Friday, August 30, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 9 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE ============================================================================================== PHOTO FINISHING Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young 16 PRINTS 25/ Rs» 11 Developed «nd 16 print« Me. 14 Reprint« Me. HLX PHOTO OQOCM. (HMl HOTEL ASSEMBLY By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP NINTH A MADISON, 8EATTL« Comfortable Modern Koo mi Daily It 21 Weekly ts Up Coffee Shop Dining Roons DEVELOPED 1< ■ and 2 SETS OF PRINTS A d«l CB Mount Hood Film Co. FROM ANY « OR g EXPOSURE ROLL. Fast Service. Reprints 2e each •> ■os seas. Portland. Ore. All Work Polly Guaranteed DENTAL PLATE REPAIR ■ OUI SKIVICI ii Host Casos Brisf or Mail Toer Platos lot lopair-CIEDIT Extended D r . H arry S emler , DtnUit LALA PALOOZA —A Surprise for Mazie BACK IN THE THE AT RE WITH THE SIZZLING HOT FOLLIES* ABOUT TO OPEN, filDG • >•'- * MORVI50*« By RUBE GOLDBERG »OShSNO Ofi» Lovely Swan Floats Among Waterlilies MAZIE, I TELL YOU, THE SHOW WILL FLOP UNLESS SHE GETS BACK BEFORE THE CURTAIN GOES UP NONSENSE ! PEOPLE WILL COME TO SEE ME, . • MOOUCER ZtGLEH »3 FRANTIC- HE MAS NOHOOY TO UNDERSTUDY THE MISSING LALA PALOOZA S*M ATTER POP— Sometime» Pop’» Sensitive About Things FLOATING silently, this white 1 swan, surrounded by colorful lilies, will add a note of charm to your bathroom as a useful hooked mat. Natural colors may be used or grays, black a«d white, if you prefer. By C. M. PAYNE Order Z8541, 15 cents, is a hot iron transfer for the rug about 17 by 30. Directions for hooking and instructions for making rug frames are included. Send order to: Box 1M-W AUNT MAKTHA Kansas City, Ms. Enclose 15 cent» tor each pattern desired. Pattern No...................... Name ........................ .. Address ................................. . .......... The pockets of kitchen aprons MESCAL IKE are constantly catching on door handles, nails, etc. Try putting the pockets in the center of the apron. The pockets can be reached by either hand and cannot catch on anything and tear. • • • Metal teapots sometimes give a “musty” flavor to tea made in them. To prevent this, store a lump of sugar in the pot. When you’re ready to use the pot rinse it in boiling water. How Conclusive Bys.L huntley SOO NERVES? Cranky? Reetieee? Can't sleep? Tire easily? Worried due to female functional disorders? Then try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound famous for over SO years tn helping such weaK rundown, aervosa women. Start Uxiaf! By J. MILLAR WATT POP— Into the Distance Individual Man It is far easier to know men than to know man.—La Rochefou­ cauld. POW WAS CQiLZ LOOKING last TIME- you saw Is your child a NOSE PICKER? TOO CAUTIOUS A lion escaped from a circus and ran wild through the countryside. Immediately a party was formed to hunt for the ferocious beast. Before starting the sheriff took the members of the party into a saloon. “Have a drink, boys, before we go on the hunt.” All accepted except Herman Schultbunder. "Come on. take a whisky. Her­ man,” cried the sheriff. "Not me,” answered Herman; “it gives me too much courage.” | THE SPORTING THING WNU—13_________________ 35-40 Give a Thought to MAIN STREET s For, in our town... and towns 1 1 like ours clear across the country 1 . . . there's a steady revolution , going on.Changes in dress styles and food prices ... the rise of a hat crown ... the fall of furni- 1 1 ture prices—these matters vitally affect our living... And the news i > is ably covered in advertisements, i I • Smart people who like to be I up-to-the-minute in living and i current events, follow advertise- i [ menu as closely as headlines. Can’t Disprove It Guest—Waiter, have you real tur­ tle soup here? I have never tasted it in my life! Manager of Restaurant—In that case we have some. Hospitable Jones (meeting an old friend on the train)—If you ever come within a mile of my house, I hope you’ll stay there all night It may be just a nasty habit, but sometimes nose picking is a sign of something nastier. It may mean that your child has round worms —especially If there are other symp­ toms. such as fidgeting, finicky appetite, restless sleep and itching in certain parta. Many mothers don't realise how easy It is to catch-' this dreadful infection ami how many children have it. If you even surpert that hour child hat round worms, get JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE right awayl Drive out those ugly, crawling things before they can grow and cause serious distress. JAYNES VERMIFUGE is the bee« known worm expellant in America. It to backed by modem scientific study and has been uwxl by millions for over a century. JAYNE S VERMIFUGE has the ability to drive out large round worms, yet it tastes good and acts gently. It does not contain santonin. If there are no worms it works merely as a mild laxative. Ask for JAYNE'S VER-MI-FUGEatanydrugstore. FREE: Valuable medical book, "Worms Living Inside lYou." Write to Dept. M-2, Dr D. Jayne A Son, 2 Vine St.. Philadelphia. I ! "My very first shot went Into this silly little bole—now I can’t knock it out ' » They know what’s doing in 1 America . .. and they also know where money buys mostl