SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Sept. 13, 1940 ! Watch Chic Knitwear Go Hops’ In College Environs This Fall By CHERIR NICHOLAS Page 3 U ttern ▲AAAAAÀAAAÀAAAAAA j % D etriment You can judge, therefore, how easy this dress is to make. But you can’t really tell what a distinctive, comfortable, charm­ ing fashion it is until you have it on. Then you’ll repeat it many times, in silk print, rayon sheers, and street cottons like linen and batiste. Barbara Bell Pattern No 10B2B is dw- aigned for alzea 32. 34. 38. 38. 40. «2. 44 and 4«. Size 34 requires, with long sleeves. Sis yards of 3S-inch materiali with short, 4% yards. Send order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 14» New Montsomery Ave. San Franriiro Calif. Enclose 13 centa in coins for Pattern No................... Size............. Name ...................... ..................... . Address ............... . .................. (See Recipea Below) Our Deepest Chasm la Die tea party the tiling of the pust? I sincerely hope not because there la nothing quite so comfy and relaxing as a good cup of tea And you can make it even more delight­ ful by sharing it with a few of your frlrnds. The tea hour may be the time to become utterly feminine, with lazy discussions utn that STAYS, • luitrt that LASTS for weeks and for lotgtr ...if you’ll use gnuiiu O-Cedar Polish ia your dampened cleaning cloth. There’s • pleasant treat in store for you when you do. O