Friday, September 6, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 —------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----- —------------------- Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND. OREGON Leonard N. Hall Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935. at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) Dr. Claude K. Nay re, Vicar ★ Holy Communion, 8 a. in. Church school, 9:30 a. m. Sermon and morning prayer, 11 a. III. Holy Communion, Wednesday, 9:30 a. m Choir will meet Friday, 7:30 p ONE YEAR.... _.. $150 MOc SIX MONTHS (Mailed Anywhere in the United Statea) You are cordially invited to wor­ ship with us. •--------- ■ Editor and iniblisher ★ ★ TELEPHONE 8561 Methodist Episcopal Church SET YOU FREE" !>r. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday school 10 a. m. Homer Billing« is the general su|M«rinten- dent. "You must find heaven while you live to be there when you die." The study and tho practice of the truth of God'a Word helps one to find heuven during life. Morning sermon 11 a. m. Sub­ ject, "The Higher Security." If you begin here and now to live up to the best you know, that Ixsl know let Ige will one day grow into sunrise." Special music in charge of the choir, Tlie Epworth and Wesley Leag­ ues meet for worship at 6:15 p. m Evening worship al 7:30 o'clock Sermon subject, "Why Not Try God?” "The surest way to get on your feet is to first get on your knees." Prayer meeting is held each Wednesday evening at 7:30. Dur­ ing this hour the book ut Revela- Uon Is being studied. ----------- •-------- • Mr. and Mrs Earl Edsall of Klamath Falls visited hero with relaUves and friends early in the week • Mr and Mrs. Sam Jordan re­ turned Wednesday from a fishing trip to the coast. • Harokl Baughman of Union Creek is visiting here for a few days at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Baughman • Mr and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe re­ turned early ln the week from an extended trip through the United States. THEY GIVE US CONVERSATION WHEN OUR NEED IS DECISION AND ACTION! Loud and bitter are the protests on the destroyer deal announced by President Roosevelt this week whereby 50 old US vessels will be transferred to Eng­ land in exchange for vital air base leases. The oppo­ sition comes, largely, from the same group which fore­ cast there would be no war in Europe, who insisted the arms embargo should not be lifted, and who per­ sistently pared defense budgets and condemned Roose­ velt for increasing army strength a year ago. And it is, largely, this same group which now accuses the ad­ ministration of failing to build up our national defense. Americans now can mark these critics of the Presi­ dent—and Candidate Willkie tacitly is one of them— as the very ones who, should the British Isles fall, will be the loudest in condemnation of Roosevelt for per­ mitting Hitler to win. Their forte is criticism of anything and everything Roosevelt has done and now is doing. And if they find it political suicide to condemn his acts, they then carp at Roosevelt’s methods. While the nation cries for statesmanship, the iso­ lationists play their usual obstructive game of politics. ★ ★ ★ THE HO-HUM SEASON IN POLITICS ARRIVES AS BLESSED RELIEF! With Hitler again issuing his annihilation threats against England, and with the United States leasing important strategic air and naval bases along the At­ lantic from Nova Scotia to South America, and with the Ashland National Guard leaving for a year’s train­ ing within a few days, the coming presidential election becomes of minor importance to most folks hereabouts. Problems of national defense, probability of con­ scription for military training, and Oregon’s hunting season which soon will open all become of far more immediate importance to voters than the third term question, the verbal fencing of the candidates. With such significant problems occupying the average per­ son’s thoughts, the continuous shouting of Wendell Willkie bounds off disinterested ears like the rantings of any man whose sole purpose is to beat another out of his job. Such criticisms as “I agree that we should send England 50 destroyers but I strongly condemn President Roosevelt’s method of going about it” sound too much like saying “the President is doing the right things but only I can do them the right way.” Appar­ ently Willkie wishes to acquiesce to the majority opin­ ion that Britain should be given material aid and, at the same time, cast his lot with the folks who hate Roosevelt regardless of what he does. So many things are of greater importance right now than the domestic political scene that the shaggy- locked aspirant who promises utility utopia will have to shout a little louder to command much attention for a while. And will he please make it a little funnier! ★ ★ ★ CONGRESSMEN SHOULD START SNEAKING , UP DARK ALLEYS FOR SHAME! Although congressmen undoubtedly take them­ selves seriously, many folks sometimes wonder how they do it. Especially in times like these when emer­ gency after emergency is met with a minimum of statesmanship and a maximum of politics. How well Hitler calculated when he launched his great offensive against France and England during an election year in the United States! It is maddening to patriotic Americans to see pin­ headed politicians throwing wrenches into the legis­ lative machinery while dictators sneer at our indecis­ ions and take advantage of our clumsy democratic hesitancy. Because an election looms in the fall, repre­ sentatives and senators are counting votes, scheming schemes and sacrificing national welfare on the altar of selfishness. Not all congressmen are guilty of Bene­ Why a Pre-Arranged Funeral? (Continued) THIRD This rational provision against the time of need relieves the survivor of all complications attending the necessary arrangements of a funeral at a time when he or she may be unable to think clearly because of LITWILLER FUNERAL HOME (We Never Close) Phone 4541 C.M.Litwlller I Trinity Episcopal Church dict Arnold behavior, but enough of them are to coun­ found congress and confuse the public. And even now congress sulks because the securing of air bases was not entrusted to its bedlam! What a national disgrace and what an indictment of democracy is this band of starch-shirted mental hoodlums in our legislative halls! Self-respecting members of those august bodies should hang their heads in shame at the spectacle they make before the world. Most Americans are sick to their bellies of congress’ exhibition! PREPARE! For the colder months ahead. Get your house in order. Don't let the rains find you without a good roof over your head. Company Thonr Sfili—Oak Street Life - Auto - Fire INSURANCE Monument« and Markers of Itronie and Granite Al Prices You Can Afford M. T. BURNS Neat Door to l*oet Offka ( all Office 6261, Iles. 0406 Evening Appointments "Dri’EMJAHIX NEllVICE* 2,500 00 Lot 11 and North half of Lot 12. Southern Home Tract, Ashland 120 00 Lots 30 to 35. Inclusive. South« rn llunir Tract, Ashland 350 00 Lots 5. 6, 7, Valleyview Ad«lltion, Ashland 150 00 Lota 19 and 20. Valleyview Addition, Ashland ................ 100 00 Lot 43, Valleyview Addition, Ashland 50 00 Lot 46. Valleyview Addition. Ashland .......................... 75 00 Lota 25 to 28. inclusive. Block 2. Whites Addition, Ashland 200 00 Lots 46 and 47, Block 2, Whites Addition, and triangular piece on north described Deed Record 141, Page 515, Ashland 230 00 Lot 4, North 100 feet of Lot 5. West half of Lot 6, Woolens Addition, Ashland, described Deed Record 142, Page 9 ........... 500.00 ____ NOTICE lot 8. Woolens Addition, Ashland ........................ ' 300 00 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Lot on B Street, Ashland, described Deed Record 163, Page JACKSON COUNTY 433, less Deed Record 129, l*age 293 .......................................... 200 00 IN THE MATTER OF THE SALE OF LANDS Lot on Church Street northwest side, 50 foot front near Almond Street, Ashland, described Deed Record 164, Page 518 200 00 HERETOFORE ACQUIRED BY JACKSON COUNTY OREGON. Lot on Elizabeth Street West side, Ashland, described Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of September, 1940, in Deed Record 188. Page 81. and Lot on Elizabeth Street West accordance with an order of the County Court of Jackson County. Ore­ side, being 150 foot front near Ashland Street, Ashland de­ gon, of date August 7, 1940, the undersigned Sheriff of Jackson Coun­ scribed Deed Record 80. Page 367, less Ixn-d Record 18« Pugc 250 00 ty, Oregon, will sell all the right, title, estate. Hen or internet of Jack- 81 Lot on Main Street North Weal side, Ashland, being 5.75 son County, Oregon, ln and to the following described real property heretofore acquired by Jackson County, Oregon, and situated in Jack- acres described Deed Record 183, Page 435................................ 400 00 3 acres on Strawberry Lane, Section 8, Township 39 south son County, Oregon, for not leas than the minimum price set opposite Range 1 East of W. M , Ashland, described Deed Record 87' said parcels, as follows, to-wit: Page 173 . KOO 00 Description of Property Minimum Price Lot on Taylor Street West side, front at comer of Mon ­ Part of lots 8 and 9, Block 3, Ashland, described Deed tana Avenue, Ashland, described Deed Record 165 Pages Record 135, Page 181 ................... H......... ....... ........... ....... ............ 1200 00 418 and 419 .............. _.. 40 00 Part of Lot 9, Block 10, lying Southwest of Railroad right Lot on Taylor Street West side, 50 foot front, Ashland^ of way, Ashland _________ _____ ____ „_____________ ___ _ 1000 described Deed Record 108, Page 680........... 33 00 Part of Lot 3. Block 17, Ashland, described Deed Record Lot on Wightman Stieel, Ashland, described Deed Record 71, Page 482 ......................... ..................... . ........... ............. ........ .. 500 00 116, Page 457, Deed Record 145, Page 441 and Deed Record All Lot 7, Block 17, and Lot 8, less Deed Record 77, Page 177, Page 446 ......................................................... 300 00 397, Block 17, Ashland____________ __________________ ___ 150 00 Lot on Willow Street. Ashland, being 1.33 acres extend Part of Ix>t 4, Block 26, 65 foot front on High Street, Ash­ back to O A C right of way, described Deed Record 95, land, described Deed Record 155, Page 467...... ............... ........... . 150 00 Ing Page 532 ................................................ ’ 250 00 Part of Lot 1, Block 29, Ashland, described Deed Record on Woolen Street West side being 375 foot front near 152, Page 478 ..................................................................................... 480 00 Bush Lot Street, Ashland, containing 14.11 acres described Deed Lot 8, Block 33, less 12 feet off East side, CooUdge Tract, Record 173, Page 454 .......... „... .... ............ 28C.00 Ashland ............................................. Lot on Woolen Street East side at comer of Laurel Street, Lot 2, Block 44, Ashland. Ashland, described Deed Record 173, Page 454........................... 150.00 Lots 4, 5, 5, Block 46, Summit Addition, Ashland............. Lot on Woolen Street East side, Ashland, described Deed Lot 18, Block 48, Summit Addition, Ashland________ ___ Record 26, Page 175, and Deed Record 127, Page 427, less Lot 19, Block 48, Summit Addition, Ashland................. ....... Deed Record 95, Page 180, and Deed Record 176, Page 213..... 100 00 Lots 9 and 10, Block 49, Summit Addition, Ashland____ 5 acres in Section 16, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W. Lots 14, 15, 16, Block 49, Summit Addition, Ashland........... M , Ashland, described Deed Record 155, Page 384, less Deed Lots 11 to 14, inclusive, Block 50, Summit Addition, Ash- Record 174, Page 33 ............ ....... ....... ......................... 60 00 land . ...... ............. ......... ..................... ................................................ Lot in Section 16, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W. m " Lots 8 to 11, inclusive, Block 51, Summit Addition, Ash­ Ashland, described Deed Record 165, Page 195 and Deed Re- land ....................................... ........... . ....... ......... ................................ 120 00 cord 172, Page 160 ................................................ .......................... 100 00 South half of Lots 13 and 14, Block 51, Summit Addition, 5 acre« in Sec. 16, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W. M , Ashland ............................................................. ....... ..... .......... ......... 60.00’ Ashland, described Deed Record 200, Page 492 100 00 Lots 3 to 7, inclusive, Block 52, Summit Addition, Ash­ 5 Bcrea ln 8ec 6- 38 South, Range 1 East of W. M , land ..................................................... . ............... ................................ 100.00 | described Deed Record 184, Page 221.......................................... 125 00 Lots 10 to 18, inclusive, Block 52, Summit Addition, Ash­ 8% of NW% of SW%, S^ of N'4 of NW'4 of SW'4, 8% land .................. . ................................................... . .............. . ............ 200 00 ’4 of NE'4 of 8WK, 8'4 of SW'4 of NE>4 of SW|4, Lot 5. Bagley'« Addition, Ashland .... „..... ....... ....... „......... 150 00 of NW 8, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W. M. ................ 100 00 Lots 1 and 8, Bagley's Addition, Ashland........ .................... 250 00 Sec. 21'4 *cres in Sec. 15, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W. Lot 6, Block D, Boulevard Park Addition, Ashland...... ....... 160.00 M., described Deed Record 186, Page 490 and Deed Record Lot at corner of Main and California Streets, Downing 187, Page 285 ......... ......................................................................... 100 00 Tract, Ashland, described Deed Record 165, Page 577............... 200.00 W'4 of 8WH, and BE'4 of 8W'4, Sec. 18, Twp. 39 Soirth’ 127 foot front, Downing Tract, Ashland, described Deed Range 1 East of W. M............. „......... ...................... .. 200 00 Record 182, Page 605 ___________ _________ ____________ 8W'4 of SW'4, Sec. 23, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of Lots 45 and 46, Block 3, Eureka Addition, Ashland......... W. M.................................... ..........................................’.................... 100 00 Lots 1 to 8, inclusive, Block D, Fairview Addition, Ashland N'4 of NE(4, 8W'4 of NE'4, Sec. 26, Twp. 39 South, Lots 3 and 4, Block E, Fairview Addition, Ashland............ Rango 1 East of W. M..................................................................... 400.00 Lots 5 to 8, inclusive, Block E, Fairview Addition, Ashland V100 00 West 64 acres of Lot 4, and SW'4 of NW'4, Sec. 2, Twix Lots 19 to 26, inclusive, Block E, Fairview Addition, Ash- 40 South, Range 3 East of W. M........................ ............................ 1,000 00 land ....................................................................................................... 200 00 West 30 acres of SW‘4 of SE'4, Sec. 16, Twp. 39 South, Lot 18, Block E, Fairview Addition, Ashland........... ........ 200.00 Range 3 East of W M........................................................................ 5,000.00 Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, and North forty feet of Lot 8, Block 8W% NE'4, Nft of NE'4, NW'4, N'4 of SW'4, Sec. Fairview Addition to Ashland ...... .............................................. F, 200 00 16, Twp. 39 of South, Range 3 East of W. M....................................... 1,000.00 Lots 30 to 37, inclusive and West half Lot 38, GaJey Addi­ 2 acres in Sec. 3, Twp. 40 South, Range 3 East of W. M., tion, Ashland .... . ................................................ ..... . ....... . .............. 500.00 Deed Record 154, Page 165, less Deed Record 170, Lots 7 and 8, Highland Park Addition, Ashland................... 75.00 described Page 129, Deed Record 177, Page 19, Deed Record 174, Page West 73 feet of Lots 11, 12 and 13, Highland Park Addi­ 449, Deed Record Page 602, Deed Record 186, Page 284, tion, Ashland ................................. ..................................... . .............. 75.00 Deed Record 197, 178, Page 496..._......................................................... 1000 Lot 22 and 10 foot strip joining on East, being part of va­ W'4 of W'4, Sec. 8, Twp. 30 South. Range 4 East of W. M. 1,500.00 cated street, Highland Park Addition, Ashland........................... 100 00 8*4 of SW'4 of SW'4, and '4 acre described Deed Record Lots 15 and 16, Block B, Meikle & Payne Addition, Ash­ 182, Page 596, ln Sections 1 & 2, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 West land ....................................................................................................... 80 00 of W. M................................................................................................ 50.01) West 165.8 feet of Lots 60 and 61, Miners Addition. Ash­ West 97 acres of N'4 of NW!4, Sec. 18, Twp. 39 South, land ....................................................................................................... 200 00 Range 1 West of W. M ................................................................. 125.00 Part of Lou» 7 and 8, Montview Addition, Ashland, de­ That said sale shalt be held at the front door of the Court_____ scribed Deed Record 187, Page 376.............................................. 100.00 House in Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, between the hours of 10:00 A. M., West 90 feet of Lots 24, 25, 26, 27, Montvlew Addition, Ashland, described Deed Record 181, Page 38............................. 150 00 and 4:00 P M., on the aforementioned day, and shall be to the highest Lots 28 and 29, Montview Addition, Ashland...................... 200 00 and best bidder for cash or, in the discretion of the county court, in Lot 1, W. C. Myers Addition, Ashland..................................... 51000 accordance with the terms provided in Chapter 402, Oregon I »awn, 1937. Lots 11 to 14, inclusive, and Lots 19 and 20, Nickel Plate That this notice of sale Is publisned in the Southern Oregon Miner, Addition, Ashland ............................................................................ 1,000 00 a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in Jackson Lot 6, Nob Hill Addition, Ashland ...................................... 500 00 County, Oregon, once each week for four consecutive weeks prior to Part of Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, Block C, Railroad Addition, said sale, the date of the first publication being August 16th, 1940. Ashland, described Deed Record 120, Page 501........................... 150 00 Dated this 8th day of August, 1940. Lots 31 and 32, Block C, Railroad Addition, Ashland......... 000 00 SYD I. BROWN Lots 19 to 22, inclusive, Block N, Railroad Addition, Ash- Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. lan,t I