether control the col­
alupe for a visit.
"Senor Ben,” she began low and or that heightened in her cheeks so With problems high and mighty,
it you who screamed so?”
Carmen, her maid, Maria, and
“Yes, little one—yes. I am sorry seriously, "I need some help. I know early.
To seize this world and shake it.
Monica took the stage of a newly . . . Yes, I did scream.”
you came into California about ten
"I just thought I’d drop down and The question day and nighty
established line for the return trip.
"What on earth is wrong. Mon­ or eleven years ago over the moun­ see how things were running at
Is. "Will the Yankees make It?”
It was a three-seater wagon of a ica? Are you ill?”
tains from Texas with Senor Bowie Guadalupe,” said Bowie to Don Ra­
type long afterward so popular in
The Indian woman was breathing —is it not so?
mon, laughing, of course.
Night harness racing is to be held
California—with canopy top and side hard.
"Señorita,” she quavered
" 'Bout that
Pardaloe nodded.
"It was awful of me to do what for 30 nights on the track built for
curtains for rain—and drawn by in a high-pitched voice, pointing to long ago, I guess, señorita, what I did. senor,” confessed Carmen auto speed racing on Long Island.
four spirited horses. The day was the painting, "who is that man?" about it?”
when they were out in the sunshine A million dollars was sunk at this
beautiful and the ride promised to
“That is Senor Bowie. He was
"Now I’ll tell you what I know. together after breakfast and she track to make it a motor speedway,
be exhilarating. And to make it our rancho manager here.”
About that time the Indians raided was trying hard to control herself. and if the horses don't do so well
more interesting. Carmen discov­
Monica threw all her little our rancho in the South, Los Ala­ "I just thought you’d like a meri­ you can attribute it to a major out­
ered that the driver was none other strength into her cracked voice. She mos. They killed my father; my enda again. And this year I must break of what is known as the horse
than her ci-devant vaquero, Ben was trembling with emotion and mother died from shock. My little be hostess for Guadalupe, and it's laugh.
again, as she spoke, she pointed. sister Terecita and I were carried to run for several days."
• • •
Thumbnail description by R Roe-
He was as proud of his captaincy "My little Carmen! That is the man off by the savages into the moun­
"Isn't it lucky for me I'm here to
lofs Jr.—"She loved beauty . . .
of the new wagon, his four fresh who brought you back to me from tains. Senor Ben, my sister and 1 help—if I may.”
and was never without a mirror."
horses and his pleasing Guadalupe the Indians.”
were so nearly insane with fright
"It was awfully nice of you to
• • •
VMonica! Dear!” Carmen stared that we could recall nothing of protect me at breakfast, senor. It
guests as if be had been captain of
Overheard by Seymour:
a four-master. Ben talked impor­ at her blankly. "Surely you are what happened except I seem to re­ was a perfectly shameful thing for
a telephone girl; 1 said
tantly with Carmen, asking many mistaken—your eyes . ,
member something about a fight me to do—flying in the face of every­
her twice and got no an-
questions and answering many. He
The Indian woman calmed down a Beyond that, all memory leaves me. thing. No matter! Don Ramon and •Hello' to
placed her beside him on the driv­
All I know, and this only because I Dona Maria don’t suspect the straw­
er s seat as the stage pulled out. en.”
was told so, is that we were brought berries. Only faithful Sanchez has
"Remember, Monica,” persisted back to the rancho—where every­ tlje secret."
After a few minutes’ ride Ben
Me no care what Confucius say,
spoke to Carmen: "How are Pedro Carmen, her own senses reeling, thing had been burned—by a white
“Our secret.”
But still ... me lissen, anywayl
and Sanchez making it at Guada­ “you do not see as well as you once man. Senor Ben, can you tell me,
“I didn’t say that. I am going to
—Majorle Lederer.
do you know, anything about that take Pedro and ride over to inspect
• • ♦
“As well as can be expected, with
“I see well enough to know that part of the story?”
the strawberries. Do you suppose I
all the troubles that are going on face, little one. If I were blind, my
Then the grizzled scout began to might And you over that way after ■
Elmer Twitchell would like to see
But they are not— little one, those eyes would stare at talk in his slow and deliberate man­ while?”
a Gallup Poll taken to see whether
what shall I say—they’re too peace­ me. You know, dear one, for years ner. He retold the story of how he,
"Before you get there."
there should be any more Gallop
able. We need a man who will I was forbidden to speak of that Bowie and the Indian, Simmie, had
"You and I got terribly scolded Polls.
stand up and fight if necessary. 1 terrible day. You were ill for years rescued two tiny frightened girls that time I rode out with you early
wish you were back there.”
afterward, and no one was allowed from a fierce Indian band and had in the morning, We poor señoritas
Add similes: As bored looking as
“We did used to have good times to speak even a word of what had left them with a missionary some­ have to be so carefull” she said
a membei of a night club Hawaiian
on the big rancho, that’s a fact, happened. But I tell you, that is the where along the Southern California demurely.
orchestra singing the words of a na­
Things kind of got different after man who left you with me. I have coast.
"Look for me when you near the
tive love song.
Henry went away—got kind of lone­ seen his eyes a thousand times. Oh,
Carmen pressed him for every de­ valley."
some or something.”
where ia he, that we may know tail and in the end »he was prac-
• • •
• • •
To remove a slight Iron scorch
mark from white clothes rub the
scorched area lightly with perox­
ide. Then rinse it thoroughly in
cold water. Peroxide removes the
color from colored clothes, how­
• • •
Punches and fruit beverages Im­
prove upon standing. Pluce them
in covered jirrs und store them in
the refrigerator for ut least 24
A tnrt beverage is also
more refreshing thun u thick sir-
upy one.
• • •
Hake apples with only a smaU
amount of augur mo that the char­
acteristic fiuvor is not disturbed.
• • •
Add chopped parsley, minced
awect pickles or finely cut olives
to mnyonnnise used in summer
• • •
Whea preparing gelatin desserts.
If left-over fruit juice is used in­
stead of wuter, the desserts will
be much richer.
Comfortable Modern lloomi
Wwk'.j IS Up
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Coffee Shop
D r . H arry S imlir ,
At't«« RIOO • >•' R
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osbosm .
Thousands of youae girls onteria« woiw-
enhood have touad ■ "reel friend" la
Lydia E. I'lnkham'a Vrgvtahla Cam­
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functional imfulartllaa Famnua tut
For the Base
Slander meets no regard fsom
noble minds; only the base believe
what the base only utter.—Beller.
UE to dietary indiscre­
tions, change of drink­
ing water or sudden changes
in weather can be quickly
relieved by Wakefield’s
Blackberry Balsam. For 94
years a household remedy.
Sold at all drug stores.
Be sure to ask for genuine
• • •
• • •
<a4 IS priais Ma. IS ll-1. dale ■*
Glorious Victory
A more glorious victory cannot
be gained over another than this,
that when the injury began on his
part, the kindness should begin on
ours.—John Tillotson.
• • •
I »•
PORUÀasa »»•!
End of Man
The end of man is an action,
and not a thought, though it were
the noblest.—Carlyle.
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of Lioan't /’»Hr, alter
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Doan's under exacting
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laboratory conditions.
These physicians, too, approve every word
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It more people were aware of how the
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jury to health, there would bo better un-
derstynding of why the whole body suffers
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tion would be more often employed.
Burning, scanty or too frequent urina­
tion aometimea warn of diaturbed kidney
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